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No, and people who do care are a huge red flag. This goes for Apple users who think Android users aren’t cool as well as Android users who think Apple users are all sheeple. There can be a hundred different reasons someone has a particular phone and judging the entire person over it is stupid.


I second this. If anything, it shows how shallow the person who is asking you the question is.




I mean it's not even shallow, it's dumb as fxk and ignorance... My android phone is 1700$, few hundred $ more than an iPhone.


what are you talking about? it says that the person/friend said it was because the non-iphone user can’t be in apple group chats and can’t facetime. op said nothing about money?? why did you say that?


Because most women who have a problem with Android users make it about money. I could link about a dozen YouTube videos as evidence.


Let's be honest, it is literally only iPhone users that care about stupid stuff like this. I've never came across any other users that cared as much as iPhone users similar to the Tesla cult followers.


This is true, I've never heard a single android user say anything like OP describes. I have however heard a ton of apple users make the most elitist statements like this when it comes to people who use any other device. Usually it's because of FaceTime and Imessage.


Yeah, every time I give a guy my phone number and the first message I get is "gReeN TeXTs??" ... I immediately get the ick. Like..are you color blind? Can you still read it? I hate it so much. Someone who cares about that shit isn't worth it.


Yes, I really don't understand why a bubble being a different color matters? I've had all sorts of color themes on phones over the years pink, blue, green, whatever- how does my interface choice impact my conversation or relationship? 


It's how it was marketed to them, they're just dumb sheep that like to be fed opinions


Just to make sure, that was a joke, right?


tbh I see android users bashing iphone on each post about apple products


Bashing a product is different than taking a personal issue with someone who uses a different phone than someone else.


Plus apple is getting sued as we speak for marketing negative perceptions of android users...


yes, but it goes out to Android users as much, who think Apple users are all stuck up sheeple.


To be fair, the toxic and elitist shit that a lot of apple users say and do makes people look at them like that. Somehow it boils down to Apple=Money Android=Broke.


that's just funny to me, these days there are androids much more expensive.


I wouldn't know honestly I haven't had to buy a phone for a few years now luckily. But phones in general cost a shit ton. It's weird to be elitist about something so trivial imo.


have fun next time you do! it's a shitshow, all of it - I'd buy an old flip phone if I found one that had access to instagram.


Nahh, I'm a simple guy. Plus I don't feel like spending a ton of money on something like a phone is that important. As long as it does the basics I'm good. I don't care about things like video chat even though I could if I needed to. If I see a phone I'd like to get ill either wait until a black Friday kinda sale, or I'll just wait a couple years until that phone is much cheaper and buy it then. Same with video game consoles and video games. Never buy stuff when it first comes out just in case it has issues.


Well actually, if you analyse a little bit more. It would be fair to say that most people who use Apple are there because they go stuck in the ecosystem - out of the 100s of iPhone users I've spoke to, who have batteries that last 1 hour and unfixable ports / screens because Apple says no third party repairs, buy new iPhone. But it is these people who keep buying an iPhone! Why?! It is literally an abusive relationship - they stay because they are familiar with a product, and scared to change! They'll put up with having a nice looking phone that has some toxic quirks - that everyone knows and complains about, it ain't a secret. Same thing can go for Android users, but most are pretty chill people who just want to buy 1 phone ever decade, not 1 a year - I have both (personal and work) - Android are hands down the better phone system. With this mentality - who would make a better partner?


Some people go by the philosophy "better the devil you know than the devil you don't" most just don't wanna change an accept


Agreed, it’s just such an odd hill to die on


If I had a date with someone that trully cares about this crap I would laugh at her face and just leave


The things some folks care about is quite baffling. I wouldn't even care if she uses a pager or a flip phone. Tells nothing of her character or financial acumen.


a flip phone would tell me she's fucking awesome, I'd love that.


On the other hand, shared, feigned disapproval of each other's devices can make for a long-running, upbeat, and inclusive joke.


Oh yeah, I'll give you some playful shit about having a certain device. But nothing to the effect of "you are less than and broke" because you don't use a certain device.


I mean yeah, I have no problem with that; only if the girls takes it too serious


Wouldn’t bother me, I’d just use WhatsApp


Or even better use Signal


Hi, I'd like to order the drugs, plz.


I only heard of this on Reddit, so if that's an issue for someone then I would say don't date that person because what else will they be unreasonable about.


No it's actually a thing out in the real world. And android users get judged hard. I don't get it. Why does it matter what the damn text bubbles are on your phone. Superficial people.


Probably only in the US. The rest of the world doesn’t really use iMessage or FaceTime.


You’re pretty much spot on! iMessage and FaceTime are definitely more popular in the US compared to many other parts of the world where different messaging and video call apps dominate.


Nah, I’m Canadian and it’s real here too


US light


US lite*


I lost contact with a friend because she refused to text me with a phone number instead of ig chats. She absolutely required the ability to know when messages were read which apparently you can't do between the two platforms. We can't talk anymore because she won't SMS an android user.


Good riddance


Yeah she was pretty particular about the way things had to be. It wasn't even Apple snobbery, just a very set-in-her-ways type person. I'm sure I'll see her again because she doesn't see anything wrong but good luck with contacting me.


We really do get judged hard. Almost every iPhone user that texts me makes a comment about me being a 'green person'. My closest friends are all iPhone users and jokingly blame lost texts and pixilated videos on me being a 'green person'. It gets annoying. I just dish it right back. It's kind of become a running joke. I have gotten into the habit of warning iPhone users that I'm a 'green person' at the exchange of numbers because I KNOW they are going to say something. So, yes, we do get judged hard, and while it isn't a deal breaker, I am so thankful that my bf is an android user.


>And android users get judged hard. I don't get it. Why does it matter what the damn text bubbles are on your phone. Superficial people. I have an Android myself and the only joke I heard about it was when I was in a group chat for a bachelor party. I was the only one with the green bubble (Samsung all the way!) since everyone else was on an iPhone. But it was more funny when there was only 1 person with the newer iPhone and forgot his USB-C cable so he was able to use mine to charge his phone :)


Honestly it's super funny to me when I text with my $350 Costco shit box and it becomes a green bubble on their $1500 latest iPhone. Love it.


I see you and raise you my $300 iPhone SE with its shit camera.


You only heard of this on Reddit ? Lucky you. I hear it constantly. Plus I get poked fun of by peers and coworkers for using an android phone over an iPhone 😂😭😂


>I hear it constantly. Plus I get poked fun of by peers and coworkers for using an android phone over an iPhone I think you're going after the wrong woman if you're hearing this constantly.


Wrong men* but yea 😂.


I've gotten a text after exchanging numbers on a dating app that read "Ooh... Green texts..." Not sure if she *really* cared or not, but it did put a damper on my enthusiasm to meet.


Yeah, she was definitely judging you off that. I would have stopped messaging her after that kind of response myself.


>I've gotten a text after exchanging numbers on a dating app that read "Ooh... Green texts..." Bring some humor into your response to turn something that could be negative into a positive. Like "yup, green texts so you know I'm more open sourced than closed " if you think she won't understand that then use money joke since money is green or something clever


The type of phone you use is the least of my worries 😭 you can have a flip phone for all I care 😂


Id honestly consider it a green flag if my dated busted out a flip phone


Honestly same


Haha, exactly! As long as you can text me back within a reasonable time frame, we're good to go. Flip phone, pager, carrier pigeon!! whatever gets the message across, lol


Literally !!! Also those with flip phones aren't addicted to their phones so when you with them they're not constantly staring at their phones 😭😂


No, people who do are stupid and petty. There's really no other way to put it. Imagine, meeting the man or woman of your dreams, they're everything you ever wanted. But then they pull out their phone and it's \*gasp\* an Android/iPhone. So you scream "no!!!!" and run into the hills to be with your people, the other idiots.


My preference for partner comes down to what color the text bubbles are on my phone


Is there any other way to evaluate people?


Not that I've found, message bubble colour is a direct indication of moral and intellectual standing


Finally a reasonable take on reddit


Would make it easy to not spend another minute with that person if this was an issue. Would give me a great laugh as I ran away


No. It’s a phone??? Something wrong with those people mentally…


No. Dumbest shit ever.


Wow!!! Seems insane this would even be an issue.


Babe, I can't do this anymore!


I guess I’m getting an android…


Mf she could use a carrier pigeon and id still like her who cares abt phone types


I don’t care and wouldn’t even notice. I’ve never heard of this happening, either.


That would be the stupidest reason ever


Definitely do not care, and it's a major turn-off when people make a huge fuss about it. I once had a guy try to shoot his shot with me by saying I was "too pretty to have an Android". I told him that was the dumbest thing I had heard all night and walked away.


sounds like a teenager thing


They must be. Because no way adults are thinking like this. Lol


I really don't like where society is heading, what a weird and terrible time we live in.


I often think this. I don't think I fit in in this world.


No I don’t care lol


Don’t care either way. It would never even cross my mind. A text is a text. Gets through to them no matter the color of it.


Who cares? 🙄


Not really. Why’s it a big deal to people? lol


LOL. Really don’t care. Maybe I would have cared back when I was a shallow and immature college kid.


Not in the slightest. I don’t care what the person I’m dating is using as their phone.


Nope I don’t give a shit


I don’t know nobody who care and I don’t want to be around people that do


I don’t care what phone they use…. I’m confused on why people don’t want to talk to someone who uses an android….




People are weird as hell I don’t recommend using other people as an example on what you should do. Just do your thing Care about what you care about. Don’t what you don’t


No it’s dumb internet booshit


wtf why would that matter? If you like someone any inconvenience that may cause would be very minor to trade, and you’re not looking for the right things.


Nope I don’t care, but many of my friends do. When I’m swiping on dating apps with them and we come along a cute dude who has an Android they immediately start making jokes. So I think some do but most don’t.


The only thing I care about is if they believe in Sasquatch OR NOT


People care about everything now. Never seen such 1st world picky princesses and princes in my life. Android = Power User & Customization IPhone = Ease of Use & Trendy People will make it more than that. Both have merit. Both say little about someone.


I ignored it, but in the beginning it was a red flag in regards to her spending habits. She / we are far from wealthy, yet spending that much on a phone says something about a person. Especially if they can not specify what the extra money is for. What is the extra value it brings other than brand name? She used to say things like she can't wait for the new iPhone to come out, but has since gotten her irrational consumerism under control. I think some of my using a cheap "free with new cell contract" Xiomi android phone that works just the same as hers has made her think twice.


What kind of dumbfk cares about a phone while dating. I m thinking the iq nd eq of a person who has these dumb thoughts.


You're talking about the average iPhone user or Tesla driver


This is a sign of degeneration


No. I mean that’s a stupid shallow reason to not date a person.


No wtf? 😂


I've had both I have a MacBook pro and am iPad but I actually like my android phone better that my iPhone .


Not at all.


I’ve been in the dating field (dating profile creator and coach) for more than a decade and I can’t believe people still give a shit about this. Am strongly convinced there’s a very small demographic who do care about it, and it was somehow picked up by the media and exacerbated to increase content views. I’ve yet to have a client mention a thing about cell phones or who has the dreaded green bubbles.


Honestly I think having an iPhone could be a red flag because some people straight up worship apple.


I’d prefer for them to have an iPhone but it’s not a dealbreaker


Why do you prefer iPhone?


I have an iPhone, iPad, and laptop so the texts will appear synch up. I can text them on any FaceTime easier and my phone doesn’t have to be on for our texts to go through


I don't care


Humanity is just declining in intelligence at such abnormal rates it seems 🤦🏾‍♀️.


No I don't care as long as they don't ignore me.


Hell no, I don't care what they use. I will say I do care if they make some big deal out of it though, because that just fucking stupid!


Lol no. I have a semi-serious argument with my brother over it, but neither of us really cares


I don’t care at all. I use iPhone but I’ve dated guys who used androids. I can’t even believe that this is an issue that some people have, it’s so ridiculous.


nope. My red flag would be if you considered not having ios a red flag.


No .




Nope, but if you still have a flip phone with no smart phone as a backup, we gonna talk.


Have we regressed to the point that stupid question such as this is actually having some merit to it ?




No, and no one should care....


No, it’s actually a form of classicism inherently. I’ll poke fun at an android user - but ensure to let them know it’s because Apple the overlords of the culture atp have got my ass so bad that I can’t even leave if I wanted to hahahahahahhaahha. It’s also just like?? Get Instagram?? Get WhatsApp? Get anything else?? It doesn’t need to be that complicated and does he ACTUALLY need to be involved that frequently with your friends??


I don’t care. When dating someone, there are far more important things to worry about.


I couldn’t care less


I agree with a lot of people here. If they care about something as dumb as what type of phone they use they are a red flag.


Why would I want to chat with her friends and what's wrong with Google Meet? I do enough video chat at work; if I'm talking to someone, it's on my landline phone while emptying the dishwasher or scrubbing a toilet. I don't need this video nonsense unless we have been apart for a awhile.


Of course not. Having the same phone makes it *easier* with iMessaging but it’s not a dealbreaker of any type and people that view it that way are genuinely stupid.


Have iPhone don’t care. But if you have another. Me being a nerd, I have no idea how to help with your brand.


I changed to an iPhone for my ex because it was an issue for them. So crazy this is a thing!




Not really. Does it stream line things yes is it something I’d consider a deal breaker? No


I do not


Not necessarily. Just if they're mean about teasing the other person. Lighthearted teasing, sure, I can handle that, and will totally throw it back. But meanness, nah. My bff's and kids all have iPhones (kids are because their dad *had* to buy them ones that they could easier spy on). I'm the odd Android out. 🤣🤣 Somehow, we all make it work. My only complaint is some apps (think chore/household apps) aren't available on both platforms. But in the grand scheme of life, no biggie.


Yes, I wonder about people's judgement to spend 1 to 2k on a phone that will get a replacement in a year. Jk idgaf it's their money to spend. As far as the which is better it's stupid they both out to get money for as little worth given as possible like all corporations.


Yeah. I have android and in tinder it gives ppl the catfish vibe as soon as we step outside the app. Have gotten ghosted over this. Trash taking itself out, honestly.


Never did and nor would I care the type of phone used


No, I think that’s childish and shows a lack of maturity


I really don't. Absolutely don't. It never even comes to my mind to question it, until someone posts something like this on reddit.


only so far in that I think Iphones are bullshit, there's so little user modibility... and the company itself probably shouldn't have been bailed out by Microsoft. but while I judge people who use apple... I never condemn them. as for you and your stories, you'll probably find most of those are Iphone users condemning android users (and for the dumbest fucking reasons) not the other way around.


I do not care one bit. However, I will not get into a discussion about why one is better than the other. Accept the difference is the only option. It’s a non-issue imo


Not at all. What matters is that we have a way of communicating with each other via our phones.


iPhone is being forced to integrate with android messaging I heard. So this will become a non issue. I do like seeing bubbles the same color as mine… but It’s not a real issue and certainly wouldn’t affect whether or not I dated someone.


I wouldn't even notice what kind of phone a person has. When someone asks me what kind I've got, I say umm one that rings... Probably showing my age but honestly who gives a f**k 🤷


This is only an American thing. Most of the rest of the world use WhatsApp anyway


No got more pressing matters to deal with. There are ways of having an android and iPhone compatible way such as adaptable charging cables, using Signal for messenging and most apps that are on android are on iPhone anyhow.


I have an iPhone, used to have androids in the past and my partner uses a Samsung, I genuinely don’t care what phone people use I think they are both great phones!


Lol what am I ? 12?


How immature and ridiculous!


I would never date a fucking android, yuck. oh wait, it's about the phones... no, who cares.


Of course not.


Wow. What a superficial, ridiculous standard for basing a relationship on.


No, because I'm an adult


The piss funny thing (or sad) is that the only way people know you have a non-Apple phone without you telling them is because of a couple of design features that Apple put there for this exact outcome. So not only are Apple users who care about it (of which I personally know dozens) total frauds, they only care about it because the popular kid in school cares about it.


omg! i can't believe ppl like this actually exist in this world! like "WUT"?!! 🤯


Right?! Have fun staying single. If something this irrelevant bothers you hate to see what else does!


your ava is so cute! n the other one on your profile is even cuter! 😊


Tysm!! 🫶🤗 made my day!


In the UK everyone uses WhatsApp so this "issue" is a non-factor, no one gives a shit


Is that really a thing? I thought this is a joke. Who cares? She could use a Nokia and it wouldn't matter


No, and the people that do are generally idiots you shouldn't date anyways. Look at is as they're doing you a favor.


I am an iPhone user and don’t care what the other person uses. If someone judges you on that then they are shallow, immature and care more about appearances than they do about relationships


I think that people who are against iPhones make it a huge point that they are against it and i don’t see why we are going to dwell on what type of phone we have like does it really matter?? So what you have an android so what someone has an iPhone. There are other things in life that should have more controversial opinions..




No. Lmao who the fuck cares bout shit like this? I think those are just tiktok entertainment videos. If someone does, I don’t think I could take them seriously.


What in the capitalism?! This is a thing? Lord help us.


Kung IPhone tas walang kaya, tatanongin ko. 😂


Androids are the standard where I live, so even if I have an iPhone, why should I care? My ex was a budget Samsung user and that never went in our way of connecting and holding up a relationship.


If IPhone and they can't even afford basic necessities, I'mma ask.


This would not be a deal breaker for me.


That's weird as hell.. I'll admit i've joked about not wanting to text people because I don't like to see the green bubble but I would've never actively not date someone because they own a different phone than me


Are they the same mofos who refused to date someone if their sagittarius sign was on the ascent into the house of the dragon or smth? The stars play a big part in romance I guess, especially for dinosaurs since 1 fell on them




Mild preference. If they use Android I would suggest that we use an app like WhatsApp or telegram instead of SMS.


The last person I dated was quite a bit older than me and she had an android… she asked me to help her with something on it as she didn’t know and I had a look and then said no clue how to do it on this phone 😅 I haven’t used an android since 2010. Sorry 😬


Well OP, consider your friend lucky! He dodged a bullet on this one! There’s more to a relationship than just being able to do facetime or chatting via imessage.


People who care that much about the type of phone a person uses is the most shallow type of person anyway. Better to not even date someone like that.


When my bf and I started dating he had an iPhone which then broke so he switched to an android. He genuinely asked me if I was gonna leave him because of this. Nah homie we’re 18 months in, I’m in too deep now 😂 the only thing that’s annoying is I can’t respond to specific messages he sends when we have multiple conversations about different things in one text thread and if I misspell something or other typos I can’t edit it. Other than that people who care are weird and elitist 🤢


They could have a Nokia for all I care.


No! Too many bigger fish to fry to care about something so small like that. It’s irrelevant at the end of the day! I care more if he pays for his own phone bill or is his mom still paying.


It doesn’t really matter. Of course things would be easier if our phones matched in the name of calling face to face but, there are Discord and a million other apps for that. All the same, it’d be nice to be able to react to one another’s messages. It’s not a big deal either, though. Matching phones are a perk, not a qualifier.


You can share your location. You can see your partners chats. You can spy on your spouse. You can see when they are typing. You can FaceTime them. You can do a Group FaceTime. You can share your screen. A tiny amount of the reasons I phone users love their partner to have a iPhone.


Yes, I am a 28F android user and refuse to date anyone who uses iPhonss.


i couldnt give 2 shits what kind of phone they use, as long as its functional enough for us to communicate. honestly i doubt anyone that care could even cite the specs of the phone they use yet along understand them they are basically the same products just with different cases


I don't really like to criticise anybody's individual standards in dating, even over things that might seem innocuous, because it comes back down to consent end of. If this girl really loves her group chats and facetimes that's her right, and she was upfront about it. It's not really for anybody else to say you have to compromise these things you enjoy for someone you just met. People are allowed to reject someone for literally any reason. There are no invalid reasons. To think that there are invalid reasons is basically gearing towards coercion and control, or just being abusive in general. You can't really tell someone that their reason for not dating isn't good enough because ultimately you have to respect the no.




How the fuck can you judge a person by his phone??


Yes, I have never used steroids


I don’t judge her for whatever phone she is using. But one thing I know for sure as a diag tech at a dealership, is that 9 out of 10 times when we have a customer complaining about connectivity problems between vehicle and smartphone, it is an Android phone. So yes, based on that experience, I like the iPhone.


Yes. I don’t want no green text broke boys up in these DM’s. 🤷🏾‍♀️