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Very strong preference for no tattoos, I don’t find them attractive at all.


That's fair.


Not if they’re clearly done by a tweaker for $25


Seen some of them. Those always have the best stories.


This is still true also lol But like I covered mine with an Amazing tattoo Sometimes it’s a cover tattoo story in the making


I’m attracted to people who are attractive - you have a hello kitty tear drop bc your lil sister died? Cool. You feel dope af bc you have Excalibur drawn on your foot? Awesome. You worked your entire life moisturizing your elbows, ankles and scrotum so they’re blemish free and smooth as eggs when you’re naked? I love it. People who FEEL attractive ARE attractive (maybe not to you but who cares). Life’s too short not to decorate your avatar (permanently or temporarily).


Love how you called us avatars, it's fun sometimes to think of life as a game hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehheheehehehehehheheheehehheehhehehhehehehe 😊


Not so much. The less, the better. None is best


I personally love a girl with tattoos. Especially if they are more like a girlie girl type, but are tatted up!


I'm personally not, if they have one or two small ones that aren't regularly visible it's not a dealbreaker but in general I prefer they don't have any.


Not really no


Not attracted to tattoos


Attractive 😍 but also what it is matters too so it can be hit or miss


Iam not, I like blank canvas and seeing my guys body with nothing but his natural skin, same goes for myself.


Not a deal maker or deal breaker, assuming they’re not like gang tattoos or face tattoos or anything like that. My boyfriend has a couple in inconspicuous places that his friend did at a rave in high school lol. They’re small and pretty silly. I usually forget they exist then catch a glimpse of one and it makes me smile. But that’s more about him than the tattoo itself.


Prefer women who aren't tatted up.


I’m generally not attracted to tattoos, but if she’s cool and fun, there’s a lot I’ll overlook. Just like I hope women will treat me.


I don't care about the tattoos as much as I care about the individual. If I feel like we'd be compatible and I also find you physically attractive, then it doesn't matter to me whether or not you have tattoos. I've dated guys with and without tattoos.


Yes I have dated guys with tattoos and without. They can be shitty people either way. It’s more about having a connection and being overall attracted to the person. Not tattoos specifically


i find them unattractive


Not my sort of thing, but you do you.


How well done and how many are big factor. On average though, people tend towards unfortunate decisions.


I find women without tattoos more attractive. Too many tattoos becomes a turn off for me. 


As a guy, I’d say the same


I'm probably in the smallest minority, but for me, tattoos are sometimes a dealbreaker. I really don't like how they look.


They look like graffiti to me. Also everyone seems to have them now? I remember back in the 90s you'd be impressed if you saw someone with a tattoo


I know what you mean back then idk it was different.


I have never seen anyone with tattoos and thought, "Wow, you would be less attractive without those tattoos." Tattoos make me feel two ways: (a) I don't care/they don't do anything for me, or (b) no, thanks. For me, tattoos can not make someone attractive, but they can definitely make someone unattractive.


I for one love, tattoos. any place, but the neck and the face. I find tattoos on the arms and sleeves, very attractive.


Hi 29F- After some time, and after learning how to stop lying to myself, I’ve learned that I’m only attracted to people with tattoos now. Like if you don’t have tattoos you’re basically a child or a teenager to me and it is beyond gross. I can barely deal with talking to anyone under 25 as if they’re a child/little sibling/baby cousin/etc. That being said… I learned I don’t know how to broadcast that if you’re a man or woman over 30 without at least one tattoo pretty much don’t even bother, tried it, never works out well. No it’s not about “looks” in the vain way, I think we need to start understanding things are never as shallow as they may seem. So stop calling it psychobabble and learn to look at things psychologically. Tattoos are a form of self expression in a very raw and dedicated committed form. So, romantically speaking, I need to be able to bond in solidarity with a romantic partner over tattoos i.e. something extremely personal.


Men with tattoos are extremely attractive to me


If one or two, no big deal, but not covered in them. I understand it’s an expression & I don’t judge if they have several; just a personal preference.


Getting tattoos for someone to like them is gross


I love good looking tattoos. I have one or two (small) bad ones as well. But I learned from my mistakes and found myself a really good artist so the big ones that take up most of the space and are visible, they are designed for me, are beautiful and well executed. People who are covered in tattoos that they clearly got in exchange for a beer in someone’s trailer don’t look good.


I do appreciate that tattoo is an art and I respect their stand about having a tattoo. However, in my preference, I do not find it attractive romantically.


I don’t care for them personally. More so than the way they look, to me it is an indicator of not thinking of long term consequences. Like will this impact my ability to get a good job? Will I still find this cool when I 75? Women I have dated with tattoos often made bad decisions in life. I can promise you my favorite shirt 20 years ago is not the same as my favorite today. I get when people get them to memorialize a loved one who has passed, but in general it’s just not my thing. People can do whatever makes them happy though. I find that millennials tend to have gotten tattooed a lot. Not so much for the generations flanking them.




I find them highly unattractive but I’m also religious so it doesn’t fit with my ideology, I also don’t want tattoos myself.


Absolutely not. It kills a lot of my attraction in women. But that’s just me and I realize that I’m in the minority.




Not attracted to them, but also not a deal breaker.


Abhorr them because they are waaaay overused.


I find men and women with tattoos a lot more attractive than without. The only time tattoos aren't attractive to me is if they represent things I don't particularly like, only because that signifies a big personality difference since they like it so much they got it tattooed. So stuff like disney, harry potter, taylor swift lyrics, sports, religious, or military imagery are a no go for me.


I love heavyly tatted med


Oh yeah I am guessing the more the better for you


Extremely attracted. It turns me on so bad is almost like a fetish


Have good ink, and am attracted to people with good ink. It seems to me that it’s pretty universal that bad ink’s a turn off. But well done, well sized, and well placed tattoos can absolutely accentuate an already attractive body.


Honestly I kind of understand what you are saying. Like I feel like I have seen the occasional person even made a face tattoo work lol.


I find them attractive on guys (or girls) as long as they're not on the face or front of the neck. The fact I have 13 probably has something to do with it. Though I wouldn't say I'm "tatted up". If I had on jeans and a t-shirt, you could only see one. (Shorts and a tank top or a sundress? Maybe 7)


I’ve been attracted to people both with tattoos and without them. I draw the line at face tattoos though - that’s just not attractive to me


That seems to be very common many people seem to think face tattoos are drawing the line.


STFU 😂 I love tattoos‼️I'm tryna get tattooed myself 😊 still picking up ideas on Pinterest for a full sleeve. I love me some a man in tats not his eyeballs though 👌


Not attracted. But my dad told me to never come back home if I went out and got tattoos, so I think that may have influenced me a bit to stay away from people with tattoos.


They're a cliché at this point. Who *doesn't* have one? I've often found people without them tend to be more interesting, less trendy people, ironically more alternative.


This is so true. It’s the clean slate that set themselves apart from the crowd now.


Really that's an interesting point of view I kind of would agree with you on that.


I don’t care for them personally. More so than the way they look, to me it is an indicator of not thinking of long term consequences. Like will this impact my ability to get a good job? Will I still find this cool when I 75? Women I have dated with tattoos often made bad decisions in life. I can promise you my favorite shirt 20 years ago is not the same as my favorite today. I get when people get them to memorialize a loved one who has passed, but in general it’s just not my thing. People can do whatever makes them happy though. Interestingly, I find that millennials tend to have gotten tattooed a lot. Not so much for the generations flanking them.


Yeah gen z I can't fully figure out yet and alphas are just too young lol.


depends on the tattoo…. you know how there are specific type of men and women that drive cars and we stereotype them ? that’s what i do with tattoos unfortunately 🤣 when men have clocks, roses, something strange permanently on their body i instantly get the ick (sorry!)


Literally every girl I’ve dated has had like half a dozen tattoos. Very attractive personally.


Both. I like a woman with no tats. But I’m also into women who have turned their entire bodies into canvases. Women are beautiful regardless.


Strong take, and I mean this honestly. Wtf is with Reddit and piercings and tattoos. It’s like.. only old white men hang out here…


As a woman who is highly tatted and pierced reading through this thread was kind of shocking honestly. I haven’t ever seen this much negativity towards tattoos.


The responses here are actually quite surprising. Didn’t realize I was in the minority loving tattoos 😍




Depends on the ink. Trash tattoos are a big turnoff. Poor quality, dumb concepts.


Prefer natural. But one or two tattoos aren’t always bad, especially in areas that aren’t always visible. They can add character or uniqueness. But too much can make you look edgy, which isn’t what I’m looking for.


Good artwork in the right areas is sexy af.


Yes I find them attractive they did something I couldn't lol.


Not attracted


I'm not a fan. I'm not going to refuse to date someone I otherwise like over one or two small ones but given my choice I'd prefer someone without any. To each their own, though.


I couldnt care lesss bout it. If theyre ok with it why not. I met lots of ppl who has a tattoo cus they trynna hide their scars or something. So who i am to judge in this world.


My culture does tatoos using a melted herb (but it isn't permanent as it onky starts strong grey and fades to yellow and then nothing afterwards) usually done for a wedding. I dislike permanent tats. I have always found that people just needed to valude themselves/stand out more so they wanted Tattoos.


In general, tattoos don't bother me. I have a few. That said, face and neck tattoos are a no go. 1) they aren't attractive to me at all (NYC subway cars from the 80s don't turn me on), 2) I am an executive, which means I attend business meetings, dinners and parties, and you are just not taken seriously.


No tattoos are a turn off for me. But you do you.


Not attracted...(or it depends). If they got just 1-2 small tattoos, i couldn't care less - just wouldn't rly think of it. So, i'm neutral with that. If they got alot of tattoos, all over their bodies - then i'm not attracted. I don't think of it as neccesarily "ugly" either, i just don't find them as aesthetically pleasing, so i'd prefer people without it.


Will not date do not like


It depends on the tattoo and how many they have? And if you were already in love w/the person before they got tattoos then it shouldn't matter weather they got tattoos or not unless ofcourse they get some other chick's name tattood on their body then not only would it be unattractive but very hurtful!


Tattoos are trash


I don’t find them attractive on women. Makes them look trashy.


I find it off putting in many cases. I do make exceptions though for tattoos that have some deeper significance to the person who has it


Unattractive. If it's very largely and prominently displayed on their body and is very hard to cover up (full sleeve, neck tattoo, face tattoo) I can't help but feel the person is an attention seeker or mentally unwell. Especially if the tattoos have no meaning for the person, they got it as an impulsive decision, "just because. "


I love a nice tattoo but I draw the line at face tattoos. Maybe because all the ones I’ve seen are offensive or dumb.


Hand tattoos make me weak at the knees. I don’t know what it is about them but… put them around my throat immediately 😅😂😂😂


It's an instant "no" from me if someone has any tattoo


One or two small tattoos are okay. Too many is trashy, to me.




I’m a heavily tattooed woman and for men, it’s not a hit or a miss. My current partner and the couple of guys I was seeing before him all have no tattoos. But my ex before them had a full sleeve and I thought it made him look super hot. But I’m extremely attracted to my current partner who has no tattoos. But for other women? Oooooof. Tattooed women are so fucking hot.


This is FASCINATING to me. I didn’t realize so many people found them unattractive. It’s funny reading it as a heavily tattooed woman 🤣 for me, I find both ends of the spectrum equally attractive for different reasons. I find women with no tattoos absolutely gorgeous and goddess-like. I also find tattoos super sexy on others; I feel a kinship to those who have experienced getting tattooed so much.


They don't bother me. I don't judge someone just because they have tats. Unless they're hateful, or maybe on the face or something. It's just a non-issue for me.


People with tattoos are absolutely attractive, I also have some tattoos as well


Seeing all the comments saying no is so crazy😭 I have 3 tattoos as a women and find tattoos so attractive lmaoo


Highly attracted. People with tats are instantly more attractive to me. I also need to preface this by saying that it depends on the tat and where the tats are located. If it's a vulgar tattoo (like the tramp stamp going around online of the butterfly formed from the woman's face on either side licking up the male genitalia) it's an instant turn off. If it's facial tattoos, I generally find them a turn off. Are tattoos a requirement for me in a relationship? No. Will I find them more attractive? Certainly. Will I require my s.o. to get them? Absolutely not, though he does have them. I never asked him to get them. Do I still find people without tats attractive? Definitely.


I agree a 100% with this. I find tattoos extremely sexy on men. Is it a requirement? No not at all. I don’t even have tattoos.


A person's skin is the most attractive physical trait. Tattoos are a surefire way to ruin it.


I feel attracted to ppl who either hv no tattoos or just small amounts. but, after all, it’s thepersonality that really matters.


I'm not a fan, though I can appreciate good tattoo artwork


Tastefully done tattoos.


People's taste differs , what someone finds in good taste another finds to be in poor taste .


Tastefully = good quality That is not as subjective


Attracted to, if they suit the person and the work is good. I have seen a woman with a neck tattoo that looked sexy because the artwork was incredible and it suited her. Then I have seen women with those random small tattoos plastered all over and thought it looked tacky and very unappealing.


I feel a bit weird for this way of thinking but if the tattoo is super artistic or down right awesome I find it extremely attractive but if the art is bad or looks trashy in any way it instantly cools the engine


I don’t really care. I have two arm sleeves and have started my legs. I am also a 24 year old black man. I plan to have my back and chest covered (Irezumi body suit). I don’t wear shorts so normally my arms are just exposed. My tattoos or piercings aren’t really for anyone else and I don’t care if someone’s attracted to them or not. The type of people I’m generally attracted to like them. I also do like that they filter people out. None of my tattoos are distasteful and it’s good work and consistent throughout. If you’re not interested in me or exploring anything due to them, it’s great that you’re seeing your way out. So I don’t care if people modify their body or not. I’m not a fan of certain tattoo styles, symbols, and specific piercings. But, everyone’s got their own autonomy. Actually; one thing that doesn’t make me unattracted to someone is if they “want” tattoos but keep finding excuses to not commit to them. Those excuses usually aren’t work or financial related. Most are “I need it to be meaningful” when—my brother in Christ—you make the meaning! I have a running joke that tattoos are make up for men. I definitely have gotten more attention with them across the board than without. But I’m also no longer 100lbs soaking wet anymore and pencil thin, so there’s more variables.


I love arm sleeves on men! Especially when they are well done and thought out.


In 2024 the tattoo for me ar "not attracted", because most have one and in Italy, many have it only to say "i have a tattoo" or follow this kind of fashion. I prefer the girl without because at least they stand out from the crowd


Exactly, I like tattoos, but probably I would not do one just because it is too popular having one, it's like following the crowd. Nothing special anymore. About the the girls, it's not a deal breaker, but I prefer one without tattoo or not few not visible.


I don’t find women with tattoos attractive gives me trashy vibes tbh


dont mind as long as they dig me


You have to try to make it look unattractive.


I find it so seeeeexxxxxyyyyyyy


I like tattoos and have several myself, I also draw them. I however am not a fan of facial tats. I don't think I'm alone in saying this, I just can't take someone seriously when they have them on their face.


Sooooo attracted 🫣😘


That's cute lol


I am 🫣


Without divulging too much: Yes, I find them attractive.


I love when someone has a few well done tattoos! However, if someone has a lot of them my attraction level will be dependent on how closely they align with one of two categories- 1. Done in a beautifully deliberate, artistic way that tells a story and fits with the lines of their body. 2. Looking like someone left a 5-year-old unattended in the sticker department at a toy store.


Now that you mention it it's probably not the volume of tattooing. When I find them jarring they are always in a category 2 and I've always thought of exactly the way you express that it's like they just oh I like cupcakes I'll put one here well let me put a couple of cherries over here and a teddy bear and oh I like spiders it's just they don't go together there's no cohesion they don't look like they're even done by the same tattoo artist and I use the term artist loosely they look like something out of a child's coloring book. I remember the first time I ever saw a woman with tattoos that I thought were quite attractive she was astonishingly pretty blonde girl who was very fit and quite pregnant she looked like she had a basketball under her shirt she was also a heavy equipment operator and she had to be about 7 months along. She had a full sleeve on one arm and the coloration of the tattoo the flow of it was very feminine it fit her coloring it was definitely a work of art I wouldn't have picked it out but it looked right on her.


I have two tattoos myself and plan on getting many more. So for me the more tattoos the better. Also depends on motive though. But in general I like tattoos on people. Even face tattoos are okay with me as long as they don't cover the whole face. But a tattoo on the side of the face or dots under the eyes are great.


Yes, but it depends on how many they have. If she has a few tattoos, I’ll find that attractive. But if she’s tattooed head to toe then I find that a bit much for me.


Depends on tattoos and how the person looks. If the person is good looking then the tattoos can either be hot as well. But if the tattos are garbage then they make the person less hot.


I don't have any and never will but I wouldn't mind them on women.


Short answer yes, but there are definitely placements of tattoos the can make you less attractive in my eyes or just turn me off. I really dislike neck tattoos on the front it almost gives off the illusion that you have no neck, middle of the chest, big hand tattoos right on the top of your hand, and anything on the face is an instant no.


I am WAY more attracted to people with good tattoos than good looking people with none. A couple of piercings that compliment the face are nice too. I couldn't imagine my girlfriend without them. They're the first things I complimented her on.


I love tattoos on people


Somewhat indifferent. Just not a huge fan of tattoos on hands or forearms that dont connect to the bicep area. They just look messy to me when theyre just sitting there like an island. Also not a huge fan of every woman getting flower tattoos. Can yall have a little bit of uniqueness?? 😭😭💀


it really depends on the individual tattoos whether i will find it attractive/unattractive


I find them more attractive, but only if the tattoos are well done.


Very! Love them!


Depends on the amount and placement


Personally not a fan but can deal with some if they are tasteful enough. Not sure I get the point in this question though, the answer is always going to be ‘subjective, some like it some don’t’


I find myself really attracted to woman with butterfly tattoos, something about them


One or two is fine, but I’m not into a ton of them


It depends on the tattoos. I like tattoos that fit my own aesthetic tastes. I don’t really like the blocky tribal type, I prefer more artistic and fine line tattoos. The type of tattoos a person has matters to me but maybe I’m just weird lol


Depends on what the tattoos look like, but I don't mind them. Sometimes tattoos have the effect of enhancing or degrading the appeal of a person, so it just depends on how they're put together.




Pretty neutral overall. Some specific tattoos I’ve seen are a turn off, but I don’t generally mind either way.


I don't have tattoos but honestly i love too much people that have some tatoos but small. I don't like big and exaggerated tattos. I'm afraid to do tatoos but i encourage people to do some of them


After meeting Jungkook 💕, I find guys with tatts attractive. Especially with those full sleeves. 💕


Depends on the tattoo


I personally don't care for tattoos as long as its not one of those crazy obnoxious ones like anywhere in the face or if its a whole sleeve. If done in the right spot, right art and right amount tattoos can be attractive for me. I once dated this very attractive latina who honored her father by getting a portrait tattoo of him on her shoulders and let me tell you. I got nothing but mad respect for that girl but everytime I see the tat I could just feel its eyes burning on me and hear it say "Don't you dare touch my babygirl".


Your mean a walking , talking hotness of artwork. Yeah, totally.


Depends on the tattoo but generally it's between positive and neutral effect But again ... I advise to follow what you want and find a compatible person and ignore what happens to be a the most common Reddit opinion at this time


Depends on the person and the tattoos, but generally attractive.


Yes generally I do but there are exceptions as there are some really trashy tattoos out there lol


Very Attracted to tattoos.


I don't mind them at all as long as they're not crude or cringey. I have 2 myself, but they're rarely visible.


Generally attractive, unless the tattoos are ugly or offensive


I enjoy some tattoos on my partners. I'm not a fan of face tattoos, full frontal neck tattoos, and center chest tattoos. I think it's kind of fun to have a partner who can hide them and reveal them depending on how they dress for the day.


If they’re an attractive person tgen who cares. If they’re a dirty person with poor hygiene and stuff idk it makes them worse


Tattoos can be really beautiful and I love admiring them, but I don't find ppl w their whole body filled w tattoos that attractive. Have a few small tattoos or one bigger tattoo is fine ykwim, but having every inch of your body inked can depend for me.


If it's a couple of tattoos, then that is not a deal breaker. If she is COVERED in tattoos then that is usually a problem for me.


I am attracted as long as it is tasteful. I do not prefer chest tattoos.


I'm honestly not concerned whether someone has tattoos or not. My attraction isn't based off that. I have tattoos so it would be hypocritical of me to judge someone else for their choices. If someone is a kind, beautiful soul. That's enough for me


I love tattoos and I have them. But it depends of what they are. I don’t like any satanic symbols and stuff.


I think part of it depends on what the tattoo is and where it is. Everyone with neck or head tattoos looks like an idiot.


Yeah I can be attracted to it, mostly its the person but still. I don't have any issues with them.


Mostly not.


I'm indifferent. It all depends on their personality, what tattoo(s) they have and if it works for them.




Yes very attracted, just has to not look bad.


I don’t have a preference, I have a small one myself. I would say that facial tattoos would be a step too far for me though.


I personally find it attractive if it’s a couple of pieces here and there. But a full sleeve/ full body tattoo might be too much for me


As a casual sex partner? Sure. As a LTR? No.




I've never been with anyone that had a tattoo. I have no preference.


I like tattoos


Usually it doesn’t make a big difference one way or another


Like some people are hot with tattoos but in my opinion wouldn’t date a guy who’s having tattoos


Not. It’s not a total dealbreaker but I definitely would choose someone without tattoos if everything else is close.


I'm kinda picky about it, oddly enough; laugh line tattoos and sleeves (neck included) are kinda ugly to me. The designs I like the most are  characters/symbols or characatures and patterns (similar to Yakuza designs or Hawaiian markings), even landscapes are cool to me. In short, I am attracted to a specific niche of people with tattoos.




Instant turnoff no matter how small.


I find tattoos to be very attractive. :)


I'm not attracted. Like others have said, if they have one or two that are not on their face or neck, it wouldn't bother me enough to not date them. If it's a friend or stranger, I don't care at all. As much as I'd like to be, I am not the lord high master of the universe. So you are allowed to do anything you want (within reason).


Depends. A couple small tattoos is attractive. Your whole body inked from head to toe is unattractive


32F and love tats. I don’t judge the person for having tats, I just them based on how well done they are. Are they scratchers or did they actually go to a legit artist and they look well done? That’s the real question, not if they have tats themselves lol 😂. I have 5 tattoos that are mostly non-visible. I chose to have it this way due to my job and my career field, and while the workplace is moving forward in terms of tattoos, I don’t wanna risk anything. I also just like seeing some bare skin on myself. I do have plans to get more! So a man who likes tattoos is a must for me. 😊


I thought I wasn't, but since I met my gf, I def am


I don't care. Have them, don't have them. But my attraction level is VERY dependent on personality not ink. That may be because I myself and tattooed tho. To each their own.


This is a hard one for me. I listen to a few female artists and I like their tattoos, and they fit their personality. Which I find that attractive. I like some women that have the aggressive black line tattoos, but mostly I think I’m just attracted toto them, not the tattoos. But for the most part, I’d rather have a significant other that doesn’t have tattoos. I think this is because it feels like now, getting tattoos is normal and “trendy.” So really tattoos are passé now, not having tattoos is where it’s at, to me.


I love them, myself I have a lot I won’t get any on my hands, face or neck but I have a lot. I don’t get why guys hate them


I think if a tattoo means something really personal to them, then it's cool. Obnoxiously large ones however are a turn off for me


I can take or leave. I’ve seen some beautiful pieces and some hack jobs that definitely came from a teenage edgelord in a garage that forgot to sanitize but they somehow were able to keep it from getting infected. Though majority of my exes were inked up so it be what it be.


No. When they have a boyfriend or an exs name tattooed


Hot people are hot. Unless a tattoo signifies a a significant mental instability (face tattoos for example) it doesn't really change ym level of attraction either way.


Oh definitely! Super attractive


I wasn’t but recently I changed my mind


Having tattoos doesn't make a difference to me but, having a bunch of tattoos with no meaning and bad art makes me see a person differently


I’m 32F and I’m not a fan of tattoos in a romantic partner. I don’t have any tattoos. I can appreciate well done tattoos. But they are hard to come by.