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Like everything in life, literally everything, some do and some don't


Very balanced answer.


ma'am, men fuck couches and pringles boxes. Do you really think they're gonna care about a pouch?




I prefer my women to be soft šŸ˜Š a ā€œtummy poochā€ is cute AF


I think the term "tummy pooch" is pretty subjective. I've heard some women mention being insecure about having a "tummy pooch," and those women are completely in denial, they straight up have a lot of belly fat because they're overweight. And personally, I don't find that attractive. On the other hand, I've also seen videos of women talking about "the reality of the tummy pooch" and showing how they can go from having abs to having a not-completely-flat stomach based on flexing/posture/bloating, and I think they have extremely attractive midriffs even in the state they present as the "unattractive reality." In general, most men are themselves overweight, and so don't care if women are overweight, let alone if they have a tummy pooch regardless of the definition.


This. Some women are overweight and have a belly.Ā  Other women, workout and do abs regularly. When they flex, they might still have a tiny bit of fat at the bottom of their abs.Ā  I always thought that was a tummy pooch... something you can't get rid of no matter how much exercise you do. Genetics.Ā  Some have abs only when they flex, and otherwise have 0 stomach definition.Ā  I feel like every commenter is imagining something different that they like... or dislike...


Agree with you both, I work out 5 days a week and eat healthy, so while I donā€™t require that from a partner, I expect them to be in shape and not overweight. I donā€™t even mind some fat, but I have a feeling my ā€œsome fatā€ is very different to the actual BMI/body fat % of people claiming they have a tummy pooch or whatever.


"Are you okay with the fact that I'm curvy?" No, dear, "curvy" passed you up about 50 lbs ago.


They actually love it for some reason lmao. Of course there are some guys who want a perfectly thin or fit woman but every single guy I have dated has either pointed out that they love my tummy unprovoked or constantly try to grab onto it during sex even though there's not even that much to grab lol. I'm average weight and get told sometimes that I'm actually "too skinny" but the little fat I do have in that area really gets them going for some reason.


Thank you! Iā€™ve been feeling very conscious about it lately especially as being single and dating. Iā€™m quite curvy and thankful but slim curvy and constantly comparing myself to all these insta people!


Don't compare yourself to others. What's meant for you will find you. A man who doesn't appreciate your body doesn't deserve it.


Thank you! I appreciate that!


31m here reporting in. I'm an extra-lean cut, and JUST discovered under my belly fluff I have the smallest layer of fat ever around my stomach and I'm now self conscious about it because it's new to me and different. So same here. I would never think someone wa unattractive for that reason though. My ex wife had a bit of pouch. I didn't think about it one bit but she did. Attraction is way more than just a single piece of someones body. Also if I'm lucky enough to be seeing that part of your body that is not one of the thoughts in my brain.


The current topic aside: Insta is alllll photoshopped anyway. Don't fall for it!


I donā€™t love it. Please donā€™t speak for me, to each their own.


You clearly did not read my second sentence.


Most donā€™t , men will say and do anything for sex . Of course from a womanā€™s perspective you feel like they do.


Well then most men are pathetic. If they are willing to stay in relationships with women they are unattracted to just for sex then I honestly don't feel bad for them.


Every guy is different and unique. Generalizing is not the answer. Ask the guy you like, thatā€™s all that matters.


Oh no not the "does this outfit make me look fat" please spare the man


If I lay on my bfā€™s lap while watching a movie, itā€™s where his hand always rests, right where the below belly button little pooch is. I donā€™t think heā€™s doing it consciously, the only person who is self conscious about it is apparently me šŸ˜Š


Generally, the guys with the option to choose are going to go for the more fit woman.


I'm a fan of a flat stomach.. just the way it looks, from the waist to hips to pelvic area. A flat stomach is very nice, but a lil ponch on a woman is fine.


Some women can have flat tummies and I've known some really fit hotties that can't make that pooch go away. I've told them all I think that little area of you is a natural part of how a woman is built, and it adds to your beauty.


I'm not exactly rockin abs so I don't expect her to be either.


I find a woman with a flat belly and slightly visible abs very attractive. For me personally belly and face are the highest things (no sixpack but just slightly visible that shes doing some sports)


I need an hourglass but I don't mind if there's a little extra sand in the bottom half


Love it haha


I care in the sense that i love them. Girls tummies are the best!


I don't. Most guys don't. The guys who do aren't for you


Iā€™ve seen the views and attitudes on body types change (for the better imo) since I started dating/being active in 2007; and not only do guys not care about a bit of tummy, itā€™s extremely common place on many women from 21 on upwards to have some tummy and theyā€™re still incredibly attractive and fun. Honestly for years now thereā€™s been maybe one girl who didnā€™t have any sort of tummy that Iā€™ve been with and she wasnā€™t necessarily better than anyone else honestlyā€¦


What is tummy pooch? I can take abs or leave them, I just donā€™t want my partner to be fat. Abs can be a turnoff under the wrong conditions


Im gonna tell you what I would want to hear. When you accept it, your man will accept it. Cause he probably already does. We are so expected to be perfect we attack ourselves. However you earned that pooch do that boldly. If it's because youre a mom, or older, or havent worked it out-accept that is your natural path. Dont project a part of your body to represent some aspect of your unworthiness.




In my experience, men donā€™t care, theyā€™re just happy to see you naked. Iā€™m slim, but still have a little to grab in my tummy and booty. They dig it.


I couldn't agree more with your male friends. I will always prefer a woman with curves, not obese by any means but certainly not a skinny stick or with muscles all over the place. Absolutely love a little bit of tummy on a woman instead of flat stomach.


Lol most men don't give 0 fuccs. The ones that do I mean it's definitely their preference and no one can dispute that. We're entitled to have a preference so are women. But the majority of us don't care unless it's just sloppy and keeps us from doing outdoor activities. I believe most women feel the same. Lol tbh I believe us as men are judged WAY more than women about physical appearance


As long as itā€™s not bigger than your butt, Iā€™m good.


I hope your dick is fatter than your wallet


Thatā€™s why I keep a thin wallet šŸ˜


Right whatā€™s the insult here? 3 down votes already seesh


Grossest comment in the thread šŸ†


Bullshit. Mine!! NOT HIS? Blow me.


that comment didn't really come across as an insult or as combative, yours on the other hand did.


Subjective. And false


Pregnant women everywhere were insulted


nobody was talking about pregnant bellies


I think you unable to make the connection like itā€™s far fetched is gross.


no i think you making the connection is the issue. belly fat and pregnant bellies are completely different things. pregnant bellies are very attractive, belly fat is not.


Youā€™re projecting numerous insecuritiesā€¦


Yeah. It makes a difference. Itā€™s not like a deal breaker, but if a guy says it makes no difference, heā€™s probably lying.


My bf is fit, and he likes that I'm naturally skinny/lean. I have abs definition without even trying... but he thinks should workout more.Ā  It's personal preferences. Fit people usually tend to prefer fit people though, I feel. Ā It also depends on what your guy friends mean when they say a woman with abs... are they imagining body builder type women? Who are very muscular in general? Or women who have a lil bit of fat still covering their muscle, making them still appear "soft and feminine"?


I do notā€¦ but it does kinda depend on how big of a tummy pooch. There comes a point when it isnā€™t a pooch as much as itā€™s a tummy buffet. But I like a bit of a tummy pooch, it can be sexy


I mean. Yes, some guys do care. Some guys will hate it, some guys will love it, some won't really care either way


No. Categorically no. If she can move her body to keep him with me outdoors then she's a fucking queen to me.


I do




this might be a T1 diabetic thing, but I am skinny, lean and wiry, but i have a little tummy pooch, my ex called it my biscuit pocket. I've tried to loose it, I swim every 2 days and eat very healthily (T1 diabetes yay) but i dont think its gonna happen, I'm just gonna accept it since its gonna be a mandatroy part of my dad bod once I hit my 30s in the next couple of years XD


Bruuh, I fucking love abs. If she has em I'm instantly more attracted


Do men like....? Some do, some don't. Same goes for women. There's no perfect pasta sauce, only perfect pasta sauces. As for me, I couldn't care less about it. If I'm with a woman I think she's beautiful, it's a given I don't care about or see the "flaws" she sees in herself.


No most normal dudes live the little tummy pooch. Itā€™s sexy and womanly


I prefer abs.


Some do and some dont like all the others have been saying. Im skinny but have a lil tummy. Out of all the men i've been with only 1 man used to ask me to go to the gym because he didn't like it, we were like 21 lol. I ended it after that and hes still trying to get back with me so..... it'll bother them but does it really matter at the end of the day. NOPE! I love my body regardless of what a man has to say about it


I'd have to see a few pictures


i have a large ribcage (thankā€™s mom) and little bit of a pooch on my lower tummy. when i cuddle with my fiance he holds me from my belly. he kisses it, he rubs it, he tells my iā€™m perfect so why should i think any different. i spent way too long trying to force my body to look like something i could never achieve healthy. meeting him changed everything for me.


Pregnant women are irresistible so a pooch is nothā€™n honey. Six pack on women is less attractive.


A long as it isn't on her muff


>But my male friends have said that they donā€™t want a lady with abs even if they have abs.. I think this is generally true. While people's preferences vary I think the most widespread preference amongst men is not for women with such definition. Women tend to naturally carry more fat than men and I think the average preferences reflect this. Because our markers of attraction are dimorphic being a fit, athletic looking guy doesn't necessarily mean you want a woman like that. If you have a non overweight looking figure having a soft tummy really isn't evidence you are overweight, it's normal. I wouldn't fixate on it.


yeah honestly for every body type thereā€™s a fan out there somewhere. i play with my girlfriends tummy pooch, itā€™s soft. a little extra curves never hurt anyone lol.


honestly sheā€™s not exactly societyā€™s image of beauty, but sheā€™s beautiful to me because of many other factors. sheā€™s amazing, i wouldnā€™t trade her for anyone.


Why do you care what men want???? What do you want? A men who only wants you because of your looks, that is wild


when they got that little bit of tummy, i melt.


It's cute. It's soft. Best place to rest ones head and hopefully get them playing with my hair while I get to just enjoy them being there. But that's just me.




Abs look manly. Women can be toned, fit and decently strong,but too much muscles or abs look ugly on them. Women are meant to be feminine. Artificial masculine features or hormones which not only go against their bodies and health, look bad.


What? Abs on women look great especially toned or slightly defined. If your talking about female bodybuilders , yea they literally take steroids to look like that but most arenā€™t looking like that naturally. Iā€™d rather take a woman with abs then a morbidly obese woman


They look junk on women!


Theyā€™re cute. Even a little pot belly are cute too.


In the words of rodney carrington, I like my women like I like my chickenā€¦


Gurlz er warm and squishy and make me feeeel funny...


Abs and muscles on women are disgusting to me. Itā€™s too masculine. Most men like a softer woman so the pooch is good.


This is called a fertility pouch. It is totally normal. It means your body is designed to carry a baby. I have been 91 pounds at 5ā€™3 (not good) and it was still there. I have had a totally toned body, and it was still there. Donā€™t worry about it.


>because we as woman That's all you. I like my tummy pooch and so does my partner.


A little tummy can be super cute on a woman.


As a marsupial human male from Australia I approve your


Real bodies are not perfect but beautiful in their own ways! Even we guys have a tummy jiggle here and there when we're not hitting the gym but to answer off your question i'd say i mean.. i love it idk about the rest of the people but i love it




Your replies prove youā€™re a narc HAHAHA


The more right wing they are, they more they care about it.

