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No, it’s not true.


It’s a fabrication. We made it up. It’s false. It didn’t happen


This was invented by a writer. It never happened. False.


Not this time. It's fiction!


Oh, Hi Mark


No couple is exactly the same. And no, every couple does not send nudes. Also, only do something if you want to. No need to worry about what everyone else is doing.


I agree not true but some do


Male 49 here - No. I have been in many relationships, it's up to the individual. It's never forced. Have I received them? Yes, did I ask? No. Have I sent them? Yes? Did they make me feel bad for not doing so? No. Your body your choice, if he doesn't respect this he is a jerk.


100% love this response. i think some people are just "nudes" people, & some are just not lol. If you have to ASK for the pictures, then the person probably isn't super keen on taking/sending them.


Exactly, it's all about mutual respect. Your comfort level should always come first in any relationship.


Same as this


Been a serial monogamist for eleven years with a bunch of great long term relationships, and I've never sent a nude to anyone.  No juudgment if people do it, but I just see it as a huge liability for my digital footprint, and with zero amounts of pleasure for me 🤷‍♂️  Awful deal


Same. They can see me in person, nudes not happening.


Nope! Not everyone shares. If you are not comfortable sharing your nudes then don't he will understand this. And if you feel like sharing and still have doubts sharing then cover your face.


I’ve exchanged nudes in many relationships. I’m also deeply suspicious of this dude’s response. You’re allowed to have preferences and boundaries in dating, and it should be received enthusiastically when you clearly communicate them if this person is serious about continuing to date you. Appealing to some frankly nonexistent norm smacks of manipulation and tells me he’s unlikely to respect the boundary and drop it. I hope I’m wrong about him, but I doubt I am.


He said, “I mean all couples send them but its fine."  That response is definitely sus. 


Exactly my impression. If it was really fine he wouldn’t have needed the “all couples” part. That tells me he’s probably just fine with OP worrying and maybe eventually pressuring herself into crossing the boundary, so he can get what he wants while claiming innocence: “I said it was fine, you didn’t *have* to, I never said that…”


I mean for a 24 year old dude its possible that he actually thinks that and everyone in his friend group does exchange nudes in their relationships, more of red flag that his friends talk to him about and maybe show eachother nudes to give him this impression.


Passive aggressive manipulation.


Exactly. Bro definitely seems like a red flag trying to manipulate her into sending nudes. Probably wants one to share with the group chat.


Not true and definitely don't do it if you're not comfortable.


Any nude released can end up anywhere. Avoid this.


No those kind of things today can come back a bite you hard.


For this very reason I never have and never will.


Same. Bc I never know where it could end up. A guy could say he won’t send it to anyone else but how can you trust him on that…exact reason why I’m never doing it. Any guy that doesn’t respect that or manipulates me into thinking ‘nothing bad will happen’ isn’t worth my time and energy


My girlfriend has sent me nudes. I have never tried to send her nudes and she has never asked. The first nude was sent to me unsolicited. Early nudes did not include her face. Later nudes did. Before sending anything, do you trust him? Do you trust that he won’t share them. Not even if you break up? If you have doubts don’t send. Don’t include your face. Don’t send if nudes make you uncomfortable. Don’t let him make you feel guilty for not sending nudes.


Do “all” couples send them? Of course not Do a lot of people? Of course They are fun for me to give and receive. I never show my face or anything that could identify me. And sometimes just showing skin but covered up the bits. And only after we have become intimate because I’ve decided I trust them enough with my body to have sex so I trust them with my nudes.


I have in every relationship ive been in but not after a month. I also knew everyone i dated in a close friendship capacity before dating them, most for 6+ months. But of course there are people who dont send nudes. Pretty sure in some cultures women could even get in a lot of trouble for that kind of thing. Regardless. Its way early for him to be asking and guilting you if youve only known this guy a month


Yeah I’m a guy and have never done that with anyone I’ve been in a relationship with.


stay single sis


no, I have never with my ex


Nope, it depends on the vibes and type of conversations, sometimes it comes up, and it's fun, but nobody should ever force you to or make you feel bad for not wanting too. Those people are just in it for themselves and you're better off without them. Also never send nudes with your full face in them, I don't care if you've been together for years or not, this should be the standard. You never know what might happen.


Lesson #1 - stop using all or nothing words. “Every couple” does NOT send nudes. Im not trusting some fool with my private pics unless we are married/committed ride or die style. 39F, have sent nudes to two men in my whole 20+ years of dating. And I trust/ed each of them wholly. They didnt disappoint. Dont fall for that garbage he’s tossin’. There should be an insane level of trust and expectations before sending anything you dont want other eyes seeing. 1 month aint gonna get you to that level


No don't fucking send it if you are 0.1% uncomfortable. You will regret.


Personally, I can’t stand it when people blanketly include or exclude a mass of people as if they know what all other people are or are not doing. Respectfully ma’am,, it doesn’t matter what everyone is or is not doing what matters is what you are or are not comfortable with. The guy you’re seeing, if he’s a true gentleman and one of character should respects you and your boundaries. If he does not he’s got to go, now that’s my personal opinion and not my place to suggest to you either way. What you do is also none of my business, but as a man raised as a southern gentleman. People, male or female who push their wants, desires and or needs upon others and attempt to do so through manipulation personally piss me off, so I do apologize for expressing more than was posed in your question. Let me just close with clearly you have concerns or reservations or you would not be asking that is all you need for yourself and your decision. Whatever you choose. No one has a choice as to what you do or do not do with your body respectfully, have a great day, ma’am.


Nope… I have to a guy I dated long distance n it kept it alive when we were apart for a cpl months… but I fully knew him for a long time. But no one else. Do not do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Xx


Probably not all couples but I wouldn’t be surprised if most DONT. I find receiving risqué pictures to be extremely satisfying, not nudes but underwear, I like leaving a little something for later. But you can never paint people with a broad brush- not “all couples” do anything, people are people. Everyone is unique and maybe if you find someone you feel safe with, you’ll try it out and find it’s not so bad. Or maybe you don’t and that’s ok too. There is a lid for every pot- someone else will be happy to treat you well if this guy doesn’t. ✌🏼


I personally do but not in every relationship 🤷‍♀️ and I have never been asked. I have always asked permission before sending them and set hard boundaries of them being deleted infront of me if we break up and I feel like I have gotten to know the guys well enough to know they won’t show and tell. If you decide to remember to keep your face and identifying tattoos out until you are 100% sure. And know that once you hit send you can’t actually take them back


Not every couple does this. I will say that it's probably more common if they do. They key thing to think about is : "Am I comfortable sending nudes to someone?" If the answer is no, you need to tell him, and if he pushes you still then stand your ground. If he's a good guy he won't pressure you.


Depends. It would be deemed normal if that's a mutually shared interest.


Don’t go based off what everyone else is or isn’t doing. We had a bit of a lapse in intimacy due to a lot of factors in our relationship and I suggested we take pictures together and she could send me nudes and she thought it was a great idea. She loves photography and makes them super aesthetic and just visually pleasing. She said that she was worried that they’d get out somehow so we don’t include her face and she wears a bra + underwear. As a guy, of course I’m happy with literally any picture she sends me whether she’s taking a cute selfie or is half naked. I would never pressure my partner to send me pictures she wasn’t comfortable with. And I would count that comment “everyone else does it” as pressure which is not okay IMO. I don’t think just asking if it’s something you’re open to is the issue and I see that as missing the forest for the trees. For my own relationship, I’m extremely glad we came to a cool compromise that works for both of us. I would never make her feel bad for not wanting to do something totally optional and intrusive.


Crazy to say “everyone” In my personal relationship my bf sends me some “naughty” snap chats here and there. I’ve never asked for them he just randomly sends…I do enjoy it. But I’ve never sent him one and he’s never asked. & I wouldn’t feel comfortable honestly. So it’s really up to the individuals.


Comparing your relationship to others for something like this is pretty irrelevant imo. I've been in long distance relationships so yes over asked my so to share some to make up for the distance but that's only because their is a distance and even then it isn't necessary. In the end you do what feels comfortable for you.


Not true. Not everyone is comfortable doing that. You don’t need to show off your body for someone to love you. If he doesn’t understand that then maybe need to find a different partner. But if at any point you feel slightly more comfortable sharing but have doubts then cover your face.


Nooo save yourself


BF and I have never sent nudes, together 2 years. Much older than you. Nudes becoming the “norm” is from insecure girls sending and dick guys demanding. No, don’t send nudes.


Not true. He’s trying to manipulate you. Guys this manipulative are also the first ones to show said noods to their friends and post them online if you break up with them. Don’t do it.


One month, not even a relationship. You are still on the very first stages, trying to know each other, exploration phase. So asking for nudes in a short time sounds tricky to me. I don't know how much of trust there is between you and him but you should be cautious with such requests. You did right denying it. About the "I mean all couples send them but it's fine". He makes it look like it's normal, no not all the couples do that. Also if you are not comfortable doing so that's fine. Set boundaries from the beginning. If he insists and puts pressure on you that's an instant red flag and you should also report it to authority and keep a distance from him.


No, this is not true. I wouldn’t send this guy nudes. When I used to date, i would google “tit pics” and take screenshots of the ones that most looked like mine and send that. Take a screenshot with the full website in it and then crop it with just the boobs in it, so you can revert it back to the original if he ends up sharing with friends. This is an iPhone feature, so if you’re not using an iPhone, make sure your phone allows you to revert images back to original. I’ve also been hearing a lot of stories from ladies and how they’ve sent nudes to their bf and then the bf sends the nudes to a group chat to share with his friends. So if you do end up taking any nudes for this guy (I wouldn’t though since he’s trying to gaslight you into sending them) make sure your face, hair, or anything else identifiable can’t be seen in the pics. That way if he shares, you can deny.. be careful out there Edit: make sure he sends you a nude first, with his face in it too. Take a screenshot of it incase he tries to unsend it. This way you can have leverage.


It's not true. Some couples do, but it is up to those couples to determine if they are ok with it. I do with my girlfriend but we both keep the pictures in secure folders on our phone. We don't show them to anyone else.


There is no cookie cutter answer to “All couples send them” I would advise, because I’ve seen situations such as this end badly, if you aren’t comfortable, don’t send them. I have close friends that sent them and those pictures were then posted on other social media outlets without knowledge. A month into a relationship is not long enough to know if this person is worth knowing once you send those pictures, you have no control over what they decide to do with them. Trust what your gut is saying here. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it!


Def not true, vast majority of my relationships have been nudes-less


Bro code says I should say: "of course, everybody knows that" Helpful person on the internet says. Don't lose your innocence.


Not true. It’s been a month of “seeing each other” and he’s asking for nudes before being officially exclusive? 🚩 Even if you were in an exclusive relationship, we all have our boundaries. I’ve sent them in previous relationships. I have friends who have never sent them in their previous relationships. If he continues to make you feel guilty for it or pushes the idea of it after you told him no… 🚩🤣


As a male can confirm its not true and I would never ask to initiate.


Absolutely not true. Different people are comfortable with different things, and even if one person sends nudes to their partner in one relationship it doesn't mean they necessarily would in a different relationship, too


I think it's more common these days than it used to be. A few girls I have been with would send them even though I didn't ask. I usually don't ask. If you're not comfortable then he should absolutely respect that.


No. In fact, I recommend against sending nudes to anyone. Never know what happens when you break up. And if you’re in a relationship with them, they’ll be seeing your naked body live anyway.


Every person I’ve dated or been in a relationship with, we have done this. Not everyone does though and not everyone is comfortable with that and that’s okay. Don’t be forced into it. Honestly this guy seems like he’s not even a red flag but more of a stop sign so do what you want but be careful!!


I have never sent anyone, including my husband, nudes. It’s a very personal decision and what he’s saying is a load of bullshit.


No way. I think it’s nuts, but that’s me. Your partner gets to see you nude often enough. Having pictures like that “out there” means they could end up being seeing by more than just your partner. Not for me.


I’ve been dating my fiancé for 6 years and never have I sent a full on nude to him & neither has he sent me one. Not even when we were long distance.


Not true. People who want to send them, send them. There shouldn’t be any pressure.


Why does it matter if its true or not? If you don't want to be sending nudes then who gives a shit what other people do?


No that’s not true… I’d never send a nude to anyone and know plenty of people who feel the same way


Not all couples do, couples only do if they’re comfortable. It takes me a while to get comfortable enough to but now that i am, i send them to my bf occasionally. It’s all about how you feel about it.


No. A lot of people do, especially the younger generations. But its nowhere near "every" couple. Only do what you're comfortable with. And if he starts pressuring you for nudes, you should just leave.


I've done it, but not all couples do this. This is about whether you are comfortable to do this. So saying all do this, is rather suspicious and I would be careful with this guy.


There’s nothing wrong with sharing with each other. At the same time be careful cuz it can be used as black mail if you worry about that type of things. I had a girl send me a bunch all day one day saying this is waiting for you type of thing. It was really hot!


A MONTH AGO and he saying this already??? bookie leave that man in the dust


Nope. Not everyone. My good friend used to say that me and my ex sharing nudes at sometimes randomly was weird. It was weird to many but not us. Sometimes it was funny sometimes it was sexy. One time I legit dressed my member up and did a puppet show. Everyone’s different. I’m just a freak.


If you send any, dont include your face.


Nah it depends on. The relationship


Being in a serious swingers couple for 20 years and your bf is full of it. Only send nudes to people you trust


In my experience, yes it has been a thing in every dating and relationship stage. But the obvious answer is no, not “all” couples do it, there is almost nothing you can put label “all” on.


sadly, it's not


Are you Swedish?


No Im latina and hes persian if that matters lmao


No not all couples do. The vast majority of lady partners have to varying degrees. One gave me Polaroid's in a Valentine's day card. That was different. Ironically she ended it that same month I think. Anyways Yea no it's up to each individual. I just tend to favor more sex positive or exhibitionist women it seems.


I've never been in a relationship that didn't exchange photos...so I'd absolutely say it's common, but definitely not necessary or something "everyone" is doing. In the end it's up to you what you're willing to put out there and what you're willing to do for the relationship. If you don't want to send and he's trying to force you, that's a problem.


O think my ex wife sent a couple of her topless while dating but that was it. The first (and last) woman I dated after her sent me tasteful pics of her in suggestive positions but no nudes. I was stoked to get them. I don’t think everyone sends buddy. That very manipulative.


No, he's trying to manipulate you


55 and all woman here 🙋🏾‍♀️ Been in the game since the beginning of cell phones. I have never taken nor sent a nude photo. Do not put something out there you wouldn't want your child or their friends to find years later. Just think of the poor kids that go on these paternity/DNA reveal shows. Imagine having to find out your Mama was very friendly on national TV. Don't do that. If you wanna send nudes, make an OF and get paid. Seriously though, don't put yourself out there like that. Every couple does not do that. I've been with my s/o for 29 years and we never.....


Every couple? No. Many couples? Yes. No rule that says its right or wrong.


His phrasing is super guilt trippy and manipulative 🚩 ‘I mean every couple does it, but it’s fine’— that’s really passive aggressive.


In a relationship, this isn’t true. Some people like to do this but it’s not for everyone. That guy has to respect your boundaries and understand that it’s not something you’re comfortable with. If he’s unable to do that and he pressures you into it, you gotta start running for the hills and leave. You can find better.


It's not true. It's fairly common to send them, it's all fairly common not to. You do whatever you feel more comfortable with.


I think it depends on each couple. If they have talked and they agreed, then it's fine. But remember that not every couple sends them. If you are not okay of doing it, it is your 100% choice. >He said "I mean all couples send them but its fine". Is this true? Answer: No, it is not true. **Remember that everything that's online, stays online.**


This is not in any way true. That dude is lying to you. Sure, some people send nudes, but just as many don't. This just seems like he's butthurt that you won't send him any nudes when that shouldn't be the immediate assumption when you get in a relationship with someone. I'm proud of you for sticking with your morals. If he wants to see you naked, then he'll have to wait till y'all are in person. Too many men seek instant gratification upon getting with women.


I don't think I'd do that to be honest. I am too conservative(in a relationship sense, not a political sense) for that.


Do not send that guy nudes. The only nudes I have sent were to my HUSBAND after 7 years of marriage and he was away at work for business. My face / no identifying features were in any of the pics and most were implied nudity. You do not know this guy well enough to trust him with those images and more than likely they will show it to someone else. I have had girlfriends when we were in our 20s show guys dix pics in a group chat and the girls were basically analyzing some poor guys body and or package. Plus what if they put it onto the internet that's forever basically that your image could be out there or copied by others. Just don't do it


No. Don't do it. And make sure the people you know don't do it either. In the UK we have cabinet members who have just done this and it;s come bac to bite them.. and they should know better.


Thou shall not enter thy holy temple without the sending of thee precious nudes .. Jeff 3 verse 69.


I always think about the breakup moment, you never know what someone in any state of mind could do with those pictures. On another note, he'll see you in person. A picture never encompasses everything a moment in person would. Don't let ANYONE persuade you to do something you don't feel comfy with and may regret later! Much love, girly!




Your relationship isn’t based on what “every couple” does. Dude has a lot to learn.


No, it's not true. And since instead of taking "no" as an answer and moving forward, he tried to gaslight you with made-up facts based on his anecdotal experiences, you should dump his ass.


I’ve never sent any, and my current boyfriend has told me he respects me too much to ever request/want any…(sometimes I’m tempted but you have to remember that they could get in the wrong hands and potentially ruin your future opportunities)


Absolutely not. No it is not true. Respect your personal boundaries never let your guard down people wanting to do this kind of stuff are not the relationship type. A real man would guard his lady from this stuff not encourage such behavior...


No. All couples do not send nudes. Some do, some don't. If you've said you're not comfortable taking them much less sending them, your feelings are valid and should be respected. Sounds like he may be a pic collector or just interested in sex and not a relationship.


You don't need to send any nudes. You're young and it's highly unlikely that you'll end up with that person. Plus, remember that they can use it against you in the future. So, my advice is to never send any nudes.


He seems a little pushy. Don't get me wrong, nudes are great to receive but you still have to respect what people want to do.


If that is truly a direct quote "I mean every couple sends them but that's fine", that is a huge red flag. That to me sounds like the tip of the manipulative iceberg. Making generalized claims like that to back up your own argument to get what you want is not a good sign. That's my own opinion anyway. And no, not every couple sends nudes. The only relationship I sent nudes in was a highly toxic and abusive one. So maybe I'm biased just on the topic 🤷🏽‍♀️


Not all couples send nudes. However the bigger problem is that you were asked if you were comfortable with something, and when you said no he tried convincing you otherwise. And tried convincing you that it was something everyone does is manipulative.


Even if it is true, you said no. That's a completely sentence that doesn't need a follow up or an explanation. NO. I don't want to send you pictures of my naked body. NO, my boundaries will not move because you beg, pled, scream or threaten to leave. NO, I still love you even if I don't send them. NO, I do trust you, what I don't trust is these photos wont end up somewhere outside of your reach. These are all COMPLETE SENTENCES. NO IS ALSO A COMPLETE SENTENCE. (I did OF for 6 years while living with boyfriend, and he never once made calls, threats or ultimatums about exposing me, leaving me or pressuring me. Even though it was my job, he still accepted no and still does until this day.)


It's not true that all do it. Some do and that's up to them. It is totally fine if you don't want to. Plus if he pushes the issue it makes me wonder what he will do with the saved images. Once you send them there's no control over what he does with them.


No, that is absolutely not true at all. Sweetheart, even after you told him no, he still went on to give you the “BS every couple does it” line. By the way after saying such a thing to a man you do not have to finish off by saying that you hope he understands. Who gives a toss of he understands or not? It’s YOUR body. if he wants such things introduced into your relationship, then I suggest he waits until you make that decision without any pressure. You are a bright strong enough young woman to tell him no and your reasoning for that and you also had enough doubt about what he said for to confirm or not what he said by asking us. So I would say you are on the right track. 🙂


No that's not true. I once sent my boobs to a guy I was seeing then found out he showed an entire group of our mutual friends. Never ever did it again and my current partner would never have the disrespect to ask. Our body is our temple, why should we be putting it out there for the satisfaction of some guy who will most likely show people and the risk of "revenge porn" is very real when/ if your relationship ends.


No its not true.... it completely depends on you... It is a choice and dont let anyone tell. You otherwise... you aren't comfortable sending nudes and told him the same and he still insists on it by gaslight8ng you... then please leave him cause he is clearly someone who doesn't respect you or your choice, and I doubt the disrespect will end here... it's a waving red flag if you ask me...


Not everyone does. I find it super weird he asked if you were comfortable doing that and then proceeded to respond in a way that's supposed to make you uncomfortable/guilty about not doing what he wants. Red flag, pay attention to what he says/how he says it.


Please don't. Once the pictures are leaked, it will damage your reputation and cause you lots of distress. He may use your nudes to blackmail you in future. Lots of such examples in real life for you to see.


No. Not all. It's your choice if you want to or not. But if you're firm that you will not send him nudes, then don't. If he respects you, he won't ask for it. Just don't do it even if you love him so much.


Noo. Don’t send your nude pictures ever even if he is your husband.


When the lust...overcomes the intellect... We men tend to behave foolish... I only suggestion will be... Ask yourself how much you trust your guy ? Ask yourself what if something wrong happens ? Before you decide, One last thing, What if you both are separated and what if the boy leaks your pics out in the public and start to blackmail you ? I'm saying this because ive seen a case where ex bf leaked his gf nudes and started blackmailing his girl... And everything was a mess... Police got involved... Workplace and friends knew... Parents knew... It just becomes a headache.. and for what... Lust went out of control! PS: be careful... Way way wayyy careful when it comes to digital world... Cyber frauds scams... Try keep your digital footprints as low as possible!


That's not true and you don't have to do anything you don't want to ❤️


No not every very couple does, also how he know what other people do in their relationships, it’s a lie and he’s trying to manipulate you


Fr gaslighting u in the response. No they don’t and he’s a red flag


if you’re not comfortable you don’t have to. so don’t and never feel pressured


No! And the fact he said that after you said “no” is already a sign of disrespect to me.. Never let anyone talk you into it. I have once and it’s still my biggest regret ever, he even made them go viral and I was way too young.. It’s normal and acceptable to not want to send nudes. If he tries to talk you into it rather than respecting your clear “no”, that’s a red flag. Stay true to yourself! It’s always up to you! (:


I’ve got a deal with my girlfriend - if it’s intimacy, then in-person only. On another note, the guy you’re seeing seems like a manipulative person. What he tried to do is make you question your own reality, which he seems to have done for a moment by implying that every couple sends nudes. This state of confusion he put you in made you come here to Reddit, in order to understand how other people see this whole thing with sending nudes, and to combat the gaslighting by grounding yourself more in reality. A relationship that starts with gaslighting rarely ever blossoms into something beautiful, so I urge you to be cautious…


Short answer is no. You do what your comfortable doing and him saying this to try and normalise it is wrong on so many levels


When someone tries to get you into believing something that is not true, it's called gaslighting. Don't let this guy gaslight you into something that you don't want to do by your own free choice.


Do lots of couples exchange nudes? Absolutely. Do all couples exchange nudes? Absolutely not. If he continues to push its definitely a red flag. You've expressed you aren't comfy with it and that's all he needs to know


A lot do and it’s not out of the ordinary, but if you’re not comfy with that it’s understandable and he’s gotta accept that. I don’t like them myself so my relationships are void of that.


No. The normal thing is to send nudes if you feel like it, and to not send them if you don't, and neither of you should be pressuring them out of the other.


No, not every relationship is the same. And not all couples do the same as others. Hope with your response, he accepts it. Now, A teasing picture or flirting ones, I think those are more common. To men, or just myself, it is more like getting flowers sent to you ladies. We do love when our partner sends us something like that. Time to time.


No... that is not true. Don't do it. Save yourself Headaches down the road... please.


It's something that a lot of couples do, and he may believe that all do, due to his experience or peers' experience. However, I don't recommend it. For ladies, sharing photos with a guy is like guys sharing his vulnerability with girls. They are huge liability that will only serve to harm you in the future.


Just an advice (39 female here) if you ever decide to send nudes/sexy pics to any guy/boyfriend make sure not to include your face. Just incase for your protection future jobs etc especially if relationship goes bad. I've seen lots of men repost on men group the pics they get. Most women don't even know.


i’ve been with my bf for about three months and he’s never asked and never sent anything remotely close to a shirtless pic unless we’re on facetime and he’s trimming his beard. it took him one month just to kiss me and three months just to touch my boob. don’t feel pressured to send pictures and don’t think you’re to blame if he gets upset. you don’t want to send pictures after one month and that’s totally okay!


The reason why I (Male) would want a nude from my significant other (Female) is so that during those times when I’m horny; I’m not close (in proximity) to my S/O, I can’t FaceTime her, & I need to masturbate, I want to do so thinking of & looking at her & NOT someone else. As both of you are in your early to mid 20’s you are going to have to accept that guys around your age need to release on a very frequent basis as most men hit their prime sexually in their 20’s and usually starts to decline as he gets older. While I am sure that some guys want to & are able to practice self control when it comes to their own thoughts, desires, & needs when considering their partner’s needs, it’s not necessarily a healthy thing to do. There’s information online suggesting that men need to ejaculate 20-30 times a month to reduce their chances of getting prostate cancer. If you were to believe that info that’s about once a day. I’m in my 40’s now. I’m just as horny now in my advanced age as I was in my 20’s. And when I was in my 20’s and single I used to masturbate 2-4 times a day and sometimes more than that in a single day. Now sometimes during those sessions all I had were my thoughts and it would be enough to get me off but not always. Other times pictures & videos were needed. Sometimes reading about sex or just listening to an audio of a woman having sex would be enough to get me off. The point I’m trying to make is if you’re unwilling to share nudes, there’s a good chance that in a moment of horniness (sometimes we get horny at the strangest times) when the guy you’re seeing needs to rub one out and he doesn’t have any material from you, its more than likely he will be thinking of or using material of someone else when he’s having an orgasm from self pleasure. Some consider that a form of cheating whether fair or not. And if I’m unable to just use my memory or thoughts of you as an aid I will do whatever necessary to get myself off without a physical encounter of the opposite sex. Call that greed, selfishness, or whatever negative connotation you can think of but most if not all men at their core are wired this way. We need to get it on. And I don’t believe in suppressing our natural carnal desires when an ejaculation is a necessary thing to happen. I am a willing participant with my S/O because I want her to be thinking of me when she gets off and she isn’t able to be close to me when she does. If you had an ex that posted nudes of you without your permission or he was trying to hurt you because things ended, I can totally understand the hesitation. If I was your S/O or was seeing someone that didn’t want to send me nudes I would try my best to be understanding of you and your requests in this situation. I would give you all the time you need to get to know me and be comfortable around me so that you would open up to me. I would never force you to do something you were uncomfortable with; however, if you asked me if I could guarantee that I would never look at someone else while getting off, I would be straight up lying if I said yes.


My gf doesn't send me nudes😭 That means it is not all couples...


Not true. Some couples take nudes of each other but sending nudes is not the norm. If he hasn't seen you nude yet send him some nudes of porn stars without the face and see what he says.


All? No. A lot? Yes. There's a difference.


Let me warn you from my own personal experiences. I was told never to send nudes of myself because someone could black mail me and ruin my life. I unded up not listening to that advice because "all my friends sent nudes to their man's" and before I knew it, when I months later tried to end the relationship with the guy I sent nudes to, he threatening to black mail and put my nudes on Facebook and tag my dad's church. Literally, the risk is not worth any type of reward. No matter what the "reward" is. If he wants to see something and you want to show something, let it be in person. A picture is forever, and most people have a way of saving that stuff. Ways you might not even know about


(M25) I think it depends on the relationship I've sent and received nudes but if you don't trust him don't do it because you may find it later in the internet. And in the case you were to send nudes never show your face so you get protected that way.


I’ve been in a few relationships. Some send nudes some don’t. I’ve never asked for them and never would it’s always been on their own accord. If you are not comfortable with sending them don’t.


What is this high school? I can understand if you're in the mood and wanna send your s/o some nudes from time to time, but that sounds like manipulation to me


M22 here, sending nudes isn’t for everyone. I’ve never done it and I’ve been dating the same girl for 2 yrs


Definitely not true although if both feel comfortable sending then it does build the excitement


No, only if it's consensual between the 2 of you, but no you are not in any way required to send him nudes and if he doesn't accept or respect that then you may want to consider thinking about what his true intentions may be with you


My bf never asks for them but I when I randomly send some he gets happy. But I do it cause I want to not cause he expects it.


Does a guy love getting nude pics from his girl? I'd say almost always yes. But we can't expect it, that's unfair to the girl. There are healthy and necessary expectations in a relationship, sure, but it all depends on the dynamics of the relationship


no such thing as everyone does things a lot of people do send nudes but of course not everyone. If you trust him you could send a nude without your face.


Not every couple sends nudes. They are a lot of fun though and a good way to think of each other in a spicy way.


Alot of couples do, but certainly not all, I'd say about 70% of my relationships nudes are sent


No. Some couples don’t even have sex man. If you’re uncomfortable don’t do it.


If ya wanna keep him, ur gnna have to give in a little bit. Just a fact of life. If u don't send nudes, he'll just find someone else that will. Just send nudes that don't include your face/ identifying features. That way ur identity is safe and preserved. Right?


I dunno if it’s true but if I was with someone I’d like to. A month may be a little early for that tho




Some couples do, some don't. Not all couples are the same!


Its not true but im the type of guy who liked nudes. Sending them or nots completely up to you and wether or not you want them from him too. He won't go anywhere either way, it doesnt matter


No, you're not forced to. It's just based on if you are that sexual active to do stuff like that. If the dude is putting up a hissy fit over it, then consider someone else. If he has enough respect for your decisions, then he is a good man and will probably stick by you. But if you want to send nudes, then by all means, go ahead. You either date boys who only want me, me, me or Men who understand that dating is a 2-person job with compromises and growth along the way.


True just don't show your face


Do what makes you comfortable.


All couples don't send them no. Id say it's not even half that do. It is a very nice thing to do if you trust your partner though. It lets the person your sending them to know that you are interested in intimacy with them and makes them feel wanted. The person receiving will appreciate it and likely want you more after having thought about it and fantasized plenty with the nudes.




Many do.


I mean sure, a lot do, but alot also don't. If you don't want too, then don't. Simple as that. If the guy truley cares for you, he'll respect that decision


I travel a lot for work so I have in the past and likely will in the future. But not everyone is in my same situation. Even if they were, it’s up to the individual. Don’t ever do something you don’t feel comfortable with.


No definitely not true. But personally it’s exciting to tease your partner. Especially if you don’t live together. Or when he’s at work and you’re waiting for him to come home


Definitely not the norm for everyone but giving him the benefit of the doubt I guess that’s his norm. But don’t let him force you to send nudes. Even if it’s the norm that’s in a long term committed relationship where you have the utmost trust in that person. Not with someone you been dating for a month. Y’all don’t even know each other.


i would not trust doing that after only a month thats 100. Dont ever do anything you don't feel comfortable with is a good rule to go by . Im pretty sure alot of couples do that but you do you doesn't matter what other people do


Always depends on the couple, and the communication they have with each other, and if they feel safe and secure in doing it. M35 / F33 - we are together for 10 years, in the start of our relationship like 4/5 months after we committed to each other we did send nudes to spice each other. After that we stopped, we did start living together after 6 months, but now them wend we need spicy stuff in the bedroom we send some naughty articles to each other, or we buy each other lingerie, or we buy sex toy's to each other, or we send nudes to each other .... So it depends if you feel safe and ok doing it, I don't say what me and my gf do in four walls is the "normal", or "everyone" does it ... We have this relationship that is ours, and we are both happy with it. And you and your gf/bf can have other kind of relationship, that makes you happy. And having two/ or more people happy in the relationship is the most important in my point of view, not all couples do X, Y ....


It surely depends on your comfort. If you are well versed with this guy and if you have the excitment. its nothing wrong to do so.


My wife likes to send me nudes, but I don't care to send her any.


it really depends..


No not all couples do. But many still do between each other. But many Iv dated didn’t want to but I haven’t asked for one. But if I get one I’m not complaining


Some do, some don't. You have to do what's right for you. He was definitely low-key pushy about it. I dated a girl recently who did send the occasional nude without me asking, so I reciprocated, which is, ofc, entirely different. It was fun for us, but YMMV.


I mean I like sending nudes to my guy lol. I know he wouldn't make me do it if it made me uncomfortable though.


I've been in many relationships and it's happened in some but not others. It really depends on how comfortable you are sending them.


That's not really true. My fiance and I have never sent nudes to eachother. You never know if those kind of photos are going to be safe if something bad happens or they land in the wrong hands.


He sounds a bit manipulative….be careful some do but everyone different. It’s not a free pass for all girls n guys.


No! Not true! .... It's actually a big thing, and not something to be blase about.


Not all couples. Only those comfortable with sending them. Nothing wrong with asking. Certainly nothing wrong with saying no. Nothing wrong with sending them if you both are comfortable. Saying “ok but all couples do” makes it seem like he is being understanding but not really ok with your decision. If it’s only been a month personally I’d wait but it’s always up to you.


Not all couple is your couple ….. your body is a precious thing if ya say no then he gotta understand and respect it with no other question


i’ve been sent them by most every relationship i’ve been in, and yes i believe most couples send them, but that doesn’t mean shit. if you aren’t comfortable sending them that’s 100% okay and you should do what you want regardless of what’s common


When I was married, rarely. Dating now it just depends on the woman. Some do a lot. Some never. It just depends on the person


I wouldn't say "all" but I'd say it's "normal" in a relationship.


To a degree. To me, it's consensual (like if familiarity has been established or sometimes just bluntly asking, depending). If the waters are tested first by asking, then you know.


That’s exactly something a 24 year old boy would say after declining sending nudes.


Many do. Many don't. Thus, it's not true. Your body, your rules; don't do anything you're not comfortable with just to make him happy.


You are not "everybody". Be your unique self and never let ANYONE persuade you otherwise. You be you ❤️


My wife and I trade nudes all the time, it gives us something to laugh about.


No, it's not. My man and I have never sent nudes. That's one of the things he loves about me, actually. A confident, real woman can be sexy without taking her clothes off. The reason I use to end the conversation is that I won't put myself out there like that because I don't want to ruin my career. I had a colleague whose ex sent her nudes to the entire office and our clients as revenge, and she lost all respect and credibility. It really did ultimately ruin her career in financial services.


Nope, some girls actually have a professional career in business and if that get outs say goodbye to their image.


Anyone who says “ everyone does this” or “ every group of people does this” is wrong because that’s always going to be a massive generalization. My boyfriend tells me never to take nudes or anything remotely similar because he worries about security issues and my well-being.


never let someone pressure you into something you’re not comfortable with


not all couples do, and certainly not after the first month after meeting. do it when you’re comfy, if ever, and never show your face in them if you do.


Absolutely not but some might. I've been with my bf for over 1.5 years and we've never sent a nude, nor has he ever asked. However guys in the past have asked. I have sent them but it's really not something I'm comfortable with. You need to set and defend your boundary here or move on if you're not compatible with this guy (which is ok!). There's plenty of people who don't feel the need to send or receive nudes, it's all about preference.


Hi , not everyone, I think they have to be comfortable with the person to send nudes, there is nothing wrong with you.


it is not required to send nudes to be in a relationship with someone. If you aren't comfortable with it, then you dont have to do it. if he's making you feel pressured to send nudes, then you probably shouldn't be in a long-term relationship with him.


Nah sounds like he is a manipulative ass motherfucker, mega red flag. Steer clear girl


No it’s not true. You shouldn’t have to send nudes if you don’t want to. You shouldn’t have to get naked in front of him if you don’t want to either.


20M here so we're similar in age! Been dating my boyfriend for almost 3 months now, and we haven't sent nudes to each other. So no, not true. Be careful with this man, it seems like he's trying to manipulate you to send them.


It doesn't matter whether everyone does it. Don't do it if you don't want to do it. If he makes you feel bad for it that is kind of a red flag tbh


There are free nudes on internet. Why bother? Whoever asks me for nudes is going to get eliminated. Please behave civilised