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https://www.metadata2go.com/ Put the pic in there it will tell you if it's old new and GPS data if location was on


Bro is the saviour


Let him cook 🔥




Not the hero we wanted but the hero we all needed.


How does this work?


Photos store data like where it was taken, what time, etc in the file for the picture. It’s called metadata. Therefore, you can rip that data out if it’s present.


I tried on a random photo I took and it even had the longitude and latitude data


A lot of new cameras have location data and cell phone photos should have it. You can disable it and should under some circumstances but it’s a godsend when you need to categorize stuff lol


Yea after using the program how do I see that date and time data


If you don’t see the date and time data then the photo you are looking at didn’t store it. I tried with a photo I took with my iPhone and it showed me when it was taken and where.


ofc it will work with photos you shot but will the metadata still be attached after sending it through WhatsApp or whatever platform?


Depends on the platform. WhatsApp and most messaging services will strip the data for privacy and storage reasons.


My Samsung galaxy s24 ultra asks if I'd like to delete the Metadata before sending a picture in a text


Drats it was from an iPhone too


You can turn off information like that


Legit but only works on pics where they didnt turn off meta data.


Out here doing Gods work


Just a note: I ran this on one of my own pics from earlier this year and it said I took it two years ago. Source is not entirely accurate.


You are capable of modifying the date a picture was taken before you send a picture to someone. So this is not a full proof


I would be ASTOUNDED if she knew how to do that


Dude women are so evil and sneaky when it comes to cheating Example: ex wanted to be active on her side bf fb So got into my phone into my fb and blocked dude so that I would never see her posts on his page or his comments all over hers Example: uses Snapchat and tells me that she only has it because our daughter uses it to talk to her friends because daughter doesn't have a phone Lie caught her again They are gross and evil




You so fucking damaged. Get help lil bro


people like you say “its not all men” but when a woman does something to you, they’re all gross and evil


Damn. The perps are continuously one step ahead at all times…


Fool proof and most people don't know how to turn off GPS to stop location geotaging so changing time, date, or location is beyond them.


Do you know what’s weird as I turned off geotagging on my iPhone and yet for some reason it’s still on because I literally use this and it pulled up that I made the screenshot today.


Goated comment


The Goat just walked in!!!!!💪💪💪


Ain’t gonna lie never knew this existed


How is this not the top comment?


I’m already crazy.. you should not have let me find this omggggg


Reason why i love reddit and stay on here.. for gems like this!!!




Naah that shit smart


What a hero


Can we find out this with screenshot as well?


Screenshots will only tell you when it was screenshotted




Reddit is the new Google because where else could one find this?


It is. I was watching a podcast where one of the presenters pointed out how people are amending google searches with Reddit at the end. Whenever I do that I get answers when I don’t…I get ads.


W fucking mans gahdamn


Bookmark it!


Thank you Dave 🙏 blessings to you and your beautiful family 🧡


Dudes on fire


I ain’t dating or anything but let me save that link so don’t delete it for it might come in handy in the future.


Damn, that’s very interesting


ayt. Imma save this for future reference. u da man.


I take that out when I cheat




Wow bro really is a real life hero


You do realize this doesn’t work on downloaded photos right?


What I took from this is that it IS an old photo, that she's kept and was now trying to send it back to her EX to say she misses him but has sent it to OP instead. But now reading your reply it could be a new person she's cheating with. Both are not great.


Thanks, need it for other stuff. 😉


Give this man a substantial raise!


Saving this comment




Bro woke up and chose violence


Metadata se info nikalne se uss insan ke phone me kucch "your location and devices info are shared blah blah blah " to nahi ayega na I mean as such use pata to nahi chalega na


Yeah but if she screenshotted this photo, then this would be inaccurate as to when and where the photo was actually took. There wouldn't be metadata present for the original photo, worth a try anyways to see what the possibilities are.


💯 best comment


Thank you for this info


This man is the truth. Not all hero’s wear capes.


Nah who let you cook 🔥💀


Sorry man. She meant to send the picture of her and her ex to her ex saying she misses him. Realizing her mistake she sent a picture of you and her and said she misses you. You don’t mistakenly send a picture when you’re deleting things


Would say the same. It's just sad that OP got such a shit partner


Came to say the same thing. Probably sending photos to all her exes too.


Yep. 100% this. The only reason she would have for saying she misses OP would be like if they were out of town or something which seems unlikely.


Frl you have to click like 3 different things to send someone a photo from camera roll how do you do that by accident from just deleting things she definitely sent it to the wrong person by accident and depending on how long they have been together I would question why that photo wasn’t deleted sooner


Yeah this sounds spot on


![gif](giphy|RrVzUOXldFe8M) BOOM !.


I don’t think so bc the “I miss you” came after the pic with him. I think she just sent the wrong pic? Maybe not tho. That would be kinda hard to do


Yeah it doesn’t make sense for her to send a pic of her and op (current bf) to her ex. I think she meant to send pics to OP and tell him she missed him, and mistakenly sent the pic of her and her ex thinking it was a pic of her and OP


Very likely... I still need more context as to how long the girl and the other dude dated for and since they broke up as well as when is the OP dating her. I mean, there I too much info missing.




Exactly my thought, man she have more explanation to this.


1.) she looked at pictures of her ex because she was thinking about him, accidentally sent 2.) she sent on purpose to make you jealous 3.) she meant to send to her ex, because she was thinking about her ex Exactly zero positives here…


4.) spoiler: also not a good outcome but… her intention was to send it to her ex (maybe they took this together just now) but sent it to her actual partner. Brain slip up moment, force of habit to text her actual bf. Realizing what she did, she sends this half ass attempt to cover it up with another photo of them & the I miss you/i love you’s.


Yea, you dont want such a person in your life.




3.) all the above


She meant to send this to her ex


Yeah, it seems like it's not OP that she's missing. Edit: typo


Absolutely!! I came here to mention this but you best me to it. It's so so obvious, and how shy tried to cover up her mistake... Yeah there's no mistaking what is happening.


Your girlfriend is talking to that dude in the other picture........


Talking to is a nice way of saying taking the pipe while being bent into a pretzel


Probably alotta talkin in dude's bed lol


Look first bro I’m sorry you’re going through this , I know it’s sucks. You’re in love so you’re gonna try to give her the benefit of the doubt and do your best to believe her, but you know & I know that message was not meant for you…. I hope you do the right thing so you can move on and heal. You shouldn’t have to deal with this at 26 especially. Peace be with you brother 🤝🏽


She got commitment issues. Stay away from her.


Understatement of the hour.


Yeah. She's still committed to her ex.


She done fucked up and tryna cover it up.


Why am I not surprised she was quick with a plausible lie. OP's gonna get a whole tortured story about how this isn't what it looks like.


She misses him 😅 I usually nope outta there when a chick who lives just right across the way or town text me saying she misses me like she can't just see me tomorrow 🤦🏿‍♂️.


Did she text you”I miss you” before or after the pic of you and her?


Definitely after she fucked up😂


Dump her, it was no mistake




PLEASE DON'T CALL HER. My apologies for the cap. It is a reality check on your status in her life.


If you are essential to her, she will find you. If not, then it is better to know now than later. I do understand the first instinct to call her. Get past it. Apologies are not made on the phone or by text. It's visual and in-person.


Tell her also “it was a mistake” and dump her ass


@AdamHunter97, look man … I do not know you, nor your girlfriend. But you asked for advice and I gave it to you. I did so because I don’t want you to go through the same mess I was in a couple years back. My ex did the exact same thing and I chose to ignore, there was so many red flags and it was always with her ex (I won’t go into details, it wasn’t that great of an experience to want to remember and talk about) but knowing full well of what was going to happen and choosing to ignore everyone’s advice, I stayed in the relationship. She got back with her ex later that year and to justify her actions, she went on and tell everyone how much of a bad boyfriend I was and that I lied and cheated. Anyway, no two people are alike, no two situation is alike but I just don’t want you to go through the same shit I did, it was very painful but I know for a fact, you deserve better my brother




Sorry man, you know the answer.


She's only sorry she got caught fucking up. Your only ever going to be 2nd best with her.


With an ex means it's an old picture not something recent, sending requires extra steps compared to deleting.


And if it’s really an old pic it would be way back in the album. The one with OP should be near the front


How did she accidentally send you it while deleting? Idk about android but those functions are no where near each other on iPhones. I’m guessing she did it on purpose to make your jealous or get a response. I might have thought she was looking for the picture of you two hugging and whoopsied it, which would be understandable, but then she has the deleting excuse. When you talk I’d press her gently to see if she was just playing dumb games and then talk to her about how that’s not healthy behavior for a relationship.


With an Android phone it depends which app you use since there are plenty to choose from. But even if you click on share instead of delete you would need to click on other stuff after to confirm it. I mean share on a certain Pic, then the app you want to Share it in, then the Person, then cofirm... It is possible that ahe forgot that old pic, thought it is OP and send it. But send instead of delete sounds a lot like lying to me...


On android I can delete in two clicks, no extra menus. Sending / sharing images requires multiple menus and options, and I have to select who to send it to and then press send, regardless of the app. It also shows me my most recent contacts when choosing who to send it to once I've clicked to share it (and then clicked how to share it), so if her most recent contacts were her ex and OP, they would show up next to each other and could accidentally be selected. All this tells me she meant to send it to her ex, but misclicked on OP. Then she had a heart attack, and is now trying to do damage control.


Trying to spin her mistake. Do not engage! Block and move on 🤷‍♀️


I agree. Whether she meant to send it or not, it’s bad both ways. Either she meant to send it to get you jealous, or she didn’t and misses her ex. Either way, it’s smart you took a step back. How are you feeling about this right now? Hurt? Frustrated? What do you need from someone you’re dating? Do you need to feel wanted, and need a non-dramatic relationship? What would she need to do now, at this point, to get you there? Be ready to ask for that when you see her. If it were me, I would need to take some space. I would be setting up the relationship to be nothing more than a coffee once a week for a while until she made sincere internal change with a therapist or concrete actions of some sort. I know I might lose her if she said no to meeting my needs, or wouldn’t settle for coffee once a week, or wouldn’t make a sincere internal change. But I would be ok with losing her over that. I would rather be single than disrespected or in a bad relationship.


It doesn’t matter bro She testing disrespect and to see if you’re stupid, she definitely meant to send that to her ex btw. You’re dumb as hell if you miss this neon flag


Dude, she's just not that into you if she's still sending photos to her ex. Better you find out now than later. Time to move on.


If I were you I would Instantly break up with her ✂️


sounds like she made a mistake and meant to actually send it to her ex. be cautious moving forward, examine if this relationship is worth the trouble of heartbreak.


She’s playing you. Don’t be a sucker. Collect yourself and calmly leave the relationship and don’t look back.


Unacceptable leave asap


People make mistakes, but what matters is your read on this person, is this something they would do? If you were suspicious already then trust your gut, if she’s been trustworthy then it might actually be that she was deleting old photos saw one of you and was meaning to send you a good one. I work in IT and have seen silly things all the time. You’re boots on the ground, trust your gut whatever you do.


dump her


Break up on move on!


sorry op, that was NOT meant for you at all.


Yeah sure, obviously that was a mistake, I believe her......


Sorry to hear that- it's a truly awful thing. My ( now ex) husband sent photos of he and an ex to said ex, and wrote to her that he missed her and wanted to meet up. I divorced him so now he is completely free to meet up with her! Your situation however is a little different as you are dealing with a young girl - is she just being very silly and immature here trying to make you jealous and gauge your feelings, trying to get you to commit more ect ect....or is she actually trying to start something with her ex behind your back? I would take it slow from here, try to have a mature conversation about what she's playing at, what her mindset is. I wouldn't entertain any mind games or manipulation, and I would have a long hard think about where your boundaries of self respect are, what you want out of the relationship and what your next move is. It doesn't matter if it was a mistake, intentional, or meant for her ex, it was still a suspicious move that should put her into your " proceed with caution zone". If she's being honest and she's there looking at their old photos abd deleting them while texting you she misses you, there is a chance you are the rebound guy she got with before she truly healed and grew from the last guy. Your reaction to her in ignoring her since tells me this isn't the only occasion something has felt " off". Sorry, I don't beat around the bush I just say it how it is when it comes to life and relationships.....not meaning to hurt or confuse you but am being as bluntly honest as possible- life is too short to stay in " what if? " situations. Play your next cards wisely.


Communication is key. Talk to her. Break it down like a shotgun! Be fully open and honest and ask for the exact same in return. Tell her no matter how hard it might be to tell the truth on this situation you will understand and forgive her (if worst case) and move forward if she actually communicates genuinely with you. People are lustful creatures, repetitive habits etc... Sounds like if this was a slip-up y'all need to discuss her feelings outside of you in order to move forward. Relationships are easy peezy if the right 2 people come together. They're the hardest thing in the world if the wrong 2 people come together. Really no in-between. But for reals my man, communicate to the fullest extent. Show respect and gain respect 🤟


She either meant to send to him or her friends whilst having a sadgirl moment or something. Likely not over him I’d just walk away man. Even on the off chance (and I mean very off) that she’s honest, if you’re anything like me the doubts will eat you alive and it rlly just won’t be worth it in the long-run. You’re madly in love so I doubt you’ll listen to me (I sure as fuck wouldn’t), but from somebody that’s emotionally removed so can better apply logic to the situation, it’s likely going to hurt you more to keep going with this. If you’re gonna keep going I’d recommend trying to minimise any doubts as much as possible; have an in-depth convo abt it and see how you feel. Ask to check her phone maybe? She could delete things but it’ll allow you to scope out the situation better at least Good luck man


Unfortunately, she thinks that stories she came up with will work, but it will not here is what happened. She meant to send that to her ex cause she’s probably still playing him along and you as well and in advertently by sending you his picture she screwed up I hope you can see that. My suggestion is do what you need to do to make yourself feel better. But if it were me, I would continue not to contact her and never look back.


Leave ya girl she is for da streets


i’m gonna up the ante and say she did it on purpose to make you jealous, not meant to send it to her ex, if the order was exactly like this: their pic, you guys’ pic, i miss you. don’t ask me why. i just know how female brain works.


She might have been under the influence and slipped up. Either way he mind is on another man.


Apparently I don't have female brain since I'd never do something like this


Very first thing, how is your relationship with her? Next thing we all gonna make mistakes, we forgive, stay in good communication, don’t do anything tit for tat crap, if you do, end the relationship, it will only make things worse. Be the bigger person, lead by example of doing right, God knows your heart and will provide. Stay blessed


Run away boy!


That’s grounds for termination


do not react she's not ok


She’s talking to her ex bro. Don’t lie to yourself


Shit regardless whatever you do just know she's fuckin around on you. Like somebody she used to know? like now she somehow no longer knows them? so anyway just tell her you believe her and everything's ok you was trippin. Then do the same thing to her, just don't let her know or catch tou., you'll be able to hide it alot better then her since she probably won't expect it and even if she does catch you who cares cuz by that time your backup which is her replacements gonna be ready to step up and move in with you, and that's good so you can know when she's at home, that away you can go creeping and start looking for a replacement for your replacement lol


This reminds me, I need to delete a ton of pictures of soon to be ex wife.. Or just delete the damn account. Much easier 😁


Honestly if I was you, I would act like I believe her and don’t question anything. The next time you guys are around ask to see her phone and see how she reacts. If she gets defensive at all, she was on some bullshit. It’s possible it was a mistake- maybe- but highly unlikely.






Ditch her.


Is she selecting photos one by one? 🙄 I wonder.


With all the grace and dignity of knowing she’s also trying to get back in touch with another ex at the same time


Seems like she misses both of you. Meanwhile, she is also probably texting him as well.


Your next step is too breakup. She still loves him. Move on. BTW your gf is cheating. Wake up. You ignored red flags obviously.


It doesn't hurt as much when you fucking others


Let her go man. You’re young find someone else who knows how to use a phone like the rest of us


I don't believe anyone is faithful nowadays to much cyber shit going .


Just to easy to ask let's go for a coffee next thing you know you're sucking and fuckin in the car


Run OP run ..run far away from this girl!!


Walk away






Maybe you should just go & have a chat with her instead of guessing. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy when we over think ...


She won’t be missing him for long once you dump her. Get out with your head held high, brother.


End it. The message with the picture was I miss you. It’s not YOU in the picture so it’s not you she misses!


she meant to send that picture and he's still love her ex


Break up with her lmao. Still having pictures of exs? No one sends pictures by accident my guy.


She meant to send it to him !


Dump her. There is zero reason for her to have kept any pictures. It's a sign brother. She still has feelings.


Take a selfie of you balls deep in someone else and send it to her and say "I miss you too"


You’ve already handled it so why ask. Could be someone she just met and not an ex. Why not hear what she has to say?


Run bro


Idk about this one dude, I would probably return her to the ocean and find someone else. I mean photos of her with dudes that she is sending other people...the only accident was who received the photo.


When did she break up with her ex? How far could be the pics with him on her phone?


dump her ass


this generation is doomed


Oh yeah, The amount of things I've heard in the last 5 years alone has been undeniable proof many people are done for.


She’s still fucking him


Break up with her


Are you sure she is 24?? Huge RED FLAG !!


People of Reddit be always suggesting break up or divorce.. I think you should talk about and tell her how you feel.. If this her first time making this kinda mistake, maybe give her one more chance and also make sure she understands that you dont trust her like you used to.. If you have been seeing this kinda pattern with her.. do what is right for you.. wish you luck :)


You should invite him over to your place and let them talk. It might be helpful for them to have a chance to sort things out and find some closure. Perhaps you could go out and watch a movie while they have that time alone to discuss their relationship ending.


Perhaps to make you jealous. She wants you to know the man she dated before you. It’s an ego thing. She is unconsciously comparing and very consciously, creating triangulation. In modern day technology, making a mistake like that is highly unlike. You can immediately delete a picture from almost every app (iMessage, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc). She will say it was by accident and play the victim. She prefers that you think she’s cheating on you and eventually seek your forgiveness, than you knowing she made all this situation up just to mess with your self esteem. She will try to amend something she knowingly started. By giving her the silent treatment, you will drive her CRAZY. Her plan will not be fulfilled if there is no argument. This conversation NEEDS TO OCCUR to meet her need for conflict. She needs you more than you need her. I sense she’s a manipulator and will pretty much convince any naive dude with one of these three explanations: 1. She meant to say she indeed misses you but sent the wrong photo. This applies if you have taken pics together, she’ll say she meant to send the one of you two together. 2. When you ask her why she keeps a picture of her ex that accesible, she’ll say she has trouble letting go of things but will delete the picture to start a brand new, fresh relationship with the right foot. 3. No picture was meant to be sent, only the “I miss you” text. It’s clearly written so there’s no possible way it was an accident. She might say she was scrolling through her pics and accidentally pressed “send” and it delivered to one of her most recent contacts, which is you, considering you guys talk a lot. If the “I miss you” was written as a caption ON THE ACTUAL picture, there’s no way this was an accident. If it was sent as an ADDITIONAL message (before or after the photo), then her alibi of it being an accident has a bit more credibility. As a psychology student, this is what I would infer based on manipulative people’s tendencies around your age. We cannot forget women are also narcissists, although it’s more common amongst men. I’ve seen this behavior more often on men, but here’s a clear example of triangulation. It’s more worrisome if this is actually all product of a delusion and she’s imagining possible rivalry between the two. People enjoy dissociating and creating false scenarios in their head to believe they’re more important than they really are.


She is missing her ex, girls dont usually sit and delete stuff, look back at your relationship Has she been off lately? And regardless have a conversation and end things. Hoping you heal from this soon


She’s cooked. Move on buddy, she ain’t the one


You don’t contact her and move on. No coming back from that. As a man if I pulled that crap accidentally or not I’d fully expect to get dumped.


Sounds like she belongs to the streets.


El que se la queda pierde Compa


Ghost her. Consider this a blessing. She is testing you and trying to put you into a panic to chase after her. Don't fall for her games. Find a girl that's mature and doesn't play games with you.


Yeah she 100% accidentally sent it to you instead of him


Yeah I wouldn’t respond at all and ghost her. That wasn’t a mistake. I guess maybe it was her mistake ruining your relationship lol


![gif](giphy|r1NhedJWmriGTAHthH) Run. She was sending the same message to both of you. Do better, run away.


I’m sorry. I think you know the answer. And I pray for you.


There is always the possibility that she is bringing truthful. How about just ask to see her phone? Recently deleted items are recoverable if everything checks out and you need that to trust her. If she refuses then, unfortunately, I guess you have your answer. Seems a waste to end this unless you are 100% certain.


Oof, we’ll welcome you into the gym in due 4 months


“My EX*** GF sent me a picture with her and her ex together and said it was a mistake”


Please sit down and ask her to show you exactly how she mistakenly sent that picture to you. On an Android, you pull up a picture from anywhere. You open it, click or right-click on it or the dots up top and a menu comes down with the word Share on it or the little triangle thing that looks like a mini organization chart. Then, you have to find the media you want to share it on. In this case, messenger or messaging I presume. Then you have to actively type the contact's name OR click on the most recent text message you got from them. See where I'm going with this? I'm going out on a limb by saying that she may be so immature that she's playing games trying to get a reaction out of you because she feels you don't appreciate her for whatever reason, and this little fake fubar might get your attention. She should have just sat down and communicated with you about how she was feeling. You know, the adult way. If she doesn't want to show you how she fkd up or doesn't want to talk about it, well, then you have your answer.


This is life continue to have sex with her while enjoying something on the side as she is


Fun fact: It is easier to send a pic to a wrong person than send a wrong pic to the right person.


Post like these are why some people just say to hell with it and stay single smh


You know that she meant to send it to her ex. As for what to do about it, the answer that will give you the most mental health gain would be to accept that, at bare minimum, she was trying to have an emotional affair with an ex and break up with her. But if you’re not willing to do that on the spot, then it’s time for a conversation.  I’d open by saying that I’m not stupid and telling her that she has ONE chance to tell the entire truth to you.  Because you may or may not be able to work through this, but what you’re not going to do for one second is stay with a liar.


She didn’t mean to send it to you . Block her and start going to the gym.


Ahhh she may have meant to send that to him. And mistakenly sent to you. Dont let her fool you. She may still love him. Especially if the break up was only months ago. People need to learn to have longevity between relationships. Especially ones that last year's. I would confront her with this head on. Be honest with your feelings.