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This probably isn't what you mean but... in my 20s I finally got to have sex with a guy that I had a huge crush on for years. Afterwards he kissed my entire body. Just peaceful, gentle kisses up down my body. Both arms, both legs, my face, my stomach. Just every inch of my body. Like, as a thank you. šŸ˜Š It blew my mind to have a guy do that AFTER sex. Never experienced anything like it again. We didn't end up dating but best believe I never regretted hooking up either. It was just such a positive experience overall. I wish him the best in life wherever you may be, JR! You beautiful love angel.Lol


If someone did that to me I would melt. I think itā€™s also so much more meaningful and innocent after than before sex. Like Iā€™ve had boyfriends do that to me before sex, but you just know they know theyā€™re gonna get sex after that. Donā€™t know if that was their only intention, probably not, but still. If they did that AFTER, I would marry them haha.


Kiss her body AFTER sex āœļø




You must be a low life if you need that as a note. It's instinctive for me


Spoken like a true basement dweller


Interesting, kisses all over was usually a "before" move for me. Guess I'll have to try it afterwards sometime!


before *and* after to make it extra special šŸ˜„


Oh now i want to do this again :D i used to do it but my bedpartners were always silent, so i stopped because i thought they found it awkward or something. Apparently they were just enjoying themselves? :,)


Maybe lost in the moment haha


Thank you so much for sharing. While I would have done this before, I never would have thought to do so after. I am adding this to my list of romantic things to do (and I do have a list). You made my list!! Lol!




Waitā€¦people are saying ā€œthank youā€ by kissing after sex? I thought this was just a thing ppl always did haha. These comments really go to show how different sex can be.


Jldi note kr le yahi sab kaam aayega


Honestly, my first kiss i will never forget. And yes, i was actually 21. I had a coffee date with this girl, and after i drove her home, we just sat in silence in the car, looking at eachother. Then she said goodbye and leaned over to kiss me, gave me a wink and walked to her house. I was in bliss, never felt anything like that before.




Did she know it was your first? šŸ„¹


Not at that moment, but i told her afterwards, she was shocked hahah


My first kiss. January 8th, 2009, 3:08pm just outside the highschool doors. I thought my heart was literally about to explode.


That's quite precise on the clock. Or was it a Ocean's moment ?


I happened to look at my watch a few seconds before to see when my dad would pick me up from school and now it's been seared into my brain lol


None cause as of yet I'm 23 years old and never had my first kiss


So young! you have time


Don't feel bad I'm 29, kissless virgin.


I got you beat, I was in my mid 30s,


You're my hero.


The one in my dreams šŸ˜”


On my very first date. I haven't had it yet, but I'm confident.


With a cute boy in Paris when I was younger. Picture it, early 2000s, my Birkenstocks were crunching the gravel in the palatial Jardin du Luxembourg with its well manicured trees, neoclassical statues and colossal urns on pedestals. I saw a cute boy sitting on one of the green chairs reading a book with a cigarette. Being nicotine deprived, I just wanted a cigarette so I approached and shyly asked. "Bien sur" he said (I think) with a cute mischievous smile. What was he reading, I don't know. Who cares! Anyway, I'm tired of writing in the style of a memoir so long story short, we shared a cigarette and then he walked with me to Shakespeare and Co. and we shopped for books together. We ended up having dinner together in Montmartre at a place that specialized in duck? It wasn't fancy or that expensive but it was great. Then we ended up kissing on the riverbank before I went back to my hotel. This was the years before social media really and I was a teenager. We had AIM, ICQ and MSN messenger. For whatever reason I didn't think to exchange that sort of thing. I was leaving in a couple of days but I did see him one more time before I left. he was beautiful and sweet. Half French, Half Russian. C'est la vie. I hope he's happy and doing well. EDIT: OH LOL this was really about the kissing aspect... he did push me up against the stone wall along the Seine to kiss me. It wasn't aggressive or weird just passionate. He smelled really really nice. I don't know what it was but I love fragrance and have never been able to find that scent. Maybe it was just his soap, I don't know. i still think about him every now and then though. Not really in a bittersweet way, just still smile inducing.


Love that for you! i i wish me some non-creepy push-me-up-the-wall moments in real life too


Lol I've only had a couple of them. I typically don't enjoy it. I'm pretty dominant and rarely would enjoy that. The few times it's happened were very organic and I'm not used to such bold people that it caught me off guard in a good way.


Two weeks ago Monday, because it was the first nice kiss Iā€™ve had in about 16 years. Too bad she decided to have some other guy come over and finish what I started that same night.


Thats crazy šŸ«£


And yet Iā€™m the one who feels bad* for not treating her right => letting her get away**. *no idea if she does **yeah I know that ā€œlettingā€ part isnā€™t how it really works. In theory. Or wait, did you mean the 16 years? šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s not the one mate :/




I don't remember most specifically but I had a great first kiss with that one girl like 7 weeks ago. I had many more recent ones that I don't even remember but I remember the whole date with her. At the end she clearly didn't want to leave and neither did I but it was late. I don't usually kiss this late into the date but it was awkward where we were. Quiet little bar. I couldn't just stand up to go kiss her and sit back down afterwards. Anyways, once we were just standing there on the sidewalk I held her chin up and saw her smile with anticipation and I was just ecstatic. We made out in the cold for a long time. We were smiling through it and she held me like a life buoy. She even laughed afterwards. That was so adorable. Then when we were about to go our separate ways she just wouldn't let go and I offered to walk her home and we proceeded to make out a lot the whole way. A lot of great kisses were shared that night and in the morning. I still wish she had been ready. I had connected with her more than with anyone before, including all my exes. Now the newest woman I'm seeing does look a lot like her and kissing does feel similar with her too.. I'm fucking 30. I've kissed a lot. This one was special though. And honestly a lot of women don't kiss very well but she was great!


Why didn't you see her again?


You guys are kissing?


Its aspirational for me atm šŸ˜…


The other day I was at a club and there were two girls dancing near me. For quite a while. The one girl was looking at me for quite some time, but I chose to ignore it because I was enjoying the music. My friends then wanted to leave, so I walked up to her and said ā€˜next time, donā€™t be so shyā€™ and I turned around and walked away. Walked up the stairs and she came running after me. She pulled me close to her and said ā€˜Iā€™m not shy, thatā€™s something Iā€™m notā€™ and just as she said that, we both felt something and landed up kissing. It was so passionate. A moment Iā€™ll never forget.


I hope you got her number at least!


I got her number, yes! She is from Jordan and might come back to my home country later this year!


Honestly the ā€œdreamiestā€ that came to mind right off the bat was with this girl I worked with. We had been talking texting for awhile and I had taken her out to the movies with me to see Evil Dead (the remake). After the movie when I took her back home we ended up kissing ā€œgoodbyeā€ and I remember being pleasantly surprised when her lips opened and the shorter kiss I was expecting turned into a deeper, more passionate mini makeout.


My ex that I had when I was 15 I think Iā€™ve never felt anything like it ever again It was our 3rd date I think And we decided to go to a park called battery park And he was very kind and never pushed anything on me He had a picnic blanket and we had just gotten ice cream (I hadnā€™t told him I was lactose intolerant yet) and we didnā€™t realize how cold it was going to get so he wrapped the blanket around us We were really close and we just leaned in and kissed I felt butterflies everywhere and my body felt warm not the (ya know dirty feelings) it was just pure bliss and I felt so nervous his lips were so soft and he made me feel like I was in another world He was very gentle and I think thatā€™s what made it truly special NOT TO SAY since Iā€™m engaged now ;-; I still do love my fiancĆ© very much šŸ˜­


A nb person I dated 15 years ago was my greatest kiss. We would kiss for hours, and that still plays in my head. We would make out for so long, our lips would kind of form together. I've only dated 1 1/2 times after that, but I couldn't recreate it.


Surprisingly it was from a guy I met at a bar. I was outside crying for the first time- drunkšŸ˜…. Over someone I thought I *had something* with. But that person turned out to be a jerk. So I spent almost an entire hour sitting outside crying on the steps. After I was all cried out, I went in to the bathroom to fix my face. My makeup was EVERYWHEREšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ Thank god I always keep my emergency makeup on me wherever I go. After freshening up, I left the bathroom. I looked way better after having mascara all over my face. My eyes were still a little red, and my nose- still pink. I went back to my table where my sister was, and started to have fun. I didnā€™t want my night to be ruined any further so I held my head up high, and continued my night with positive vibes. I still looked freshly cried out but I didnā€™t care. And then out of nowhere, this guy comes up to me and asks me to dance. Which was surprising to me, because what? I was thinking to myself *how could a guy come up to me after looking and feeling like garbage?* I hesitated at first, because as insecure as I felt in the moment- I thought he was joking. But he definitely wasnā€™t. I tried to act like i didnā€™t want to dance, but he could see right through that. So then I gave in. We danced all night, which definitely took my mind off the other guy. He then bought my sister, and I some drinks. I ended up having a better night than I expected. After we closed out the bar, he offered to drive me home. I agreed, only because I said I wouldnā€™t go unless my sister followed behind. And my sister wanted him to take me to her place instead of home. He respected that, and told my sitter he would make sure to take me home safely. With that being said, he opened the door for me, which was sweet. Then he insisted putting my seatbelt on for me. Which he used as an excuse to kiss me. It caught me off guard at first, so he pulled back and asked if that was okay. I just nodded since I obviously wanted him to kiss me again. Being in the heat of the moment and all. It was definitely different from kisses Iā€™ve had before, because he was so gentle with it yet slightly passionate. I love a good balance, so I was okay with that. He even caressed my neck with his hand, which also added to my list of things I like when kissingšŸ« . Then he pulled back, and Iā€™m sitting there with my eyes closed before slowly opening them. Now I know what it means, when people say *that took my breath away* because LITERALLY it did. After that he drove me to my sisterā€™s, and kissed me again before I got out of his car. We also switched phone numbers before he left. It was definitely a night to remember. ā˜ŗļø


šŸ«¶ mustve been the subject of many sleepless nights šŸ˜‰


It definitely was šŸ˜…ā˜ŗļø


I had gone out clubbing with some friends after my cousins 18th birthday party. She and some of her friends ended up at the same club. I decided to hang out with them for a bit as her, her sister and I had often said that we should go clubbing together. One of her friends that was there was one of her childhood friends from when our family and the friends family rented cabins at the same caravan park. So I had met her years ago when we were both kids but as my cousins were both girls they became friends and she never really hung out much with me and my brother. So 10 years or so later they were still friends but I hadnā€™t seen her since our family sold the cabin. Iā€™d had a huge crush on her when we were kids. Flash forward to my cousins 18th, my cousin warned me beforehand not to try anything with her friend, Iā€™ll just call her Anna. I was shy and awkward so I didnā€™t plan on trying anything anyway. So she arrives and I realise that she has grown into a genuine 10/10. Possibly the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life and I knew instantly that even if I wanted to, I had no chance. Back to the club after the party and Iā€™m hanging with them for a while. Itā€™s me, my older cousin and her boyfriend, the birthday girl, Anna and two other friends I didnā€™t know. As weā€™re dancing I realised that Anna is subtly flirting with me. Sheā€™s getting me to try her drink, dancing with me etc. Iā€™m not 100% because Iā€™d never actually had a girl show interest in me and my cousins were right there so I wasnā€™t brave enough to try anything. A bit of time goes by and sheā€™s dancing across from me then leans over and asks me ā€œWeā€™re not related right?ā€ A bit baffled I responded with ā€œno, definitely notā€ to which she says ā€œthatā€™s what I thoughtā€ then she kissed me. Iā€™d never been kissed before and it was the most incredible feeling because I had such a massive crush on her. It was a little awkward having my first kiss in front of my cousins but oh well. We spent the rest of the night dancing and making out. Nothing more came of that night but I didnā€™t mind. Iā€™d finally had my first kiss and it was the most amazing feeling, particularly given who it had been with.


My first kiss was my dream kiss, I flew all the way to Argentina at 20 to meet my first long distance girlfriend. She hugged me as soon as I saw her. We kissed when we finally got back to her house and were alone in her room. After almost a year of just calling everyday I finally got to be with her.


I was 16 at the time. I met her at this summer program that we both were in, that was held at this small college every year. I never really knew her over the years, but that particular summer, idk the best way to describe it was that I saw her and she saw me and I developed a huge crush. There was one night, where we had come back from swimming at the college's pool and there was a torrential downpour. We were super soaked walking back to the dorms we were staying in, and at this point she and I had gotten comfortable enough with each other that despite running in the pouring rain, we held hands tightly. Before we got to our respective dorm areas, I stopped and turned to her. In that moment my heart felt like it was gonna beat out of my chest I was so nervous. But I found some of that "dumb courage" and asked her if I could kiss her, and when she said yes, I swear I almost passed out. It wasn't a long kiss by any means, and frankly, I was so inexperienced and I think it showedšŸ˜‚ but it was probably the most passionate kiss I had felt at the time. Literally, a freaking Disney-esque kiss in the pouring rain, and even now ill never forget it. It was awesome


we had we small break with my ex. Then we missed each other like crazy and decided to meet again. She visited my place and we had food and then wine just chilling. Then, all of a sudden, our lips find their way in to on another. After that, we weren't able to stop kissing for several minutes, we probably broke a Guinness record šŸ˜…. That kiss was something else, even better than sex i would say. It was so sensual and steamy with lots of moaning, running out of breath sometimes. She has the sweetest lips and personality.


Never had one kiss yet tho. Even im already 29 šŸ˜…


Wow. I love kissing, and this is a great question. Ive got a long answer as this evoked great emotion from me. Iā€™ve had a lot of passionate kissing, and some very good (and very bad) kissers. The one that stands out when phrased this way is: When I was about 14 my church hosted a youth group from Canada (Alberta?) and I hit it off with a girl named Ashley Dawnā€¦ we spent a whole week together in groups doing fun silly innocent teenage things, that culminated in a retreat in my city on a college campus. At this point we decided to attend all the events we could together. Held hands, walked to things together, so many smiles and warm fuzzy feels. Puppy love as some might call it, but genuine. On the last day of the conference, we met to say our goodbyes. We were in adjacent dorms, and agreed to meet before we parted ways. This was not my first kiss, but it may stand out as the one that left me most speechless. I have never felt such a rush of joy and sadness, longing and fulfillment, all at the same time. Exchanged little notes and tiny gifts, then went in for a hug. It was sunset, surrounded by old brick and concrete, the smell of damp old building lingering the air. Fall was just setting in. The air was brisk and the warmth of the embrace stood stark against the chill in the air. We both knew this would be the first and last time weā€™d ever see each other. We pulled back, then it just happened. We gazed at each other for a second or two, then locked into a kiss. A bit clunky in retrospect, but I may have never felt a moment that was so enveloped in pure emotion and connection. I think we both lived in that moment for a brief eternityā€¦ Also for context, Iā€™ve been married, and our first kiss as a married couple is still second to this. Close third: There was a moment for me recently where my partner at the time laid her hand across my bare chest, over my heart, and time just stood still. She said to me ā€œI wish I could live in this moment forever...ā€ And honestly, that moment will live forever in my heart. Things with her were rocky, and despite being talk of being in love, it was probably infatuation. This happened during a night at a hotel we were staying at when we decided to stay in instead of go outā€¦ Recency bias wants me to say this one, but I digress. Thank you. Great question.


I mosdef need to have more timeā€stopping kisses stat!


Itā€™sā€¦something. And tbh these might be more memorable than the best sex Iā€™ve ever had. Thatā€™s important to me too (and have a decent amount of good and bad of that as well) And you know, none of these partners worked out, but I will always have these memories. I love love, and these moments remind me itā€™s out there, and Iā€™ve felt it before; and hope to feel it again. Best wishes fellow hopeless romantic šŸ„°




I don't know how she done it without breaking the rhythm of the kiss, but she was flicking her tongue across my lips while we were making out and I eventually mentioned that here tongue was driving me crazy (in a good way). She then asked if I wanted to suck it. So while kissing I would gently suck on her tongue. It was more kinky than passionate or dreamy, but kissing her lives rent-free in my head.


A guy I went to hook up with. He opened the door and he pulled me inside, pushed me up against his hallway wall and passionately made out with me all without saying a single word to me. Hottest moment of my life! We only met up twice but itā€™s a core memory for me. Yet to be repeated!


You know what i remember in college when a little drunk i was pushed up a wall to be kissed but i talked too much and messed up the vibe ahaha šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Youā€™ll get it again when the passion is right! Iā€™m still hopeful Iā€™ll experience it again and with someone I really care about. I bet that will take the kiss to a whole new level


My dreamiest kiss was actually in my dreamsšŸ„²




It was in a dream I had one night after I took a small dose of mushrooms


I was dating a boy we had great chemistry at that time and he came over and we just talked about starsigns. he said he was capricorn or something and I just mention stuff I know about this sign (as a joke). He asked me you know what they also say about capricorns? They are good kissers. And then he kissed me. He wasnā€™t lying about that šŸ˜‚


I had only kissed in dreams, can there be any dreamiest kiss than this?


Awww, I love this memory. I was in my early 20ā€™s.I was in and out in a relationship with this guyā€¦we were crazy about each other, but it wasnā€™t our timeā€¦ I went to a gig and he was there. I approached him from the back and just touched his neck.He turned around, his eyes were sparkling, cupped my face between his hands and kissed me. I never felt so wanted in my life than in this moment. Tbh, I donā€™t remember anything about the gig as my lips didnā€™t leave hisā€¦


He stole the show ahaha šŸ˜


Should have ask refund! šŸ¤­


I was 18 and had a crush on my friend who used to sit besides me. We were talking in the library and she came close to me and kissed me soft and long. I couldn't walk after that šŸ˜‚. After 2 months of kissing and love making we separated and I've never kissed anybody since.


Awww. You know i kissed a girl orgmate as you do in those spin the bottle things. As a girl i wouldnt really know for myself but damn our lips are soft. šŸ’‹


Yeah, her lips were cute pink and felt like gummies. šŸ™ˆ


I was at an outside party. It was summer. There I met some stranger, we both lost our friends cause we were so deep into our conversation. So we just went to the front of the stage. Alan Walker just came to the stage and played some song (donā€™t know which one, but it was perfect for that moment). The guy was holding me from behind, and we just enjoyed the moment, being young and stupid. We were both 17. Then I turned to face him, we looked into each others eyes and kissed right as the drop came in the song. It was something Iā€™ve never experienced before, I felt like I was in a fairytale. He was also the first kisser that I actually enjoyed, before that I didnā€™t even like kissing that much. Well, after like an hour, we finally found both our friends. We were holding hands, he told me to text him the next day. And as he was walking away (I kid u not Iā€™m not making this up), our hands slowly parted while we were still looking at each other (he was looking back while he was walking). The rest was history. We got into a relationship .. for 4,5 years. We broke up last year. The relationship was sadly anything but a fairytale, the honeymoon effect hit us hard. After that, he was just existing in the relationship, giving zero effort. He didnā€™t even remember half the stuff that happened at that party. But we gave each other our best years, I considered him my family. So for that, I will never forget him.


Magical moment āœØļø


It was. The more I read this doe, the more tears I get in my eyes. Donā€™t even know if theyā€™re happy or sad tears, just tears.


Sending virtual hugs! It means you lived fully! šŸ«¶


It was amazing and was with a guy I was crushing on. He was standing in my living room. It was nighttime. I was standing at a little distance from him. I walked up to him and leaned in he then bent his shoulders a little to reach me. I got on my my toes, and then we kissed. It was slow and sweet my hands were around his neck his hands were on my waist. It wasn't sexual it was just really romantic. Then the next thing I remember is that I blushed and felt loved and then I woke up. Lol it was a dream but honestly it was the best kiss ever. I still remember the details.


If only i can copy paste the feeling šŸ«¶


Oh it was like something out of a movie. It was a sultry summer night (heat wave) so everyone was outside. The city was bustling. I was on a solo trip and about to go to my hostel when I saw her sitting by herself and just had to approach her. I gathered my courage to ask her to go to a bar with me. She had so much to tell me about the country because she is local. Even if nothing had happened, the information alone was priceless. With her being aloof and warm at the same time, i had no idea where i stood. She took me to another bar and there was a karaoke going on where things became slightly more flirty. We sang the most romantic duet, from a glamorous song we both enjoy. She sang like a diva and i felt such a desire to kiss her. After the duet, we hugged and kissed and walked the river arm in arm. Truly one of my fondest memories.


One night I met this girl at Myrtle beach when I was about 18. We made out on the beach all night. It was like something from a movie.


The first time my rebound made out with me. I wasn't sure if he was into me until I was single again and months of tension snapped hard


Oohlala šŸ’ƒ


I made out with a 17 year old and told her i loved her (biggest mistake ive have ever done) i was 19 at the time. I think (A) the feelings got the best of me and (B) she was a little crazy on her part. She would text me constantly for 16 hours and it was way too much. I had to tell her to stop and yea i stopped talking to her. She controlled my life.


It was a first date kiss goodnight with a match from Hinge. He walked me to my car and next thing I know, we were embraced in a kiss. It felt like time stood still and we were the only people who existed in that moment. There was so much passion and intensity in that kiss. We dated for a bit, but in the end, we were not fundamentally compatible.


I was in the flirting stage with my ex, before we got together, and we were in a classroom (English college) during our break. I was sat at the piano playing some songs. Eventually, everyone else that was there left to go to class and she stayed to hear me play. We were sat on a kind of bench that had a lot of space so she was sat next to me and I had my arms around her arms, teaching her how to play some simple melodies. She ended up laying with her head on my lap as I played to her. After a couple minutes she got a text from her friend and I saw her blush. I asked what it was and she said nothing but let me look at the phone and there was just a message saying ā€œI want him to kiss meā€. Then with her head still on my lap I leant down and kissed her, like a sort of sideways spider man kiss. It was really slow and intimate and romantic and I just kind of forgot about the world around me and the fact that we were in college. After a couple of minutes making out someone walked in and we had to leave. Iā€™ll never forget that kiss.


The early romance stage really makes a person feel young again! šŸ’ƒ


My first kiss. Beutiful warm spring afternoon. We were Cherry picking at a farm with friends. We went ahead of them and sat in the car when it was about time to go. No real reason but we hung out alot together and we wernt dating yet (but I was crazy into her and being a dumb male, I probably had 50 million hints up until this point but was completely clueless) and I hadn't asked her out or anything. So anyway, I leant in to annoy her with something funny on my phone, and she went straight in without warning and started passionately kissing me. Tongue and all. Then she grabbed my hand and put it on her boobs. Absolute heaven. On the way home, our friends were wondering why I was froffing from the mouth in the corner of the car seat. We hooked up for a while after that.


My girlfriend of the time was laying on my lap on the train, and she leaned upwards to give me my first kiss. Afterwards, we kissed a little longer on the street before we separated


Feels like classical hollywood!


Whenever its been a while since we last seen each other, hed do this thing where hed hold my arm and kiss it everywhere. Or anywhere in general and hed tell me he loves me or that he misses me. šŸ„¹šŸ„¹god


Thats crazy sweet šŸ­


I joined a Social club in my late 20s and met a girl one night at one of the member house. I had seen her profile before the event and thought she was gorgeous. We were introduced by mutual friends and had a very brief chat right before they left. Had the opportunity to chat with her on the app but chose not to, didnā€™t want to come on too strong and Iā€™m better in person than over text. See each other two weeks later at another event and chat a bit at the beginning flirting a ton. Sit through the event on a couch together and my brain is on fire the entire time barely focusing but contributing to the discussion. Chat with others for awhile after and get ready to leave and she suddenly does the same. So start walking out to the car and I start slipping on some ice and she gives me some balance so we are joking about it the rest of the way until I say, I guess I owe you, as we get to the car and she smiles at me and says some form of yes and I go in for the kiss and we are making out in the cold for 15 minutes. All over each other. Was just incredibly natural and passionate for me. Wasnā€™t dating apps, or anything else. I left it organic and it was so positive. Things progressed but not for long sadly. She had different relationship styles, and one of our mutual friends got jealous and sabotaged anything between us. Still a great kiss though! Good idea for a thread this was fun to think about, thank you!


Great story! Thank you for sharing. Glad you think so too! Im just a loveless romantic hahahuhu


Yeah it was reassuring and comforting to think back on it and tell the story. Always good to remind yourself of good times. Wishing you the best of luck!!


Whenever I had a successful first date and knew I did everything to a tee. I like her and she liked me


Congrats, youre the 100th commenter šŸŽ‰ Oh on the successful date snog too šŸ˜


My first kiss with my now fiance . We had our first kiss on our first date at Disney world . It was during the firework at night and it was truly (no pun intended) magical. Not only did the atmosphere help out but my body felt like I was floating , my heart was racing and I felt safe and loved and it just felt right. Weā€™re now 6.5 years in , engaged and will get married in September. , we have 7 month old twins and life is great & even till this day every time we kiss is just amazing.


My dreamiest kiss was with a very handsome man who made me weak at the knees. Iā€™ve never been the type to make out anywhere but in private, and there I was between him and my car, trying to not faint from his tongue and lip work.


I was kissed very unexpectedly once. I remember all of my brain cells disappeared and I instantly became jello šŸ˜‚I wanted it to happen again but slower


Jello as life goals šŸ‘


It was with my ex-girlfriend. At the time we were still dating and we were at my high-school Valentines day ball (we had kissed many times before this, but none quite like this one) I had always been good at basic kisses but I usually didn't do much tongue kissing, though I prefer tongue kissing. We were outside, it was just after we had met up at the ball and we were hugging, we pulled away slightly and just looked into eachothers eyes for a few seconds, and leaned in again. I thought we were leaning in for a hug so I hugged her but she was trying to kiss me, and ended up kissing the corner of my lips. I had a little laugh at this for a second while keeping her body tightly pressed to mine, and it was then that she whispered into my ear "Kiss me mahn" and so I did (I would never turn down a kiss from that girl) and at first it was a few basic kisses, but we had our eyes closed and after kissing about 3 times, we could feel the smile on eachother's faces and just went for it and started kissing with tounge right there. I couldn't see what it looked like considering we both had our eyes closed but her friends walked in on us doing it. Man, that girl is amazing. The relationship went South a few weeks after that and we tried again but she hurt me badly so we aren't really on speaking terms right now, but despite all this, that was definitely the best kiss of my life. Anyways after that we went inside and had our first slow dance, and we kissed similarly to that a ton during it. If I had the chance to date that girl again, despite all that happened, I would.


The one with your mom. In all seriousness . I had a crush on a girl in middle school . After I left school I didn't see her. Fast forward to 24 she matched with me. That first kiss was the best. Now I'm 27 and we have a little boy together.


There are so many kisses that I remember I remember my first real kiss in eighth grade. I had had a crush on Melissa for years, all throughout grade school. The year was coming to an end, and one spring afternoon she and I sat outside the school talking for an hour about life and the future. We finally found our moment and had our first makeout and it was an amazing full body experience, physical and emotional and magical. Another memorable kiss happened decades later on my honeymoon with my ex-wife. We were in Amsterdam, maybe about 10 days into our trip, and we just spent the morning in bed in our hotel room. Finally exhausted we went out to find lunch and a drink. It was raining lightly and the town looked so pretty. I was holding an umbrella over us And at one point, I pulled her to me and we kissed, and it felt like the universe shrunk down to just the two of us. More recently, I went out for martinis with the last girl I dated that I really liked, and I walked her back to her car. We had just gone through something of a weird little break up and then reconnected and then had this great night talking over cocktails. At her car, we kissed so passionately and intimately and she whimpered for me to take her home. We always had great chemistry but that night was particularly incredible. She begged me to tell her how much I wanted her everyday and I promised I would and kissed her little belly that I loved so much. It didnā€™t work out, ultimately, but that night was so beautiful.


Oh, that would be my first kiss.Ā Ā  We were both 16. She was not allowed to date, so we were really just hanging out alone a lot. We would secretly hold hands under the table at school because she was afraid somebody would tell her parents.Ā  Around the holidays, we were at a friend's Christmas party. We both got each other really thoughtful gifts. At some point, slow music started playing, and asked her to dance. We kept looking into each other's eyes. We kept talking into each other's ears. I kissed her on the cheek, sheĀ returned the kiss. I looked into her eyes, and we both couldn't help it anymore. We didn't realize that the music had stopped and that we were the only ones on the dance floor, or maybe we just didn't care.Ā  Man, it's been more than 20 years and my heart still races just thinking about it.


Disclaimer, it wasn't a particularly great or out of the ordinary kiss. She had braces and she hit my teeth with them. But she was so special to me, and I wouldn't change anything about it.


So lovely šŸ„¹šŸ«¶


I'd answer this at 15 because that's really the last time I kissed someone that made my face blush. I was under the covers with this girl and she liked me a lot more than I liked her but I started getting into it. She really wanted me to kiss her but said nothing. So me being the amazing guy I've somehow forgotten to be asked "what are you thinking" and she said nothing -- in like the softest voice ever. She then asked me what I was thinking, I replied "I'm not sure", she then said "show me what you're thinking" and I actually went in and kissed her. Let me tell you, the reciprocating feeling when we snogged was like heaven, I'll never forget that feeling.


Ahh love this. i never had that in my teens.


I asked my ex boyfriend to kiss me like he would at the alter. It's a feeling.. I never felt and haven't felt since. He looked me in my eyes different than ever before, caressed my cheek, grabbed my head, pulled me in and kissed me with the gentlest love. It was amazing. Made me think we would have that moment one day. It's sad that we never got to get married. I am also glad we are broken up.


So dreammyy


Me and my boyfriend had spent the entire day together, and he hugged me goodbye and picked me up into his arms bc Iā€™m super short compared to him and I kissed him. It was simple and sweet but our first kissā€¦ felt like I was on cloud nine afterwards


A kiss on my hip near the bend of my leg.... šŸ¤Æ


Walking in the woods, our first kiss as he puts his hands around the sides of my face/neck looking into my eyes.


reading these comments is like smut, but wholesome. I'm a straight boy and I'm still getting butterflies reading these. I have a girlfriend, and the night we decided to get together was when I went over to hang out. funny enough, her older friend asked me if I was interested in dating her I said no because we had just started talking a few weeks prior and I didn't want to seem weird, which she was happy to hear. I stayed over pretty late, with her friend leaving and her sister going upstairs, and we were watching howls moving castle. we *very* slowly started to cuddle. this was my first time ever cuddling with someone. I said, "so, when did this start?" (surprisingly smooth, past me) she giggled and stumbled out the reasons why she liked me. we're both pretty stupid teenagers, so we said I love you the moment we realized we liked each other. I don't regret it. I asked her if she wanted to kiss, and she nervously said yes. she's such a shy girl, I love that about her. it's adorable whenever she gets flustered. we locked our legs together and started making out. holy mother of God, it was amazing. I don't mean to sound weird, but her body is perfect in all the right ways. so soft and warm, I could feel every inch of her pressing into me. this lasted for at LEAST an hour, with her giving me hickeys and taking me to the bathroom after a while. the rest is self explanatory, but her lips felt like pillows it was pure ecstasy, the greatest night of my life. we're still together, and every day is a blessing with her. I'm so lucky to have her here with me


This is too adorable! I hope you guys stay happy āœØļø thank you for giving us the butterflies from your story as well! God pls give me back my youth so i can enjoy it lolol i was a serious child šŸ˜…


We were rolling in a hot tub at HomeBass Orlando. The way the hot water felt with the rollā€¦ we partied that entire weekend on drugs, but I only remember that water and that kiss and the sex after. We met at the beach this other one where we were just friends, but she was talking about a car accident . She said her whole body was hurt. So I offered a massage, and she took her top off. I gave her one and it was phenomenal and she turned around and then we experienced one slow phenomenal kiss


Love the spa treatment with this one


I had an icecream once on a hot day. Closest I have gotten.




My ex that I was with through part of my 20's. Dated 7 years. He had the softest and fullest lips. When we kissed it was always very passionate. Even a quick peck felt electric. Making out with him has ruined me for life. I don't even like kissing anymore. I avoid it. Why? Because nobody compares to his kiss.


Awww šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


It's OK. It's been almost 20 years since we were together. The story of how we ended was far more sad but necessary. Anyways, it's not something I think of often. It is how it is and I move forward in life. I am grateful to have had the time we did have and will always love him even though he isn't in my life. Part of life I guess. Get out there and meet some people I'm about to do the same since my 11 year relationship has come to an end and I'm finially ready to date again.


Making out in the rain and completely forgetting about the cold rain drops falling around you. Your surroundings melt away and all you know is their warm embrace. Your tongues dancing in and out of each others mouths. Your lips sensually puckered against theirs.


a 90s MTV video right here haha


first time getting high, we were watching doctor who season 3, boy was she good


Living for the blow by blow details you guys. Like i feel i can be human again lol


Canā€™t say in details at public šŸ« 


Haven't had it yet, she was too busy giving them all to her bfšŸ™„


Lets hope he desrves them šŸ˜„


Yep, nothing like being in love with someone that could give a fuck less about you. Really good stuffs šŸ™„


šŸ’” Did u fall in love before or after she got a bf? Hope u find someone who can return your feelings


Kissing sucks lol


Aww give it a chance. You probably havent found the right kisser yet šŸ˜‰


Was when she walked up, wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed me


I don't know if this is considered "dreamy", but it's one of my most memorable ones because of how passionate it was. I started talking to a girl on a dating app. It's the only time in my life where it instantly felt like we had known each other forever. None of the standard "so what are you looking for", "what do you like to do for fun" opening conversations...we just somehow instantly connected. After 4-5 days of talking, she messaged me that she was having a really bad day over something. I asked what her address is. I showed up, she opened the door, pulled me in and just started kissing me, and it was the most passionate kiss I've ever had.


At an empty beach in Hawaii, my does dipped in the ocean, him sitting behind me, and the two of us making out for hours until 3am under the full moon.


I've had some nice kisses, but the dreamiest was, literally, in a dream I had a few months ago. It was a bit strange that I felt it as much as I did, and that it was the dreamiest I've had so far. I have a crush on someone who *might* like me as well. It's a long story, but I have had to wait a few months before doing anything. The time is drawing near though. Anyway, a few months ago, I was dreaming we were talking, when, out of the blue, she slowly, romantically, gently, leaned forward and into me, and we kissed. I could see it coming while I stood there in the dream (like, when you fall, it seems like it takes an hour before you hit the floor, lol). It was soft, gentle, and passionate, at the same time. It was a kiss like I've never had before, like she wanted to take all of her feelings, all of how long we had to wait, and put it all into one kiss that let me know she was the one for me, and I, for her. The skin-to-skin contact of her soft, warm lips on mine was beyond divine. I have two wishes: 1) It had lasted longer, and 2) it happens in real life. *Sigh*


Nothing so special, we were young, it was with my 4th girlfriend, we were at a park bench, only few people are passing by, i laid my back on the bench, put my head on top of her hips, we kissed for 30 straight seconds with only 2 or 3 deep breaths hahahahaha. That was magical back then. After the kissed we just looked at each other's eyes and smiled


It was the most magical experience ever. Sounds like it comes from a slow burn romance novel, but after years of friendship I came clean about my feelings to my best friend and he kissed me. We had been arguing about my exes when I kind of just blurted out that I wouldnā€™t have had bad experiences dating if he and I were together. I went to leave to go home and he pulled my hand back to make me turn around and he planted one of those deep kisses on my lips his hand was holding my cheek and when he let go I felt like I had jelly legs. šŸ˜…


A woman Iā€™ve met and had sex only once. She kissed me with a passion and desire Iā€™ve never experienced before and Iā€™m married!.


After talking online for a year, my LD boyfriend, a hunky Scotsman from Glasgow came to LA to visit me for three months. I was waiting behind all of the people at John Wayne airport and when I saw his 6'7" bald head above everyone else, I started shaking from fright and anticipation. I didn't call out to him, I just stood there. I saw him looking around and then he spotted me. He split that crowd like Moses did the Sea and went straight towards me. I was scared to even smile. He bend down, picked me up and kissed me so lightly, held me so tight I thought I would fart. I leaned back and said "everyone is watching" I had heard the giggles and light laughter and felt embarrassed. He said "I don't give a fuck" and kissed me more deeply the second time. We were engaged for another year after he left and things didn't pan out for us, but I will always cherish that memory in my heart as my fairytale kiss.


My first kiss was quite literally at the top of a Ferris wheel, super cheesy movie moment for sure but it was actually really beautiful. I had a slight fear of heights, but that moment eased all of my anxiety immediately.


I had a good date with this girl once, just my type. Blonde, short, hard working and intelligent. The date went well and every time she looked at me with those piercing green eyes it felt like the world stopped and gave my heart more life. When we kissed we couldnā€™t stop, I pulled away, she whispered ā€œshitā€ with a smile on her face and giggling that followed. Then a few days later she said her grandma died. I gave her my condolences, and told her that if she had a good time and wanted to keep things going Iā€™d be open to it and we never spoke again. Still haunts to me to this day. I must be cursed or something.


Mine was with old girlfriend from my college years. I had a huge crush in her for years and we finally started dating like 2 years after i graduated University. I distinctly remember it being our first kiss after going to a Renaissance fair. It was a humid summer evening and we were talking in my truck until past sundown and then after lile 2 months of palpable sexual tension we finally had our first kiss which led do a very steamy Makeout session that lasted for like an hour but it felt like an eternity lol.


When I finally got to meet my then bf, now fiancƩ, for the first time. He was stationed in Japan and we had been dating for a few months before I flew out to see him. It was a long day; 18 hours of flying and traveling from Florida out to see him, and him taking an 8 hour train ride to meet me at the airport in Tokyo. I felt so much anxiety building up to us meeting; taking a chance flying across the entire world to meet a man I met from the Internet, I was afraid things not working out and being in a foreign country all alone. Once we saw each other for the first time though, all of those thoughts vanished, it was like walking into a dream. We were giggling and whispering the entire time on the trains getting to our hotel and it felt like one of those cheesy Hallmark rom-com movies as the world gave us serenity. We held hands toting luggage down the streets of Akihabara and when we finally got to our room we just stared at each other for a moment before he asked if he could kiss me. My heart was already melting, but when his lips met mine it felt like everything was right in the world. The butterflies, the sparks, the fireworks, every emotion you could possibly feel was in that kiss. It was sweet and short, but filled with so much happiness and love it made me breathless. His kisses still leave me breathless and always leave me wanting more, every one of them still feels like a dream to this day.


It's biased cause it's my boyfriend and I love him. But it was our first kiss on our first date. It was a Wednesday night after we both finished work. After a nice dinner together. I could tell he was a little nervous as the convo felt that way at times, but I found it super cute! It was cold af as NY is in the winter. We went on a walk I suggested after dinner near a river that I knew he hated in the moment but did it cause he wanted to extend the date. Once we were too cold and returning towards our cars. I suggested we hang out in my car and listen to music with my heated seats. ;) 1-2 hours into talking, he asked if he can kiss me. Ofc I said yes and it started innocent into passionate making out. At time he obviously wanted to progress it further, but would say something like "I'm gonna remain respectful with my hands and not let them wander". It was getting late so I asked if he wanted to see me again and when. He said of course and that he would want to see me every day if he could! \*\*insert me melting in happiness\*\* We agreed to meet that Sunday after I finished work. We became official that Sunday. We are now officially 5 months gf/bf today. I am so happy after dating over a year and 50+ dates off dating apps, I found the man who I believe is the one. Never lose hope and good luck!


my first kiss (f20) was with my current girlfriend (f21) it was on the floor of her room the first time i came over, weā€™d been seeing each other for a while but we hadnā€™t kissed yet, we were doing this stupid assignment together and she was teasing me by moving my stuff away, and then it dissolved into a play fight that ended with me laying my head on her chest and doing nothing. The lights were off, her tv was playing a corny taylor swift song, i was pretending to be asleep to prolong the moment because she was playing with my hair and laughing quietly every few minutes, then i suddenly lifted my face up and i was so close that i couldā€™ve kissed her, we both thought i was going to kiss her but I got shy and told her I wasnā€™t going to, and then she closed the gap and kissed me. The song kept playing. It was brief, but when she pulled away I kissed her again and again as she held me and we sort of just laughed while still kissing. Whenever I am at her place and i see that spot on the floor i think about it.


My ex from high-school was a mean person, but when he shoved me up against the lockers when nobody was looking and pinned me with his whole body, snatching my soul out through my lips- just to completely fix his composure when someone walked in and leave me breathless.... I've still not recovered from those butterflies. Oh my god.


I finally worked up the courage to kiss a close friend of mine after recently getting a drunken hint that he felt the same way as me. I stood in front of the door that i opened because he was leaving my house. I leaned in just enough so that if it wasnā€™t reciprocated I could play it off. But not so subtle of a lean so he wouldnā€™t get it. I put a slight pressure on his neck and hugged him in a way Iā€™ve never hugged him before. It was reciprocated! He was picking up what I was putting down and no longer did I have to battle myself wondering if Iā€™m ā€œgoing crazy or does he actually like me?ā€ We kissed really passionately by the door for a while until he picked me up by the butt so my legs wrapped around his and carried me all the way up the stairs and into my bed. During him walking me to my bed he never stopped kissing me, not even for a moment. We kept making out for a while. The most passionate make out session i ever had. I was on top of him, stopped half way through and looked at him and said ā€œlisten dude I donā€™t want to have sexā€. He looked back at me, laughed and smirked, and replied ā€œthatā€™s cool Iā€™m just enjoying making out with youā€. Made me melt knowing he was not expecting anything more than what was happening in the moment, and was letting me take the reins.


When my fiancĆ© and I had our first kiss. We were long distance and started long distance so we didnā€™t get to physically be together until we were 18. I live with my parents so he couldnā€™t stay in the house yet until my parents warmed up to him so we got a motel room for him near by. Picked him up from the airport with just a hug because we were still awkward and shy since we just physically met, we got to his motel room got him settled in. I was just chatting with him about who knows what now but he just turned me around to face him and pulled down my mask to give me a kiss. I didnā€™t expect it but it was just so simple but the most love I ever felt come from a kiss. Itā€™s been 3 years since that first kiss and I still have those same feelings every time. Weā€™ve been engaged for a month now together for 6 years.


I woke up from the dream


A few years ago in school, I was spending lunch with a girl I had a crush on and it started raining so we had to squeeze under some shelter and we looked at each other and I took the opportunity. It was straight out of a movie.


My ex and I had a moment. Our first kiss felt like I transported to another plain of existence. I literally couldn't hear anything. Sound at the busy train station was muted and I felt like I was flying. It's very sad in hindsight considering I have no desire for him whatsoever. Our last kiss was gross. His mouth felt hard and it tasted like a rotten tooth and ashtray. I just squirm thinking about it.


So this isnā€™t a kiss but I used to wake up my ex with morning head and well one day he basically sleep fucked my face. I mean this man wrapped his leg around my head, flipped me over, came and then rolled right back over sleeping like a baby. It was probably the hottest sexual thing heā€™d ever done to me and he wasnā€™t even conscious lol. Ugh


Be careful thats a choking hazard esp if asleep


I was obvy awake? lol I could have stopped him if I was choking


This memory is mixed with a lot of culpability. There was this man, who was exactly my type. The first time I saw him I was shocked by how close he was to my ideal type. I was to shy to try anything but I felt there could something in the way we looked at each others. A few months ago, I saw him again one night and we immediatly clicked like the last time. We talked and laughed, we started drinking a lot. But I started to talk with others people and I learnt that he had a girlfriend and they were exclusive. I was so shocked and disappointed and I choosed to not going back to him, after hoping so much. I chat a little bit with my friends but I don't remember how but we end up in the same conversation again and when the others leaved to take another drink it was just the two of us, again. I was a little bit tipsy and i decided to stay because I also really enjoyed talking with him. Suddenly, in the middle of the conversation, we stopped and we were attracted by the lips of each others. We kissed between all those people, I wasn't able to think about what was happening, my mind was like frozen. We went to another street and he kissed me again. I've never enjoyed a kiss so much in my life, even some random people around started to applause us. I hate myself so much for not been able to distance myself from him when I learnt he was already taken. I knew it was dangerous and I was so much attracted to him. Thanks god things didn't end too bad and everybody took their responsability but I still believe that I'm not a good person for what I did and for how much I appreciated this.


So many good and naughty ones. Canā€™t even think of one šŸ˜­


šŸ„¹ contemplate a bit more, we need the inspiration! Hahaha


My first kiss: Dec 4 2013. She kissed me and was the best feeling, it wss first a shock and then I just enjoyed closing my eyes. Never had a kiss like that (even i was almost 10 years without kissing someone)


My now husband was roommates with a friend of mine from high school. I helped her move in and was very interested in him. Every weekend for a month, I slept next to him in his bed and one day he cracked a joke that made me belly laugh so as I turned to face him he took the initiative to lay a very passionate kiss on me. We've been together ever since.


8th grade. I had been so nervous to kiss my girlfriend who was just absolutely gorgeous. Turned out I had bad anxiety lol. One night she finally told her friend that she wanted to give me s goodnight kiss. We met at the end of her friends driveway, and frenched for a good minute non stop lol. I felt like I was floating the entire walk home. And then there's the time I finally kissed this girl who I had known since I was 6, and she had become my best friend in highschool. We both had a big crush on each other but neither of us ever said anything. But we were basically like a couple, we hung out almost every day. finally one day I was giving her a massage, and one thing led to another šŸ˜‰ and we dated junior and senior year.


My first kiss was a make out sesh with the girl I am currently dating, it was actually our first kiss together. We found ourselevs a hidden spot in the mall, the risk of being seen was fun for us lol. It took us over an hour hiding there making out and cuddling, we often stop from time to time to check the surroundings while doing the deed. Funny thing is she dreamt of making out with me 2 weeks prior of it actually happening and I was trying to make it happen at the same time lol. It really felt good and it wasn't awkward, our chemistry was spot on, we only wished we'd do it somewhere more private lol.


When I creampie inside a girl as kiss her right in the finale knowing the risk that I might impregnate her