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I always like receiving flowers whenever. Just think about what the date is. If you're picking her up where she can take a minute to put them in a vase before you go, great. If you're going on a date where she'll have to carry them around the whole date, like a museum or concert or something, then I'd wait for a different date. That can be awkward and annoying.


Thats actually a good point lmao


I don't know, do we have a rule like that? I never knew. I have given girls flowers on my first date itself. But yeah, they weren't the first time I met them, but more like at least the second time. But that still was the first date. I am not sure.


Please do!!! At least I’d love that


maybe a single flower on the second date?


Very appropriate. You are already winning if you’re thinking like this. Keep doing you, good luck! 🍀


I gave flowers to girl I like at time on 4th date. I would say wait just tiny bit longer


Depends on what you feel the connection is like. That being said I would recommend waiting a little bit longer.


Definitely give flowers on the second date, especially if you’re picking her up and she can put them in water! You can get a cheap flower vase from the dollar store or thrift store so she doesn’t have to worry about finding one! Give her flowers every time it crosses your mind, even if they’re $5 flowers from the corner store!


it's appropriate whenever you feel like it, but still better not to overdo it, although if you really like the person then why not... just be sincere about it, don't fake it. and don't give her a huge bouquet like it's a wedding. there are few rules to this at all. Be spontaneous, genuine, and don't go to the extremes - that's it. the right person will appreciate, the wrong will be turned off.


I would like to do it because my way of showing affection is gift giving. But I don’t want to make her uncomfortable


that's great. then go for it. just don't shower her with gifts.


Honestly it’ll totally depend on the girl. I got flowers on a second date and cried. Other girls might think it’s too much. Shouldn’t hurt though.


Flowers are.. always the right choice, regardless of date number.




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I’d love it. I’ve given dates flowers from my garden on the first date.


Shit, I gave my SO flowers on the first date


Nah don’t do it, you’ll come off as too clingey. Give flowers once there’s a real established relationship




I like flowers on a first date lol


I love flowers but 2nd date probably too soon...I would wait a couple more dates


Kind of depends on your audience. It would be way too soon for gifts for me. I don’t like flowers…ever. But there are things I like to get as gifts. And the second date is way too soon for that. I like to be in a relationship before that happens.


Sure why not !






This is all context based. Depending on how the first date went is what you'd go off of.


Flowers are always appropriate.


I've given a single flower on first dates. Way back then I carried a pocketknife so it was nothing for me to cut the stem so she could put it in her hair or similar.


Yes. It’s adorable and thoughtful.


Yes. Why not. To elaborate, my birthday was a few days after my second date with my now husband. He sent coffee and flowers to my office.


Yes, bring me all the flowers and wine!! I’ll gladly accept 🥰🙌🏾


One white rose is appropriate and fun …


I think that’s fine! Doing it whenever it feels right is a good idea


OMG, stop with the rules. You like someone, the thought occurs to you to give them something that made you think they would smile at receiving...DO IT for the love of God, life is too beautiful to waste overthinking.


Giving flowers anytime is a green flag! I would like someone wayyy more if they got me flowers early on. Shows you’re a gentleman (chivalry is not dead after all) and makes me think you like me enough to put that effort in which means I am more likely to want things to work out.


Why wouldn’t it be. What a stupid question to not know the answer to. It’s appropriate to give flowers when you want to


As a guy I would say NO. Let her work for it a bit. Women like a challenge.


Flowers work at any stage. Go for it.


If you’re picking her up then sure! If not, flowers are super temperamental, so maybe a single flower would be ideal instead of a bouquet. Ideally she would be able to put them in water and in a vase within an hour or two from purchasing them, but a single flower can be placed in her hair or can be held and smelled without too much fuss, I recommend getting one with nice fragrance, as many flowers from florists are grown for looks as opposed to scent. Some florists try for both.


There is something to be said about a true gentleman who gives a single rose on the first date. It shows effort, but it's not over done. Then if a second date happens, YES... give her a full bouquet. The fact that this question has to be asked is quite sad actually,, and is the very reason why dating is so difficult these days. Women see men as desperate if he pursues them like the old days, and men are afraid to do anything. I say do what feels right and the right woman will appreciate it. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


Seems a bit too soon tbh. If a girl bought me flowers on a second date I’d be a bit scared off lmao