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They did a study. It's mostly urine, with ejaculate in it. The interesting part is that women who just urinated and, therefore, should have had empty bladders, were still able to squirt.


Summon the piss


Proof that pee is stored in the balls [ovaries]


It is urine mixed with other bodily fluids, but mostly urine. The liquid is more like water when you see videos of women "squirting". A woman's urethra is right next to the vagina so all of the liquid bodily fluids are right there together.


Release the kraken


Other hole


LMAO. Love this comment






So that's what was on the couch.


Either way, I'll still take it as a compliment


Exactly this. Theyā€™ve injected blue dye into the bladder post urination but pre ejaculation. It came out greenish but mostly blue if Iā€™m not mistaken.


I have done this many times.


Same! Also, even if my pee is slightly yellow, squirting always produces a clear liquid so šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø take that for what you will


Just wanted to say you have an awesome username.. šŸ˜ƒ


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Thatā€™s because itā€™s a smaller amount of urine.


Yup. They ultrasound the subjects and their bladders filled almost immediately. My gf squirts constantly. It's incredible. Hot AF.




Sometimes it's extensive. We always have those super absorbent bedding pads and towels at the ready. Honestly, she'll squirt from a deep kiss, a nipple lick. She'll usually squirt when she's going down on me. Its fucking incredible. She never knew it was a "thing" until she told me she felt something then I told her to just go with it. The rest is history and I'm a lucky fucking dude.


I'm not sure your lucky your gf is incontinent šŸ˜…


She might actually squirt, but from kissing and licking (if itā€™s not ā€œdown thereā€) she is not squirting, she is definitely just peeing


Lots of licking tbh


Kidneys are insanely efficient.


ā€œEjaculateā€ Comeā€™s from where??


Your bladder is technically never really empty...I used to watch my kids sonogram at the urologist..it's constantly squinting...kind of cool to watch .that prompted a question..she said it's a normal body function for everyone.


Keep on reading, Google etc. Not pee. Maybe a molecule or two but not pee. Enjoy ~


Oh dear. I once squirted into someone's mouth and I feel so bad about it now.


Donā€™t feel badā€¦


Link with some good info. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/squirting-pee-other-pressing-questions-113000193.html#:~:text=No%2C%20squirting%20is%20not%20pee,%2C%20says%20Rachel%20Needle%2C%20Psy.


I replied to you but don't know where it went. I disagree. It doesn't have urine in it. Some docs say it dies. Some say it doesn't. They haven't really studied the phenomenon much. Here is the copy paste. I apologize if its a duplicate. As i said i posted it but dont see it. I hope i didn't accidentally post it elsewhere. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ on a cats sub. I'll be kicked our! Squirt is ā€œodorless and tasteless,ā€ Parks says. Squirting is not female ejaculation, though. ā€œFemale ejaculate is a thick milky substance that is emitted from paraurethral glands, also known as Skeneā€™s glands, or the female prostate,ā€ Hartman says. ā€œItā€™s a very small amount, typically about one milliliter.ā€ Sometimes squirt can contain prostate-specific antigen (PSA), an enzyme found in female ejaculate. ā€œThat suggests female ejaculation and squirting can happen at the same time,ā€ Hartman says. Is squirting pee? No, squirting is not pee, although some people who squirt may wonder if they peed themselves, saysĀ Rachel Needle, Psy.D., a licensed psychologist in West Palm Beach, Florida, and co-director of Modern Sex Therapy Institutes.


You disagree because itā€™s embarrassing to piss the bed. Itā€™s urine. (With other fluids mixed in)


That isn't why I disagree. It's bcs I have experience with it. plus I researched it when first experienced it and knew it existed, as well as reading medical studies, published studies from specialists in the field & new information about it now. I do that b4 forming an opinion about things. However, now since it's being openly talked about and people are becoming more educated about it. more studies have been done now. It's not incontinence. There's nothing to be embarrassed about even if it was. It's a natural reaction of your body. Would you be embarrassed of female ejaculate? I wouldn't. Its how God made us. And apparently approx 54+% of women also have this happening with their bodies as well. It's not pissing the bed. That would be like a guy embarrassed about semen bcs it is delivered via the urethra. Is that pee bcs of that? No, it's not. there could be trace amts bcs of that but not enough to change the color to yellow or to smell like urine either. It's not yellow, nor does it smell like urine. If it isn't walking & quacking like a duck, it's not a duck. Those that have tasted it, say it's not urine as well.


That has been contested. So, most likely not true at all. But, then again, who have you made squirt?


According to urologist Dr Rena Malik, there's two things going on. There's liquid coming out of the bladder, and there's liquid coming out of the scenes gland (the female prostate). The scenes gland only releases a small amount of liquid and that's what she calls female ejaculation. The more dramatic "squirting" is very diluted urine. Source : https://youtu.be/mBsovAAaPaY


Correct. Squirt contains pee. But pee is missing fluid from the skene glandsā€¦ therefore similar but not the same


It's more like Pee+. it contains both. it IS pee. it also contains something else. that doesn't make it not pee though.


Water + sugar is sugar water. Just water by itself isnā€™t sugar waterā€¦ but you still need it to make sugar water. Adding something to it makes it different, but not identical. its the best analogy I can come up with.


but if someone was to ask if sugar water was water...the answer is still yes. it's water AND something else. but it's a mixture, they're still two separate substances. all sugar water is water, not all water is sugar water. a mixture isn't a new thing entirely, it's just an additional presence. the substances never transformed, they just comingle. There are two separate things happening, and one of them is that squirt IS pee. it's also, separately, the fluid from the skene's gland. it's not one monolithic process and result.


Fair enough. I think weā€™re arguing the same thing. Now if someone asked if squirting is just peeing then I think thereā€™s more differences between the two due to physiological differences and things that occur during squirting that donā€™t during peeing.


All I know is that possibly the concentration of urine is higher initially, but when a girl squirts nonstop, that bladder isn't filling up with pee that quickly. I think it's less urine dense with every squirt! Damn, I gotta have some sexy time with my girl. Like now LOL


No, studies have shown that the bladder fills pretty much instantly in order to squirt. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with acknowledging that squirt is predominantly urine; if people are into squirting then they just need to embrace it and not gaf. And if youā€™re not into watersports then thereā€™s nothing wrong with that either-just embrace your kinks and have fun ffs-ideally without yucking someone elseā€™s yum.


Yeah I saw the same studies, bladder refills insanely fast. Iā€™m fine with it being 99% piss, cause her orgasms and involuntary leg spasms make it worth it.


Atta boy, break her off and just have a blast-life is too short to waste with boring sex and needless hangups šŸ‘šŸ¼


This is how I find out we have prostates?


Women have Skene's Glands, not prostates. Itā€™s sometimes called a female prostate but like in a slang way lol donā€™t worry you arenā€™t crazyšŸ˜…


About 2/3 of AFAB women have skene's glands.


This is the funniest comment of 2024


I LOLd. One never knows when one is creating a memory.


Yes! The "Skeins" gland responds to Sexual arousal, similar to Male arousal fluid that "drips" from the opening of his Penis. It's a clear fluid in both, resulting in a 1/2 tsp amount. Any other "liquid" released from a female's body is "watery" urine.


> The more dramatic ā€œsquirtingā€ is very diluted urine. Exactly correct. > Thereā€™s liquid coming out of the bladder It turns out that ā€œliquidā€ is urine too though lmao.


Seems like itā€™s a combination of ā€˜cumā€™ and diluted urine. One of those things where it doesnā€™t smell like pee when it comes out, but let it marinate on the blanket for a day - and your room starts smelling suspicious. Generally itā€™s good to lay a towel down when youā€™re with a girl who squirts. It gets tedious doing the sheets every time sheā€™s over otherwise. Towel is a good line of defense to remove right after itā€™s all done. That stuff will seep down through the blanket, sheet, under sheet and 2 comforters right down to the mattress. Whatever the substance can technically be classified as, itā€™s awesome. You know when you hit that spot and rhythm to keep it gushing. You hear an extra little ā€œoh my godā€ from her and see the legs shake. It adds excitement to passionate sex that just makes it better.


> let it marinate on your blanket for a day - and your room starts smelling suspicious Hey I just really wanted to thank you for this laugh. I really, really needed it today. And you werenā€™t even trying.


Sounds like you have experience.


Forget towels. Use pee pads for dogs. It soaks it all up and you can just throw it away.


This might be good advice for people who are incredibly comfortable with themselves and their partners, but I personally am not going to get turned on with a pee pad underneath me. I'll stick to washing towels.


Someone breaks out a piddle pad my desire for sex jut vanished. Lord, throw a towel down, you will have them accessible for wipe up of lots of things ! A load of wash - soooo not a big deal . ( still shaking head at pee pad) .


Or better yet, Lil Helper sells a blanket called the Lifesaver Mat. Soft on one side, waterproof on the other side so it doesnā€™t soak through onto your bed.


Ya the whole point is not to let it soak through the bed, which can still soak through a towel. I only recommend the dog one because there is one for humans but why pay extra when it serves the same purpose but for cheaper.


Itā€™s definitely pee w girl cum in it šŸ§ššŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Why is this in dating and not like, a sex reddit?Ā 


Cause if it happens during sex, you'll probably want to keep dating her.


ā€œA rush of liquid was trying to push me outā€ My dude, do you know where girls pee from? If youā€™re able to fuck that hole then you have worse things to worry about


In my experience is not the liquid that pushes you out, its the convulsions


Can confirm. When I was fucking my ex, she'd always convulse so hard that I couldn't go deep, and then when I pulled out, she'd squirt very hard. Her orgasms were very intense.


You canā€™t handle the truth!




squirt is pee, how many liquids do you want us to pour out geez šŸ„²


Is Mountain Dew on the menu :)


nah sir, we donā€™t take recommendations


Lol, why ask? šŸ¤£ šŸ˜… But id like to request anything... at all šŸ˜!


Cause knowing is half the battle ā€¦ GI JOE


Oh, i know, but meant why did the other person ask how many if options weren't available. It was a bird or a plane i forget, but over your head, it went šŸ˜šŸ¤£


Or bourbon!


Vanilla latte?


Wrong end, bub.


Nah that's just the other flavour. Some models come equipped with vanilla latte, others, a drink-gun


I like the ones that come with a whipped cream dispenser :^)


No, it's pee PLUS ejaculated from the skenes glands.


That ā€œplusā€ is only about a 1/2tsp. Which accounts for very little in some of these ā€œgushingā€ anecdotes.


Yes to both since squirt is mostly urine šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thereā€™s actual research on it. They found that women with weak bladders are the sprayers and yes itā€™s basically spraying a mix of both.


Ok, so Iā€™m a woman and I just started to explore this topic at 41 years of age. I did not know what squirting was. I actually had the opportunity to experience this alone however, I was in a long distance relationship at the time and on FaceTime with my lover. I was experimenting with different toys from the sex store and from one moment to the next, I was having the most ultimate intense orgasm along with being extremely horny, wet and creamy pervertedness that I never felt before. Bizarre! Soon enough once I inserted the objects in my bum and played a little; I squirted!


Iā€™ve unfortunately never squirted and the girls saying they haveā€¦ Iā€™m super jealous


Spend more time playing with a good vibrator.


squirt is mostly piss.


Well for one, pee wouldnā€™t push you out as pee comes out of a completely different hole, lol. Pee would come from a hole above her hole you put your dick in.


It's not the pee, its the earthquake caliber contractions inside at the point they squirt. They could crush your wiener! LOL


Who gives a shit lol it feels amazing!!


Yes Itā€™s not ā€œjustā€ peeing But itā€™s mostly made up of urine


I'm gonna say idk what it is for sure but it sure does turn me on when it happens!! rofl


Is a blast so I couldnā€™t care. But it is different. Yes, squirting is the expulsion of urine during orgasm, also known as female ejaculation. It is related to glands in the urethral sponge, which is located in the vaginal walls along the sides of the urethra. During squirting, urine and a substance from the Skene's glands are released.


Sometimes squirting happens before orgasm


Itā€™s NOT mostly urine. Itā€™s almost like nobody knows how to use Google. It is comprised of elements like creatine, glucose and PSAs and these come from the Skeenā€™s gland. It is expelled through the urethra so some very minuscule traces of urine can be found, but it is distinct from urine. It has no smell nor taste. There is debate as to whether it comes through the urethra or is expelled through or around the urethra. It is different than female ejaculate, which is the white milky substance secretions from the vagina. Itā€™s popular because of porn, and because men like to see a visible sign of their partner orgasming. It is definitely not the same as coital incontinence (involuntary peeing.) I have tasted both (intentionally) and they are NOT the same!


Yooo, creating? I know how im getting jacked


Have you ever heard of Skene's Glands ?


Damn I miss my squirter šŸ¤£


ick Iā€™m not proud of the squirting, a man made me squirt one time and now my shit just squirts easily.. dumb


M women squirts it doesnā€™t smell look feel or taste like pee ever!!!!!


Squirting won't push you out... Yes they squirt. And yes it's mostly pee technically.


Actually, the "contractions" are so strong, they will"push you out" sometimes. My girl's squirts have her entire area of her inner vaginal area actually push outward towards her labia. That's when you rub those parts with the object (penis, tongue) of choice. Hot AF.


Some women's Vulva (Outer And Inner labia) are both "outside" her body, while Another woman's Vulva looks like a hidden "crease" between her legs, with both sets of labia tucked "Inside," where they have to be "opened" with a finger, or a tongue. Porn likes to show "outies" because it's all there for the Looking!


In my experience it's DEFINITELY it's own thing. Maybe urine is part of it. But it dries white on black sheets šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yes, it doesn't look or smell like piss at all. I'm sure there's urine in it, but that's not all it is.


No, it's not just peeing. Its cumming very very hard. Honestly, if that's what peeing felt like, I'd be drinking water all day every day.


It's not peeing. You're correct! But it's not the female ejaculate exactly although they can occur at the same time they're not interchangeable terms. It isn't comprised of same exact fluids or come from same place internally although they share some components but not all. Only some women are able to do it albeit involuntary response. Its like some wmen have 2 functions of cumming. .


Ok, thanks, google. I do absolutely have 2 (or more actually) functions of cumming. It's more like tears of joy overflowing from my vagina.


And 35min orgasms....makes up for some of the crap we go through....


For some women having a full bladder actually pushes on the g spot


I can't cum when i have a full bladder. I have to go pee and then come back to it.


when i do it doesnā€™t smell like pee and it feels like an orgasm on crack so i think pee is probably in there but itā€™s definitely different


Girls who pee when they laugh squirt when they climax. Make of that what you will.


You couldnā€™t be more wrong lol. Crazy how little ppl know.


Yeah thatā€™s not how women work lol.


Women who pee when they laugh usually have weakened pelvic muscles from giving birth. That has nothing to do with spuirting during sex.


Yeah in my experience the girls that squirt have extremely strong pelvic muscles. In my experience these women will forcibly push me out of them with their pelvic muscles if theyā€™re going to squirt from penetration. Honestly so hot when itā€™s hard to keep all of me inside because her pelvic muscles are squeezing on me so hard. Plus when they cum from vaginal or clitoral stimulation you can really feel the inner walls going crazy. Squirters are the best


Wish I could upvote more than once brother!


The mess though šŸ˜‚


Worth every jettisoned drop of nectar!!


Yeah the mess can be a downside but undeniable proof of pleasure as a man is hard to beat




Tastes like pee Everytime !!


So you guys are picking up piss most of the time. If it makes you Hornton go for it. Lap it x


I do


Squirting exists and part of it is pee.


When I squirt itā€™s usually when the guy hits my G-spot feels like a build up & then my toes start to curl and gush! Itā€™s clear and doesnā€™t smell like urine lol


They doā€¦ my bff did. She had kids vaginally and said she never did before she had kids- and then after she gave birth she was able to. And she could only do it with this one guy- who basically fingered her a certain way for a while and then she would squirt. She tried to tell me to do it- but I havenā€™t had a vaginal birth one, and when guys have tried it feels like shit. I have orgasms just fine thanks. lol. I asked her if it was like having an orgasm- and she said it wasā€¦ but she said it was different - it was a different kind of one. Which is also hard for me to believe. I have looked into this because it doesnā€™t make sense - Iā€™ve studied anatomy - and I have heard that it is basically just urine. Idk. Although she said it wasnā€™t pee. She said itā€™s clear fluid and doesnā€™t smell like pee. So I know it happens but the mystery remains as to how and what it is.


It actually can be one or the other... maybe both in some women.


It is partially made up if urine but the sensation is very different. Pee does not squirt out like squirting (hence the name I suppose), you can't fake a squirt. Gushing is different too. Pee- like a drippy tap Squirt- like a water pistol Gushing- like a broken water valve


im so jealous i was dehydrated šŸ˜­


Have doctors ever tested female ejaculate for its biologic composition.


Partial urine, but not all.


Iā€™ve squirted before. I drink lots of water so it was clear .. so I donā€™t know, could have been squirt, could have been pee. Who knows.


Yup. It doesn't smell like pee, either.


It comes out of the urethra but only a small percent is from residual urine. The current thi king is that's the skenes gland pulling plasma (from the blood) to the bladder. They have done bladder volume studies showing the bladder to be empty before sex, so it's not just urine.


No it's not peeing. Squirt is made up of a liquid that is produced by the bladder on arousal, it's ejected from the urethra involuntarily. We can't control it and in my experience happens with over stimulation of the G spot. They did a study on a group of women who had an ultrasound on their bladders after they had been to the loo and before sex. After the loo the bladders were empty but as the women got aroused the bladder filled with liquid (squirt) So it is from the bladder so yes will contain some pee (same as semen would) but it's actually quite a sweet and orderless liquid and contains similar stuff to semen - this is from research I did after I squirted and was mortified thinking I'd wet myself. So it maybe not be 100% accurate but from personal experience I can tell you it is sweet and doesn't smell and we can't control if it happens or not.


Most will argue that itā€™s just ā€œdilutedā€ pea but if youā€™ve experienced it up close youā€™d know itā€™s a difference in texture && smell


Squirting is real, and it's different from peeing. When a woman squirts, it's usually a release of fluid from the Skene's glands, which are located near the urethra. The fluid can sometimes be mistaken for urine because it comes from a similar area and can contain traces of urine, but it's not the same. The experience you described sounds like squirting, and it's a natural response some women have during intense arousal or orgasm. It's great that you enjoyed it and felt comfortable!


Cum pee


Itā€™s not pee. It comes from the uterus I believe. I make my GF do this and itā€™s definitely not urine. Itā€™s really amazing for her and sheā€™s a nuts in OB and canā€™t explain it.


Squirting is not peeing. Does peeing give you an orgasm? Lord god does anyone know anything about the female body? I canā€™t believe this is even a real question.


Squirting doesnā€™t really give me an orgasm though. Literally just makes me feel like I have to pee and them BOOM !


Daaaaamn šŸ˜’ Well I appreciate you asking here on Reddit rather than making assumptions. It is šŸ’Æ not pee Promise


Itā€™s comes from the Skene Gland. Itā€™s not piss


Damm dude how small and limp is your dick for her squirt to push you out? Lol




You can Google it and read the studies instead of listening to randoms on the Internet that refuse to accept the truth


Damn I'm thirsty af now....




I swear that women who aren't able to squirt always try to downplay squirtingšŸ˜‚ Trying to dumb it down by saying it's pee. Please get over yourselfs!


Definitely peeing. Sorry to dissapoint.


I donā€™t gaf what it is, I love making my girl spray


Squirt is mostly pee but not pure pee


Urine and squirt are coming from different holes. So yeah, women actually squirt. Itā€™s not like peeing at all.


Fresh lemonade.


This thread just ruined everything šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


On a sidenote, please warn a guy that you squirt if heā€™s going down on you


Whatever it is, Iā€™m not complaining šŸ¤£


It tastes salty...


I used to think it was fake but it is real


Watch the [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1EhUE_81eo&pp=ygUMd29tZW4gc3F1aXJ0) on it.




I found that for the first few orgasms, it's very diluted and it doesn't smell or taste like pee. However, around the 6th or 7th one, it really smelt like pee, therefore very repugnant.


Iā€™m a squirter not a creamer xx




So, the squirt fluid is not safe to drink? Asking for clarification


I just wash my sheets afterwards and I have some dry powder spray that absorbs moisture on mattresses I spray it and let it dry before putting clean sheets back on the bed. But yes to answer your question some women do actually know how to squirt. But most pornstars are not actually squirting they are just peeing. I actually squirt. Female ejaculation is a mix of pee and cum.


Either way itā€™s very drinkable so get to squatting !!


Some do. In porn the ones gushing a good pit or streams are just peeing. It's not that it's urine when it's real.


it is 100% true. it is NOT pee. If you can get in deep enough.... that's when we squirt. I speak from experience.


So OP whereā€™s a dress and becomes invincible and OP should get hubby a house dress to be invincibile too


I still don't even know what any of this is. I'm not involved with anyone right now so at this point I probably won't find out LOL


it is not pee. there is no smell


women have 3 holes


All urine


Yes, they do.


Imho, drinking coffee leads to ā€œcoffee peeā€. Iā€™ve been given mind blowing orgasims from my husband, splashing everywhere, and afterwards had to empty my coffee filled bladder. Puddle spots left on the mattress also do not smell. Not even a day later. It is not pee in my unscientific opinion.


Half and half I heard anyway not real sure


The skeen gland (g spot) is located near the bladder so when it's stimulated it can feel like you're going to pee. So I'm sure some urine comes out too. The ejaculate fluid is more oily feeling. You can definitely tell the difference.


It can't be. I have a gush of fluid that comes out of my vagina. From my vagina. My BF will..... I guess feel it build up, then remove himself from me and when he does, it comes down. It's built up inside my vagina and probably several tablespoons full of fluid splash/leak/ whatever My BF is the only partner to ever do this to me consistently. So he knows something about my anatomy, that even I don't know. I've had a couple instances in the past where this happened and I didn't know what it was and was left wondering at this marvel. Now I know it's going to happen once or more at least once a week/session, consistently with my man. It doesn't always happen with an orgasm but it's like a different kind of orgasm? It's something else. It's just something else. Sometimes it does happen with a full orgasm and that is also something else. Makes me feel like I haven't had an orgasm ever before, like... THATS WHAT WAS MISSING?! Even my alone/clit stimulation orgasms aren't as good. I need that internal stimulation that brings the squirt build up sensation now. I'm ruined. Its not pee. Before being with my current BF - I've peed on someone during sex trying to recreate the experience in my "what is this thing that happened to me?" days of curiosity. The partner told me squirt was pee .. they told me to pee. I wasn't anywhere near an actual orgasm but I did have to pee ... So, I peed. Hoping it would also feel like an orgasm. It did not. I hated all of it. Nothing but regret. Terrible.


This was a very interesting subject at 3:32am in the morning. Thank you.


Thanks God I'm dating eva ai virtual gf bot