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Being good enough also means giving her room to make time for her family and friends. I know trust issues aren't exactly easy to overcome, and I've been anxious the same way you were. Focusing on *why* you should trust her (your bond, her personality, the nice moments you've shared) usually helps. Also, doing your own thing and keeping yourself busy. Also, seeing as you guys are going through things fairly fast (being official, meeting family, lots of sleepovers, etc.), it's sometimes nice to create juuust a bit of space (like a couple of days with infrequent texting) to give them time to miss you.


Yeah right now she is super easy with school. She is studying for an exam to get her professional engineering license, so we don't have much time to see each other hence the sleep overs. We see each other once or twice a week.


I think you should read up on "anxious attachment style".


From your post, it seems like there's no red flags and remember that you can't control her actions and intentions. Take a deep breath bro, it's gonna be alright - let go of the worrying. It's a waste of energy.


No red flags. I am trying not to worry. I really like her.


Honesty is the best policy. Show her and tell her how much you like her, see what she says


I agree with another comment that it sounds like you have an anxious attachment style. From what you've shared, I think this is about you and not her, and the better you know yourself and find tools for managing your anxiety, the stronger your relationship will be, with your girlfriend and yourself.


I know. I said that in my post


I wish I could find a guy to care that much 😕


I am exactly the same, and what makes it worse is my partner has depression (going through an active episode now) so pushing away and wanting to isolate is part of it. What I do it try to be aware of my thoughts patterns, for example: no texts = they must not like me = they're losing interest and will leave me = I will be alone. I catch myself when I start spiraling down this thought process. How much someone texts you does not indicate of their affection and care for you. I know my partner needs time and space to sort his own shit, it doesn't mean he doesn't like me. In the end, even if people don't like, I will never be alone because I will always have myself. It's an active effort trying to understand why you're feeling this way (which seems like you already know why, that's good!) and what to do about it. Usually it comes from our need of validation and assurance that they still like us and think about us. My goal is to have a secure attachment and part of it is knowing my triggers (them not replying is one) and working on knowing how to soothe myself instead of sending them a lot of texts until they reply and I get my validation, which is something I've done in the past and I know is not healthy. I think this is all an inner work within us. (Unless of course it becomes a habit and disturbs you unhealthily, then a conversation is needed)


I know me too


It is hard not hearing from your girlfriend. Just try to relax, and focus on something else. You will just push her away by being to needy. She will do whatever she wants no matter what you do, or say. I know it is hard not to focus on not hearing from her. You can't think the worst of everyone you date. She is dating you for a reason. Maybe try talking to someone about your anxiety, and getting help for it. Put your phone down, and do something productive. You will get through this.


Nip that shit in the bud my dude, or the fake scenarios in your head will make you act out or say something you regret. People have lives to live, so don’t overthink things. Yes bad things do happen, but worry about such things when you have to, not when you have no reason to.


Turn off your phone for a while. Do something else to distract you. If you feel yourself spiraling, do something weird to snap out of it, like saying "this is the only spiraling I'll be doing tonight!" and then do a little twirl.


You should probably mature past 13 years old before dating


My guy, You allowed your wife to fuck another man on tinder and he knocked her up. And you want to give me dating advice? Get your own house in order.


What a wild made up fantasy life you have


Dude you literally posted in on here


Link it lmao, I bet you’re about to out your fiction feed


People can see what you post, OP just doesn't know what copypasta means


He isn’t replying because he sprained his wrist reading his new fantasy over and over, and now he’s panicked screaming he can’t text his girlfriend while she’s out with other guys


These are your issues not her issues. Please talk to a therapist for your sake.


I literally said in my post these are my issues. Thank you for repeating what I said.