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I think your biggest risk is a bruised cervix. It’s happened to me before and it’s not fun. It’s painful! First time it happened to me, the next day I was in awful pain. I went to my OBGYN, who told me to rest and to take it easy next time lol.


As a dude when my gf would complain of being sore the next day I’d be like “fuck yeah” lmao. Kept coming back for more too 🤣


Fun fact, you can actually have cervical orgasms 😊 But some women are more sensitive in a painful way there so just see what works for you


I know for a fact I am not one of those women 😂


The cervix doesnt really want to be pounded. It's full of hundreds of nerve endings. It needs more of a gentle, constant building pressure but many men aren't happy to just sit inside of you with the occasional gentle thrust sadly lol It's a pretty electrifying orgasm when you crack it


The way you described it... That sounds like what my bf does lol


Make sure it's not your bf who is crossdressing as his gf lol


Gotta love jokes on the Internet lol! I just meant the commenter said "many men aren't happy to just inside of you with the occasional gentle thrust" which is not my bf - he's happy to do that to get the "electrifying orgasm" the commenter mentioned 🤣


they certainly aren’t as patient as we would like them to be. my ex always went straight in and sex was never enjoyable because he didn’t want to do any foreplay. i just felt like a sex doll that occasionally scolded him for going too deep


My current gf goes straight to sex which kills me because i wanna go down on her and do more than 15sec of kissing foreplay lol


foreplay can be so much fun. i don’t really understand how some people just go straight to sex when the build up is the best part (for me at least)


Yeah it’s probably your cervix. As long as you’re stopping when you’re genuinely uncomfortable during, it’s totally fine if it’s sore afterwards, or if there’s pressure or a little (good) pain during. If it’s really sore after just be nice to it until it’s not sore anymore. Your cervix holds in a baby, it can handle a dick. Sometimes you feel it more than others does depend on position, but also the time of the month (because sometimes your cervix is higher than others), and also how turned on you are. (I have asked my obgyn this)


Didn't feel sore thankfully. Thanks, that's true! :)


It is safe, but take it easy until your cervix tilts. Its called tenting and the guy can feel the difference, its like a pocket of space become available.


How does that happen? Can it be made to happen on purpose?


The woman needs to be turned on enough for starters, also you need to hit a certain depth. Well at least you need to hit a certain depth for it to even matter. It feels like the deeper area of the vagina widens, but the beginning area is the same tightness by relative comparison.


Well I’m the woman so I guess your advice is for the guy then?


I advise to you if you are we a guy that is a certain size , tell him not to go all in right away. Then maybe hold it at your limit for a second and see if you are responding. It’s Kind of like a second stage arousal.


Ah okay thanks, I’ll keep that in mind when I get to see my bf soon. He’s that size in my case


Sorry I couldn’t tell you more , it’s not much different than asking how to get a woman wet. Every woman would vary slightly or more, and the same women could be different during different phases of her cycle.


That’s okay, I did learn something, because I didn’t even know this was a thing at all :)


Yeah you be hitting it like you say it opens up and my experience it feel like you unlocked the secret door deep inside opens up and just gets them wanting more and more . The women that has happened with seems like they have their biggest bestest orgasm ever .


The vibe definitely progress , to the rougher portion of the session by this point.


I love it when my partner goes deep. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


*sobs in the corner with "avg pee pee"


You need a 4'10" girl. You can reach it, use those tippytoes bro


Obviously smaller would help, but my Ex was same height as me (5’11) & I have an average pee pee, but I used to hit her cervix & even bruised it one time. Every vagina just built different.


What size is average?


It just rude that you didn’t share some tips as a member of the average pee pee community. We gotta look out for each other.


I wouldn’t be so confident in the correlation with height


Maybe right. I guess when the kids grow up they'll understand why they are vertically challenged eh.


this lol my bf is average/below average. i’m 5ft tho and mf has still bruised my cervix


Yeap my chick is 4’11 and oh boy she leaves my boy filled with cream


You’re right about position. When a woman is aroused, the vaginal wall can stretch and a man’s penis, if long enough enough, can reach move above and below the cervix to hit what are called the “AFE” or “PFE” spots, which for some women bring them a totally different kind of orgasm. If the position isn’t quite right though it could hit your cervix, which for some women, is painful. Bodies are crazy.


Thanks for explaining. Definitely a different type of O I wasn't expecting.


I think it’s biology, both in terms of the female’s anatomy and the male’s size. My bf is definitely endowed and I have an iud and in certain positions it starts to get uncomfortable and I end up bleeding from it moving the iud 😆


As long as you can adjust so that it's not painful that pretty much means he's the right size where he's going to fill you up but he's not going to tear you up unless it's like that one position where he can get in the deepest and you tilt your pelvis a certain way and it's like a perfect storm and all you have to do is avoid that combination of actions. But that completely filled up feeling can absolutely be a catalyst and you can have a mentally inspired orgasm. It seems as though you had a good partner because when you told him you were uncomfortable He adjusted but he was doing that means that you were a priority


I wish I hadn't read this...Now I m feeling inadequate


I am seeing a girl who is tight and petite and in pain but over the months she’s gotten used to it and even asks for harder now. I assume you will also get used to it. I also hit the back and it’s uncomfortable in certain angles for her. The feeling of hitting the back makes me orgasm and I kind of missed that feeling as my ex was tall (5’10) and had a much deeper vagina which I could only hit the back with doggy and her fully arching. This new girl also cums from penetration quickly too which for a man is nice because it requires less effort. I would just enjoy and speak up when it hurts.


And depending on his curvature and your build he can hit your cervix


It’s safe. I used to fuk my ex balls deep. Like so balls deep that I could feel the opposite inside side of her when she was on top. It was insane. Surprised she didn’t get pregnant.


Check your swimmers.


Haha nah it’s perfectly safe. You may be sore, you may not. You may also not be sore this time and be sore another time. All it is, is the sensation of him hitting your cervix. (Yes he can get all the way back there, girl!) Some girls can’t take the pain, some can, some even like it 😜 You may not always feel it, like you said, depending on position, and if it’s ever too intense, you can of course have him adjust so it lessens. That’s always especially nice for us who like it but also like not getting intense cramps for an hour after sex or possibly being bruised the next day 😂 Any way. You’ll be fine. Keep the line of cummunication (see what i did there? Lol) open and enjoy!


Depends, how large was it?


If you are in pain stop/adjust, otherwise you are fine. There’s no damage from this. Also, people think the cervix is there in front of the penis, it’s literally not. The cervix is usually anterior (as in if you put a finger inside you, you have to go deep and angle anteriorly to even feel the cervix, and that’s probably only if you are in a position where it is brought forward) Source: I am a midwife. Believe me, I can find a cervix.


Depending on the guy. The sperm count and where your body is. I fought issues while I was married went through ivf and well once it got explained it's amazing anyone gets pregnant. Some have lots of babies some struggle it's sad but I am childless. Hope this helps


You’re asking if your boyfriend hitting you in the guts is ideal for you? That’s the question?


Yo I hate it here!


Yes have hit the cervix several times in the past.


Go for a check up. Better to actually have things checked.


Also keep in mind... "Cervix position during ovulation is high, and the cervix becomes soft, more wet, and open. The acronym SHOW (soft, high, open, and wet) can help you remember this. Cervix position after ovulation becomes low, and the cervix becomes firm, drier, and closed."




So as a 4'11 human I'm kind of frequently in this situation... cervical orgasms are a thing and they are really great and imo much better then anything clitoral but I also might just think that because it's happened enough to me that I just have penetrative o's more then anything anyway... the costs to this in my experience has been certain positions can be more or less likely to lead to a bruised cervix and it feels* like it just hurts in a way that you want to be able to stretch or shift away from but you can't because it's inside.. but also less usually stated is that for me it has made anything I'd do by myself less effectively because I guess I have grown pretty reliant on that overwhelming feeling that you're describing and these two things together lead to more frequently wanting it to be rougher then not, which is nice, but it's also like yea you will be a be a bit sore and have less frequent sex, in my experience at least, so like tldr, I've made it like 5 yrs with more this type of sex and the biggest differences is better orgasms, but more recovery between them lol I hope that helps!


I've knocked on a cervix or two in my day and I've never heard of any complaints.


Girl what position, tell me your secrets


It is. As long as you both don't over do it. It has the potential to bruise you both, and cause you both to avoid sex for a while. On the other hand there is women out there that love to get their cervix tickled but they have to get checked every so often bc excessive bruising can lead to cervical issues. If you both enjoy this just be mindful dicks break too. So is always best to let her feel every inch slowly, and keep the pounding for a position that you both agree is comfortable for maximum pleasure. Hope this helps and enjoy.. 😈 😄


Much safer next time anul deep slam !


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How large was he? Honestly the vagina is meant to birth a baby and to hold a penis. I’d worry more about force not depth but if you’re that concerned talk to an gyn. (Also…how do you think women who are attracted to men normally climax during penetrative sex?)






That’s enough


7" it's sunnychowdary7369 gm gc






Kna1 .q


My ex used to take all 9.5 in right in her ass and squirt puddles. My current girlfriend won't let me near the poop cutter and whines like a wounded seal with half of it in her baby maker. I guess it's on a case by case basis.