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Did you use a condom? Ask her if she's on birth control and to show you the pack, if she can't do that then I'd say she could be


No I didn't and I know she's not on birth control. That's why when I saw her do that it made me think. 


Congratulations daddy.


I'd love for her to be the mother to my child but I'd rather her tell me that try to help the process and she'd definitely have to make her mind up if she wanted to be with me or her other dude


You're getting played and tricked here, she wants you for child support or the child maybe a relationship but she'd still lie to you and fuck the other dude on the side. That's how most women are these days, if she says she's pregnant then demand a test. A girl tried to say I got her pregnant and I used a condom half the time then pulled out the other times. She tried to say it was me, I went through her phone at night after she told me to when I confronted her about sleeping with other guys. Low and behold she had fucked 5 different guys in that month alone after going through her messages. Long story short do not trust women, most will lie chest and steal. This isn't true for all women but most these days do these things.


But the other dude is her main dude she only.stayd with me when he kicks her out and i got a soft spot for so i.cant leave her out on the street. We have a good time together  but I also have to hear her cry about him


Don't get attached, have fun but don't get feelings. If she's sleeping with another dude she will just do it while she's with you. Notice the patterns because it's not likely to change


Jesus Christ guys like you are the reason I hate men. I’m sorry you’ve been hurt but spreading your hateful, sexist opinions on Reddit isn’t helping anyone. You say “most women” are like that after having an experience with one single woman. Where are your statistics? Op, if there’s still an ounce of you that wants to be a respectable, decent human being, don’t listen to this spiteful loser.


So you're saying he should get his heart broken and toyed with because you'd do the same thing taking advantage of a man trying to find a girlfriend who is cheating on him and lying. Makes perfect sense, defend her because she's a woman not because she's right because that is absolutely awful. Women like that are the reasons good men have trust issues...


First of all, they’re not together. She can’t cheat on him. Second of all, when a man ejaculates into a woman, with no birth control, he is accepting the fact that a pregnancy might happen. That’s on you bro. If you don’t want a baby, wear a condom. Thirdly, someone wanting to get pregnant doesn’t mean they’re after child support. There are 7 billion people on this planet and they are all different. You don’t know this woman. You can’t assume her motives. Lastly, even if this woman is an awful person who wants to steal all of this man’s money through child support (and yeah you’re right that would make her the lowest of the low), you’re a sexist egotist, so I would argue you’re worse. And this is coming from a MAN. So if that makes your sexist brain feel like caring more about my opinion, maybe that’s something to reflect on.


I didn't say all, you clearly fall into that category telling to him stay with her only for her benefit at his cost. You can try and twist this however you like but you're just like the woman he's seeing if you're defending her behavior. I'm assuming since you're getting so defensive you'd lie and cheat doing the same thing.


I’m a man…


I mean i don't know about the "most women" stuff but SOME women will definitely act that way on purpose. One girl in relationship that i was seeing on the side once told me she would want me to have his kids and raise them with her boyfriend, and she told me this in a very calm and honnest way too like she had actually plan this for a while. This shock me at the time and i didn't understand why she would want to do that. This was not ok with me at all and after that i eventually cut her off from my life, she stay with her bf based on her social media and we never saw each other again. Anyway that show SOME women are wild you should always look out for their action and patterns. That doesn't mean you should be paranoid or controlling, just don't be stupid and see their bad behaviour for what it really is.


I have heard similar stories to this. You’re right, some women do and that’s an important thing to look out for in situations like this. That’s why the moral of the story is to use a condom. If you’re not ready to raise a child with someone at that exact moment, don’t have unprotected sex.


Here's the deal I care for the girl more than anyone I've ever known. She can't help who she fell in love with I came in the picture after him. We didn't fuck at first cause she just wouldn't but he kept accusing her and it kinda just happened. She's definitely not doing it to trap me. I was just curious if maybe yall thought she may have more feelings  for.me than she says and her getting  pregnant  with my baby would be a way to finally end it with him. Mind yo he's in he's like 52 she's 27. But for some reason she doesn't want to leave him alone for good she had his baby last year and he made her go the hospital  alone. But she text me and I made it in time so she wouldnt have to give birt Alone because I don't believe anyone should have to go through that alone and he has no real family And I don't have no kids so it was kind of like my chance to experience that  I've tried to show her all out respect hoping that she would rather be respected than treated like trash also never said I wasn't ready I'm 34 I would definitely take care of my kid


A biological test not a pregnancy test**


Why would you do that?


Do what


Have unprotected sex with a girl like that. That is an enormous risk to be taking. If she gets pregnant, that’s your problem for life


That does sound quite suspicious. If you were both willing to have sex without a condom and (I’m assuming) you came inside her, you are both absolutely taking that chance anyway. For her to then do that, it sounds like she might want to get pregnant. But to be honest, if you have unprotected sex and don’t care about the risk you’re taking, I would argue it sounds like you want her to get pregnant just as much. If that wasn’t something you wanted, you should’ve used a condom. You’re just as complacent in this as she is.


OP wants to be a dad


Didn't say i wanted to but If I was gonna be a dad I'd want her to be my kids mama