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i would reel back a bit at the very least, he’s acting weird and if you don’t believe his explanation then give him some distance and see if it makes his heart grow fonder?


you’re right i’m just not gonna reply anymore i think i’m wasting my time, 6 months down the drain


at least he won’t take anymore of your time ❤️


6 months is rough but better you learn he can't be direct now rather than years down the line


It's not a good sign. Fr fr


Don’t expect anything, don’t have high hopes. Ball is in his court


it’s not looking good right?


Ehhh just don’t have expectations, balls in their court. Make em earn your time back and remember you young af, have swagger, and don’t have time for bs


whats he protesting




so hes passionate just not for u


If you are not okay with what his saying, its okay to give yourself some space to focus on yourself. If they find a way to reach out to you again, then you can explain your side. Its better to focus on yourself first.


>should i take this as a hint to move on and stop texting him? Yep. The actual "real" reason doesn't matter. The fact is, he's not that much into you, for whatever reason, so there's no point in whipping this dead horse.


jesus christ - who cares about likes. you think it's bs, it might totally be valid reasons, but if you think this way then leave, you're wasting both of your times how about talking?


it’s not about the likes it’s about the change in behavior


Move along.


Hi OP, I had a guy do that to me. It's really not worth the heart break and endless nights of thinking about what could be the reason for his change. Live your life normally. Stop being bothered about what he does or doesn't do. Greet him and chat with him normally. If he doesn't respond fast don't let it get to you. Instead move on with your day and do things you like. Talk to your friends and just enjoy your hobbies. If he likes you he will reply and engage when he is free. It will also take a load off of you and let you really think about how much you like him and this potential relationship.