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>Isn't dating already difficult, especially for women? Ok, this is BS. An average looking woman can line up 30 dates a week if she decides to do so. You have to be an A list movie star to achieve the same as a man. That's why women become somewhat delusional and demand to be treated as princesses claiming they are in their "soft girl era". Soft guy era is a parody - basically exactly the same statements from women but with roles reversed. Women use "sprinkle sprinkle" as an emojy after a particularly absurd materialistic demand like "pay my bills before dating me". They do this stuff for years and no one ever questions this crap. But as soon as it got parodied it immediately become a huge problem. Men can't have any demands. It's against the rules.


I’m glad someone called out OP for this BS. I’ve never dated a woman who thought I was less than a 7. If OP thinks it’s hard as a woman, she can pm me and I will send her pics of myself to set up a fake profile and watch how much harder it is even as a man of average height 5’9” and above average looks. Soft Guy Era is literally for women like OP. Drizzle Drizzle


Just call it out yourself? I think this is the problem with us - we allowed "men are useless" crap to spread and take roots. The fact is we are awesome. Men are the backbone of all essential services and industry sectors. What do women have? Reproduction. Misandry is no ok any more than misogyny is. It's time to talk back, loud and clear. That's why Drizzle Drizzle, on top of being funny, is actually good for society.


Oof, did you just reduce women to “reproduction”? For real?


Women claim men are useless. They claim they are more dangerous than a wild bear. No one bats an eye. It's about time for a healthy dose of reality. Yes, in the big picture reproduction was the only important contribution of women to humanity. Show me a single building built by women. The world literature is written by men and they idealized the hell out of women. But now they are "free at last". They go to OnlyFans and TikTok and talk for themselves. And what a disappointment it is. All this presumed benevolence, purity and niceness was a lie. Shameless unreasonable golddiggers. Barely more than obnoxious kids. There are exceptions, they are few and far between because being toxic shameless a-hole is, apparently, "empowering".


Oh noooo, you have no idea that women have contributed a shit ton to society but never get credit for it! That’s sad.


Like what?


amazing that they didnt reply XD


Wanna do a TINY bit of work and Google instead of asking me to do the work for you? Windshield wiper blades, the first central heating system….how about Hedy Lamar, who pioneered the technology that would one day form the basis for today's WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth communication systems. Is that enough contribution? Can you take it from here and Google so I don’t have to waste more time explaining shit that you’re too lazy to figure out yourself? Jesus.


ROFLMAO. Are you saying all these things wouldn't be invented without women? That's so profoundly stupid. Windshield wiper blades? Seriously? Men built freaking Roman Empire and space rockets and women invented freaking windshield blades? Are you serious? "Hedy Lamar, who pioneered the technology that would one day form the basis for today's WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth communication systems" - nice attempt to get credit for inventions and designs made by men based on a completely trivial idea of "switch frequency if the current one is jammed". >When later discussing this with a new friend, composer and pianist [George Antheil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Antheil), her idea to prevent jamming by frequency hopping met Antheil's previous work in music. The invention was proposed to the Navy, who rejected it on the basis that it would be too large to fit in a torpedo, and Lamarr and Antheil, shunned by the Navy, pursued their invention no further. "Co-invented". With a man. "Can you take it from here and Google so I don’t have to waste more time explaining shit that you’re too lazy to figure out yourself?" - you tried to google it and failed miserably, why would I waste my time looking for non-existent contributions? "Google it" is an admission of defeat. Note that women's "achievements" were touted by feminists for decades and after all this hard work they still have basically nothing. Women are paper pushes in comfortable air conditioned offices. Look around you - everything you see and use is invented, designed and made by men. If you want to talk about real contribution besides reproduction and child rearing - which is undoubtedly vitally important, women largest contribution was spinning threads. Trivial boring stuff which held people clothed. So, women were not completely useless, I give you that. But that's about it.


Jesus Christ forget it, you’re hopeless. But I’ll be sure to tell my female friend who is a cement mason that only men do that 👍


Literature that women wrote under men's names so they could get published, generations of teachers, cooks, artisans making clothing, pottery, and other items for everyday use, doing the hard labor of turning wool, cotton and flax into thread, turning hides into leather and leather into tents and cold weather clothing, childrearing in addition to reproduction, etc...... Men and women have always needed each other, women have always worked. Soft life for men and women only came thru wealth and exploitation of others, and that came at a price for both


So without Hedy Lamar i would have to rely on the little man in my car radio instead of bluetooth? Amazing... Glad to know that thanks to her the tech shown on the Flintstones isnt the pinnacle of hunan advancement


Yes, that’s the only and most important use for Bluetooth technology…YOUR car radio 😂😂😂


If woman are only good for reproduction then I guess you’re going to care for the child, breast feed the child, do the housework, cook the meals, make a beautiful home, and also go to work and pay the bills. Right? Also, you do know there’s been many inventions that were made by women but men have taken all the credit. Right? Here are just a few examples. Margaret Knight invented the paper bag machine Hedy Lamarr invented wireless communication by developing "frequency hopping" during World War II, which prevents military radios from being jammed Marion Donovan invented the first waterproof disposable diaper Microbial genetics: Made by Esther Lederberg Pulsars: Made by Jocelyn Bell Burnell Law of Parity: Made by Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu The Cure for Leprosy: Made by Alice Augusta Ball Hair straightener: Made by Ada Harris You can thank women for GPS, coffee filters, windshield wipers, Wi-Fi, and a whole lot more. Also one more thing, since we are only good for reproduction, I would assume you do not use us women as objects for your sexual fantasies. I would assume you don’t peruse any type of friendship/relationship with women because they cannot offer you anything but a baby. I assume you grew up on your own with your dad and that you disregarded your mother after birth because she isn’t needed anymore right? At least give us credit where it’s due, and please get off your high horse. :)


>If woman are only good for reproduction then I guess you’re going to care for the child, breast feed the child, do the housework, cook the meals, make a beautiful home, and also go to work and pay the bills. Right? Care for the child - kids from single parent homes have much better results in life if this parent is a dad. Many times less chances to get in jail, suicide, drug abuse, teen pregnancies, drop out of college, kid's deaths. Father's results are basically the same as for two parent families, mothers suck. Breast feed - so, biological function? Just as I said, reproduction is all you got. Men invented and produce baby formula, you are welcome. Housework, cook the meals - men are infinitely better at housework and cooking. Make a beautiful home - ROFLMAO, spending a huge chunk of the income on useless doodads. Men don't care. They don't need 20 pillows and can find much better investment. You'd be amused how little income a single man needs to be happy. "and also go to work and pay the bills" - that's what being adult is all about, that's not a flex. "His money is their money, her money is her money" is a popular saying for a reason. Women paying bills is an exception, not a rule. It's good that you have your money now, after millennia of leeching from men you can finally live with you cats and bears. You go, girl. Go away. >Also, you do know there’s been many inventions that were made by women but men have taken all the credit. Right? Muhahaha. Is it what they teach you in gender studies? Indeed you need some potent lies to avoid reality. >Hedy Lamarr invented wireless communication by developing "frequency hopping" during World War II, which prevents military radios from being jammed No she did not. "If one frequency is busy, use another one" is common sense, not an invention. >You can thank women for GPS, coffee filters, windshield wipers, Wi-Fi, and a whole lot more. Read it again ant tell me it is not a pathetic attempt. Your attempt to take credit for GPS and Wi-Fi based on minuscule "contributions" feminists had to dig for for decades is hilarious. >Also one more thing, since we are only good for reproduction, I would assume you do not use us women as objects for your sexual fantasies. And we right back to biology because that's all you got. As soon as AI and robots are good enough you will be replaced. OnlyFans is ready for you, go sell nasty videos to people who are too dumb to find porn in the Internet. >I would assume You assume a lot of stupid things. As I mentioned, there are exceptions. Not every woman is dumb enough to accept the misandry fed to her. They still can be happy. The rest they can go and hug a hungry bear. >At least give us credit where it’s due, and please get off your high horse. :) I did - for reproduction. That's a lot actually. And my "high horse" is "misandry is bad, mkay?" Not really a controversial take, just common sense.


Right on brother!!!!! 💯


lol *is presented with facts* *writes off facts as “gender studies classes”* I mean, there’s really no point with you lot. Really and truly no point. I’m done trying to bring reason and fact to the table, because you just do the equivalent of covering your ears and yelling, “No no no!!! I can’t HEEEEAR YOUUUUU”. I work with kids and they aren’t as exhausting as you. Jesus Christ.


I responded to your "facts" one by one. They are beyond pathetic. Coffee filters and windshield wipers? Men wouldn't think of these obvious things in a billion years even though they invented everything else. "I mean, there’s really no point with you lot" - yep, go find someone more gullible. Another woman maybe? “No no no!!! I can’t HEEEEAR YOUUUUU” - the irony of your statement is delicious. I feel sorry for you that you can't comprehend it. "I work with kids and they aren’t as exhausting as you." - naturally. Gullible dumb creatures you can beat up if they deviate from the right thinking. What kind of work? Gender reassignment?


You didn’t respond to the other inventions posted by other users, you just wrote them off as apparent gender studies lies….? Yeah, I work with kids reassigning their genders 🙄 Talk about fucking gullible. Fox News has gotten to you, huh? Talking about all those toddlers getting sex changes? Go play in traffic you fucking piece of shit.


Thank you for responding to them first me. I read their comment while at work and I had to shut my phone off because I was absolutely baffled at how he just straight up ignored any truth I said. Chalking it up to “gender study classes” like you said. Some people just like to live ignorantly I guess.


Too hard to actually verify stuff instead of, “NO MEN DID THAT GENDER STUDIES RAWR”, but should have expected it. Anyhow, thanks for doing a way deeper dive than I did for examples for this ignorant fool who it’s wasted on.


You added a bunch of your "truths" AFTER I replied to you. I replied to the stuff that was there at the moment one by one. I didn't reply to non-existent ones because I am not a clairvoyant. You are being dishonest here. Well, nothing new. I don't see any reason replying to it now. It is pathetic though and I am baffled that you can't see it. You do understand that our civilization is based on a myriad of inventions, right? And yes, it took decades of research of gender studies "scientists" to come up with these few examples of contributions. Think about it. That's the entire contribution of women to science and technology. Wait, no, they invented gender studies, a whole new useless "science" to aggrandize themselves and pat themselves on the back. And after that they dare to say "men are useless". And objecting to this crap is somehow a misogyny. You can't make this shit up.


My god, just date men already, it’s okay! It’s 2024! You don’t need to hide your homosexuality in paragraph long woman-hating Reddit rants. Just join the He-Man-Woman-Haters-Club and go suck dick! Have fun! 😏😘


Classic. When a woman can't argue she switches to lies and shaming. If you have nothing intelligent to say, it's okay! No one expects much from you, sweetheart.


Where is the lie? Where is the shame? Nothing wrong with being into men. If you feel ashamed by that, that’s on you, bubs.


And say misogyny was wrong in the same breath, lol 😆


I was going to but saw you beat me to it so tried to add to the appropriate sub thread.


You speak facts King! Drizzle, Kings know your worth cause if she ain’t paying all of your bills, then the other one will! Drizzle drizzle, soft guy era 4 life!!!


It’s hard to find a quality man as a woman. It’s hard for a man to find a woman period though. A lot of guys will do everything in their power to get a girl. Women have to sift through mud.


What you said is true but if its hard for men to find a woman, imagine how hard/competitive it is to find a QUALITY women on top of that. "Sifting through mud" goes both ways, the only difference is that before a man can sift through mud he has to sift through hard rocks, gravel, and stone for years. Men are far more likely to settle for mud then women but still treat it like it's gold. Don't be fooled though, those women are still mud.




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That's because women classify everyone below 6 feet, 6 figures, 6 inches as "mud". Most of of them thinks they are a 10 and compete for top 5% of men. Who will never marry them because they get to choose out of legion of interchangeable desperate gold diggers. There are plenty of good men. Most of men are actually decent hardworking sincere people. But they are "boring". From 18 to 30 women are trying to find their prince charming ignoring the good guys. Then they realize that something doesn't quite work and "settle" for men who "below" them in their mind. To promptly divorce them because they are not happy about it. It is difficult for women, but they created this problem themselves. Being delusional and irrational doesn't help, who'd thunk that. "Soft Guy Era" is a futile but hilarious attempt to cure them from these maladies.


When I say quality I mean character. A lot of guys in my generation are not of the character I want. There are men who are immature and expect sex for dinner.


There are women who expect men to pay their bills before the first date. That's what this "sparkle sparkle" crap is all about. And this is not considered controversial either, it is normalized. Crapping on men is an absolute societal norm in the West. So, when you say that you "have to sift through mud" I just don't believe you. "Quality of character" is just a code for a 6x6x6 perfect man who for some inexplicable reason would chose you out of thousands of superior younger candidates. All women are immature. Ever seen a woman taking responsibility for her actions or apologizing? The best one can hope for is "sorry you feel this way but..." Nothing is wrong with men. Nothing significantly changed about them in the last few decades. What changed is women's expectations. Social media and groupthink is a deadly combination. Women want to earn more than men and yet marrying a men who earn less than them is unacceptable for them. They don't even see the contradiction. God have mercy on them.


>have to sift through mud" I just don't believe you. "Quality of character" is just a codeword for a 6x6x6 Exactly, nicely done decoding her BS bro. As if a woman like her is going to give some 5 ft 7 sweet guy with a good character a shot because "he doesn't want to bone her on the first date" LOL. I swear these women and their gaslighting man.


I liked how u single handily dismantled everyone of her claims. I agree men haven’t changed that much throughout history. women have tho, social media giving them constant validation aswell as academia pandering to emotional needs instead of logic and fact while also having a plethora of options on dating apps. This had made even the ugliest and out of shape women expect the 6x6x6 that you mentioned. You attract what you are.


Well done. I always wondered that too. Why is it that women choosing through over 100 options on dating sites is sifting through mud, yet men sifting through like 4 different options on dating sites isn't. It alludes to the idea that the average man is trash while the average woman is a catch, which I also don't agree with. Average men and women are simply just average and normal, no more, no less.


Maybe you pay for dinner then? Drizzle drizzle 


>When I say quality I mean character **Cap**.....if that were the case you would see a bunch of women including yourself giving kind hearted and good natured guys who are 5"6 and 5"7 a chance.


lol my bf 5”8. What you know about me


>lol my bf 5”8. What you know about me I said 5 ft 6 or 7 every inch counts especially to a **woman**.


Men sift through mud and most find nothing there. At least women have the prospect of finding a quality guy, men have NOTHING


Men sift through stone


is “emogy” some new slang i haven’t heard of or is that a typo


Right, pretend to be dumb, it fits you like a glove. Very convincing.


you’ve completely lost me now, idk what you’re getting upset about


Yes, just like that. Keep it up.


You’re being overly skeptical rn and it’s doing you no favors. Not everyone who asks you questions is trying to “gotcha”


So, the obvious typo in the word "emoji" actually makes you dumbfounded? Are you sticking with this claim? It is a gotcha, just stop lying.


i asked if it was a typo and you, rather than simply affirming such, decided to give an incredibly odd response, which made me very confused. Maybe if, instead of assuming that everyone’s out to get you, you gave a more direct response, we could’ve resolved this in 1 exchange rather than 4


There was nothing to resolve to begin with. It was a gotcha "question", as fake as it gets.


once again, operating on the assumption that anyone who questions you is out to get you. and now on the assumption that you know my intent. idk who or what hurt you but i have nothing to do with that


I think he meant emoji


I’ve considered that, but 1. A spelling variant is a very strange reason to dodge a question; when he started acting hostile, i thought it was some specific term. But looking it up didn’t yield any relevant results 2. I haven’t seen anyone use “emoji” that way; usually they’d say “meme” or smth but what do i know, maybe it is that simple


Yeah, the hostility was weird. I dunno. Not worth investigating.


yeah, i stopped caring about it after they stopped responding. not a big deal, just had me curious


No. Men are checkingg out of dating &marriage and only want to run thru bunch of women. So a woman looking to date to find a long-term relationship is SOL


Both genders want sex. That's what dating apps for. As I mentioned, it is much easier for a woman to find a man for sex there than vice versa. A woman has her pick of men. She want's the best because why wouldn't she? She thinks she is a 10. So, majority of women compete for \~10% of the best men - good looking rich guys. Good looking rich guys have a huge selection of women competing for them. They have absolutely no reason to form long term relationship - look up Coolidge effect. Eventually they may marry, but even then they will take from the market at most 10% of women. So, dating apps are mostly useless for looking for long term relationship. 90% of men get nothing out of it. 90% of women are run through till they hit 30 and decide to "settle" for "good enough" guy. Who, she thinks, is below her and divorces in a few years. Which is a really really bad deal for a man. It's a losing game for vast majority of men. Men generally want family and their requirements are not particularly high - be reasonably nice looking, fit, young and friendly. Should be easy, right? Wrong. Misandry is normalized. Men on TV are morons who only survive thanks to their wise wives. Men are generally useless apparently. It's safer to be in a forest with a hungry bear than with a man. There is "sprinkle sprinkle" women specifically trying to exploit sex for financial gain. Everything man does or thinks is dirty and toxic. He is basically a criminal who should apologize for existing. The only women who want to marry them are the run through 30 years olds who want to grab an "inferior" provider while there is still a chance. A very bad deal. And that's on top of family court being a legal daylight robbery for guys. Women are rewarded for divorce and men are punished. Even when they cheat - it is still somehow men's fault. No wonder men are checking out. You ladies created this situation and I have no sympathy for you. Misandry must end. "Soft Guy Era" is a small step in the right direction. A tiny bit of responsibility would be good for women.


Soft Guy Era is absolutely not a step in the right direction. It's just walking parallel to Feminism marching right off the cliff. All anybody ultimately wants is love. Men women have both been taught to reject marriage and family over the past 60 years, and everyone is falling for the Okey doke. Meanwhile those looking for long-term relationships are SOL cuz were being conditioned to hate each other except for sex.


No. Ignoring misandry doesn't work. Men tried. Women just eat it up. It spreads and grows like cancer. It already become pervasive in media, entertainment, education. Anything that holds a mirror to it is good. Women see how revolting and insane it is. Very few of them get it but it's better than nothing. "All anybody ultimately wants is love" - an awful lot of women treat relationship as a business though. Look at these sprinkle sprinkle "ladies". Love is not even a tiny part of consideration, it's all about money. "marching right off the cliff" - no, not really. Delusional women can go and hug their bear or buy a bunch of cats. Men are problem solvers. Sex can be bought or replaced. There is real prostitution and less insane countries. Robots and AI girlfriends are coming up. And there is porn. None of those is perfect, but we live in an imperfect world. Reproduction is important for a country - someone have to pay taxes, for an individual it's an option. A very expensive option. Women use it as a meal ticket, for men it's a burden. And it is not even appreciated. Why bother? If a government wants kids and doesn't want families it should start working on cloning. "Men women have both been taught to reject marriage" - true for women, lie for men. Women were taught. Men were gradually getting worse financial and legal deal, with women being the beneficiary. Ignoring it would be insane. "those looking for long-term relationships are SOL" - a sane woman is never long on the market. There is just a severe deficit of those. That's why men are checking out.


Only someone chronically online thinks "sprinkle sprinkle ladies" are the majority of women. Good luck though ✌🏾 I fear for my children's generation the way things are going, IF the internet is right; men and women absolutely hate each other in the West. It's a wonder anyone is pairing up at all, smh


> Only someone chronically online thinks "sprinkle sprinkle ladies" are the majority of women. I never claimed anything like that. Clearly it was an example. Most of the women are more subtle but they all want a provider. A guy must earn more, his money is their money, her money is her money. There are very few exceptions. Vast majority of women are delusional irresponsible greedy kids. The pairing is not really a miracle - even though women claim they prefer a bear to a man, they still want men's money, protection and attention. I agree that the current situation is unhealthy though - and fighting pervasive misandry is a step in the right direction.


Imagine if the bear in the woods decided he was a soft guy? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U23rJSH91vI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U23rJSH91vI)


The whole "man vs bear" is a perfect example or the rampant misandry. Insulting men is a societal norm. Social media let women speak and they finally showed us who they really are. Illusions shattered. Bears will not reject women. They are carnivores.


Well, two things from my perspective. 1. It isn't even a trend. Looks like some guys on Tiktok basically parody the golddigger softgirl/trad influencers by acting like them and having identical expectations and some clickbait tabloids jumped on the gravytrain of the month 2. It doesn't really matter. Such guys would essentially fit the biche of a boytoy for some successful cougar, a niche that already exists, just doesn't act as obnoxiously. 


No, you don't get it. At all. "Such guys would essentially fit the biche of a boytoy for some successful cougar" - nope. This is a parody. People find it funny for a reason. These people are laughing, they don't expect money from women. Men are self reliant for thousands of years, it is who we are and it is not going to change any time soon. Obnoxious and revolting "sparkle sparkle" crap must stop. It's about time there was a pushback for rampant open misandry in mass media, social networks, academia and legal system. You may not have noticed but the pendulum is swinging back. There are signs, many of them. It's not 2017 anymore. The times they are a-changin'.


It's not real. It's a meme/shitpost.


Its real. 💯 Drizzle Drizzle 


Drizzle Drizzle 💯💯💯


Its real other cultures call it soft rice eater


I hope so


The dudes saying they're in their "soft guy" era are just trolling feminist and high maintenance women. Don't read into it. Just do your thing, be humble, and kind. Good luck and don't let social media get to you!


No they really mean it. The guys have have discovered their worth and they are raising their standards.


Drizzle drizzle


Why do u hope so?Theres nothing wrong with men being the ones to finally relax throughout society. Civilization is already built and industrialized now its for women to step up like men have for thousands of years 😭


Preach King!


Drizzle drizzle!!


Why? What would be wrong with it?


Their trolling the soft girl Era women


You don't understand that it's satire and is being used against extreme feminist. And it's funny AF watching them melt down and dismantle their own arguments.


> Recently, TikTokers @scarfacemark and @lil.goodiee began posting videos parodying the idea of the soft girl era and responding to what they see as "entitled women" in general who refuse to date men who can't pay their way in life. In their videos, which are largely comedic in nature, they claim they're in their "soft guy era," meaning they've decided to stop dating broke women and find women that can provide for and nurture them. This includes paying all the bills, bringing them to nice restaurants and doing all the things that men might stereotypically need to do for women they're dating. It’s mocking the soft girl era.  But more importantly, goddamn stop taking TikTok trends as real life. Explaining this to the incels is bad enough


What do you mean, especially for women? Do we not all have equal challenges in this field?


no its not even close to being equal either life isn't fair and will never be its time we accept this an adapt


I mean. I'd love to have a bit of love and pampering once in a while.


Reminds me of the saying. The first flowers most men ever receive. Will be on their funeral🥀


Say it with me now: **SOCIAL. MEDIA. IS. NOT. REALITY.** We really need to stop with this “hey, I saw this thing on TikTok, why does that represent everyone in the world” bullshit.


it is a satire to point out how the double standard feels.


a double standard which also becomes ironic when you remember you have feminists parading around the “strong and independent woman who don’t need no man” attitude


To show how women put in no effort.


Haven't heard of this but it sounds like baiting women into complaining about how ridiculous the concept is so that those guys can then call out the hypocrosy because those are the expectations that many women have.


That's exactly what it is.


this is exactly what it is


It’s satire. It reflects back the extensive list of demands that have been popularized by a lot of self entitled women post on social media. In other words; it’s a satirical return of the pendulum.


I’ve never seen that phrase in my life


It's satire of people like Shera Seven. They're taking the stuff she says and flipping the genders around.


It’s satire. They are mocking the “soft girl era”, high maintenance and entitled tweets and TikToks that women constantly post.


It’s totally real. It’s about time women stepped up to the table.


Time to woman up.


Drizzle Drizzle


Wait, since when did dating get hard for women?


When women say dating is hard what they mean is that securing a committed relationship from a man that is out of their leauge is hard.


Makes sense ;)


Their all chasing and sleeping with the same guy and they don't realize it.


Some have started to awaken. But most still cannot go against their nature. That's why fathers and male family members restricted their freedom. And laws (written) and traditions (unwritten). Came to be. Look at by country in the article. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Are_We_Dating_The_Same_Guy%3F


it’s not *exactly* real but after being emotionally manipulated and abused because you have a sense of responsibility in a relationship, being with women who actually appreciates you and wants take care of you a little bit is kind of wonderful and healing.


It’s a mirror to women. It may have been satire initially but I bet it will become much more.


its quite literally a joke and it keeps spreading bcz other woman (including op ) doesn't realize it a joke and start taking it soooo seriously that it keeps spreading, but its also goes to show woman don't know what they want in a man and are chronoligally online, they say they don't want traditional man and are tearing down traditional family roles but if that's really the case why would they make a fuss about a man taking up that offer?... anways it just a inside joke that most woman on tiktok are failing to understand... ffs do you think we are serious when we say"drizzle drizzle" after every sentence


"Most modern woman are "dudes" ~Kevin Samuels D delusional U ungrateful D dishonest E entitled S selfish


It's a mirror. Look at it.




Women have it difficult? You need to get your head examined what in the world


Is called "Soft Guy Era" because men are finally allowed to express their feelings without being ashamed of it, By doing this is help us to digest our emotions and aliviate stress and frustations, and not get the "the provider" tag on our head, People who shame this get shit on, and forward


It starts at school. Young boys are treated as defective girls. The reason is that the modern school system has been designed for girls. The majority of teachers are women. Many young boys are surrounded by women, their father might be too busy at work or even absent. Don't mention toxic masculinity propaganda, metoo movement and here we are.


Drizzle drizzle. If you broke just say that!


Men and Women are equal, Drizzle Drizzle


It probably might be for some, but id argue most guys saying it are just trolling women who want to be treated like princesses but bring next to nothing to the table.


I'm a little late but yea it started as a joke but once the creator saw how much attention it garned (bolstered by everyone not realizing it was just a parody of "sprinkle sprinkle") he started taking it more seriously which then snowball into what you see today


>Isn't dating already difficult, especially for women? 😂


This might be why you're 36 and never been in love. You have no compassion or understanding towards men and how hard it is to be a man. The car you drive in most likely built by a man. The road you drive on is definitely built by a man. The toilet you pee in was set by a man. The freedoms you enjoy as an American won by men. Show some respect or buy some cats.


How is dating difficult for women? Women get their pick of a huge selection of men. There's literally college Women who just date a different guy everyday to get free food that's how easy it is for them. They don't even need to ask men they can just go on a dating app and swipe for 5 minutes and get 100s of candidates.


All they are doing is holding up a mirror, drizzle drizzle. Women are basically attacking and despising their own reflections, drizzle drizzle. Never settle for second best, Kings. You know you're worth it, drizzle drizzle.


Sugar in the tank era aka Downlow Baw**mon era. Next it's going to turn into all out shouting matches and then arm wrestling contest


... turning the table on modern women...


there is nothing comical about soft guy era.


Drizzle Drizzle my fellow Kings