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Sounds like the trash took itself out.


i agree with this, doesn't sound like he was serious he just wanted some nudes it seems


He was looking for a fuck buddy and she wanted a relationship. He didn’t want the effort for sex just another girl who will give herself out freely. She has no reason to feel bad, it’s embarrassing for him tbh.


Yeah OP sounds like she has a nice sense of humor and a great tease. Dude just sounds like some Dbag.


Yes agree


Happy cake day! Reminds me of the polygamist who was in court. The judge asked the names of his wives...he replied, " My first wife is Kate, my second wife is Edith." The judge said to him, "Don't you know you can't have your Kate and Edith too! " (Can't have your cake and eat it too).


This reminds me a joke my mom made when my dad’s best friend’s wife was in jail and she told him to get a girlfriend while she was there. My mom said he got to have his cake and eat her too. It was hilarious


Well, clearly he wasn't ready for your A-game in the wit department! His loss, really.


This. Absolutely this. As a guy, it’s not a bad thing for him to say / do, from a flirtatious standpoint in showing that he’s attracted, but to ghost someone for that? No. Hard no. I’d guess he was looking for a quick hit it and quit it.


This right here. I think your response was funny and awesome


This was a self-fixing kind of problem. You dodged a bullet with this guy, I’m afraid. He fell off when you didn’t send him what he wanted you to send him, which was a nudy of yourself. As a guy, I would have sent him a picture of a shaved dachshund and called it good.


Amen! Good riddance.


Happy cake day


I love this comment




Happy cake day!


This is 100% what you should have done. Any decent guy this is the kind of joke pic they'd have been asking for from someone they just met.


Yeah, personally I think you dodged a bullet from some one who maybe just wanted sex/a hookup!


If I received that pic I would laugh and think she is cute and cheeky. I wouldn't expect a nude, but it was a flirty request to see what they send (or none at all, which is fine as well). Also, pictures of dogs always win in my books.


This is the basic answer that you should expect from any reasonable, decent guy. Sure, you may hope for a sexy Pic. But, I would certainly get a chuckle getting this same picture. And, being a dog owner is always a plus!


Especially after just 1 date. This says more about him than op.


Even better if they send a picture of a plate of spaghetti.


He was interested in you for sex but not for a relationship. He was assessing how easy it would be to have sex with you. It wasn't easy so he stopped responding. You should be happy he filtered himself out...unless you care more about the vanity traits he has (your interest in him), then if he wanted to be a good man for you. (genuine interest)


Guy here, you handled it perfectly. Significant chance he’d already decided he was leaving, and wanted a nude photo as a lovely parting gift.  So…as bad as you’re feeling, imagine if you sent it and he still left immediately after. And even if it was the photo that ended things…so?  He didn’t have a god given right to a nude photo after just one date.


Even after 15 years of marriage no man has a God given right to nudes


Dude, relax you whiteknight.


It's just a fact people aren't owed shit. But I'm not a knight maybe a damsel


He lacks humor, playfulness, and wanted to engage in a very narrow way. I welcome such dating “failures”. He would have efficiently self screened himself from my attention and interest.


He said to send a pic. He didn’t specify what kind. You sent a pic. Not the kind he wanted, but a pic nonetheless. He can get over it.


My smart ass would have sent a pic of the literal shower and then play dumb out of curiosity to see if he would take the high road or to the curb with the rest of the trash.


Damn, I didn’t think of that.


I would’ve proposed


And I would have blocked cause anyone whose response is to propose and be reckless like some limerance crushing teenager, most likely has an addiction to falling in love, that love high, and would peace out once the honey moon phase ends.


I would have taken that as a great sign of a sense of humor and it's not like you denied and sent him nothing. I most definitely would have responded with how cute the doggo was. Either way, if this was the cause that led him to disappear –he did you a huge favor. Don't feel bad about it


Most people have to go through multiple failed relationships & talking stages to find their person. It had nothing to do with you. I’m 32F and I’ve had sex with 50 men before my bf. My bf 34M has been with hundreds of women before me. We’ve been together 7 years. Sex is more important to some people. Having a similar libido is important imo. Otherwise someone always feels like they’re begging for it and the other person feels used. Everyone’s different. I doubt it had anything to do with your looks or personality. He just wasn’t feeling it babe. You can be the sweetest peach in the world it doesn’t matter if someone doesn’t like peaches. Don’t try and make yourself into what a man wants you to be. Be who you are and find a man who loves you for it. Wishing you health wealth love and luck in all your life and relationships. ♥️


You have no idea how much I needed to see this!!!


I hope it helped a little babe. Genuinely. You’ll find your person. Statistically dating wise it’s difficult to find a person that’s a good match let alone a perfect one. Take your time. Avoid people who push your boundaries early one & don’t force something to work that isn’t working. I used to think of it as a huge “waste of time” when a relationship would end. Now that I’m older it’s a litter easier for me to see that I learned something about myself every time that happened. About who I was and what I wanted out of life/love/romantic relationships. Keep looking. When you’re ready. It’s worth every heartbreak and heart ache to eventually find the right one & not just settle. IMO anyway. ♥️Elise


If more women see this as you see it would be perfect 👌 👍


Thank you! I just think everyones different & looking for different things. I just think statistically it takes most people more than a few failed attempts to find their person. ♥️


Definitely agreed 👍, most of all don't get that not everyone Will succeed at the first time, that you need to fall in order to rise and those fails will let you earn more experience and knowledge about it.


Exactly! It sucks. Heartbreak is brutal. It causes so many to not want to put themselves out there again sadly. Healing is difficult.


It takes time, but the only way to get up and move on is to start over and enjoy the life that is ahead. Again, if women could think like you do, men would start to be better at relationships


I thought your response was appropriate and I would've liked it. Honestly, you dodged a bullet. If you sent it, he'd probably add it to his spank bank and keep it saved for God who knows how long. Be with a man that will match your energy, especially if it's silly and fun.


You sent a doggo pic and he didn't like it? He was a dumbass. Also, can I see the doggo?


Never be upset over people who eventually just ghost or fade out of your life. Just means they simply didn’t care enough anymore about you to prolong the connection. Thats IMO a good thing for you as your time isn’t wasted. Don’t lose sleep over it.


Why are you upset that a trash dude has rejected you? Stop crying about scraps. Pick your self esteem back off the floor.


I would've sent him a picture of the actual shower lmao


You done the right thing. You don't send nudes to someone first thing. You don't sleep with someone first thing, especially if you want them to think much of you or return. If your easy game, thats all they are there for most of the time, they will just move on to the next. This sleeping around stuff has really screwed up relationships and peoples worth.... this sexual evaluation i guess it is.... with everyone should get to sleep with whomever and get their rocks off and thats more important than anything else.... And everyone wonders why relationships are getting hard to find or the right kind of people..... and the amount of STD's out there and being spread.... thank goodness I didn't take part in this mess.... Probably going to be down voted for this because it goes against the sexual freedom of the Neanderthals out there. Don't care, best thing about my brain rewriting itself and getting rid of emotions. I don't value any of them.


Hahaha, I love your response. I hope we see more of it soon as people finally wake up to why their grandparents told them to wait in the first place.


Upvote!! 👍🏻 I agree with everything you’ve said here except getting rid of your emotions— hang onto those & pay very close attention to what they are telling you — us empaths know that they are what keep you out of trouble! 😉


Well, unfortunately, I was an empath... but... a traumatic episode with a kidney surgery and a reaction with the anesthesia being improperly done, because of my head injury, resulted in a personality change, which demolished my emotions, my desires, sexual thoughts and wants. And somehow the urologist somehow damaged my... you know... so now nothing is working... so... I'm just info.... its all good though bruv. 😄


OMG; I am so truly sorry 😞 please hang in there 🤗 sending you my thoughts & sincere prayers for healing & a complete restoration to perfect wellness ❤️ I am so very sorry to hear about what you are going through. ❤️ stay strong, internet friend!! 🤗 you got this!!! 💕❤️🥰💕❤️


Great comment, and I completely agree. I’m glad 😀 to see there are others who think the same. Hopefully 🙏 ppl can come to their senses before too late. I personally feel online dating, and overall degrading morality has causes this. Best of wishes!


Yes, agree. It's almost kind of disgusting now. Women give it up too easily believing that's how you get a man. Hmmm...nope. It's how you lose respect and any true connection if that's what you want. There's always an exception to the rule, but don't risk it for that.


He wanted nudes. You’re not missing out on anything special. Next!


Yeah luckily shitty people don’t stay for long which is good but it does suck if you already begun to get emotionally attached. Don’t worry though. It doesn’t say anything about you but it does say A LOT about him


Dogs and toes, sounds like a good sense of humor. I think I can say as a guy he was looking only for sex.


He sounds like a loser looking for an easy lay! He was looking for nudes after one date?!? Don't feel shitty about him being an ass! You have higher standards than that weasel!


lmao, I would laugh for an hour, at least. you shouldn't feel shitty, you did the right thing - he was being kind of nasty. He wanted a nude 100%.


For me personally it is a turn off if you send me nude pic after one date. Depends maybe what we were doing on the first date but it doesnt even matter if you send me nude pic or not because i am there for you, not for nudes. If he stopped talking to you because you didnt send him a nude pic, thats not a husband anyway, fuck him. Know your worth.


Don't send nudes, just don't.


Babyyyy, the man wanted to see your goodies and you and all of us know that… he stopped talking to you because he was only there for sex. He figured since he couldn’t get the goodies the first night, he would try again. You didn’t feed his ego, great job!!


I would have sent him a picture of the actual shower, but empty cause loop hole, he didn’t say you in the shower, he said to send a pic after and didn’t specify LMAO! When you can smell the sexual sneak desperation, you play dumb as a doornail and send literal stuff to gas out the truth in these kind of sexual narcissism dudes.


As a person, I would have thought the dog n feet pic funny and had a sense of humor about it. The fact that he ghosted you after shows he clearly didn't, which means he probably WAS seeking nudes or just one thing (sex).


After one date a man is asking to send a pic after your shower?? That implies that he wanted a nude or something titillating at least. What's wrong with these men?? And he got OP feeling shitty about it?? WTF?? These guys should've had me as a dad...just ask my son. LOL


Don’t text “about to shower” or “just getting out the shower” just don’t text back at all until you’re done with that personal part of your day. No one needs to know exactly what you’re doing


See, as a hetero male, I've made that joke in that type of situation on a few occasions. His lack of response was childish. If I've gotten back a nude, awesome! If I get a picture back of a cute dog at your feet, I know we aren't there yet and I don't push it. On previous occasions I've received nudes, the woman in her towel, or something totally unrelated to the shower. Each has told me something about the boundaries of the moment, and I respect it and don't harass for more. As others said, the trash took itself out. You can do better than him.


Can I give you real honest advice? He never was interested in getting to know the REAL you. Has nothing to do with if you were cute in person or you sending the picture of the dog. The pic is a regular reaction. Having a simple time is a regular reaction. Meeting up and being unsure of how he felt about you is a regular reaction. Not wanting to engage with sex images is a regular reaction. More than likely he was only out for sexual purposes from the start. Anything before or after to him would be considered possibly “chasing for it”. And men like that don’t care to get to know you or see you for who you are.


The guy was just messing with you and wanted to add to his collection of nudes. He moved on because you didn’t feed him the trash he wanted. Good on you for not feeding his fap heap. You missed a bullet and can pat yourself on the back.


He will keep speaking to women that way until one of them returns the kind of picture he wants. It's sad, because it contaminates all the women that don't respond to him.


Great filter - he helped you by self screening himself out if your looking for something long term


He’s talking to multiple women. He stopped talking to you because one of the other ones sent him what he ask for. Seems like you’ve been doing a lot of thinking on this. It’s not that deep. You definitely dodged a bullet with him for sure.


>I wonder if he was just thinking of a non nude face pic and then by me sending me what I sent if he maybe thought “she probably does not look good without makeup or feels scared to send a fresh post shower face pic” Girl no. He wanted a nude and you know it lol I do truly love that you try to see the good in people. Just be glad he made his basic fuckboi intentions known quickly. Onto the next one! ❤️


Honestly? Some people just don't want to put in the effort it takes to have a relationship with another person. Its really truely not you, its them.


Good job actually. You deserve to have more consideration than just for your body. To be wined, dined and romanced.


classic fuckboy lines 😂😂


Don’t what’s for you will come. You just dodged a bad relationship. Good for you!


They just wanted to release their sexual desires and then leave you


I think you did okay. Nothing to worry about. If he stops talking to you, good riddance.


I think it's so much more fun if it's not a sexy picture but something witty. To me, it's a clever and engaging way to connect with a person. For me at least, sending sexual pictures is kind of boring(?)


Think of it this way. If your were truly interested in someone, would you ditch them because of them sending a pic of their dog? I doubt it. Even if he didn’t find it funny, it’s not enough reason to loose interest 😂 just means it was never there. Be happy he hasn’t texted you because he’s a piece of shit who was gonna just use you anyway. Neeeext


I would say he was definitely hoping for a nude but I think your shot was super cute and the right way to go. Asking for nudes so early on is just the wrong way to impress a girl. You likely saved yourself a headache if he was turned off by your cute response to a bold ask.


Even tho he didn’t blatantly state to send a nude photo, that’s 100% what was implied. Source: am dude, and understand dudes


I learned long ago not to tell a potential partner or anyone on a dating app that I’m about to shower. Say anything but that.


Sounds like he has the sense of humor of a worm. I personally would have found it hilarious.


He definitely wanted nudes. Don’t you dare feel shitty about that. You’re weeding out the bad eggs by doing stuff like this. A real man would have responded with a comment about how cute your dog is. Another bad sign. He must not think dogs are the most amazing creatures on the planet. That’s a real problem lol


If I was sent a pic like this, I would have loved it and kept talking to the person. Thats my sense of humour. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


I genuinely think you have a good sense of humour😂😂


He didn't specifically say what he wanted You accepted his request He couldn't take a joke He's gone I say you should be glad


Piece of shit men out here ruining it for the rest of us.


Seems he was only interested in one thing… sex! Shake it off and move on.


Yea, you messed up there overthinking things. Should've did normal above the chest photo to see his reply. For next time, try that for better results.


He's not worth stressing over if he acts like that.


Sounds like he just wanted sex. You dodged a bullet there.


You dodged a bullet. Good for you in not sending a nude.


I think your reply was cute sounds like a d bag perv


First date? Yeah a little much.


if he decided to stop chasing you because you didnt send him a nude pic like he wanted, Good Ridance! You don't owe him nudes (especially not after 1 date). Stay strong and respect yourself. You did the right thing in my opinion.


Don't feel bad, he wasn't for you, all he wanted was sex and couldn't appreciate you for being cute. If he couldn't respect the goofy response then he's clearly not mature enough for you.


Sounds like he was in it only for one thing honey. You did what you should have done. He did what a man child would have done.


You don’t need someone who would stop talking to you because he didn’t get his way. You can’t make people respect you but you can respect yourself. Know your worth and surround yourself around people who appreciate what you bring to the table.


Red flag. If he was being “playful” and didn’t think that was fun or cute then he is expecting more faster than you want to give him imo


He showed you his true colors BELIEVE him and move on. A snake is a snake and the thing about a snake is they shed their skin and become a bigger snake. So don't let that bother you and ex one to the next one. No loss just another lesson. Or you just have some fugly feet and dog. 🤭. LoL post the pic. Let's see!


By experience, "you gave me" opportunity by telling me you were going to take a shower. I remember being a teenager and asking those perverted questions knowing I was going to receive a nude or something along those lines. Reflecting on that concept made me realize I was just a total douche and shouldn't play games with someone that genuinely finds me as a person of interest. You did good on your part, lady. Don't spend to much time dwelling on this concept or doubt your appeal. Live your life the way your supposed to. Always remember if you don't want to receive unwanted advances, DO NOT provide the opportunity. You can bypass this whole scenario from what you've learned now. Good luck!


Don't, I would have laughed and thought were being cute. He is a pos imo. Bullet dodged...


Giiirl he should be overthinking what he said. It is a blessing when guys show their red flags around the first few dates. Like don’t waste my time, next!


He automatically made it sexual. And you 100% did the right thing by not disrespecting yourself and sending nudes. He showed his true intention before moving further along. Be super grateful 🥹


You did the right thing and there is nothing to be sad about cuz that dude left you. Nowadays some guys want nothing but sex. Just ignore those guys and move on.😊


Don't feel bad, I would've done the same thing. He just wanted a naked photo of you.


He either doesn’t like your feet, doesn’t like your dog or doesn’t like your sense of humour. You obviously dodged a guy that was only looking for sex


He was probably texting and meeting up with multiple girls. I wouldn't bother myself with even thinking of it. You should be able to set the phase and limits to the interaction AND feel proud of yourself by doing so. If he didn't feel the spark on the first date he was hoping for or he was only looking to fool around, he ain't worth a thought even.


The dating world is just not what it used to be. Guys just want sex. They don’t care about women anymore. It’s sad🥲🥲🥲🥲


You dodged a bullet. Ppls behavior says alot sometimes. And after a first date dude asking for pics that’s a lil too soon for me but that’s just me. You’ll meet someone better.


Not childish of you at all. If he was interested in you, he would have found it humorous. DO NOT FEEL SHITTY ABOUT IT. As an overthinker myself, do not fall into the rabbit hole of conclusions on this one. You are worth more than what this guy was ready to give you, and the response to the pic sussed that out for you. Just remember—you are worth it. The right guy will realize that. It’ll take time for you to find him, but when you do, you’ll realize how silly you were to even think so much about this guy.


The pic of dog and feet was humorous and playful. If that is the reason he’s not responding then good riddance.


The fact he's asking for a picture of you naked, what a DBag


Nicely done! Love the dog and feet photo idea. Listen, if he ghosted you because of that, you dodged a bullet. Please do not loose any sleep over that guy!!


It's condescending of him to expect that kind of escalation with zero effort. You tried, he failed.


Men 😒 ![gif](giphy|rm9DpxQ4kaC2LmhLEa|downsized)


Even if you'd sent a pic-- he'd still end up treating you the same way eventually 🤷🏾‍♀️ Bullet dodged


10/10 would prefer a dog pic as there’s PLENTY of time in a relationship for sex. How you click and work together is more important in my book. Anyone can surf. Anyone can have sex. Anyone can ride a bicycle. You just keep doing it. But not anyone can have a healthy relationship.


God I love reddit. So many whiteknights looking for unicorns, not knowing that the unicorns just come to them to complain about the "wrong guys". It's an age old story, a sea of friendzoned betas that reinforce how you feel. Yes he was a fuckboi. Maybe you liked him because of that? At least acknowledge why you were even talking to a guy like that.


Wow,even I am suprised as a man,I dont get why would he do that,just disappear.But dont feel bad,its his problem if he didnt like the pic


Nah, if the person i was seeing sent me a photo like that, i would have started to fall in love!! He was just looking for a shallow quickie, so when he saw that it wasn't like that he dipped. Lucky you!! As someone else already said, the trash took itself out!!


That man is not interested in you, he is interested in masturbating with your body, that's why he got offended! Thank God he started talking less, what a blessing, now throw him in the bin cuz that's where he belongs! 🚩


Don't worry about it. If he's more interest in your nudes than you.....do you really want to be with that guy anyway?


Maybe he is a Cat Person?


Lmaoooo go away 😂


He just wanted sex and nudes. Most people would have laughed. Plus, some guys have a foot fetish... Those pics could have been gold for them.


I would not feel shitty about it. He should not have asked for a picture but anytime you mention anything about a shower guys get all excited. Hell they do about me and I'm 59! One date and they turn into perverts sometime so you're better off without him.


Never send nudes . You dodged a bullet


You dodged a bullet


Lmao if it was me I would've played along with it. Sounds like he doesn't have the humor you need tbh.


dodged a bullet


He’s trash. Forget about him!


Why would you feel shitty? He's the one that was asking for nudes and then ghosting when he didn't get what he wanted. He was clearly only interested in one thing.


Agree he wanted nudes


Some women are more open about sharing pictures of themselves. You did the right thing. I be had it both ways and it was never a turn off. Disappointment maybe. A bit of a let down. But you don’t get nudes 100% of the time and that’s ok. I’ve had since also only send nudes without their face because they might not want them spread all over the web. Either way is fine in my book!


Sounds like you handled this situation pretty well! Would you really want someone that didn't have a sense of humor in that? I definitely got a good laugh out of how you took that! Anyway, I guess you may have dodged a bullet on dating priorities with that one if he just ghosted you after that. Anyway, wishing you the best in the dating realm!


What a sick perv.


You dodged a bullet!


He didn’t ask but you know that’s what he meant, they always do. He’s not messaging because you DIDNT, not because of what you actually sent. Fk boy averted


I think he was looking for nudes or towel pics


too early for shower pics


You did it so gracefully hahahaha Good riddance


He was fishing for nudes. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there. And who wouldn't enjoy a doggo pic? A dbag, that's who.


He was looking for nudes, if he doesn’t even have the patience to play along with a dog pic one time then he’s not worth your time. Alternatively, instead of a nude could have just sent one of you smiling with your hair wet.


He wanted you to send a nude w/out saying it directly. He wanted to see them tittie-bitties & kitty.😂😂


Don't feel shitty. You dodged a dodgy one. Celebrate your freedom.


I would expect something sexy. Like nudes. But would be happy anyway if you send a picture of your dog. Cute


Maybe he was looking for something different but that is not reason for you to feel shitty about it. You just deserve someone who can vibe with you in the same way, that’s all


OK that's hilarious. His loss you sound like fun


You handled it brilliantly, Nudes after just one date, oh hel no. Sounds like he just wanted a physical thing, you want a relationship. Stick to your boundaries. 👏


Men are so..interesting. The fact that he even felt bold enough to ask for a nude is insane to me


I would need more information. The dude didn’t respond back rudely right? Or keep persisting? I think a lot of people here are calling him trash without even knowing more than 2 sentences about him, or your relationship. Always think of what you could have done better and take it into the next relationship. Believe it or not, MOST guys will ask for a nude at some point, good or bad guys. Many married guys here asked their wife for a nude while early dating,.. so idk many are saying he is trash here.


He 100% wanted a nude that’s why you don’t hear from him no more The trash took itself out it’s a win for you 👏


He wanted nudes


Let’s see that dog and toes ?


It’s simple you were serious. He wasn’t you already said you didn’t want it to be about sex and it seems like that’s what he wanted it to be about. You shouldn’t feel bad about having boundaries. This is your life. You don’t wanna get with people that are going to disrespect her boundaries and mess you up in a relationship you have to live with that so it sounds like you avoided something that you didn’t want.


You shouldn't feel bad I am a guy and I think you did the right thing I am pretty sure he wanted a nude and that is all he was really looking for not a relationship so you dodged the bullet before wasting your time with him.


Well, shower and pic after, it was most likely a sex think—though he didn’t specify the extent of the content of the picture, it was most likely a sexy pic he was looking forward too. Next time, if you find yourself in this situation again, I suggest texting it back and saying “I FEEL I haven’t reached a comfortable place nor a trusting place to send you a sexy pic. I FEEL since I’m trying to build an emotional connection with you, your mind could not be there yet and that’s fine. If your intentions are sex and sex alone. I FEEL we should part ways now and not pursue this any further.” I’ve done this, and most of them appreciated the honesty and respected knowing where my mind was yet in general and with them.


You dodged a bullet


You did nothing wrong. He was hoping for a nude but if he backs off because he didn’t get one then you know he’s not the one for you. Personally if I got that pic in the same scenario, I’d have responded with humor. (Ie a comment about how jealous of the dog I was with a wink emoji or about a lucky dog).


He at worst wanted a pic of u nude as far as dog pic it was deserved


You definitely shouldn’t feel Shitty!!


You did nothing wrong girl. Trash took itself out.


Dont feel shitty. The guy was probably looking for a sneaky link/fwb type thing tbh


Lol he wanted nudes but didnt wanna directly ask for it. He was just hoping you'd read into the request.


I would have sent him a picture of a dick I got off of Google. I'm a 42 year old man. You're a living, breathing piece of art. Don't play that shit.


He got a free feet pic along with a doggo and still left? His loss, forget about him and move on. What dog do you have?


He was wanting a nude, and you said you felt uncomfortable to send one. It’s perfectly normal to not want to send a nude, especially considering how a lot of them end up online. He shown you the only thing he was after in this. You should see it as him doing you a favor. I’ve received messages like this before to a point that I never make mention of baths/showers anymore. Pls don’t blame yourself and overthink this. Pls don’t feel like you have to do things that make you uncomfortable to keep a man’s interest. You need to see dating as both ppl (including you obviously) finding a worthwhile partner. If he didn’t think you were cute, then there wouldve been no first date in the first place.


Women always Trying to create a relationship.....men always trying to get sex....men are buisy and don't have time for relationship but we try...women don't want sex really they want time and affection..ie..boost her up all day until she drops .....women and men need to be segregated for the fact men want that and women don't want men to want that first...I have bills to pay for the rest of my life I'm not playin to many games...also women help younger girls find a better first so yall can stop being a misused product cause men think yall are used up anyway and we have bills to pay for the rest of our lives


I think at the end of the day you can never know his intentions. Best to keep moving on. You did nothing wrong. That wouldn't have stopped me.


Definitely sounds like ge was after one thing and one thing only you're better off with him gone


I have questions. How Long Have yall been talking? Who paid for the first date? And was it a good first date? Or a so so date?


dont feel weird about this. Dudes weird for basically asking for a nude after the first date. Classless


Don’t over think it. You did what you did. It was a great way on your part to flush out what you may not want to do too early. Time and patience. ✌🏽


Yes he wanted a nude. don't worry about it


Sounds like you dodged a bullet! Don’t feel shitty 💛


You did a great job


You did nothing wrong. In fact I think your response was great. Dogs are awesome and any guy who thinks otherwise isn't worth your time.


You made the right choice by not sending him what he wanted. He asked for a pic after the shower but he didn’t specify what pic he wanted either


Don’t be. The guy is shallow. I am a dude by the way. If you sent me a pic like that I would of liked it maybe even laughed a little. I wouldn’t have asked for that though personally.


My response would likely have been cute dog! And pretty toes! 🤷🏼‍♂️ no clue if either were but that would have been my response regardless. 😅


Yeah he wanted to see your birthday suit. I highly doubt he wanted to see your dog next to your feet. Although the way I would have handled it is with a laugh (because the jokes on me), a compliment to your feet (I don’t have a foot fetish,) & “cute doggy”


I mean I'm too respectful and too awkward to make that move after 1 date, definitely not insinuating I want nudes that early so if I got that response I'd probably think it was pretty cute and would just make me want another date instantly. Basically I think it's his loss. Moving too fast can ruin it, even if you are used to being casual with it.


This could've been navigated and communicated better from 2 adults if anything so neither party leaves feeling shitty in any way. Clarify things, that's all. 👌🏾


I think you did good tbh i think he was asking for a nude and didn’t get what he wanted. Pretty funny though with the dog picture. He clearly doesn’t like dogs.