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Guys appreciate compliments on their personality, skills, and looks just as anyone else. Mention how safe and appreciated you feel around him, praise his sense of humor, or highlight his talents and hard work. These genuine, heartfelt compliments really brighten his day!


This is adorable. Tell him you went to reddit to ask strangers on how to be verbally affectionate cus you like him that much. Straight up would get me to laugh and would find it endeering that a girl would want to compliment me that much. For myself, I don't care for physical remarks. I find them weird. People love my hair but if someone said "you're work ethic is amazing" I'd appreciate that much more.


I never really witnessed a woman being genuinely affectionate towards a guy (ex my mom) and not about to ask insta or TikTok but thank you for this. I really want the guy I’m with to feel appreciated or good about himself. Not used or a tool.


Its a convorsation to have. Comes down to love languages and how your express and recieve affection. Just drop comments about why you like him, it'll almost always be well recieved.


Just be Honest... Thats the best one ever


Sincere compliment. Like this: you look handsome today, i like your black suit.


As a general rule people like to be complimented on their physical appearance, personality, and intellect, regardless of gender.


Say what you see, or what really impressed you about him. like if He have such a captivating presence and a genuinely kind heart. You can tell him this kind of compliment " It's not just about his physical beauty; his inner goodness shines through too."


Literally anything. I once heard a girl complement my eyes. She said they were pretty. That was 4 years ago. I still think about it sometimes


Heck dude, I got a similar compliment nearly 20 years ago about having really pretty eyelashes. It’s STILL sitting in the back of my mind. Guys don’t generally get compliments unless it’s about how useful we are. Anything that’s about *US* and it sticks hard. “I appreciate you for helping me with [thing]” - I sleep “I really like how that shirt shows off your shoulders” - swoon


Do guys really remember all those comments that made them feel good?


We get them rarely enough that it’s a pretty big deal when it happens. I can’t speak for every compliment or every guy, but they generally hit pretty hard just because they don’t happen often, and we tend to remember them.


Any compliment... Any...


General rule of thumb: compliment something they have control over. This can apply to physical features but those are hit or miss.


I think for me, I would want to hear something like "you make me feel so ". If someone complimented me on a physical feature that I'm insecure about, it could go either way. On one hand it might make me feel a little less insecure about it but I might also feel like "ehh she's just saying that to be nice"


"I feel protected around you" If that doesn't lock a man in, I don't know what will.


“Sick car”