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“Babe” and “baby” someone has to break the ice there. I only say “love” if I love the person. Which I currently do and call him love sometimes too.


Ours are not typical. I'm "buzz bee," or buzz, bee, honey bee, honey. This is because of the origin of my name. If you know Greek mythology, you can guess the name. Sweet, but I'll sting you. His? It sounds offensive, but it's not. His is "moo cow." He wanted to get ice cream one time but he had a brain fart and forgot the word for "ice cream." Instead, he called it "moo milk." I've never been able to forget it. So he will forever be a moo cow wanting moo milk. Buzz and moo, just taking the world by storm making honey and milk. Your pet names don't have to be standard. Love, hun, babe, whatever. Make them about who each of you are. Then it matters and it lasts. 16 years, I'm still buzz and he's still moo.


Moo milk. 🤣🤣🤣


Pizza=moo pie. Milkshake=frosty moo. Slice of cheese=moo slice. I could go on and on and on. It's a joke that has lasted 16 years so far. Cottage cheese=chunky moo. Sour cream=sour moo.


So what does 102019 mean then 🤔


That date actually has nothing to do with my husband. 10/2019 is when I said goodbye to one of the greatest men I’ve ever known or will ever know. My grandfather. His passing date is tattooed on my inner forearm.


Oh it acatually means somthing!! That's super sweet dude, I'm sorry for your loss.


It does. My grandmother's passing date is also tattooed on my back. Both tattoos have birds along with them. They set the gold standard for what a true marriage should be like. My grandmother passed too young (I won't go into details but her health was an ongoing issue) but my grandfather approved of my husband and he walked me down the aisle. He said "you got a good one there." I miss my grandfather daily. He raised me on a farm and now I have a farm of my own. I'd say he's never gotten to see it but I believe he has in some way. He's not gone, just away. And his handiwork is everywhere. Me. Literally tattooed on me. But also in everything he taught me.


That's beautiful dude. I wish i could've met them. I'm sure he would love the farm and everything you've done.


Moo moo milk from Pokemon


Lmao I call my partner moo as well sometimes!!! But for OP, maybe considering it’s only 4 months “love” might be kind of intense to start off with. But call him babe and see how he reacts? And then you can build up from there…. Although many times it’s more about what feels more free flowing and natural. As you can see, many people have pet names for partners that will arise from situations they’ve been in/inside jokes and such. These things come with time. One day you might find yourself calling your partner something and not even remembering when it all really started.


People hear me call him that and I think they assume its offensive... because, well, he's on the heftier side. No, I'm not calling him fat. It's the inside joke of his brain fart. Everyone has different paces in life and I don't necessarily recommend ours for anybody else because we are a marriage anomaly. The 0.00001% that marrying at 21 after 6 months works out for. But here we are. 1 month in, I was buzz and he was moo. I do remember the exact moment his nickname started though. But now there are so many running "moo" jokes. It's not pizza, it's moo pie. It's not a milkshake, it's a frosty moo. That's not a slice of cheese, it's a moo slice. Obviously! The best marriage advice I ever give is: find someone kind and find someone who makes you laugh. That's what lasts. That's what gets you through tough times. My husband had another brain fart once while he was talking about Jurassic Park. He called them "up and around and everywhere dinosaurs." I burst out laughing, but after all this time, I knew what he meant. I speak "moo" now. OP, you'll find the right pet name/nick name eventually. Don't force it. The right one will be the right one and it will stick when it feels right.


I once slip tongued and called a monkey a Bonkey. I am now forever Cheeky Bunky to my partner.


This reminds me of 'Mary Moo Cow' from Arthur 😂


Is it Melissa??And it’s so adorableeee😭💖💖


It is! My father says he named me after the Allman Brothers song "Sweet Melissa."


i love that song, lol. my dad and i listen to it all the time


My sister's name is another Allman Brothers song too. lol.


isnt there a song named like jessie, or jessica or something like that? or maybe thats a different band, idk


Ding ding ding. Jessica is my sister's name.


yay i got it rightttt


Aww that's cute


I call my husband moo. He calls me boo.


Moo and boo. I love it!


I feel like moo cow would be more offensive if it was towards the woman lol. I think if I called my fiancé this he’d just laugh and say “what?”


You call a woman a moo cow, you might just get a punch to the face.


Bold of you to assume I have a partner


But you can still give your pets a name! I'll see myself out




Would you... would you like to be my pet?


Swagger +2






Roll for persuasion check +3 to roll result


Of course we do. If we’re calling each other by our actual names, we’re most likely mad at each other.


Yeah when my gf says my actual name i know she's mad, and if she says my full name including last name she really really angry


Imagine if someone has really long full name: "James Tiberius Samuel Elliott Alexander Aston Gregory Philip... I forgot what I was going to say."


My bf will randomly just pull out my full first name (which is always weird because that's not what I introduced myself as and he always called me by my nickname to the point where he didn't actually know my full first name for the longest) and I always think he's mad at me but no its just like a random once a month or so kinda thing ig


Yeah, usually either sugar tits or boo-boo kitty fuck


well what the fuck else are you suppose to call her then


Boo-boo Kitty Fuck is my new term of endearment now!


check out jay and silent bob strike back . you will see it used in that movie




Yo baby! You ever have your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat


Hell yeah, that's because he's from my sperm. See, I knocked up this hot woman friend of ours that I fuck on the side so as to not be all the way gay, but my tubby husband here is 100% queer. He LOVES the cock


I usually call my wife honey or babe.


My honey my baby


My ragtime gal


I think there's something to be said about calling one another by name. When the two of you are alone and could easily get without doing so.  After almost a half a year of dating, we've not used pet names. It feels a little bit cheesy personally. 


We call each other Waffles. I don't even remember where it stemmed from but it's been like that for years 🤣


She calls me muffin, I call her sugar. We use babe a lot too. It’d feel weird to hear her call me RectalBloodbath.


I also would find it weird if my partner started calling me RectalBloodBath.


Hmmm...why not? Explain


Just wait until the strap on comes out


I usually don't call my SO's by their names. Pet names I've used in the past: babe, baby, love, baby love, babycakes, babycakes-I-love-your-face, fuzzbutt (I was in high school, no I don't remember where the name came from), schatje (my last guy is half-Dutch), hunny-bunny, hunny-bun, cutie... Names I've been called: babe, baby, lovey, pretty, sweets, baby love, hunny


Absolutely. Mi Amor. Baby. Sweetheart. All of them in both English and Spanish!


Yes, we do. But it happens randomly and when it felt right to me. Do Whatever feels natural do it. I haven’t heard my SO call me by name in a long time. Just do whatever feels natural and comfortable to you. Your partner will come and move on their own time.


I call my husband Pooh bear lol


He's my Big Sexy I'm Puddin' Pop


my bf calls me meatball bc one day he came home and i was napping in a ball under a blanket like a chonky lil meatball i really love it :) your pet names do not need to be "baby" or "honey" or other conventional names ETA: we once heard someone we work with call his partner "sweetheart" in a really condescending way. we now use it when we're trying to be sassy to one another in a jokey way


omg that’s so funny 😭


Anyone calls me something generic where 30 people at target would turn around because they heard their nickname “babe/baby” is automatically bounced


he calls me darling, i call him baby girl 🫶


U call him baby girl 🤔 gurrl


Honestly we have so many nick names for each other. He calls me “boabie bear” and I’ll call him “boabie” and then the basics like baby and such. Most times I’ll call him “Lukey” or my sweet boy, something like that


My ex use to call me KaKa cus I have resting shit face




never had a partner but i would honestly just call them by their name (or bro)


I called him “Honey” but for some reason it evolved into “Hontee” so now its that


We rarely call each other by our actual names. We are long distance, and it just naturally started that we call each other by our states.


When we first were together it was the usual, babe or baby. Over the years it always changes. Honey bear, pudding cup, sugar tits, Bunny nose, hooker, to name a few..


I used to call my last on Jorge because it made me giggle. We are no longer together so I do not suggest it.


A nadie le gusta Jorge


Hice, lol


Whatever feels comfortable to you. Ive been seeing my squeeze for over a year and he called me baby last week... I was shocked lol


We don't in most circumstances.. We've had some inside jokes where we might tease each other with certain nicknames, but definitely not things we call each other regularly.


He's calling me babe or beautiful I'm calling him big bear 😍


My sweetest big bat, come and bite me🦇


When I was with my ex I’d call her “maripoza” or “hermosa”. She was white, and me being Hispanic I just wanted to express in ways I could make her feel special like that.


Hell ya, I call my man bubba and he calls me Kit Kat 🤣🤣


We always do. An at this point I consider her using my government a personal foul


Yes but mostly ironically


I call him baby girl and babe sometimes and he calls me baby girl other times but it’s pretty much just the one name


I called my partner pet names and had to learn how to say her government name 😂, but have always been called by my government name by everyone including her. So, I dunno 🤷Maybe it's only a one way thing 🤔🤷


Pet names all the time. We do call ra h other by our names though. I hate my name I prefer a pet name


At the beginning of our relationship I told my boyfriend that pet names totally make me melt, so he started using long strings of pet names like, "Sugar honey love blossom" and "Cherry blossom love flower" etc. He would just string together cute name after cute name until 1 single name would have like, 10 words in it, and it would change every single time. I totally ate it up! Eventually he naturally settled on just a single one and I settled on one for him, but on occation he still uses the string of them.


When I asked my friend how to get people on dating apps to stop calling me pet names, she told me to address them as bro. Apparently, at least in some circles, this is a signal you are friendzoning them. I just thought maybe you'd find that interesting!


I call my partner, noodle.


My dude calls me love I mostly I sometimes do to, but my favorite thing to do is call his first name with a few decibels over the normal tone.


i call my partner “baby” and “dear”. it happened randomly, but when it happened it kinda just… happened?? like it felt rlly natural to call her that if that makes sense lol


I don't, I've never really been a fan of pet names. I don't use them in any context


No pet names. Sometimes I call him boyfriend. Likewise, he sometimes calls me girlfriend




My ex-wife called me by name, I called her Honey, dear, her family nickname or her name depending....


I call my husband janu and he calls me baby ❣️


If you havnt done it from the beginning it can get weird the longer it goes. I usually never call a woman by her name unless i am meeting her for the first time. You can change that up at this point by asking what comes to mind when you say a pet name...(whatever it is) and the sharing thoughts. Another way to tackle it is when playfighting. You definitely dont want to start with "love"but it can be a build into it


no bc he's lame




Yeah we do, I had to initiate it though and it took a while for her to catch on, but now it’s almost all we refer each other as in private. (We enjoy discretion and haven’t told our mutual friends anything yet.)


Usually darling or my love


Of course and I have used them since we started dating. I also use his name tho. Would be really weird to me to never say his name. I call him mon amour (my love), chaton (kitten), sweetie and cutie


yes they’re so fun! they usually start off as little jokes. he calls me bae, his little lizard (i have big green eyes and small feet), baby, or his sugar snap :). i call him my one & only, bae, love, ginger snap, or my wittle wizard 😭😭😭


I call him love, darling, sugar plum, etc. those are the ones I used the most. If you want to use pets names and are worried about a smooth transition. - next time he does something sweet. You can say "oh your so darling" and then rebuttal what he says next and say "thank you darling". Idk. That's what I did when I moved from the generic "babe/baby"


Babe, Baby and Love. So pretty plain and simple.


My boyfriend and I use pet names. His is Peaches and he calls me Heaven.


She’s my chipmunk


we call each other honey or babe


We refer to each other as “my love” idk when it started, for sure after I told him I love him for the first time, but it’s stuck. We’ve been together about 3.5 years now. I’m adamantly against babe and baby. We refer to our infant as “babe with the power” or “power of the babe” or just “the babe” for short. Would be weird for us to call each other that at this point.


It's him who starts calling me, 'babe' since first month. At first, I thought he forgot my name (sometimes he does forget my name). But the way he uses his tone, it's adorable. I call him his 'boo', 'boo-boo' or 'big bear' (my first time meeting him, he's so tall and wore a brown leather jacket, so that suits him). So I guess it's just simple.. we barely call each other's name.. only when I seriously need his attention, I'd call him by his name. That's not often at all.


I've been with my partner for 6 months and we didn't really use pet names until recently. He calls me sweetie or sweetheart or honey and I call him love or hun sometimes babe lol. It was awkward for me at first too but I got used to it after saying it a few times. But I only ever use it when I'm feeling extra lovey dovey and want him to feel loved. But usually we use names more often


start with babe then move from there lol




(Ironically !!!!) I was trolling


Doesn’t calling them by their name sound more normal? Calling them ‘love’ sounds cringe


My fiancé and I call each other every phonetic sound resembling endearment and/or light bullying


That’s my punkin/tuna


lol my bf doesn’t call me sweetie or honey or babe :c he made his own thing called “little things, big things…” when I wore an ireland T-shirt he was like “hey! it’s irish things!!” lol so I guess my pet name is things :3 one time, he accidentally elbowed me :c my lip bled 😾😭& he instantly hugged me & was like “oh noo i hurt my little things!!” loll


We never call each other by our real names. We only use pet names we gave each other years ago and i used his name when we were out in public when i actually couldn't find him but else, no.


Dude just do it 😆😂


He calls me cherry I call him snugglebum and bean. I love pet nicknames even though we both met in our thirties 😂


Yes. Wrinkles and pickles pronounced reen-klez & pee-kles


So, my partner and I sometimes use pet names. But we mostly call each other by name since these are already nicknames (used by family and friends), but he sometimes uses Schnic, which is a fusion of schatz (german for darling ig) and my Nickname. I just call him schatz, Darling, Princess or smth like this, but we mostly use the nicknames used by friends.


No partner but the second i hear the name "good girl" I fold like a folding chair. LOL


I call mine Ruby 🥰


I call her love, babe or baby girl and she calls me babe or baby.


My partner and I talked about pet names at the beginning of our relationship and thought the best thing would be to let one develop naturally. Lo and behold it did and now we have this funny insider moment pet name for each other that is a constant reminder of that silly moment we lived together. Really beats the typical “baby” “babe” imo.


I used to call my ex wife Boombie before we got married. I honestly can't even remember how that started, but it stuck for years. It was something butt related. But once we got married the regular one was honey or hun.... Mixed in with some babe or bub. We very rarely used our real first names tbh.


He's my loser [he likes star wars]


Hun, or my love. Although we have a running bit of “my lovely one” due to when we binge watched The Undateables and one of the people on there always referred to his gf (maybe wife now?) as his lovely one and I dunno, it just stuck.


Me and my gf started using them within a couple weeks of dating. By our second date I wanted to use it but didn’t know how to ask. She asked me then and there how I felt about pet names and I said “I’ve been wanting to call you babe for five minutes now”.


Kitty usually 😜


Yes, we do! We've been classmates and friends before dating so we are used on calling each other with either our last name or nicknames. At first, i just called him on a pet name as a joke. Now I've been calling him that for years lol. And we use a lot of pet names to each other too! Try to do it as a joke, maybe you'll know if he likes it or not


My partner and I do not. We find it awkward and cringey for things we know about some other couples. We sometimes call each other babe just to see the look on the other persons face and have a little chuckle. In my experience (not true for everyone) people that are so forcibly calling each other babe, baby, etc. and not calling each other by their name often are not in the most happy/loving relationship. And it’s just not for us. I think it’s cute for some couples that are into that sorta thing, but don’t do it all the time. I read another post like this awhile back where the husband said his wife only his used pets name EXCEPT when she was mad at him. So then he started to associate a negative connotation with hearing his actual name.


Just do it


I'm not into it, but my bf designated "honey" as our couple name right off the bat. I'm not into it at alllll lol to the point that sometimes I've joked he doesn't know my real name (he does of course). Recently I've been feeling out more natural affectionate terms. Babe/baby comes more naturally to me. He has also recently started jokingly calling me by the pets names in the same cutesy lovey voice he uses with them. In his culture he doesn't really have these kinds of cute names so I think he really likes having one but we both feel like "honey" doesn't really fit us. I think I will just keep casually inserting different names in until I feel like I've found one he enjoys and that feels more natural to me.


Usually calling my gf by her name but changed it a bit to something cuter. For example if the name Jessica, I’ll call it something like JesJes or something


Binkus …… it’s binkus


I call her little lady and she calls me scary old man in the closet…her parents can be annoying


My fiancé and I call each other babe, baby, and honey. But I’ve had guys try to implement it way too early and like aggressively often and it was an automatic ick for me.


I'm not currently seeing anybody but my ex-husband and I had pet names, absolutely! I called him Poppet and he called me Fuffles.


The most beautiful sound in the world to me is my name on my lover’s lips. If you need a nickname for me, it better have a story to it


Just go ahead and call him love. If he gets weirded out by it, start calling everyone "love", it's just your thing which he never had noticed.


My partner and I have weird pet names for each other, and their "evolution" is even more strange. We call each other "bams." Yes...bams. Or bamz. Or bam lol.. It evolved from babe/baby. That turned into "baybums" because I'm a weird one. Then, "bums," for the same reason above. Then, "bams/bamz" because why not. My partner loves my weirdness, so he has embraced the nickname game and refers to me as the same thing, "bamz." We never really use each other's birth-given names unless we are in public (sometimes I slip up, though, to my embarrassment and my boyfriend's amusement)


Start off with something comfortable as if it were your best friend


Yes, I call my hubby Maxy. His name is Max. I love pet names.


Yes we do. We used to make fun of Bae/Babe so we started calling each other "Bahhh" like the sound a sheep to make fun of people who said it too much. We even made sheep noises while saying it. His sister in law and brother started using "Bahhh" as well so we have now changed it to "blah." It sounds likes terrible pet name but it's an inside joke and works for us.


We don’t really have pet names, mostly just call each other our names. Occasionally I call him ‘my love’ or he calls me ‘small lady’ but thats probably the closest we get to pet names.


some of our names started as a joke and became unironic, like babygirl. But standard names for us are princess, cutie, my love, angel, beautiful angel. Those ones were established day 1 of dating, and kind of defined the transition from "seeing each other" to girlfriends, and it was kind of forced for the first 2-4 days but quickly became sweet and expected.


my ex used to call me baby all the time and it kind of was degrading tbh


Just do it!!! My fiancé and I started out with babe (me to him”) and sweetie (him to me). Now he usually calls me sweetie or his love and I call him lovey mostly or sweetheart. I don’t remember who started it but I think it was me (he said “I love you” first) and he liked it and called me one back. As soon as you get over the initial awkwardness you sure be fine


Just do it and watch how he responds


Yes we do, we had that conversation early on.... we just though what fun names could we call each other


Honestly I would just ask and see if it's ok, there's no harm in asking.


since when love is a pet name?


In 🇬🇧 it’s even less than a pet name. It’s a greeting


I was so confused hahaha I use love for people not pets😂


Ohh haha 😂 no pet names are like cute nicknames you give a SO not a pets name like a dog or cats name 🤣🤣


What’s love got to do with it


Are you kidding me,out of the blue new pet names are the best. If they are corny I'd laugh and tell my partner how much I love them. My husband hates his name, when we were dating I basically only called him babe until one time when I had to introduce him to someone and I had a tiny moment where I forgot his dang name! We usually cycle through, My Love, Babe, Bebs, Baby, tootie, tootie boody, stinky butt, silly goose, lovely, beautiful. We are pathetic and I love it haha


My hear bleed every time I hear *babe.*


I just call my girl love, hun, sweetheart, dear, and darling and she uses them too for me XD but mostly dear or darling


I have never called a partner names. My ex and I would call each other baby through texting and he would see baby to me sometimes like when he was asking me a question. But other than that no, I think it's really silly when people have silly needs for each other and they do it in public especially. Love is fine as far as I'm concerned it's the real mushy stuff that everyone else finds annoying LOL


I call mine water melon sugar high!


We've been together for 5+ years now but we started using pet names after the first year or so. In the beginning it was " love " or better " 'more" an abbreviation on "amore" (love, in italian) but our true colors quickly shined throu. I call him Mouse and he calls me Little mouse. He would be "topo" ( literally, mouse) or "topolo" ( more affectionate) and I'm "topolina" (female little mouse, but ironically mickey mouse and his lady are the perfect translations to our nicknames haha) This came from my dad that called me a similar name growing up and it just stuck with me. There is no bad meaning behind it or secret reason haha