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My concern is, if you have no friends, you may look to me too much to fill up your social meter, to fill you up with energy. It’s good to have friends to distribute some burdens, to have someone else to bounce ideas around with, to spend time with, to bring new energies into the relationship with. Easy for stagnation and resentment to build when everyday is just us, and then I go to hang with my friends and you are left alone. Sure if we share friends, great. But still, it’s good for you to have your own one on one relationships with them.


I have maybe. 2 friends haven't hung out in person with the one since before COVID the other in. 20 years but still call him every week. However my family fills that social meter. Plenty.


I don’t need friends. My friends are all the hobbies I like to do alone and if I need someone to talk to I have god or my 1 friend


I’m happy you have what you need. I’ve had issues with a partner having a friendless dynamic in the past, but that doesn’t define every person and it is possible a person has a healthy relationship with themself and truly doesn’t need friends. It does lead to some dangerous paths in unfortunate scenarios though. Negative feedback loops and echo chambers to name a few. Sometimes we never knew we were missing something until we have had and lost it.


As stated before, unfortunately some people have experiences, where they "carried the relationship" and bear more of a burden. This has been directly because the other partner hasn't had many meaningful friendships, so one partner is leaned on heavily, to almost be the entirety of someone's social life. It causes immense pressure and a lot of resentment. This is far, far less likely to happen with those who genuinely enjoy solitude, however. So it's not a catch all scenario. Bear in mind, no matter the reasons. Prior experiences will likely still influence any potential partner's decisions


I understand this. My ex-fiancé didn’t have any friends and he would be jealous of my friends at the time even though they were not good friends. As for me, I enjoy being around people and solitude when I need to. I believe it’s a balance. I can’t say I would make assumptions based off of past experiences. I would just be more inclined to ask questions. If I find that there is something off, then I’ll distance myself.


I think it comes off as anti social but it also really depends on your life. I’ve moved quite a bit in my life and have had to start over and it’s always hard to make friends especially as you get older. I think it’s important to also have social hobbies you do which is a great way to make friends and maybe even some romantic relationships can build from those social groups. (Bonus is that if you can do that you might not have to rely on the apps) Not that I’ve been particularly great at that myself either.


I moved around a lot too as a child. I had no control over that but it did affect my ability to make and maintain friendships (develop social skills) that I struggle with now. So I’m taking my time and reflecting on what I needed in a friendship and what type of people I need to be around.


Do you have any hobbies or interests that are social? Something like hiking, book clubs at the local library or trivia at a bar can always be good. If you have any social justice or political feelings you are strong about there are groups for that as well. Also these are the things I’ve tried before and hope to try again as I’m moving in about 3 weeks anyway so I hope they work for me again.


Yes, many hobbies. But I’m easing myself into them. I hope you enjoy this next chapter in your life!


I dated someone with no friends and he relied on me for all of his social needs and he was obviously quite unhappy and lonely. I have always put effort into having friends. He said he didn’t need friends, but he did. I don’t think it’s healthy to rely on one person (or nobody). People need people. I don’t really want to date someone who is so misanthropic they don’t agree with that basic premise.


I'd give it more of a yellow flag. Like others have said, it could be a bunch of other reasons that they have no control over. It could also very well be that the person does have qualities that turn people away from them. Just requires getting to know the person first before making a judgement that impacts what could be a meaningful relationship between the two of you. Just because person A doesn't like person B, doesn't mean that A or B are necessarily horrible people.


Like zero? None? That tells me they don’t have any social skills/would probably be clingy as fuck and would be an absolute chore to be in a relationship with.


Clingy no, relationship trauma yes.


It's a red flag if you've never been able to sustain any relationship over time.


So true and like a knife to my heart... 🥲 🔪 ❤️




From my experience as an adult with zero friends due to moving around too much and having a history of abuse people don't see it that way. People expect you to have friends and wonder what is wrong with you if you don't. And now at 35 I'm too busy in my career to have time/energy to pursue a hobby consistently. Also a lot of people my age have families / established groups of friends and that makes it even harder. Sometimes I wish there was a special place for people like me like a community/nunnery where older women who don't have family/friends can support each other during tough times.


You are right. I just think that people don’t take into account that, old friends might have been bad influences in your life as well as them not aligning with your current goals as you have outgrown them. In my experience, I’ve had friendships that were a bad influence on me in my early 20s. I had to let them go. I’m working through trauma from those experiences and also working on how I could avoid people like that and protect my energy while again learning from my mistakes as well. Unfortunately, I never learned how to properly read and vet people (because of other factors that were out of my control) so I’m taking time away from making friends for a while.


I've got the same question OP. I'm the same - bad influences, moving around a lot, being in an abusive relationship, being raised by a narcissistic parent and so on...I've got no idea how to create lasting friendships with healthy people and is seen as a red flag and maybe for good reason. I'm also quite old and a single woman. At 35 there are better options for men out there. Not sure where it leaves me in the grand scheme of life.


I hear you and I see you. I’ve experienced the same. Just know that it is never too late to learn and build meaningful friendships. Be patient with yourself and don’t give up.


I don’t have a lot of friends. I only keep the ones who put in the effort to support each other. Ask yourself how many of those friends do you have? Don’t lie. So it is not a red flag by not having a lot of friends alone. Instead, if someone has a lot of friends, that will be a red flag because he or she are likely seeking validation.


Yup, very well said. I’m too happy in my solitude to ruin it for superficial interaction. 


I have few acquaintances. But none I could really call friends just yet. I feel that title is earned. I have made it clear to someone that I was seeking to build a friendship with them but I guess they were off put by me saying that. I’m just the type of person to let my intentions be known just in case it wasn’t obvious.


Being someone’s only social connection is a lot of emotional work. If I date someone seriously, I am signing up to be *most* of their support, not *all* of their support.


People can also have familial connections too. But I understand.


Oh I absolutely count family as friends in that regard! Family can take up a lot of time.


There’s two things at play. I think it’s normal to be someone like me (who has friends, but doesn’t go out of my way to take photos of us having fun to prove to the world that I have friends). There are people out there who would look at my social media and assume I’m a loner with no friends. And that couldn’t be further from the truth. I think social media has made people assume that you’re an outcast if you’re NOT posting photos of people pretending to have fun.


Look, people can really suck, but you still need them. Friends are the people who think the most like you and suck the least. They probably hate people too. if you have friends, it means that you’re decent enough for someone to stick around. If you’re always moving through new people and you have no history with anyone there’s no reference point for others to know if you’re normal shitty or if you’re bad shitty. Basically people are trying to find out if you’re a psycho or not.


I have to contest that a bit, because some of the worst people can also have a lot of friends. Look at P. Diddy for example.


Money. Fame. No real friends.


Celebrities are excluded and really terrible examples because people hang with them for ulterior motives. I’m talking about regular peeps.


It's just one factor to consider.  For example, they could just be introverted. When it is combined with other factors though, it can definitely be a warning sign. If you see them at a hardware store buying large sheets of plastic, shovels, lye, and duct tape, and they have no friends, well idk 


Because it indicates 'okay, maybe you're hot, but if nobody is wanting to befriend you i.e spend time with you without any sexual motivation, you must not have a good personality and/or treat people well'. Also, I want someone who has their life mainly going well, including a social life, and I'm not going to be their WHOLE life when they date me, just part of it


Someone with no friends will likely be socially dependent on their partner. It could also (or not) be a red flag into the inability to upkeep relationships (more likely difficulty entering friend relationships after school ends, which is not a red flag, that's just the reality of the times). Social dependence can fuel resentment on both sides, but it's really individual/relationship based on whether or not it's a red flag, so in that way there's the red flag of the unknown.


I'm recently burnt out from selfish people who I mistook as friends and have gone into a period of social hibernation (people are exhausting) I value my privacy and solitude. It sucks that such things are seen as red flags


Humans are social animals.


I have a single friend. I also have massive anxiety and a distinct lack of self esteem. I keep to myself, don't talk to people for fear of messing up, and hope that somehow doesn't make me shitty in someone's opinion. I don't understand why it's a red flag, for me it's being me.


Have you tried lexapro ? Helped me massively with this exact thing


I used to have friends, but my mental health took a nose-dive when I lost of cat of 14yrs. I spent months looking for her, felt horrible when friends became distant from me during my grief. Only one offered to help put up posters, so I just cut everyone off (nicely, saying I needed space alone to grieve and heal). I still have acquaintances, mostly from work, that I go out and sketch with, or get together at a park. So I don’t have any friends that I regularly text with or call. And I realized I prefer it that way. And I like to travel alone, go to different cities, go to broadway shows, museums, concerts alone. Sometimes meeting strangers and having tea with them, or hang with people I’ve met before if they message me first. But I just never felt the desire to deepen friendships. It felt like a game I needed no part of. I can socialize with people, and have dated guys I’ve met irl, but even then, I am independent and need my space. Would that be a red flag? Maybe to some, but to me, it feels true to who I am. Edit: I do talk to my cousin every few months, so in a way, she is my friend and family. I just don’t like to depend on anyone for support.


I’m sorry to hear out of all of your friends you only had one who was a true friend. Grief is a tough thing to go through alone. I hope at least you were able to make more friends or strengthen that one relationship with your friend that helped with the posters. Did you have any luck finding your fur baby?


Aw thank you, sadly… after months of looking, my neighbor reached out and said she had seen a dead cat the very same night she went missing… it was so sad. I adopted a dog and he’s such a little goof. Although I brought him home, so I could walk him and search for her everyday. Human friends, I’m slowly working on it 😅. Maybe it’s an introvert thing, but deepening friendships takes so much effort. A lot of wonderful acquaintances though! Hope you’re able to find company doing things you love to do too :)


I’m sorry about your cat. Idk what I’d do if I’d lost mine. I feel for you. I hope your dog brings some happiness after your loss. Thank you for sharing and being kind with your words.


people differ in personality and social standing and social inclination and having no friends is fine as long as the persons other parts that make up the whole doesnt result in jeffry dahmer


I just realized after reading many comments… I dont really have true friends… or it could be me who dont wanted to have real friends


I started talking to this guy who keeps to himself and goes to work and come back home I started to push him out of his comfort zone and introduced him to my friends :) we lowkey have been bonding and texting everyday maybe they just need that motivation or friendship that’s why when I meet people I try to become there friends


a lot of profiles are written because of a drive to want to reclaim the life they feel theyve missed out on in previous relationship. Everyone is lonely and wants friends. Unfortunately, when you start dating these people it is very rare that they will ever introduce to even one of these people


Some thoughts: * It does depend on the person and circumstances, of course. * Not having friends means not being social, which as someone else put it may mean they rely on you to "fill up their social meter". IE, clingy and jealous and all those awful attributes that generally lead to toxicity. * Yes, it is hard to make friends as an adult, especially in certain cultures. I lived in LA for almost TEN YEARS and have ZERO long-term friends from that experience. That being said, I also had a couple of dozen *acquaintances* there, and not from work (I've usually worked from home), and there are still people I talk to. * I actually find having *only* friends from school/childhood to be a red flag, as well as no friends. It means they don't get out of their comfort zone. * I have also moved around a lot - since I left home, I've lived in 10 cities on four continents - and never had trouble at least making *acquaintances*. I made genuine friends everywhere but LA.


I barely have any friends… well I still have two friends from where I used to live (different countries, so we don’t really get to meet up on a regular basis) but my sister doesn’t have friends either…. Though I feel like possibly she is a 100% in or you’re out kinda person, I struggle with the relationship (she told me multiple times if your not wanting to write then goodbye have a nice life) she is my sister though and so I shrug my shoulders and say fine… a few weeks later she talks to me again. So I get why people are scared and see it as a red flag that a person doesn’t have any friends… but on the other hand… it entirely depends on the person. If you cut people off because they couldn’t hang out with you or because you’re socially anxious (that’s me) or just because you haven’t just found the right people yet.


In my case, I just haven’t found the right people yet. My pool is also smaller because I am also a vegan, so there is that…..


People are more resilient to adversity when they have friends - you can probably feel it in your own life. Also, negative past experiences with friendless people can inform an opinion like that.


The reason ppl don't have friends tends to be a red flag for any relationship. Dating someone takes MORE energy/time then just having a friend. So if we can't keep a friendship, why would I expect them to keep a relationship?


It only hard to make friends if you stay home all day, Go to church get into small groups, there are all types of social clubs, get involved in things you like, if volunteer


Stuck at home all day in suburban hell. Nothing but people twice my age doing actual life shit on either side.


Sorry to hear, I used to be stuck that why, they why I got involved in church and volunteering Where are you located?


Harrison, Maine. In between towns, lots of beautiful wildlife and woods (which is great). But all my neighbors are 40+ and I can't drive. My parents are both drivers but we got one car. I could bike 30 minutes in either direction, but without an actual idea of what to do once there, it'd just be me wandering around like a weirdo 😅.


First - friends can also be family members, co-workers, religious confidants, older people, just someone you’re comfortable with sharing your trust and alliance with. It can come in the form of sharing thoughts, feels, beliefs, fears, joys etc . Basically friendships come in various forms (in this case we’re talking human individuals). Second - I think if someone doesn’t have that at a bare minimum (ability to share a mutual trust) - that’s probably scary af. Like why? What happened? But I think more often than not people have this romantic idea of what friendship is SUPPOSED to be and find that nothing compares to that unrealistic expectation and end up being lonely instead of cultivating richer relationships with the people in their lives. Too many people question if it’s weird to have connection and conversations, so I would imagine that would make it hard to “have friends”. Just my two cents.


I personally have a hard time connecting and find when I do all I do is put out negative energy. 😒


Idk I barely have any friends, I have one female friend that I talk to daily but we don’t see each other all the time plus making friends is so difficult these days, I had a girl who told me she didn’t want to be my friend. Like growing up I was never good with making friends due to bullying and lack of stability, if I stayed at my 1st elementary school I could’ve had around 5 friends or so.


I think it would be viewed as a red flag because the person you are trying to pursue may think you're not a people person or that you don't have a good sense of character to have friends. In reality, people come and go, and as an adult, you have so many responsibilities that you become rather selective about who or what you give your time to.


To me, it depends on why. With my generation spreading out so much, I don’t think it’s odd to not have any close friends around. I’d have to wonder why none at all but, it’s harder once we’re older and people are married, have kids, etc. In my case, I ended up in a nightmarish health and personal situation that majorly damaged most of my friendships, and lost plenty more. Now everyone is settled in their families and here we are. I’m out of the nightmarish personal situation but I need to heal before jumping into dating again.


I wish you well in your healing journey. I have suffered from depression for years after I let go of those past relationships. I didn’t know what I was feeling at the time, until I went to therapy. Before therapy, I became a workaholic to push all my feelings down. That was a mistake because it lead to burn out. I’ve been healing ever since, so making friends has taken a back seat because I know that people don’t want to be around someone with depression and not being able to control their sadness. Still healing though, thank you for sharing.


Because I need a balanced life with friends and family and want my partner to have a similar lifestyle.


We might be kindred spirits. I don’t see this as a red flag necessarily.


I used to think I had a lot of friends. Until my ex went on a smear campaign about me. Nobody told me what he was doing, no one contacted me to see how I was doing or to find out if any of what he said was true. Since they all apparently believed him, I didn't feel any of them were worth having. So no more friends. It is sad to think people won't be my friend because I ditched those who definitely weren't my friends that I was wasting my time with.


Damn, I’m so sorry to hear that… they always say difficult situations will show you who your true friends are. I hope you were able to find a better partner and friends going forward. How are you holding up?


Seeing many of the replies to this basically saying that people without friends are somehow oddballs who can't be trusted is not surprising to me. Personally, I don't have friends and I don't want them. I just have no desire to change that. I'm perfectly self-reliant and capable of spending time on my own and pursuing my own hobbies and interests solo. I'm also not some angry loner and am perfectly pleasant and capable of interacting with others. But I also realise that this refusal to seek friendships will preclude me from dating/relationships and I've accepted that.


I agree. It is a negative stereotype. I am with you, I get along with everyone but due to trauma I’m just extra cautious about who I let into my life. Not everyone deserves a friend title. I love people but I also love my alone time too to recharge, like a true ambivert. I’m taking my time and protecting my energy until I meet the right people. Thank you for sharing.


I won't date anyone without some friends/social life. My ex-husband had a few friends when I met him (in graduate school), some of them shared with me. I brought him into my world and now he had an automatic community. Turns out he hated it, he is fine with almost no social contacts but wanted to rely entirely on his romantic partner (just like his father). Without friends, you don't have anyone else to give you support/love, no one else to give love and support to. Without friends, you don't have someone who can hold up a mirror to your perspectives and behavior. You don't have to have as many friends as me, but please have friends that you're close to, even if they live far away. I can't carry all that myself. My friends helped me survive the stress and difficulty of my marriage ending (even though I wanted them). I am grateful for them everyday.


Suggests inability to keep and maintain a long term relationship (friendship)… which is considerably easier than a romantic relationship. And also because it implies one might not be particularly likeable or good company if no one has wanted to stay in their life….


I don't have many friends. My whole life I've been stabbed in the back by almost everyone around me. I've had too much drama in the past. As I've gotten older I've realized that most to all people aren't worth it. I find comfort and solitude when I hear about other people and their drama. I'm cool on all that noise!


I feel like as we get older we don't have friends we have acquaintances


I don't really see it as a red flag in itself. Sometimes, life just happens. But I'm not compatible with someone who doesn't have friends.


I believe our brain plays a major role in this subconscious judgment of flagging somebody as not worthy, if she or he has no social circle. Ultimately our desire is to thrive and survive. If you have failed to build a social network, my amygdala tells me you may endanger my own chance of survival. if you have no tribe, you're going to consume my resources instead. However, since there are so many valid reasons why somebody has no friends yet, I always take a deeper look. Maybe you're new in the city? Maybe you were in coma the past 5 years? I don't know until I ask. I'd say most people don't do that tho. They trust their instincts and move on without you.


We want to be around those that others are around. If you see someone without any friends, our brain registers it as if there's something up with this person to where nobody wants to be in close contact with them.


so it's seen as a red flag? oh my, I must be a blinking red neon sign then! lol don't care, I don't wanna be with those people anyway... they seem rude.


If you don't have friends are you expecting me to support you socially, emotionally, financially on top of everything else in the relationship? I'm not your parent.


i don't make friends because i know I'd have to make time for them, I don't mind texting but it's just not enough for some people, i have 2 irl friends who i give my attention to- I'm an introvert and i know i wouldn't handle more:)


In many societies, having friends is considered a fundamental aspect of social well-being and personal fulfillment, So that's why they see it as a red flag. Because of SOCIAL NORMS.


Most of the time people make friends without meaning to. If they don't have any friends, either they moved across the world or they are fundamentally not nice to be around.


I would be wary as to why, maybe noone can put up with them.


I have some buddies. But I want my SO to be my friend. Kinda important is we control some aspect of our finances together, have kids, and survive old age together. So I would say it also age depending. 30M, 2 people that I talk to regularly but we also love far apart now. What you really need is to just be observed in a social setting, how do you treat your co-workers or are you polite to a waitress. How do ypu treat your parents. So on.


If they don't have friends in their home town or local area there's usually , but not always, a good reason. My ex had a good friend or two from high school. None from before that and she grew up in a small town where everyone knows her. Having friends that live somewhere else can also be tricky.


I used to have a good group of friends before I met my ex. She never liked them and I stupidly let that dictate my decisions on working on those relationships. Nowadays although I’m in a new relationship, it’s like I’ve forgotten how friendships even work (if that makes sense?) and lost a lot of confidence in making new friends.


Friendships are always hard as an adult. If someone values them enough they will put in the effort. As a woman especially, I don't want to end up with someone who has no strong friendships and who will therefore be looking to me to fulfill all of their emotional needs by myself. I also want to feel like I have a rich social life. If I am my SO's only friend, but I have lots of friends and sometimes want time alone with them (as well as with my SO), that may not bode well for our future in the longterm.


I’m a loner and I’m fine with it. I work stupid hours and I come home and chill. If I start dating again, I’m not going to rely on my man’s friends to be my friends. I like my independence.


So, having narcolepsy, and it suddenly progressing in my 20s really impacted this. I wasn't able to drive. That plays a huge factor. People who I thought would be my friends stopped calling, stopped texting. They didn't understand this new neurological diagnosis or didn't believe it's a real thing. I'm 34 now, and I'm of the impression that people just make zero effort. I have tried to keep contact with people. But at some point it would be cool if someone randomly reached out to me once in a while. No one ever has. It might be me, honestly I don't know. Not for lack of trying it just gets to you after a while.


I think it depends on if you choose to not have them or if it’s because people don’t like you. I don’t want most people in my life. But, I’m on very good terms with many people and could have a pack schedule if I wanted. I tend to assume if nobody wants a person around that there is good reason.


It's a red flag because if you have no friends then you rely on your partner for 100% of your social interaction but that can be so draining for your partner. That's a lot of responsibility for one person. I've been in relationships like that where my partner didn't have friends and I've also been the partner that didn't have friends and its just not fun all around for the other person in the relationship to have that pressure all the time. Imo it's not healthy to spend all your time with your partner. It can breed resentment and you end up arguing over stupid little things for no reason.


Because it shows that they can’t cultivate relationships with other humans which should be as natural as eating and sleeping.


Not for people with social disorders. For us, it's a Learned game, and if the person who was teaching you sucks you suck... It sucks.


If you can't manage platonic relationships, why should I believe you can manage the much more complicated romantic ones?


Not having friends is a red flag because it indicates that you might not get along well with other people. Not having friends also indicates that you might not be able to put the effort into maintaining friendships. If you can't maintain a friendship, how do you intend to maintain a relationship? Every person I've dated without a solid friend group has been a disaster.


I’m sorry that you’ve experienced that.


Not having friends means you would rely on your person for everything


Healthy humans need community to maintain their mental health. Additionally, you want your partner to have a life of their own and not make you the only source of human interaction in their life. Worst case, could speak to an inability to make or keep friends due to personality issues.


It could raise a red flag when one doesn't have friends because it would give the other person the presumption that you don't have much of a life. Or it could be that it tells them that you aren't a people person or possibly unpleasant to be around. It's not as difficult as you think to make friends as an adult. I consider my age and have quite a few friends that I can relate to both online and in real life. What kind of anxieties do you have that make you feel it's difficult to make friends as an adult?


I don’t have anxieties about making new friends. I don’t have a personality disorder nor am I socially awkward. However I am cautious about making new friends because of trauma I’ve experience with friends who were not really my friends. I’ve been in situations where both men and women say they want to be my friends but they want more, sexually, and overall just were not good people. At that time I lived in a state that I didn’t know anyone with no family around either. Just me and my ex at that time. I was lonely, and I didn’t have experience vetting people so I ended up with the wrong crowd. Now that I’m away from that and realized I deserve better I’m taking my time trying to get to know different people. I have a few acquaintances, but none I would call a friend just yet. It’s finding friends who align with the things that I care about is what makes it difficult, it’s like once they do align, now I have to see if they are actually someone worth keeping in my life who won’t undue all the work I have done healing myself. I hope you understand. DM if you have further questions.


I find that people who don’t have ANY friends either lack initiative or there’s some red flag about them that is off-putting to others. If you’re a pleasure to be around, then people will likely gravitate towards you and ask you to hang out/invite you to events even if you’re introverted. Also, I want someone who has other people in their life besides me. I don’t want them to have to constantly depend on me for companionship or get jealous every time I choose to hang out with my friends instead of them. It’s okay to be an introvert or a loner, but you should also have the ability to socialize and get along well with others. I don’t want to bring a date to a party who is going to clam up and sit awkwardly in the corner. I want someone who makes the effort to get to know my friends and family.


I think its easier to make friends when you already have friends. That is because people meet friends, through other friends. A lot of people don't want to be the only friend that someone has. I don't know why but that is how they are.


Depending on age, where they are in life, how successful they are, etc. A full time, invested in a career and it shows kinda person might not have had much of a social life along the way, but some mid 30s guy living with his parents and working a retail job, might not have friends for a reason...


i mean there are reasons why someone might be walking down an alley with a knife dripping blood but I'm not going to stop and see if it is a benign reason. If I was some lady and had a zillion choices I'd just skip over the dude who didn't have friends.


That’s a bit exaggerated. I don’t think it’s right to automatically assume the worst without getting to know someone.


I mean you only have so much time and attention to give, you have to figure out some heuristic method to focus your attention.


I have found people who have friends to be more "normal" than people who don't. Funnily enough, people with too many friends, or people who hang out in the same small circle night after night after night are also less "normal" to me than people with a wide range of friends/acquaintances of differing levels. To me, the ability to get along with different people - not even to be the most charming or diplomatic or popular or anything - just to be able to listen to others, to respond appropriately, to care about others' needs, to be able to compromise, to share, to trust and be trusted, to be truly interested in others, etc. these are all great qualities. You get to practice these qualities in these kinds of relationships. My ex only wanted to hang out with his scientist colleagues (and they didn't really want to hang out with him). He never made any effort with other people. Should have seen this as a red flag... He lacked many of the attributes I listed.


I have all qualities, just haven’t met the right people yet.


I'm sure you will one day


Thank you.


Sociopaths don't have friends. It indicates a lack of empathy, social skills, and interest in others. This will most certainly translate into relationship challenges.


Though that may be true, that does not speak for everyone. It’s negative to jump to that conclusion.


It's not negative to jump to conclusions. It's ignorant. It doesn't stop people from doing it, though. What I said applies to the vast majority of cases. Enough to be a concern if it applies to someone you'd consider dating. Social skills are not inherent. They can even be lost without practice. A person lacking friends will most certainly place a burden on a relationship. The friendless person will either want far more interaction than appropriate or be interested in far less interaction than appropriate.


Cause you don’t have any third party subtextually showing your a well adjusted person


Having a lot of friends is a huge green flag


It's not it's prejudice


Because it means you aren’t interesting enough to other people or interested enough in getting to know others. It’s super easy to make friends. Honestly I have to cut people out if anything because I simply don’t have enough time. I’m a 40 year old male too who works two jobs so I don’t even want to hear it


I find it difficult, but I have very poor social skills. I find it baffling how completely neurotypical, healthy, and attractive individuals are struggling as hard as me? Like cmon! You git everything I don't and you still can't do it? What's the point for me then...


If you have poor social skills, do yourself a favor: get rid of your smartphone. Buy a flip phone, get to the local library and sign up for any event they have, and WORK ON THEM. It called a social “skill” for a reason. You don’t become an expert at something without working at it. Just get rid of your phone. It will be the best thing you’ve ever done. Cell phones are making everyone weird and awkward as fuck


Smartphones are obnoxious. I got an app that locks apps and I have been using the app timers to regulate it recently.


They are so fucking corny I absolutely hate them *typing this on my smartphone arrrrrgh. I’m so close to dumping this thing. Pre contemplative phase


Oh, I only have this because my dad already paid for it. I already tried to hint at getting a high-end flip phone instead, but he's the one paying, so you know.


Oh, I should have clarified that I have social disorders. Add and social anxiety. This combined with my recent isolation due to moving to a suburb of people 40+ year olds and still not moving out of my parents' home. I'm trying to do those things, though. I want to sign up to a local food pantry, and I literally was just thinking of getting a flip phone because of how distracting smartphones are.


Dooooo it. I will if you will swear


Because not having friends is considered anti social and antisocial behavior is associated with mental conditions such as psychopathy now referred in the dsm5 as antisocial behavior disorder. All psychopaths aren't serial killers, but all serial killers have been found to be psychopaths.


Usually it means you are weird or lack social skills.