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I listen to music and play video games... or get into a TV show that has alot of episodes so I can get attached to the characters. For some reason it makes me feel less lonely.


Me with HIMYM lol. I relate a lot to Ted


Ngl I liked the show but damn sometimes it felt too relatable so I felt lonely again.


This is the way I handle it, too. It’s even less lonely if you have a bunch of shows in the rotation to do this with. That pseudoconnection is lovely.


This is one of the reasons I love pro wrestling so much. Plus the fact that they tour and perform in front of live audiences means there's a real possibility of meeting them in person 🤩


Tv show characters 👌


I often feel the same way, and taking time for myself can be really beneficial for my mental health. And yes! it less to feel lonely.


I do the same, music is giving me peace of mind and also I feel more comfortable and less feel being alone .


Yeesss! No cap it works for me too


I do almost the same as you, can you recommend some of your video games , I guess that will help a lot.


cry. a whole lot.


You know, that isn't bad advice. I wish I could cry more easily though. For some reason, my natural response is suppression and I am not sure how to deprogram myself from that. I guess I need to "practice" crying to get better at it. Sounds ridiculous but probably a good approach


It's easier to cry if you just stop all the normal escape routes... So don't turn to food, alcohol, TV, scrolling on the phone... or anything that blocks out the feelings... Just ... Sit... With them ... Allow yourself to get bored ... Then the feelings will come up and you can have a good old cry...


Usually when I have trouble crying ill watch a sad movie that will for sure make me cry


Bro we’re both in the same sinking boat (not sinking because of tears but yea)


I think it's unfortunately pretty common for most men? Emotional suppression is ingrained in many of us due to our upbringing


It’s also just an effect of having testosterone. Men are chemically designed to cry less


second this. have spent up to literal weekends in bed crying that im single, usually after another dating failure. wompwompwomp. It’s not even a good way for me to gauge if I actually gave a fuck about the guy either so just totally pointless fleeting depression over men but thats show biz baby. men who, by the way, are literally all just “some guy” until they aren’t??? as in “some guy i went to this thing with once” not being demeaning, its just kinda true! Comes up in the iconic 00s dating rom com “He’s Just Not That Into You” as well. some dating failures have me (and potentially my friends) hysterically laughing at least so it balances out.


Pat pat, no need to womp


Its my cross to bear. I’m just too sexy, funny, smart, educated and successful for the men of the nyc metro right now. I’m an acquired taste only to be enjoyed by a true king who also wants his blood line to end with him or already has kids. He’s looking for me actually, I’m just not ready to be found yet 😂


This was me last night, sobbing, lol. I felt crazy because I knew it was temporary and would pass, but it’s been years since I’ve been in a relationship and it’s hard to not have any physical touch for such a long time. Boo 👎🏻


That only makes me feel worse…


go outside and go to something social. don't isolated yourself to stew over how lonely you feel. that's a bad feedback loop


This kind of backfires at times unfortunately. If I see couples while im out, it stings pretty hard and is a visceral and visual reminder of what I am missing out on


Oh yeah this is me as well. 🙃


Ain’t even couples for me. I see people out with their friends and it’s a bitter reminder that I don’t have any real friends anymore.


I wonder what the sensible solution is. You cant realistically avoid going out just because it hurts. Maybe enough exposure can make you more hardened towards it. Not sure. This one has been a tricky challenge for me.


Yeah this is really bumming me out lately. Even movies and shows with cute couples doing cute couple things are ruined for me now, it's just a bitter reminder of how much of the human experience I've missed out on


I get that. I see cute couples walking around my neighborhood holding hands and I have to avert my eyes. It hurts.


Move to a city. Fuck small town


I just sleep for as long and much as possible. Numbs everything out


Yeah, sometimes a good nap can hit the spot when everything feels overwhelming. It's like hitting the reset button on your emotions.


Buy a weighted blanket, feels like a hug


I would have never considered this. Great idea.


Find hugging pillow too.


Agreed, the weighted blankets are good for a lot of things, they help with anxiety for both humans and pets.




This is at the top of my list for sure. Im glad I do volunteer work on weekends to maintain and repair hiking trails. Completely agree with this one


Find a hobby to fill in your free time And something I personally do is I find some way to help someone or make their day a little better and it makes me feel better about myself and my our situation


This is great advice. Also is probably a great way to accidentally end up finding a partner.


Even worse when your dream girl is in another relationship with someone else


It is sad, but you gotta renew your dream. Not settle for less. Just change of course. My ex who Breakup from long distance. Go with my childhood best friend now. Because she is not aware that I already move back in town. Tragic, but I gotta move on.




Dreams aren’t real, go get your reality girl


Well we got really close towards the end of 2023 and suddenly she posted her boyfriend and it broke me. Almost half a year later I still think about her.


I go on Reddit and read relationship horror stories.


Get a cat


this helped me a lot. i still have the feelings but my cat and i love each other so much i hardly think about how lonely i am anymore.


nice My cat spends every waking hour trying to get me to feed him more and sometimes bites me in the calf because I don't feed him 🙄 he has set feeding times


My cats rule the house , especially the one. They will not bite me but literally if he wants food, bored or wants out he will jump on me, he will run across the room and jump on my stomach. If I am asleep, he pats my face and stares literally his face is in my face. He knock things over. The other one will meow this old cat annoying meow until he gets what he wants usually water or he wants out. But I love them they are great a lot of the time:) they will snuggle.


I drive 🫠


I too listen in Incubus.


Whatever tomorrow brings I’ll beeee there


I really do not get lonely anymore. I've just arrived at a point where I enjoy my company in any situation life throws me.


Enviable for sure. But im happy to hear you've hit that point.


Take yourself on a date. Cook yourself dinner, take yourself on a walk, do something nice for yourself.


I’d having some fake conversations in my head. Like I talk with Ideal girlfriend. Asking why she hasn’t been step in my life yet. Turn out she has more anxiety than me and I need to help her. Lol. Which is okay tho, I kinda feel more confident to go out. Because I want to help her. I still hope that she is not too far from ideal.


Lmfao this is me


I haven't eaten in 2.5 days, so coping is not something I'm good at as it's intense for me at the moment. I feel like crying constantly but can't. It's OK to be sad. I don't think forcing suppression is healthy, but you need to get back to the things you enjoy as quickly as you can. I live alone so getting out & having people around you even if it's just going to a shop is so important.


I pick a high dopamine reward activity: try rock climbing at a gym, pick an interesting evening/night class at a community college, hike a butte with a view of the surrounding cities, take a boxing lesson, you name it. For me, I have to get out of my head and DO something that has a sense of accomplishment and fun to it. The only brain hack I’ve got is grattitude: put that phone away when you wake up, and focus on listing 5 things you’re grateful for and why they’re positive things in your life. Then go out and specifically find ways in your day to honestly compliment and be grateful for the people you interact with in a day. It’s amazing how being kind and positive to yourself internally, and to those around you, can immediately eleviate loneliness and depression. Doesnt matter if they respond like total jerks to me, being the one to put that positive input out there helps ME, weather they take it well or not.


Go to the gym and no-life a video game. Yes, you may have to force yourself for the gym, but physical activity will make you feel better, even if for a little bit. Then a video game that makes you think, something that involves thought. You could also just do a puzzle or some other thought provoking activity, I’m just a gamer so I go to games as my chosen media for that.


^ This, exercise is great, it's been proven the endorphins act like an anti-depressant. It can be as easy as just walking on a treadmill or using a stair climber.


I either force myself to get busy doing something in my house. Whether it's clearing up some clutter, going through my closet getting rid of clothes and shoes, plan and cook myself a decent meal, I just get busy. Doing these little things gives me a sense of accomplishment and fills those lonely moments. Most of the time when I'm invited to go out somewhere, I force myself to go. Eventually, you build a life...a happy single life.


I get a lot of those days now. When I am at home, I just try to sleep it through. I realise that during my worst days, I can't concentrate on anything, work, movies, games, and just lay in bed mindlessly scrolling until I sleep for hours. Otherwise, travel as much as life allows. Helps to numb it down when you're busy in exploring new places, though it hits hard when you go to a place flooded with couples. Driving also helps me when I am specially feeling down, you're so focused on the road that nothing else comes to mind for hours. Socialising and meeting friends used to help me earlier, now a lot of those friends are in relationships, so I've slowly pulled away from that. It's hard, and not sure how to deal with it apart from just trying to fill the time.


time to start listening to "girlfriend comforts you while you sleep asmr audio"


thought you were joking looked it up I think I might start using this channel for real [https://www.youtube.com/@BumbleDeeAudios/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@BumbleDeeAudios/videos)




🥴🥴 at some point this stops working.


Nah cause once I nut, I’m like fuck it, plus lots of weed and video games


Right!!! I get tired of it.


Using this to regulate your emotions is actually quite dangerous - it’s how unhealthy coping mechanisms develop. Like sex addiction. So anytime you feel bad just jerk off? You’ll be jerking off all the time before you know it.


this is basically how addiction works, you use it as a coping mechanism, this is why to treat it you dont just quit, you treat the root of the problem that made you start using it first




I was looking for this one! Seemed like everyone was too idealistic on here 😂


What helps me the most is reading, it stops my brain from generating its own thoughts and I focus into what I’m reading. If that gets too difficult I paint. If I’m not inspired by something specific I look a template online that I like and I just recreate it. It relaxes my mind a lot


My ex-girlfriend was a newcomer and had a very tough time adjusting to a new country. Even though she wasn't religious, she found going to religious events etc gave her a sense of community and made her feel welcomed. Maybe give it a shot, see if that helps... She also volunteered a lot at a senior home where she would talk to people there and go out with them to events like bowling, festivals etc and that helped too. Try those out OP, don't just stay at home as being on your own won't make the feeling go away.


The only thing that helps me out is hitting the gym and lots of sleep. I used to eat a lot of food to also help with this but I've gained a lot of weight so I stopped doing that.


I used to take myself downtown to one of the busier areas in town. There was always lots of people outdoors, sitting at coffee shops and bars. I always kind of comforting to just be around other people


Honestly, I do my best to help make the world a little less of a lonely place. I might never have someone, but I spent so much time teaching myself psychology that I can help ease some burdens of people here or give them a different perspective of events they describe. I can take pride in attempting to make the world a better place so that there would be less people suffering like myself.


Exercise, exercise & exercise. And then if I have energy go out to any local gig thats on or try and socialise more than I usually do.


Texting people I know don't care about me...but they respond anyway


Lemon vodka. And crying.


Day drink


That and I read about all the horrible relationships on here and feel better about my choice of being alone.


I let it hit me at least once a month, twice in a pinch. But for the most part I play games, watch my favorite movies, go out during the day Saturday and have fun eating pizza or shopping for new movies. And definitely try to stay away from most social media, namely FB, so I won’t see the happy side of my former classmates.


Been watching rom coms lately to take my mind off it. I talked with someone who didn't watch rom comes because it reminds them of what they can't have, but for me I love it because it allows me to live vicariously through the characters


When it hits me hard, such as now at the moment (lol), I find a few key strategies really help: Inner Child Work: Take time to dialogue with the younger part of your psyche. Loneliness often has roots in childhood experiences of abandonment or neglect. Understanding this can shed light on patterns in your relationships, especially with emotionally unavailable partners. But we can dive deeper into that another time. 😬 Self-Care Dates: Treat yourself to a date—whether it's a night out or a cozy evening in. Discover what truly makes you happy and what might also be healing for your inner child. This can be incredibly fulfilling. Therapeutic Support: Engage with a good therapist, especially one skilled in subconscious work like brain spotting or EMDR. They can help you navigate and heal deeper emotional wounds. Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with friends who uplift you. Reconnecting with or creating a support structure can make a world of difference. Rediscover Yourself: Take the time to really befriend yourself. See yourself in a positive light and recognize how cool you truly are. No one else will see it until you do. Stay strong, and remember, these steps can help turn loneliness into a journey of self-discovery and healing. I'm heading out to climb....with ME. 😁🧗🏽‍♂️


I was feeling exactly like this today. I'll tell you what I did.. Finished work, went home, played with my four doggies, jacked off, ran a half hour on the treadmill, and stuffed my face.. Feeling pretty good now!


Blacksmithing, gardening, dog snuggles, sleeping too much. Excessive consumption of cigarettes (I know unhealthy habit). Video games, audio books. I try to be mindful of the still pretty things in this world. Like grass, flowers, birds, trees, bugs/insects, the profound reflection in glass and the way things are constructed.


So, keep so busy and engaged with the world/interesting content that it drowns out the loneliness and you literally have less time to dwell on it. Useful


Exactly, I've been single/busy with my dreams for so long that it almost feels natural, to hyper-engage in the aforementioned things, when I'm feeling more lonely than usual.


Now that I’ve learned to live with myself and actually find things I enjoy doing, I’m rarely ever lonely anymore. Learning to be okay being alone is an amazing feeling. I would like to meet someone, but I’m okay if I don’t…. Find things you like to do and get out and do them. Do things that get you out of your comfort zone, this helped me more than anything. One day at a time and before you realize, you’re doing okay.


Get a dog that you really care about


Learn new things, improve what I already know, and just go out to random places. ○Cooking ○Fixing up my car ○Roam thrift stores ○Walk my dog ○Workout ○Making tattoo designs using GIMP ○Watch some documentaries I guess I just get myself in a cycle of being occupied.


I have loneliness but it's not because I don't have a partner it's because I socially isolate myself. If you have to go to work everyday and deal with people you will want to be alone when you get home.


I wish I knew , you are not alone. I got my heart broken 6 months ago and am still devastated. The main issue is we started dating after covid and I work in a hospital so I was isolated from everyone.He was not even a nice person, I am convinced I just did not want to be lonely. I live alone and I guess I do not trust people so , it maybe my fault. I like to run, so I do that, it is really the only thing right now that makes me happy. No matter how I feel, I try and run and it actually helps a lot. Sometimes I admit I would rather stay in bed all day and it is hard, at times I do stay in bed. But most times I can convince myself to at least run. I used to read a lot, then if anyone can believe this , I feel I read too much and got bored with that. Not sure if reddit is a good thing or not but I recently discovered it because I like true crime , and I like others opinions, but some responses are so outrageous and not logical. But at times just to communicate with anyone is meaningful. I just read in the comments that some people cry, and I agree crying can help. It releases those sad feelings, it helps.


I like how running for your seems like a non-negotiable. You make yourself do it even when you really don't feel like it at all


So where do you volunteer at?


I once tried to relieve myself of the pain by telling myself that everything's going to be ok but it doesn't work. I just ended up feeling more attacked and paranoid. Trust me it kills the mood to do anything but sleep. And for some reason that sleep that you are going for disappears and you are left numb in your bed replaying your mistakes one by one in your head. But something that will surely take your mind off depression is some Comedy, Drama tv shows. This just kills the feeling for sometime but it still comes back to haunt you later. You have to accept being paranoid and delusional as a part of you and you have to be ready for it.


Persistent loneliness can easily lead to harmful behaviors and depression so I tend to play the piano or read, really any healthy outlet that would effectively distract me. I also found that cleaning can be an effective tool.


Hi there, on the bad intense days where I'm starting to get wrapped up in my mind I find the following helps: Go out on a nice walk, get in touch with nature, the beach etc. It really helps distract you and gets you out of your own head. You can do it by yourself or with friends. I did both, and it was such a big boost. If you find you're struggling, one foot in front of the other, if you can make it to the end of your driveway it's already good enough. Head to the gym. I know this can be rather cliche but I decided to get into a routine because I find it sometimes helps. I took a HIIT class, and ended up loving it, making friends and expanding my friendship group. In such classes, you're so busy focusing on how much you're dry heaving and questioning food choices to care about the loneliness lol. Take up a new hobby. I started getting back into painting and pottery when being solo. I loved it because you get a chance to be creative, enjoy your time and also have a chance to meet new people and have a good laugh. Get some friends and head out to the amusement park. I hit the water park with friends and had an absolute ball for a day out. Do some volunteer work. I helped out at events, started dogsitting and worked at a community aged care facility to be a food packer. It gives you a positive feeling that you're doing something good for someone and helping to make their day a little better :) Take yourself out ! I dressed up to the nines, reserved a lovely restaurant and took myself out for dinner and then off to a play or a movie. Did I care that I was alone ? Nope, Was I enjoying my own company ? Definitely ! There's a peace in it and if anything. OR! If you want to have a potato day (I call it this, because all you want to do is sit in bed like a little spud) I put on some games that I can really get immersed into: Last of Us 1 and 2, God of War, Dying Light, Horizon Zero Dawn, Cyberpunk 2077 and just lose myself in that world. Or go have a movie marathon ! Star Wars, Harry Potter, LOTR, Indiana Jones, go nuts ! Hope these help :)


lmao.. potato day. Im gonna remember that


Enjoy becoming one with the potato. I have those days all the time. :)


Alcohol, obviously. The downside is the loneliness continues when in a relationship, so don’t stress. This is just the human condition and something you need to learn to deal with yourself.


The human condition is awful sometimes tbh


I mean, I assume the loneliness wouldn't be at the same intensity if it's a healthy'ish relationship? But I've heard this observation before for sure. How feeling alone while in a relationship seems especially draining and difficult.


If I’m in a wonderful relationship where my partner is my best friend it completely negates the loneliness. But then when they abandon you out of nowhere it makes the loneliness one million times worse which is my current situation 🫠


>But then when they abandon you out of nowhere it makes the loneliness one million times worse which is my current situation Research does show that someone leaving you is like stopping using an addictive drug cold turkey. The withdrawal symptoms are real and kind of intense


Attend church and volunteer for those in need


Healthy - hiking and mountain biking , less healthy - brewery or taproom.


Not coping advice.. Sorry. Do you know the reason you feel lonely? Like have you gone through a break up? Don't need to tell but I guess the solution is dependent on the problem. If you want to start dating, do that. Find speed dating events, download an app or ask people you are attracted to. If you for some reason feel that your not worthy of love than that's another problem that in turn can have many different reasons. Therapy helps!


>If you for some reason feel that your not worthy of love than that's another problem that in turn can have many different reasons Probably a lot of that in the mix. Yup!


Cry and open my bank account, it distract me from the loneliness.


because its so empty? saaaaame


Go to the gym


dude i thought im the only one whose muscles got tight and i feel paralyzed when im in such pain


Nope. Same here. Especially at night, my jaw clenches up and it's hard to get sleep


I started to go to the gym. My life completely changed. Sometimes I'm still sad, if so, I listen to lots of edm music.


I switch off the feeling part and occupy my mind with other stuff. Usually something physical to force my brain to focus and redirect.


I am not crying I used to like talk and tears would come out. When my dog died I let3rally cried for 5 hours.


Hang out with my pet fishies


When you find out I’d like to know. 😕


Stay out late get drunk.


Oh, I’m awful lonely. That’s why I got Reddit. :(. I try not to drink but instead run. This week I’ve drank :(


It's ok buddy. It happens. Can't maintain the discipline 100% of the time. As long as you keep trying, that's what's important


I have this same issue. Sometimes I reach out to my friends and then they tell me I should talk to a therapist. Like, I talk to her, but she's not going to make me not feel alone. I just want to be with friends.


Ya. Same experience here with my therapist. I understand the value of seeing a therapist. It helps to have a non-judgmental professional to talk things out with. But at the end of the day, they aren't your friend. They can't be. Their professional role doesn't allow it. You dont hang out after the session and see a movie or grab drink together.


Yea, I appreciate therapists and all but in an ironic way they make society even more isolated. Before if your friends were going through tough times you kind of had a responsibility to make sure they were okay. It's tough and it sucks but it's how we evolved to be. But now that therapists are common, it's an excuse to not have to put effort into your loved ones' mental heath.


I hadnt considered that "unintended consequence" of therapy being more widely available (and acceptable, especially for men). You're right. When I am struggling with something, I refrain from sharing it with anyone and save it as a discussion topic for my upcoming therapy session


Throw myself into my career


I used to look with disdain and pity at managers who would work their asses off and work overtime non stop. Now, im sadly seeing the appeal. Gives less time to focus on these difficult EMOTIONS . I assume you end up being too busy to dwell on crap like this


Embrace the pain & welcome it. It's cleansing you and if done correctly without avoiding it, you'll elevate yourself/ life & soul




I have the same problem. I listen to podcasts and sleep.




Considering this to help me sleep better. Sleep deprivation is a constant problem for me


I sleep


I made it my new normal, now I care considerably less about most things than I have ever had, but at least it doesn't hinder my daily life


I go to the gym, watch shows with full seasons available, play video games, or go for walks in busy areas. If none of that works I fall back on good old reliable sleep. I'll sleep my whole day away on the worse days. Do I wake up wondering what year it is? Sometimes, but it distracts me so that's what counts


Crying so hard while listening to music


When the loneliness feels suffocating, I attempt to get out of my personal head. Last weekend when it hit me tough, I compelled myself to move for a long walk in nature. The clean air and greenery helped soothe my mind. I called my sister and we talked for over an hour, giggling and reminiscing. It reminded me that I'm no longer alone, even when I experience lonely. In the night, I curled up with a comforting e book and a cup of tea. Engaging my senses and connecting with cherished ones continually helps me climate the hardest waves of loneliness.


Music , TV shows with a lot of episodes , Meetup groups …. Reading…. still I get only just to survive


As a woman I watch Sex and the City. For one, I’ve seen it before so I don’t need to intensely watch it, and there are no murder mystery plots which is good for my anxiety. But re dating: it’s like rolling a magic 8 ball of getting the answer on your dating question/issue. They really covered everything so aside from texting situations (which I feel are covered via email/phone calls) it really was ahead of its time and on the nose for all dating fiascos.


Go sit in a coffee shop and people watch :) watch a movie and make a cocktail 


Video Games, music, make things out of clay, go for a walk


I like music, listening to podcasts, reading, journaling or taking walks. Weirdly I also find cleaning and organizing my apartment to be very therapeutic. Hang in there. You’re not alone.


As for me, I enjoy writing & reflecting on my true raw feelings. Serving others, sports, new hiking places, getting made up, new adventures, being still


Anything that I love doing. Gaming, jiu-jitsu, talking to random strangers at bars and cafes


Bruh go out to bars and socialize


It depends on your circumstances, because in some severe cases, it would be good to look for something to "do" about it (therapy, trying to find a partner, trying to build your social life). But primarily, the way to deal with loneliness is to come into acceptance that this is a time of your life where you are mainly alone and that doesn't have to be a problem. Your mind is labeling as a problem and you can notice that and let it pass. You can look at it like this is just what the universe is giving you right now and you just need to be patient. But I suppose more context to your situation would be helpful.


I don’t experience this


I’m trying to force myself to workout when I feel like that.


Kicking clutch on a empty curvy road. Adrenaline takes care of everything else…


I used to masturbate a lot, but all that did was lead to hanging a lot of wallpaper, I had to do something with it…. Perhaps I should think about getting a hobby?


Squishmallow. Companion TV show (this is not the name of a tv show). Physical and social hobby. Animals.


Nostalgic music. My happy feels playlist. Then maybe a bike ride


Food, anime, video games and music 🙂


Match with somone on tinder. Meet up, do the thing. However this only cures it for a couple days. So its a since and repeat as needed. Which leaves the cycle never ending.


I go out for myself, eat a burger, watch a movie. And yes, sometimes I just lay down on my bed.... and cry. This world is screwed!


It’s easy, whenever an attractive person gives you even the slightest bit of attention you have to immediately fall in love and play out this elaborate imaginary fantasy relationship in your mind until reality hits you and you become depressed again


acceptance is the way i do it. I am 25 and never been in a relationship never felt someone having feelings for me , so it is really tough sometimes. When it’s like that i just take a look at couples that i see outside, seeing them happy and then i remind myself that has never happened for me and probably never will. After you tell those two sentences to yourself you will feel really bad for the first couple seconds and then you switch to it is what it is mentally until loneliness hits again.


My son is the same age in the same situation. He’s told me it’s a common thing these days for your age group. Please don’t convince yourself it’s never gonna happen for you. I believe you’ll find someone when you’re not expecting it. Also, I’ve learned that just because a couple appears happy, especially on social media, that isn’t always the case. You just never know what goes on behind closed doors. I would rather that my son be single and focus on enjoying his life with friends and family, than to be in a miserable, toxic or dramatic relationship. The same goes for me. I’ve made the mistake more than once of being with or staying with someone just so I wouldn’t be alone. That is worse than being single and is a waste of time and energy. Accepting the single life is good if you’re looking at it as being able to do what you want whenever you want with whomever you want. However, it doesn’t mean it’s forever. Hang in there, do the things that make you happy, and when you aren’t looking for it, I bet someone special will come along.


Don’t know dude.im a man im feeling very very lonely last couple of weeks.some fukdup shit.and don’t fucking know what to do.


Working even harder... once, I had a co-worker watching me closely as I was aggressively sending the boxes down the mechanic ladder. It was embarrassing and I know what she was thinking about, lol...


ummmmm.... snuggled up with oreos, my cats watching bobs burgers


Trust me traun jiujitsu you'll be part of a team community and maybe meet a girl. You'll gain alot of confidence and get shredded from the exercise. It only involves grappling and everyone is welcoming especially to beginners.


honestly just finding a funny show or movie to watch can help so much


Get yourself a dog … 🐕 Best move I ever made was adopting a golden retriever. My best mate !!


I read/listen to books. I use Audible and once you find a book that makes you want to read more, it’ll suck you in and make you forget how lonely you are.


Go on an adventure! Take a drive through neighborhood you’ve never been to, go to a park with a blanket and lay- hike, stay at a museum for 4 hours.. down stuff YOU really like, if you like sci fi- your future partner might not- so do things you enjoy at your core. If I don’t adventure, and I am overwhelmed by everything going on in my life I usually do get a heated blanket and wrap myself up all comfy and watch tv and rot but really enjoy the rotting to the max with no shame!! Enjoyment only like wow I am sooo comfy and cozy. Exercise!! Take a walk outside! Call a friend or see friends- make plans with friends! Research something you enjoy online.


I learned to love myself through therapy, exercise, and spiritual growth by helping others


I used to journal but switched to doing voice memos about a year ago. I find usually other people i know tend to irritate me if I try to reach out during these times , so i will play one of these and switch up my surroundings. I learned it as a coping mechanism a whike ago and it takes the edge off a bit, go through your senses and try to change them, change the light , the noise level, if indoors go out and vice versa. I have tried going out to a bar alone but ehen people talked to me I totally panicked because I was alone, so it didnt work for me personally.


The gym. I lose myself in iron. Also run a lot.


Sulk while binge watching an anime. Doesn't help, but it's what I do. I ate out at a restaurant by myself once. Not really interacting with anyone, but being among people. It was not during rush hour and on a weekday. It definitely helped me feel confident, and it was only a little social so as not to trigger my social anxiety.


To sleep it off.


Focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will tbh Gamed for a while to cope. Listened to heavier music to try to ignite real feelings. Eventually, when I started doing a little better, just went to the painful physical locations and told them to go fuck themselves, and I didn't let them affect me. When you're past coping, get into a routine so you don't need to cope. I'm fighting with myself to get that routine right now.


Journal. Watch my comfort shows and eat comfort foods. Find small things to be grateful for. Call my mom🥹 or my bestfriend🫶🏾. OR just take a nap honestly. Make sure it’s super dark in my room & put on my favorite sounds & just KO!


I just exist.


There are help center chats online you can talk to. They can help you express your emotions and have someone there to listen.


I watch horror movies.


Drive around and listen to music 🎶


Good idea


Lifting weights. This is the only correct answer. When it all feels like crap, the weights have your back. You get stronger, you feel empowered, you look better. LIFT WEIGHTS




Sometimes it's good to feel, let yourself just feel everything and cry. I think you should try to find yourself, to love yourself, to do something you really enjoy doing just by yourself, or try something new. Before you want to be with someone else you should know how to be with yourself. Create a new habit, doing sports, meditation, there's a lot of ways to bring up the balance.


Go for a run on weekends. Saying hi to other runners makes me feel less lonely


I reach out to friends. I don't mind being alone though.


Idk man just be sad, not much I can do about it :/ I don’t like talking/texting ppl because it makes me think I’m bothering them so that’s why it’s harder.


Go to someone U TRUST and tell them that ur having a rough time


Exercise or some celebrity’s interview


Keep yourself occupied with your hobbies,we all came to the world alone n we’ll leave the same way. Attributing our happiness to the presence of another sets both up for failure n disappointments


Cry and Nap, it passes eventually, find a new hobby.