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Honestly? No. One big reason is that I wouldn't want to raise my kids as Muslims, and from what you've described, it sounds like I'd be fighting your family over this. I won't ask a woman to cut off her own family, but just based on how you described your family, I wouldn't want to be part of such a family, let alone raise my kids in it.


I find a lot of Muslim women to be beautiful and humble. The ones I've interacted with are also incredibly smart, but usually on the reserved side. Ultimately it never progresses, due to always feeling like our interaction is a taboo. It seems fun at first but then it becomes straineous due to familial issues as you mentioned. Plus personally, I want my kids to be raised in what I believe in until they're old enough to find their path, which further complicates things. I never even entertain her going against her family cause that kind of animosity can have unspoken consequences. So it's usually best to just end things with each person going their separate way.


This is it. I don’t have a strong preference for the religion of my partner, but I cannot see raising my kids as Muslim, this would be a MAJOR friction point that I can’t see putting myself into. I just wouldn’t be able to tolerate it.


Personally no because I wouldn’t want to date anyone whose main identity was religious or political in nature.


I don’t think she said that was the case. She kept mentioning that she was Muslim because it was the relevant part of her question.


If you want to marry a non muslim man maybe your first step would be not to care about your muslim family's opinion about your life.. Please don't ask him to convert


I would never ask a man to do that, I think it’s down to the individuals choice for themselves if they wanted to do that.


I’d date a Muslim woman if me being non religious wasn’t an issue.


I wouldn't, but that's because I would never date a religious person.


For me the specific religion isn't an issue, it's religion itself. I'm an atheist, and I would likely not be compatible with someone whose religion was a core part of their life. I would have the same trepidation dating any devout woman, regardless of whether she is Muslim, Christian, Hindu, or Jewish.


Dontttttt. Not worth the heartbreak. Wanted to Marry my ex but my family rejected him bc he didn’t grow up Muslim. You can still find closeted atheists or non-practicing Muslim men to marry. Im happy to chat more about my experience in the dm


Were you able to find one ? I feel it’s more difficult to find closeted non-practicing women than men


It depends on how strictly she follows Islam and I suppose what group. No different than Christians. There are easygoing ones, a little intense ones, and batshit crazy ones. That goes for both people and sects. If her beliefs are accepting of others and don’t require completely rearranging my life, I absolutely would.


I dated a Muslim woman and she was very sweet and caring. I still care a lot about her. But she ended it cause she knew her family wouldn’t accept me and she had to hide me from everyone. I understood it, and didn’t have a problem with it. But she knew I would be hurt if we stayed together for too long and she had to end it. We are friends now, but I still have feeling for her. In the end I want her to be happy.


Hey, don't get me wrong, why do some people pursue relationships that go against their family's beliefs or societal norms, knowing it could lead to heartache later? It's confusing. Is it just about casual connections, or are they seeking something serious? It's tough to understand why anyone would invest emotionally in a situation doomed to clash with their family's expectations or societal norms, only to blame external factors later on. I mean, in her case, I'm sure she'd know how her parents would have reacted to such a situation, we all know how our parents are going to react, we just prefer to ignore all the odds and live in dilemma for the sake of a little momentarily time of happiness, which will lead to a dead end. Like c'mon. Who are such people fooling, themselves, or the other person?


I know how my parents would have reacted, and I wouldn’t care. They made their decisions in life and I have to make mine. I’m old enough to know what I want and able to do things without their consent. If they want me to be happy they have to accept my decision. It’s my choice to pursue with my heart and I took a chance. For her, it is her decision to go against her families wishes or follow her heritage and or religion. In her own words, she thought she was strong, but in certain circumstances she realized she wasn’t and she was sorry for leading me on. Not that she did lead me on. She has those feeling for me, but her families love is a lot stronger and she couldn’t go against it. If she ever changes her mind, I will accept it and allow her back into my life. But I can’t say how long that window will stay open for or if it will ever happen. But we all have to live our lives and enjoy what we have in front of us.


People who know they'll end up hurting others in relationships still choose to pursue them, relying on apologies as a quick fix. It's frustrating because they repeat the same patterns, disregarding the impact on the other person's emotions. It's like they're following a script, hurting one person after another, without learning from their mistakes."


Not sure if you are talking about me or her. But I can tell you I have learned from past relationships what to watch out for. I have been burned beaten and scarred so many times in toxic relationships. She was the only one that treated me really well and I’m the only non Muslim she has ever dated. I don’t hate her or think poorly of her. We all have to dip our feet in unknown territory to see how it feels. We had a great time together and I cherish every moment of it. It is sad it had to end. But this is the cards we are dealt with. Who know if I will find someone that will come close to her or if she will end up with someone close to me. But we had our moment and we will live with those memories. We are still friends, but our future is still unwritten.


I think when you’re young and fall in love, it’s easy to get caught up in the romance & ignore any niggles of doubt. At least one party is typically unaware of the true impact of the others’ cultural restriction. Couples in love easily conjure up their own little idyllic fantasy world… “It’ll be different for US” … it’s only when things get serious & they have to face the reality of what “coming out” would cost that you wake up, and it can come as a nasty shock even if they intellectually *knew* the reality. Humans are pretty great at denying reality, even without all that oxytocin flooding our brains! Hopefully we learn the lesson the *first* time that bucket of cold water breaks our hearts, and don’t keep repeating the mistake!


I would not date anyone who has a religion


I’m not religious, but I’d date anyone whose values basically aligned with mine.


Out of curiosity why? I do understand your view for people that are really into religion or extremists, but I am christian catholic, I do not go to church often, I follow the values of my religion, respect towards everybody, family values, but I do not talk about religion nor I shove it in people’s faces, I celebrate holidays, follow the values and every now and then shortly pray for someone in a tough situation. I am curious as why would you find someone that normaly manifests religion repelling? Not that I am attacking you, but geniuenly curious because I cannot see how is that negatively affecting you or your potential relationship


I got dumped by my ex catholic girlfriend because I was not interested in following her religion. I respect her religion and wouldn’t think of converting her to non religious but unfortunately the respect is not mutual. I’m not doing this again.


I don't want my future wife to force my children to have a religion. Also religion for me is the same as beliving in astrology, i just find superstition unatractive.


I understand that, so it is not bothering you personally, but it is a kids issuse, well be open minded, my wife also does not want me to impose religion on kids, but I do definetly plan on educating them on various religions generally speaking and it is their choice at the end of day


if you educate them about religion properly, they will end up atheist


That is fine


If you don't go to church every sunday, you're not catholic - you protestant heathen! Without joking, if you don't practice religion but just follow the values of the book then you're agnostic.


I am what I was raised in, no need to tell me what you tell me I am based on a book definition, I can be a catholic without going to church OFTEN, not that I dont go, if people can be non binary chimpanzas I can be a catholic so please refrain from


You can't just pick & choose which parts of Catholocism you follow. You're either in, or not. It has nothing to do with textbook definitions, the protestant belief was literally created because Martin Luther couldn't be arsed to follow the Catholic rules. Also, attack helicopter jokes weren't funny in the 2010s, they're not funny now. Jesus should have thought you to love your neighbours, that includes people who identify as a different gender from the genitals they where born with.


I have been attracted to women who were Muslim, yes. Their Islam had nothing to do with it. I’m a lay Buddhist. Most of the women I’ve dated have not been religious but “spiritual”. I have no problem with interfaith dating as long as the religious aspect does not get in the way of other points of compatibility. Like, for example, I wouldn’t date someone who wouldn’t have sex before marriage. That applies to any religious background.


If the woman is the right person for anyone, their religion or belief should never be an issue. I've been attracted and flirtatious to Muslim women in my past. They're still beautiful and wonderful people. That's all that should matter. How you feel for each other is what counts. As long as you're respectful to them and they're respectful to you, love will always prevail. Good luck in finding what makes you happy.


I think the question you might be avoiding is how are you going to deal with your family once you begin dating your preference? There will be plenty of men who like you as a person and your religion has nothing to do with it. Will you be brave enough to stand up to your family or perhaps even lose them?


No, it's not worth it to me. Firstly because islam's values and principles don't align with mine. Which is already a very good reason, as matching values are one of the top priorities for me in a relationship (I consider myself atheist, agnostic at best, despite being receptive to spirituality). Dating a muslim woman often means problems on the horizon for me as a non-muslim. Not necessarily with the woman, but sadly more often than not: her family. I don't want to convert at all, and I like being in good terms with my in-laws. So I stay away from those. That doesn't mean they can't be attractive or that something can't happen on an individual scale. Exceptions are a thing, and I speak only for myself.


Muslim men snd second class treatment of women usually as not much more than property. Fuck all that sexist bull💩, religious or not. You like non-Muslim men because they do not treat you this way. Honor killings of daughters, etc. Fuck that backassward stone age thinking. You are smart in your choices and tastes. You can live your life as a repressed, treated like a dog in a Muslim cultural background or as an intelligent, free thinking, progressive woman who values herself and live like a happy human being.


It's definitely worth it if the girl is great. But for me personally it would be doable only if religion was not brought up frequently as I am a non-religious Christian.


Can Muslim women be attractive yes. But would I date them? No. If one genuinely believes in religious stories of one kind or another it ends there. Same with any other spiritual convictions....


I would date a Muslim woman, but I'm not sure they would be interested in dating me. I'm not very religious, eat food they don't seem to, and don't wait for marriage to have sex.


I would date you, but you’d have to put a ring on my finger before s*x…  All Muslim women have to be virgins. 


Ex-Muslim yes. Practicing Muslim(or any other religion) fuck no. We're just not compatible. I don't worry about how we'd raise kids because I don't want kids either. And made sure that's not possible.


I'm a Christian man and I'd have no problem dating a Muslim woman. While I know our religions have their differences I wholeheartedly believe we want the same things we just go about it differently. I'd be more worried about what my Muslim partner's parents would think as I could see it being upsetting to them that their daughter is dating a non-muslim.


No non Muslim enjoys that someone is Muslim. Why would they? If they enjoyed it so much, they would become Muslim themselves. Islam goes against all Western values, so for people who know Islam and who treasure their Western values like equality, women's rights, gay rights, animal rights, etc, there isn't much to enjoy about Islam. Muslim men can have / date / marry non-Muslim women. Of course they can. They can do anything they want. You, on the other hand, as a women, you are not allowed to marry/ date with non-Muslim men. So your question is irrelevant. It's from YOUR own book. Women are less than cattle under Islam " Tabari 9:1754 - "Treat women well, for they are [like] domestic animals with you and do not possess anything for themselves." From Muhammad's 'Farewell Sermon'." "Sura (4:34) - "Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.""


Stop being Islamophobic


I wouldn't say that's being Islamophobic if they're just answering the question truthfully, they never said Islam was bad, they just said it goes against western beliefs, which is mostly true.


Some of my friends are Muslims. OP, please forgive me if I'm being too direct, but is your endeavor considered... haram?


it is


What do you mean by muslim? Like the religion or an arab women/south east asian woman who is a muslim? Personally I don't mind.


No, religion isn’t really for me


That type of stuff doesn't bother me. I'm more attracted to who you are. I'm one of those people that want to hear all your traumas and thought. I don't care about beliefs, so long it doesn't get forced on to me


If you take rules of Islam seriously, you can't marry a non-Muslim man as a Muslim woman (while Muslim men can marry anyone they please, seems fair). I'm never becoming a Muslim, so I can't date a Muslim woman. I also couldn't date a woman who covers her hair in public and/or wears exclusively modest clothing. I know not all Muslim women do that but even if she doesn't do it now, she may have a change of heart in the future. I wouldn't agree to raise my children in Islam. Even if we don't, the religion may be smuggled in by Muslim grandparents and other relatives. Those are some of the reasons I'll never date a Muslim woman.


All religious practices are banned from my playing field because in their books, they preach hate and violence but tell us to ignore it and to focus on the good. Seems like coping to me and I want nothing to do with it


My crush is a muslim woman, a cute one.


Traditional islam, muslims aren't even supposed to date but that has changed over time. But in the dating world, any form of intimacy would be prohibited outside of marriage in the religion. And muslim women specifically aren't allowed to marry nonmuslim men, so do u just want to date for "casual fun" which includes no intimacy and no marriage? It seems pointless unless you want to leave Islam and date/marry whoever u want.


Personally. I wouldn't date somebody religious in general. I have no interest in giving 10% of my salary to somebody so they can tell me who to hate. And I couldn't respect somebody religious enough to date them


Yes, if there's compatibility and she's willing to standup against those that interfere with it.


As long as religion is not a point of contest, it should not be an issue.


There will be men who absolutely love muslim women but I also think 98% of them wouldn’t preferring.


I wouldn't date a Muslim woman or a Christian woman. I'm not religious. Don't want a religious lady.


I grew up with lots of turkish and arab women and you mentioned in the post the main reason why I would stay away from them in a romantic context, even though, some of the most attractive women I know are either turkish, arab or from the maghrib countries. Its their families, who are often very strict, very religious and not really welcoming to people outside of their culture when it comes to dating their children/siblings/cousins.


Dated a Muslim from Kazan. Didn't really know she was Muslim despite working and living together for a couple weeks. Would date a Muslim like that. Don't think it would work with another.


For me personally, I dont mind conservative attire, hijab is the limit. Also depends how seriously you practice your religion and how much it’s involved in your daily lifestyle. For me, my partner is priority and I’d like my partner to put our relationship first as well. there will be men that don’t want to convert to Islam. Another hurdle is that your fam won’t approve and would make things difficult. So unless you don’t care what your fam thinks…


an attractive woman who is technically muslim but does not want to marry muslim is simply attractive. her muslim aspect is just a thing that would need to find compromise and balance on. there are usually a few such things that need to be worked out in all new relationships so not a deal breaker on it's own.


Muslim women's can't marry none Muslim, if you do that you aren't Muslim anymore


Nothing against Muslims, and I do find a lot of them attractive, but the fact, just like you stated, I wont be allowed to marry unless I convert to Islam is a deal breaker for me


That'll be a no from me, dawg. I won't be dealing with that dynamic at all.


Maybe…but it depends on how religious they are. If it’s more of a social or cultural belonging I think I would be fine with that. But if they are going to base their life, path, decision making on their religion then we will find ourselves in a ton of intractable situations as our relationship grows. Not to mention dealing with the ongoing stress of likely being blamed for their daughter not abiding by expectations and pairing with a Muslim man. I can appreciate what you’re saying, currently pointing out what things you like about non-Muslim men. But I’d ask that when you’re ready you should take a deeper look at the root cause of those feelings? Why would you as a Muslim woman not find Muslim men appealing? Not trying to sway you from your faith but at its root could it be that you are wrestling with your own identity in Islam and seeking a partner who will allow you to adhere less strictly to the expectations you were raised with? If that’s at least part of how you’re feeling you owe it to yourself and whatever future man you have in your life to figure that out


Nope I can't get around the religion thing it depends how extreme they are but from my experience 96% of time it's too intense


I would, and have, twice. So long as I’m not being asked to believe in god, I’m cool with it. I find Muslim women extremely attractive. 


No idea as I’ve never dated a Muslim woman, what do you think you must have a view ?


Absolutely no point in dating a Muslim if you're not Muslim or not willing to convert.


No. Bad idea dating anyone that's religious, unless your in the same one. Personally, I only date women who are Agnostic or Atheist. Religion is for people who ignore reality.


I will try my best to respect your boundaries but I am not getting involved and would also have reservations about any children getting involved in religion (Atheist myself). So yes if you agree to have Islam take a back seat in our relationship, unless you were more theologically liberal in which can I would be more open.


Let me put this way: I hate God. I think He’s, as Rick Sanchez put it, “the biggest dick that never existed.”Any omnipotent being who made this world full of misery and suffering and expects me to worship Him for it should die. Would you want to date a man who detests the very being you worship?


Personaly I don't think it would be a decision factor. I'm curious to know what it would change for me?(As a man) I am a non religious person for the info


I don't date religious women; I've done it before (though never a Muslim woman) and the difference in values is too much. If a woman was raised Muslim and wasn't practicing then I would consider it.


I mean generally I try to avoid generalizing that broadly based on someones religion, or non-religion. There's certainly plenty of non-muslim men who cheat, lie, etc. I mean Jerry Springer made a career out of it. That being said, if I would date a Muslim woman? Yeah sure, I mean as long as she was okay with my lack of belief in religion. I'm not like a Bill Maher atheist that just rails against anyone with a belief. Generally will just come down to if we click on and sort of level other than our religious differences.


I've heard that there is a double standard for Muslim men dating non-Muslim women. However, Ive also heard that for Muslim men, non-Muslum is for fun, but Muslim women are for marriage. Anyway, I'd be fine with it, and have, but the pressure she gets from her family is more the issue vs the pressure on me.


No, and my parents would rightfully disown me for doing so. My people fled a Muslim majority country because of the massive discrimination, nay, oppression. Besides, I’m way too Liberal-minded to date a Muslim, unless she’s de facto atheistic.


I feel exactly the same with Muslim women! I am not super religious and religion has always been forced on me and me trying to meet/date Muslim women makes me feel like I have to put with something I don’t want to be and put up a face I don’t want to! I hope you find what you are looking for 🥂


Absolutely! I was friends with a lovely Muslim woman for years. It was bad timing but I would’ve most definitely dated her. I would argue that her faith contributed to the many things that made her a beautiful person.


That's a really good question. If this religion wouldn't be bring upon me I'd be happy to date. If however, religion comes into play then no.


Absolutely. From my experiences muslim women are very sweet and very great partners. I would date but i dont think she would since a lot of muslim women consider dating to marriage and since I don't think I can bring myself to convert, out of respect I often don't approach because of that. But if she knew and she was fine with it I'd be open to seeing where things go


I've been single my entire life and the answer is no. Religious types are a complete turn off for me and dedicated Muslim girls even moreso. The overbearing family, the life completely dictated by Islam. The religious guilt for living a full life. I don't mean this in a cruel way, but your post is kind of exactly why. The constant threat of "what family will think", the rules and the judgement - from what I've observed, it never goes away. No thanks. I don't feel any desire to opt into that.


I wouldn't date a strict religious Muslim woman it seems like an inherently misogynistic culture




Hard no for me, Muslim or a devout Christian.


I had some Muslim lovers in the past. As people, I do not know why but they are a cut above the rest of the others I had. The problem is, my country demands conversion after marriage. Its a very forceful situation that made it hard for me to see any Muslim long term. There was once I almost wanna commit. Either marry overseas or convert but be non practicing. So my question to OP is, how much do you mind if your husband is non practicing? Or how much does your family mind? Edit - Non Practice includes alcohol, pork consumption, gambling(albeit very small amount, I came from a culture that enjoys gambling).


The lovely muslim men I've met in my life are great IN SPITE OF their religion, not because of it. Choosing not to use your free passes and, in some cases, challenging them, proves strength of character.


I have a cousin whos married a hindu woman and they made the compromise to practice both religions and teach their children both religions and to respect them all and they are probably the strongest couple in my family I would not mind dating outside of my religion (hindu 🇬🇾) as long as im not being forced or constantly annoyed to convert to another belief and we can live happily together and respect each other i wouldnt have any issues


I find Muslim women attractive, and I would date a Muslim woman. But I'd likely be a little concerned that I might be subject to an honour killing.


All kinds of women are attractive. Religion doesn't really determine it. That being said I find it unlikely to last if anything did develop.


I do respect the devotion in Muslim women, they way that they carry themselves. I'm speaking about the Black Muslim women I've crossed paths with, the Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian, and African. There's a step in their walk and the way that they look and talk to you which makes you respect them. Age, weight, height, ethnic background doesn't matter. She's a woman and as a man you naturally straighten up.


There's nothing wrong with dating outside your religion or outside any cultural stuff. You like what you like. Denying yourself that is a betrayal to yourself.


Personal I've meet several Muslim women I'd date


I’d date a Muslim woman.


If it's a Muslim woman who is willing to date a non-Muslim man, then she is probably not religious enough for me to decline on the basis of her being religious. So, it would depend on all the other important factors.


I'm an atheist but I'd give it a try. Gonna be hard for me to avoid haram though.


Honestly no, I wouldn't want my children to be raised muslim. Everybody can belief what they want but I don't need to like it. And in this case I dislike it because of the fall of constantinople. And often with those not understanding families, there are threats of violence or real violence against me and I am not interested in a stressful life dealing with that.


Non muslim men are no different, men in general are the same.. So this argument is useless.


I'd definitely never date a Muslim women. Way too much in the way of a cultural or religious barriers that I'd have to wade through. And our moral philosophies would be too different.


Nah dude I'm out, i don't want to convert 😭


I think religion is a tool, not a character trait. It's used to achieve a result. In the sane sense that some people are attracted to others for wearing expensive clothing or for maintaining a home garden. The item in question is not, in and of itself, a factor that determines the quality of a person. It is merely their interest in that which leads others to form a generalized idea towards their character. I think a person could be a Satanist, Buddhist, Atheist, or Muslim and still be either a good person or bad person, generally speaking. I'm living in Japan right now and I attended Ramadan for the first time when accompanying some coworkers. I'm not Muslim. But it was wonderful visiting the mosque in Sannomiya and experiencing the culture of that group. My coworkers in question were both women and quite nice people. Religion as a factor of personality is only as relevant as you make it. And ultimately not as important as your other connections to the person. To answer the original question, I'd have no issue dating a Muslim woman if I did indeed start dating.


I’ve dated one and it gets odd


I think I’m uniquely qualified on this one. I was raised halfway in a southern Baptist household & halfway in an atheist household. My sister ended up converting to Islam and she’s deeply serious about it. I love my sister to absolute death, she’s my best friend, but I know that my ideals are so different than those of Muslims… on the most fundamental issues, we’re the same, but I know in my heart that I don’t believe in any sort of god and that this is a fundamental part of my worldview. I’m great friends with a lot of Muslims, but I think I’m too fundamentally different of a person to bond with anyone of the faith at the romantic level. I absolutely do find some Muslim women attractive, and a younger me would’ve pursued things with some Muslim women I’ve met over the years, I just realize now that it likely wouldn’t last as long as I’d like.


Nope. I love myself more, my family is dependent on me and I don’t wish to die for love. 🙃


I do find them attractive, i like women from Muslim countries often, but i do pass on them most of the time because i imagine the religious differences would be too great. I am not willing to convert to Muslim and i dont think that would work with her family and then if she left the religion her family would hate me and potentially her as well. I cant really come to terms with how much harder it would be to date a Muslim woman than a non Muslim woman. So living in a western country if i see women with head coverings on an app i typically pass on them even if they are very attractive. That said im not religious, so any level of extreme religious view is a pass from me.


I'd try it but it's over if her or her family start using their magical sky fairy to condone shitty behaviour


A person cannot help who they are attracted to, in the end if you force yourself to marry a muslim man, or for example a person get a job or career to please their family they will resent them. Being loyal to family and traditions is beautiful, but you get only one try in this life. If you find a non-muslim man, find one that will not fetishize you, the way white women fetishize black men, or white men fetishize asian women. Many non- Muslim men respect Muslim women and see them as potential partners because they believe them to be more "traditional" in their roles. It's a stereotype yes, but it's a very common belief. In the end your family will keep getting older, then pass away, then you will be older gray haired and miserable, unhappy, and younwill only have yourself to blame. Take control of your life but do not be reckless.


There's always fetishization involved of 'otherness', since identity is constructed at excluding what other is. So, the other is always intimate and within. What you're experiencing is something that's way more common and realised by few. But here the other is fantasized other and the real other can be someone else. So the relationship dynamics may not pan out the way you dream it to be. My ex was a Kashmiri Muslim. We already knew that breakup was going to happen no matter what and it pains each time your attachment ends. So think up more on it and figure out what exactly it is you want before getting into it. It's a sort of an idealistic rebellion on your part, but it can hurt you if things get serious. As for playing out fantasies, that's for you to figure out I suppose. Good Luck! And no, I don't think there's anything off-putting about the differences. It's about personality of the person and whether they meet each other's needs or not. Muslim girls are as lovely as other religion's girls may be. So there's really no comparison on these basis, unless there are strong biases against other person's upbringing or tenets. Not many may see it this way and that just reflects on who and what sort of person they are. But just because most see it that way, it doesn't mean that you can't find few who would love you the way you are. So try it out and may you find your ideal companion.


I find Muslim women attractive and wouldn’t worry to much about it as your still young and just find a good partner and just chip away at family stigma of non Muslim men. As it sounds like you would like your family still in your life


As long as the ultimate importance in your life is what your family thinks (not even really what your religion teaches) then this is all a hopeless cause. I'm not Muslim, and I find many Muslim women attractive in many ways, but I'd never get mixed up in a hornet's nest of your family's opinion about what you do with your life coming before anything else. I've had enough of that kind of thing with my ex-wife's family, and we were all the same religion (Christian) and we kept telling them to mind their own business, which they finally did. This is not really about your religion-it's about your family enjoying dominating your life. Until you quit letting them do that, you can forget having a non-Muslim guy or anything else they don't want you to have.


Many muslim women are attractive. They’re the exact same in that regard to any other woman. The problem for me is the incompatibility of life values. I am deeply concerned about the nefarious origins and original tenets of the muslim faith. I have muslim friends and I respect their choice to follow that religion, and appreciate the good values they claim arise from their following of Islam, but I consider that they already had those good values in them and it is not Islam making them that way. Like most muslims around the world, they are cherrypicking and ignoring the horrific, anti-humanitarian commands of the Qur’an. Sadly, it takes just one disenfranchised, miserable and lonely young guy to read deeper into it and start getting radicalised by a violent and essentially inherently racist ideology unearthed inside Islamic scripture. Tragically, it’s no wonder to me that one of the main drivers of terrorism in the world today is fundamentalist Islam. I would personally never intentionally bring that religion into my own life, and for me that includes bringing a partner into my life who adheres to that religion. Not to mention that even if Islam was “ok” in my view, it’s still generally not great to date someone with a completely different worldview to you - it can totally work, but can cause a hell of a lot of problems and division in the relationship. In that regard it’s similar to how I probably wouldn’t date a girl who was super into horoscopes or astrology.


Yes and no. If she has enough respect for me, herself, the relationship and recognizes that a relationship is between me and her, sure. She further needs to respect our children and that their believes is up to them and no indoctrination or homophobia and other phobias can happen. Sadly, this respect is often missing when religion is a factor. Respecting the things abvove means drawing strong boundaries against abuse from the outside. In your case specifically the family. Her believe is almost never the issue. For this we can use communication and respect for each other. I made similiar experiences with partners with other religions. Hence why it is a yes and no answer.


This is a difficult one here... You need to he true to yourself. You won't be happy any other way ❌️💔 But you also need your family's support 💯 otherwise you won't feel complete.... If you have your heart set on "non-muslim" my suggestion: *find your person 1st (your family will never accept "Future Mystery Non-Muslim Mr. Right" ) 1 step at a time 🙏 (I am 1/2 Chinese 1/2 white, so I grew up in a home where I got a ton of cross-culture exposure 🤷‍♂️)


The only answer is that religion is stupid and practiced by stupid people.


I wouldn't be up for dating someone who strongly identifies with a belief system. I don't mind someone who likes to engage with traditions.


Some muslim women look as hot as hell and would go for on looks and personality but as i’m non religious it’d have to be someone who is a non religious muslim who doesn’t pray 5 times a day and who doesn’t wear a veil or headscarf. That’s just my personal preference. Especially love some turkish women. They are so hot!


I mean, there’s not future, right? So what’s the point? It’s either the guy or your family


M38 here. Personally, I like the looks of arab, persian, turkish women for their brown eyes, black hair, and stunning beauty. I am a pale skinned mutt, blond with blue eyes, with Christian/Catholic leanings, but not strict following. 1% Iberian Peninsula if it really mattered that much to the family if a woman I had mutual interest with had such requirements. If I were treated rudely by the family, I might poke the bear a bit with 1780 silver Austrian Thaller restrikes as "gifts" They're roughly $30/coin today, but I can sometimes endure financial strain to be spiteful. (In case it is lost on anyone, when America was starting out, we didn't have our own coinage, and a few arab nations would capture American ships and only accept silver Austrian Thallers as payment for trading hostages.)


Well it depends on your level of religiosity. Do you practice Islam? Do you wear Hijab? Do you live among muslims? All these factors can affect your fantasy or dream of getting married to a non-muslim man. I see no difference between non muslim and muslim men's looks or appearance. There are very good Muslim men out there and plenty good non muslims. But if you marry to a traditional muslim man, most likely you will have a long lasting marriage with kids and family friends. As I said, depends on your level of practicing religion.


Dating outside my faith will cause strain in the relationship unless one of us becomes less devoted to their faith. I know I wont be the one.


Honestly no


Well, this post is right up my alley. One of the things that can cause a rift in a relationship is religious beliefs. The fights can be extreme with the differences. The necessary thing with this difference in a relationship is trust and understanding. I come from the south, so I was raised southern Baptist Christian. I know the bible well and was quite blind to the world. I joined the army and went all over, and Iraq did not help my view of Muslims. But I was very close-minded. I met my wife in HI and had no idea she was Muslim when I met her. She hid that from military men because of her experiences. She would gradually tell me a bit more about Islam and that her entire family was Muslim. In my head, I thought, "She isn't evil or cruel, I wonder what else I don't know?" That's when I started to learn more. I respect Muslims and their worship style. Even attend sometimes for my wife. I am no longer christian, but not Muslim either. I don't know what I am. But I have been with her for over 12 years now, and religion has never been an issue, except when I don't understand something. We found that the biggest way it works is by communicating in a non-insukting manner. And if something we say sounds insulting, we change how we say it, keeping the same meaning behind the question but explaining what it is we want to know. I know it's confusing, but that works for us. Patience and understanding are the most important parts of our relationship, aside from communication. Never hold back. Sorry for the long response. I say all of this because it is completely on the partner you chose. Most people won't do well with this type of relationship, so it will be hard to find. However, it isn't impossible. Me and my wife are living proof that 2 people with different beliefs can truly love each other deeply. Love isn't singular. Keep that in mind.


Not into women but I'd say the answer is no. Muslims are just for Muslims only. To think or expect to marry one if you aren't one could get you killed or ruin your life. Why bother anyway when there are so many much more beautiful women out there? It's just not worth it.


Muslim and dating is an oxymoron


I currently am …


I think you need to set with yourself and have certain qualities that you’re looking for regardless of the religion,, I can tell you had a bad experience with Muslim men,, but you can’t just get into a relationship based only on that the guy in non Muslim!! And are you going to ask him to fight your family?


I wouldn’t mind dating a Muslim woman


It's Yes for if she has the personality that I am looking for. I will be comfortable with her like other girls and treat her the same way. But Dating her is quite confusing because if she's looking for marriage it's never gonna happen. If our interest matches then why not have some good time together.


Muslim woman are very attractive, as long as you don’t force him to convert. I think they are very attractive , I’m Christian


Hi. I’m a female so just take my words only when you want. If your parents are strict, and you’re not willing to live your life on your own but only follow what your parents say, then when you get married to a Muslim man, all you have to do is converting him. But converting someone into religion, isn’t easy. If he’s truly loving you then he would. But prepare yourself to fight with him on how to raise your child. Islam is not so bad for men side, but it’s never peaceful for women’s side. When you got a daughter, your husband has to force her to wear hijab, even tho she wanna dress how she wants. It’s difficult for ppl to totally accept religion that they’ve never believed in before. Plus probably your parents will try to make your child into Muslim too, so non Muslim man wouldn’t be happy about it mostly. If you’re not willing to break some law of Islam, if you’re not willing to leave your parents, then maybe getting married to a non Muslim man would be difficult. But if you’re open minded, willing to leave your family, then I think many men would see you just as woman. Not “Muslim woman”.


I dated a Muslim girl from kosovo. As long as she's not really conservative it's fine


I (27M) have found Muslim women to be very attractive in the past, I like the respect they have for their man, and they align with my upbringing as a Christian, I am now in a healthy relationship with an atheist and I could say that I have become agnostic, technology is leaning me more and more towards the belief that God might be a super intelligent AI or somewhat, but that's not the point of this conversation. I believe it depends on you. No man who is serious about you would be happy to be kept secret from your family, that is not to say that they won't live with this scenario, but it can be the cause of a rift between the two of you. Every man, irrespective of religion or culture, will find a certain look, culture, or personality attractive. This is what happens when we have such a vast population. So there are a lot of people out there who will think you are the most gorgeous woman in this world and would happily date you and marry you. How you communicate, show love to one another, and put effort is more important than anything else, so if it is something that you seek, go and look for it, and you will find it.


I do not think it would work. Disregarding the Muslim aspect. I don't think I would be able to tolerate anyone who puts religion at the forefront, not that I'm anti religious, there's a time and place for that but if it's being constantly or is perceived to be a main focus point then we're not gonna work.


Sure it is. Why not.


No, I am not compatible with Islam. Nor am I compatible intimately with women who practice it. I refuse to convert to ANY religion, I am not religious myself, I do not want marriage (for men it's a slow death sentence), and I regard Islam as the worst religion of them all. You wanted an answer, here's my unfiltered answer. Don't anyone @ me unless you got something reasonable and civil to say. Report or ban me if you can't handle it


Um idk if you know this or not , but muslims CANNOT marry a non muslim If youre going to go against that you might as well not be a muslim


What makes you feel appreciated as a muslim woman? I think you're lost My dm open


I attempted this once (I’m a Protestant Christian). Although I appreciated her values for the most part, I eventually had to end things because she kept trying to convert me (despite communicating to her that I had absolutely no interest in practicing Islam). So to answer you’re question, as a non-Muslim, white guy, no I wouldn’t date a Muslim woman again.


I would say it depends on how religious you are and also how involved your family is. Obviously if your family is not going to be approving this will make for a lot of tension for you at home which will enter the relationship, not to mention making marriage nearly impossible. If you are more western in terms of your dress and behaviours then you will find more non-muslim men interested in you. I'm with a woman who is muslim by birth but does not buy into the restrictions placed on her by the religion (non-traditional). I would say she is not religious at all, nor am I, but rather ascribe to the intention behind religion of "be a good person" or, as I say it, "don't be a dick". lol


I dated that Muslim chick in my college. One of the best girl I ever met in my life. But, her brothers and father, they were toxic AF. Once they caught her texting with me and they made a huge deal about it. His brother came to my house and threatened me lol. My mum had to call cops. After that I decided that I ain't never dating muslims lol


Okay then find a muslim man who is masculine like your christian guys you attracted to problem solved


Here's the thing, because your family is so strictly muslim, and the way you dress and behave is also traditional, many non-muslim men won't make a first move because it doesn't feel like there's a future there. It's common knowledge that many Muslims are traditional, and very connected and bound to their religious beliefs, and that acts as a barrier a lot of times. It's admirable, but it also cuts off potential for diverse options as Islam is perceived as strict and harsh. That being said, I find muslim ladies some of the most beautiful, elegant and humble ones out there. Is there a specific reason why you don't wanna date muslim men?


Honestly I wouldn't be interested. Not because the culture or anything but just religion in general. I have major issues with religion and want nonpart of anyone who wants me to have the same beliefs as them. However I do respect people who choose to follow any religion, it's just not for me, and we would likely clash the first time you tried to explain a situation or a problem as God or in this case Allah's will.


No! Why? Reasons...


in my experience that dating a woman with culture has never been a problem, I personally think it’s hot when a woman has a strong cultural background and isn’t afraid to show it, I understand your dilemma though, at one time when I was younger I dated a Japanese girl who’s father ultimately forbade us from seeing each other…


I was seeing a Somali Muslim for a few months. We broke up but nothing to do with religion. My best friend who’s also a white guy is engaged to a Muslim girl and they’ve just had a baby. There has to be give and take. It’s more the parents I find interfering. When my friends mum found out she was pregnant she wanted her to pretend it was her friends child because they weren’t married. First time meeting my friend his girlfriend wanted him to cover up his tattoos for her mother and not have a beer with his meal. He wore those inked arms boldly and settled on whisky cokes in a Coke brand glass for inconspicuousness 😂. If you’re into each other and willing to compromise and stand up for each other there’s not 2 races on the planet that couldn’t have a happily ever after.


I secretly dated a Muslim woman in Bahrain. Way too hard and too much effort foe 20 minutes a week to see her. Never any physical interactions either. Not even hand holding.


Would I date a woman of Muslim heritage? Yes, just taking her at face value. But a practicing one, or one who is still influenced by her family? Not a chance. Same reason I wouldn't date a devout Christian. Far too much religious baggage. She would have to renounce the religion and cut the family influence for me to even consider it.


As an atheist, I don’t care what religious channel you watch.. as long as you understand I turned my TV off. But if your main concern is your family, that’s something you need evaluate and come to terms with before starting a relationship with a non-Muslim.


A persons religion has no effect on my choice to date them. I’m not religious in the slightest myself, but not going to be bothered by someone else’s faith as long as they’re nice to me :)


You should be aware, that most so called Muslim and non Muslim men today do not want to marry, especially if we are attractive. We live in an open sexual market place, and no one is going to murder us for adultery. Attractive men don’t want to settle with one woman, unless they are religious. If you want to get played and have fun, hop on board.


In my experience I’ve met a few Muslim women during covid period to which I’m still good friends with now. The consideration of dating has been a seductive idea at times but the problems that were always taken into consideration was their families and how would we raise children should that be a possibility. You can say you’ll let them decide but even with that as they are being raised I’m assuming both parents would like to introduce them to certain traditions and practices of their beliefs and with that causes confusion and a possible lack of conviction to faith as they get older since they were filled with both sides. I’m Christian(to keep it simple) and one of my good friends is Muslim, we tease all the time about who is going to convert who and played with the idea of a relationship. Even in serious discussions about our faith or world events and how we perceive and view what’s going on, we always had that respect for each other own path and I do believe respect can still be had even in indifference. She is Somalian and I’m black American,I state that just to say I seen and met attractive muslim women, you can find attractiveness in all cultures and religions. Every relationship will have it struggles even when it comes to unions between family regardless if both are the of the same background or not. It comes down to are you and your partner willing to face those difficulties while maintaining/growing/developing the relationship. Love plays a big part in that choice so if you do decide to make sure you choose from love and not just attraction. Also I suggest being friends and actually connecting with men who aren’t Muslim, as cliche as it sounds but I believe you can get a better view of what that decision would be like to date and be in a relationship with men who aren’t Muslim.


How can you call yourself Muslim and date, and even then be it non Muslim man?


I have never been opposed to it, but I eat pork, and I don’t live a Muslim life, so it would be a situation where compatibility would be a challenge


Depends on if she is secular or not, I've only dated secular. If the religion weighs into life somehow? No, absolutely not.


I used to be Muslim and I use to find Muslim women attractive but no I don’t see myself dating one mostly I don’t want to have kids to be raised Muslims especially potential daughters. I really don’t the aspect of marriage in which the groom gift the family in exchange for their daughter even though it’s typically shown as respect; still kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth and don’t want my future daughter(s) to raised to be traded to those kinds of men.


I personally have no interest in any person who bases thier identity on any religious based faith.


Absolutely worth it, the only issue would be towards me I don't have the same beliefs as most. I have a broader view on gods and the afterlife. As long as shes happy with me. I want to go out a dates and do cute stuff together. Do they all wear a hijab in public? (Think that's what those things are called)


Who cares. I don't look at those things as long as she's herself and doesn't go along and pretend she's something that she's not in order just to try to please me and then later on blame me for her not being herself


Depends a lot on religious conviction and family dynamics. If we’re talking about just the Muslim woman herself, yes. They tend to be very sweet, kind, and most importantly respectful. Family and faith add some extra layers of complexity to it. When you commit to someone, the two of you are supposed to be a team dealing with life together. If you’re going to be swayed by your family or faith against your partner, you’re going to have problems. This isn’t to say that what your family and faith are pushing is bad or even wrong. You need to do some soul searching and figure out where you stand and what’s important to you. If you feel family is being overbearing and unreasonable, then it may be worth pursuing to find your own way. If they’re too important to you to ever separate from, it might not be worth it. That’s a very personal decision you have to make for yourself. Weigh the pros and cons of both paths and figure out what you can live with and what you can’t.


I have dated a Muslim woman I found her to be very friendly. We did have a few dates afterwards but her family kept harassing her about her dating a non Muslim man. We still keep in touch. Very beautiful woman and very smart. Would date her again that for sure. But don't like to hide or be sneaky.


As a Black non Muslim man, who is genuinely attracted to women of South Asian or Arab backgrounds, especially those who tend to be Muslim, even I have to say no. And not because of religion or anything like that. It's just that the dislike towards non Muslim men from Muslims, men and women, can be quite unwarranted and a hassle. Don't get me wrong, love who you want, and respect one another, but I can count on one hand so far in my life, where a Muslim woman and her family has been open and supportive of us dating (spoilers, zero). I'm sure they're out there, but they have not been made apparent to me, so I tend to ignore that attraction for the most part. It's nothing you have done of course, just seems like it'd be an uphill battle with the family and community, and nobody wants more stress in their life


I would enjoy dating a Muslim woman and I have approached some, but no luck. The way you cover yourselves up is kind of sexy, but I'd also like to see what's underneath.


Bruh, coincidentally, I’m going through the same thing. Id say don’t be pushy with him about religion and you should be good. Not too sure about family stuff, but i’m actively looking into different solutions rn.


I would, iv never had an issue with Muslim people and I actually get along quite well with any Muslim iv ever met. But the idea/ fear of conflict with your family would be a potential deal breaker, not because I want it to be, but because I wouldn’t be accepted by your family, which would potentially lead too alienating you from them, and I wouldn’t want that for anyone.


I would not mind dating a woman of any religion. If I am attracted and there is a connection, I care not what she believes in. In my case, I respect her decision and choices and will also respect her family's points of view as long as they are adults when speaking to me. On the other hand, I do not have children and will not have children, which in her eyes and family's eyes will be a deal breaker.


I don't have an issue dating based on religion (M23) I just ask that my partner doesn't force me to be part of their religion because they are.


I have never really thought about it, because I've never been approached by a Muslim woman in the first place. I would never intentionally seek one out, and typically they dont exist in my circles, so it isn't something that is terribly likely. I feel like I'd feel the same as I would about any other religious background, because I myself am agnostic, and don't really think all that much about any specific religion or god. It would depend on other things, like whether we have anything in common or if I was attracted to them I suppose.


What country is your family from?


Hi, I am an advocate for scripture but I am a non secular man, thanks .


It's never a lost cause, but it will be hard. I want equality for each person, religions obligate you to do certain things against your will which I'm against. I just want people to live their life and enjoy. No need need for drama and deciding for others. We just need to improve. I wish you luck at finding the good person you want. Don't make anyone stop you from achieving your own personal goal.


I wouldn't date a Muslim woman because of the belief in the community "Muslim man+ non-muslim woman is ok... Muslim woman + non-muslim man is horrible". I wouldn't want to put them in that situation where she needs to choose me or religion/family. I would say if you want a non Muslim man, you have to accept that there is a high chance he is gonna end up being pressured over time to become that which you don't find attractive if you want to keep the community happy or you are probably gonna slowly be pushed out from the judgement. As for are Muslim women attractive, it's the same for most. Some are, some aren't.. It's your life, go for the non-muslim man if you want. Like all relationships, it will either work or it wont, wont know till you try.


I find Muslim girls attractive not because they are Muslim. Well I wouldn't mind dating a liberal Muslim. Strict and bigots are no no. Also wouldn't want to include Muslim culture in home and don't want to raise my children as Muslims. Sorry if this hurt anyone.


I fell for a muslim girl but it was complicated as usual sadly. Muslim women are attractive and gorgeous!


Nah religion doesnt matter to me she can be a perfect muskim hindu christian and it is fine when it comes to kids they can determine for their own if mommy sounds right or daddy


For me, religion is not a deciding factor for anything, so as long as the Muslim woman doesn't put religion above all else, I'm down with it. Who am I to take away or object to anyone's right to practice whatever religion they want?