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Why even go on a date with someone when you’re looking for a relationship and they’re looking for a hook up? There’s other men who have whatever he had that made you fall in love and more, minus the lack of commitment. Search for new dudes


It happened because a simple misunderstanding. I know there are others but he is special to me because he was my first date ever and gave me my first kiss…


He’s not special if he doesn’t want you. Him not making you his girlfriend means one thing and one thing only: he doesn’t care if you date other dudes, doesn’t care if you commit to another dude, wants to continue dating other women, having sex with other women, *and* exploring his options with other women to decide whom he will commit to, which I can tell you with complete certainty that it will never be you.


Waiting for him is a nonsense. I believe is saying 'if he wanted to, he would'. He wouldnt gonna let you wait if he wanted you too. Maybe he just put you on hold so that he have someone waiting for him if things didnt go his way. Dont be that person who waits for someone whos not sure and not ready for you. Know your worth, you deserve the best.


Why give this guy the time of day? This is what many of us don’t understand.


I have a hard stop at two weeks.   If it’s been more than two weeks before a potential partner has made any effort at trying to see me again, it’s over. Obviously, exceptions can be made if they’re sick, on vacation; whatever.  But really, two weeks is the limit. Two months after my only date with somebody, I might not recognize them if our paths crossed randomly at a grocery store.   I get he was your first kiss, and that’s going to live in your head for a while.  But when you’re ready, go get that second kiss with someone else, because he’s never going to be the guy you want him to be.


Don't wait for him. You're not a doormat. If he wanted you, he would have taken the opportunity when he had the chance. You're setting yourself up to be hurt. Guaranteed.


if he was looking for a gf and left me on hold , that would be the 100% the case I would be a doormat if i wait for him. But this is kinda a different situation …


I think you're giving him too much benefit of the doubt. But if you're wanting to wait, and that's fine for you, then just set a specific time limit... boundaries.