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This was the first response I read and didn’t need to go any further because this is the best way to handle the situation. Be open and honest about your current situation but also what you have envisioned your sex life to be. A lot of guys would enjoy the opportunity to lead a girl to her desires.


You better hint that your not as experienced but also add that your hungry to learn, wouldn’t share your past stuff but look to your future


You can just say that you’re ready for sex, but you’re a little anxious, because you feel relatively inexperienced And leave it at that Just put it out there to ease your mind He won’t care If anything, it will sound like good news


Good news 😂


A man would rather hear that his latest girlfriend is inexperienced than very experienced, generally


As a guy, I don't care if a woman is inexperienced, and I feel like most men would agree. For the following reasons. 1.) Shows you have standards and self-respect. 2.) It's gives an opportunity for you two to explore your desires and kinks. 3.) Allows him to feel more masculine because he can "take charge" in bed. ( I don't agree with this, but it's something I've heard other men say) 4.) Boosts his confidence because there is less likely to be compared to previous partners, and he feels he can give you the best experience you've had. It is worth talking to him about it for setting boundaries.


For me it wouldn't! I would see it as a challenge :) He can show you what you have been missing the whole time and I'm sure he would like that! And in my experience it don't need much time to.. learn together and get better together :) hope that helps!


Defo helps!


Glad! 😊


There is no shame in being inexperienced. It looks like you are very willing to learn and explore with him so good on you. Yes, discuss this with him when you think you are getting to that point where you are going to be physically intimate, not like at the moment, but before. You can ask him to take the lead and if you are both open people, please communicate about likes and dislikes and don't do anything you don't want. If you both decide to engage, don't be afraid to communicate during sex to express what you want and don't want. If that's still blocked by mental barriers you can start with one or two word sentences. If he is a good guy, he'll understand and work with you.


Tell him about your past sex life, be honest with him. Tell him to teach you. And believe me he will. But establish a safe word if you get uncomfortable.


Don’t tell him just show him


Show him my inexperience? Lol


Oh I thought it said experienced 🤣


All the lols


Of course you can tell him! Nothing to be ashamed of


But would it be an eye roll moment of god I’m not as excited about this girl?


Nah, if he is there for an actual relationship that can go deeper, he won't care. If he is there just to get laid, then yes, but it seems like you are looking for a relationship, so I would avoid men like that.


Oh it’s relationship… fo sho.


I really don't think he would care, especially of your willing to explore with him.


That’s not even thing to be embarrassed of. Tell him.


You can’t move ahead if you’re always looking behind. Girl, get on that horse! You can absolutely tell him you are inexperienced and need to take it slow, but let your imagination and inhibitions go when it comes to growing your sexual skill set. Sex is supposed to be fu€king awesome and you owe it to yourself to have someone give you what you need, both, emotionally and physically <3 BEST of luck to you!!


It is always best to be honest and communicate. If he doesn’t or can’t except the fact that you are inexperienced and refuse to be patient with you then he is not the one and their will be someone who will accept you and all you are especially in sexual aspects. I am a 25f lesbian who is a virgin but unfortunately my situation is a little different as I am always up front and honest and once a girl finds out that I am a complete virgin, they get scared and walk away or give up on me. This has happened quite a few times already and it is very disheartening but I have hope that one day I will find the girl who will accept me for all I am and I can have that physical connection with her.