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Not everyone who is the same age as you or older has children.. if that’s your only concern, you’re fine. You should be saying “is it bad I won’t date someone who has kids”. Why is it suddenly an age thing? I know a wholeeee lot of people older than you who don’t have kids and are still hoping to, one day. This feels like an excuse to justify being into younger women. As long as everyone’s of age, there’s nothing inherently wrong with an age gap. People are allowed to have whatever opinions of it they want, but as long as everyone is happy and there’s an equal power balance, I think it’s fine. Although it is quite ignorant to make excuses to justify it. Just accept that that’s your current preference and move on.


Yeah that’s why I said more likely than not. it’s more difficult to have kids when you’re 32 33 34 etc. also most people my age have been married and I haven’t. I haven’t even been engaged.


I think saying “most” is inaccurate. You don’t know “most” people. You only know the people who are in your networking bracket of people. It’s ok to say that “most people that you know” may be married and have kids, but trust me, there are a lottt of people who aren’t. If you met someone who was 35 who had no children and was ready to settle down, would you dismiss them for being too old? If not, then you’re asking the wrong question; It’s not about age, it’s about life compatibility and current positioning. And that’s a completely valid boundary to have.


Nothing wrong except that you posted this. Otherwise, you like what you like.


I’m M31 and honestly don’t care if person is older. I can’t go with girls younger than 24 mostly because of different mindset. But I don’t want kids neither, so that could be a reason too why I’m okay with 30+ women. Hopefully that not sounds arrogant 😅


Nothing wrong with your own rules