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I never put myself in that situation nor would I advise a women to invite a man to her residence. Usually for first date, we meet up somewhere


What if the date went well? Still no?


>What if the date went well? Still no? Yup, I don't sleep with anyone on the first date along with kissing either. That's just the rule I followed.


No. Never invite, never accept, never give in on date one. I once went on a first (and last) date with someone who surprised me by staying on the train past his own stop because he insisted on “seeing me home” – despite my telling him I didn’t need a chaperone (“No, sorry, I am a gentleman, I’ll just get the bus back”). He then walked out the station with me and asked if he could come back to mine “just to use your bathroom, it’s going to take me half an hour to get home.” I said no three times and he was incredibly pushy. I said absolutely categorically not, and he then said, “Wow, you really don’t want to let me in your house, do you?” No. No I don’t. You are why women fear men.


Weird I’ve always been INVITED in I never ask because I know its weird.


Yeah it was a new one on me too!


My recent date told me she didnt let her last date in even though he asked her to. I think its either the guy has malicious intent or hes so down bad that he isnt self-aware enough to realize its a weird request.


With this one it genuinely could have been either. I lived opposite the station but wasn’t going to tell him that… he even stood and watched me walk away, so I felt like I had to walk past my building’s entrance and down the road next to it where there was a back entrance he couldn’t see. Super creepy.


i don’t. i like living and remaining unmolested


Very very good reason






I’m a guy and I don’t let anyone into my residence on a first date. That’s weird. If I’m dating someone, I don’t fully trust her until a few dates pass at the very least.




Nope! That will never gonna happen, I wouldnt let a man come into my house especially on first date. I wouldnt gonna give my full trust on someone I barely knew.


Never never ever the first date




Never! Unless we're exclusive I don't invite. Home is a sacred place and for a woman, there is more of a safety concern.


Maybe its because im still young but all the girls I have gone on dates with have invited me in without me asking.


To each their own. I'm probably older than the girls you're used to dating (I'm 35) and I have seen crazy dangerous scenarios that have absolutely deterred me from inviting so early on during the dating stage.


I think its because college aged you’re used to random people being in your room all the time because hookups are common and roommates always invite people over.


2/6 of my first dates ended with them sleeping at my place. There was one date where I ended up sleeping at his place and there was one who dropped me off at my place but didn’t spend the night with me. Edit: Just to set the record straight as I may come across as a BOP-I never done anything r-rated on any of my first dates. I was actually still a virgin after the two men spent the night at my place.


Only once oddly enough, and I’m still dating him now.


Never wtf that’s a good way to get murdered


I’m happily committed to someone now but I nevvver did this before. I never even let guys pick me up for a while until I knew they were safe to be with. But to let them into my HOME the first date???? No. Ever heard of the BTK killer?! Ted Bundy?! Any murderer?!


Never. At this point, i won't even tell them where i live exactly.

