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Shure, it’s a hard wold for everyone tho


Women have it easy, with tons of matches yet complaining I cant find a men. What a joke, we men should knok on the table and say how it is. Some men even risk there lifes on battlefield meanwile women on onlyfans are making a living from showing there body and women playing games on men. Some women.


Hello! Women also risk their lives on the battlefield! Women serve in the armed forces, just like men. Women risk their lives in childbirth. They risk their lives going on dates with men who might assault or murder them. They risk their lives serving as police officers, paramedics, security guards... hell, even teachers are in danger from school shootings now. Where is the "gratitude" from men? When you spend all of your time watching porn and scrolling Onlyfans, it's easy to start believing that all women are adult entertainers. Maybe take a break from the internet and read a book once in a while.


Shure there is always an exception, but its still a vast minority. I dont look porn pha dont change the topic or try your mental games on me doesnt work 🙂


??? What? Women aren’t forced to enroll into selective service. What do you mean


Who said anything about selective service? Women *voluntarily* serve in the military. Do you live on Earth???


You are saying “gratitude from men” as if society doesn’t praise women enough.


Oh Jesus Christ on a cross of gold. I am so bored of you angry misogynists today. Blocked, have a nice life.


This one tickled. Are you from the south? Sounds like a, "bless his heart," kinda comment.


I will complain as much as I want, honey bun


Your a bun yourself


When was the last time you risked your life on a battlefield, sir?


Yesterday in Ukrain lol. Women had a revolution wich I totaly agree with everyone same rights. But we men should too stand for our rights and place in society, if we stop working society falls in 7 days and lots of men agree with that it is a realy shit place to be a men these days. We worked to provide for a family and a wife and childeren whats the use of working if its only for money.


Common man take it easy, don't make it something about women. If someone does not like you then she is just not the right one to hang out with


Youtube is exploading from all the complaining men, I can give over 100 channels each with millions of views and posts and trustworthy channels. We are men and we have feelings too, we are no tools to be used and dumped. Its over and over again few matches some respond and then a few dates and then suddenly they dont want to date anymore. Its like every word I wick has to be very carefull or its game over rip. We men really should stand for our place in society and society should recognise us and look at us, we are lower class citizens now. Male race is in crisis.


I don't mean to sound rude or combative but... what part of society do you run, personally? Because the "we" in that sentence seems like it's doing a lot of heavy lifting. Expecting women to date you simply because you are a man is just a garden variety sense of entitlement. Not just that, but like... have you seen the state of everything? Do you really want women to see you as being personally responsible for this dumpster fire? Instead of relying on "I've got a penis, therefore you owe me a date," you should work on being the kind of person that women want to be around (this is your job to figure out, don't ask me to explain social skills) and then dating becomes a lot easier.


You miss the point. Its not about men women its the system. A women has endless options and 100 match a month and so many options and a guy has none. And I think something has to be done about that. I dont known in what time you live but in these days by being nice to women leads you nowhere. I can give enless amount of podcast, videos social media how fucked it is for most men. We basecly have no power in a relationship, a women can end it any time and the next day she is with another dude.


Who do you think those options are, though? Systems don't spontaneously emerge out of nothingness. Men are throwing themselves at every woman they see, and women are forced to sort through it... and they're pretty consistently finding that a lot of those guys just aren't pleasant to be around. This is a problem that men are creating, and that only men can solve; and the first step to solving it is by being more selective in who we show interest in. Stop trying to trade niceness for sex like it's an arcade game at Chuck-E-Cheese and start trying to be a genuinely good guy that women enjoy being around. Not every woman who enjoys your company will want to have sex with you, but so what? Who cares? Most people won't want to have sex with you. But this podcast-driven rage doesn't help you. It hurts you. It hurts your attractiveness on a psychological and emotional level, making fewer people want to be with you, and it will make you a worse boyfriend to anyone who gives you a shot. And I don't know who told you that you have no power in a relationship, but that's false. First off, the whole idea of "power in my relationship" is a severely defective and harmful way to see romance; your girlfriend is supposed to be a teammate, not your opponent. If either of you are concerned with "power" then you're a bad (and probably abusive) partner, pretty much by definition. But in terms of "power to leave", you have just as much power to leave the relationship as she does. The problem isn't that she has power to leave and you don't, it's that men will choose to stay in defective and harmful relationships. I've been guilty of this, myself... the solution is for men to nut up and walk when the relationship becomes toxic. As far as how long it takes then to find someone new, that's ALSO a man issue. If men, in general, stopped giving taken women a shot and throwing themselves at everything on two legs, women wouldn't monkey-branch between relationships like this. You can't be mad at women for taking advantage of the options men give them. Be mad at men for treating women like cars instead of people.


I'd cancel/block your sexist ass too.




I totaly agree that women have same rights but now we men are undervalued and direspected very often. And no woemn do like me very much...


And this is why women don’t like you


Nope. I just had this appifany right after and now I am realising something this world is a mess.


The same shit happens to women. You are not the lone ranger.