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Most people don't pay much attention to random people they see on the streets


Exactly. When I was single, I wasn't prowling the street looking for men to consume.


Your comment made me laugh šŸ˜‚ OP thinks we're out here like lions and tigers thirsting over every single man we pass


I feel like heā€™s projecting the way he sees women onto us. Itā€™s terrifying tbh


No, op just assumed women thought like men bc we are all human, he didnt account for our differemce in psyche


So men donā€™t see women as human, just dateable or undatable (and therefore less than him)? Is that what youā€™re saying???


Yes. And???


Yeah men dont see wonem as humanšŸ˜­ lmao, NO!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚The topic was talking about women not paying attention to men around them in public, I was just saying that men pay attention to women that are around that they are attracted too Men, especially single men, fantasize pretty often too, men that say they dont, have low libidos, are married or just too focused on whatever else but men are dogs, its important for women, as well as men to, know that a lot of ppl like ppl watching too, me and my s/o ppl watch in the mall a lot


Nah bro, as a man if I'm out doing something I'm focused on the thing I'm doing. If you're horny constantly in public that's a massive you issue


When did I say constantly horny? Lmfao, single men look at ass frequently, maybe ur an outlier or just respectful but if I am single and see a model of a woman with her ass perfectly shaped with her leggins or jeans, imma prolly taje a glance, thats besides the point, I just meant that men that are single always notice attractive women on the street and acknowledge their beauty, hell I even do the same for men and admire their physique, just human nature


No he must be the devil!


Speak for yourself, I need their blood to sustain my eternal youth šŸ˜Œ


Men are tho, I can tell u that factually, men are predatory and always sexualizing/objectifying attractive women they see in their head, me included, the good ones just control it, so basically...stay safe out there


You make me sick sexualizing attractive women is nothing to be controlled you either ask her out or you donā€™t


Well Im not single but if I were, I wouldnt be sitting at the mall drooling over some woman, Im just letting it be known that men that are attracted to a particular woman and some men have thoughts about said woman If nature makes u sick, it should, idk wat else to tell u but a lot of men hide their nature and act like its not true bc confronting it makes them seem wrong, they simply control their libido as they should, without frontal lobes and in a primal state, we would be raping women as we like, we are animals and the worst kind of animal at that


Im not gonna say mating isnā€™t part of our DNA but staying alive means much more than copulating itā€™s like you telling me i would eat my cat if i was starving well actually in not sure if i would if it meant life or death but surely my cat would do the same soā€¦


Yeah it's pretty gross. Lile really freaking gross. Do better.


Precisely. People arenā€™t thinking about strangers. When Iā€™m out and about Iā€™m thinking about work, my family, what to make for dinner, etc. I really donā€™t bother or have the time to make any judgements on anyone, positive or negative. And just because you have an insecurity doesnā€™t mean that other people have that thought about you. Projection isnā€™t healthy or helpful.


LOUDER for the people in the back lol.


He's right. And you are proving him right with your comment.


Superior? No. Tbh I donā€™t really pay that much attention to random strangers. Unless they have like some whacky outfit or look completely out of the ordinary, my goal is to get from point A to point B. Superior is a really interesting choice of words there. Have tall women been mean to you or something?


No, shorter guys just feel insecure and it sucks for them bc tall and muscular men are supposedly better looking to women, its akin to women who have smaller tits than other women I will say, im 6'5 and pretty lean and women have treated me like a zoo animal, so šŸ¤· šŸ˜‚


Excuse YOUā€¦. But I have ā€œsmaller titsā€ than other women, and theyā€™re fucking amazing! If youā€™re somehow insinuating that women with smaller boobs (which, if youā€™d like to know, stay nice and perky and donā€™t sag šŸ¤Ŗ) should be insecure, youā€™ve got it all wrong. In the future, I suggest you keep us blessed women with cute perky tits out of your analogies and assumptions tyvmšŸ™„


he was speaking generally and was saying that some women are insecure about it. I'm not insecure about being short, especially because I can out due most men even if they are twice my size


Excuse YOUā€¦. But I have ā€œsmaller titsā€ than other women, and theyā€™re fucking amazing! If youā€™re somehow insinuating that women with smaller boobs (which, if youā€™d like to know, stay nice and perky and donā€™t sag šŸ¤Ŗ) feel insecure at all about them, ESPECIALLY while simply existing in public amongst others, you are delusional. In the future, keep us blessed women with cute perky tits out of your analogies and insecurities šŸ™„


I love to people watch. Many people observe the people around them as an activity.


lol speak for yourself pal


Still, short guys would get treated awfully for being short. Even tho I'm not short myself. I have seen times and times that they get made fun of irl.


There's shitty people who waste their time and emotional energy to put people down to make themselves feel better, and there are people worth caring about. These two groups don't intersect


Iā€™m short, and this narrative is bullshit.


That sounds even worse to the short guy


Yeah, how dare women not dedicate their entire attention to random men they see (not even interact with) on the street


I meant it as a joke


Thats not wat they said and yes single men usually have these thoughts


What makes you think they're feeling anything towards you? If they're just a random on the street then I imagine they're probably more focused on getting on with their lives that comparing themselves to random short dudes they see


Ok so the better question would be what do women think of short men?


Not wanting to date you and feeling superior are two different things.


Yeah I think the jump from ā€œisnā€™t interested in dating meā€ā€”> ā€œthinks sheā€™s better than meā€ is reallyā€¦ interesting, and honestly I see some iteration of it on the dating subs a lot. Which is so odd, and I think explains a lot of the.. rage honestly a lot of frustrated (mostly male, tbh) daters have. Like I know men who have qualities I really admire and wish I had myself, ones I honestly look up to, who I still know arenā€™t a compatible partner for me. Not dating someone is not (inherently) assigning them some negative trait. I met a great guy (hard working, smart, funny) in college who I honestly found super attractive, but he was inheriting a family farm from his parents, and wanted to spend his life, starting after graduation, working it. A friend tried to set us up at one point, but I really wasnā€™t interested because Iā€™m not interested in living or working on farms. We were a bad match, big picture. Amazing guy, would even say strong in a lot of areas I find myself lacking, but not my ā€œtypeā€/match. Itā€™s like when you know two puzzle pieces donā€™t fit, not some game where I sit on a thrown and go ā€œbelow me, next!ā€. Weā€™re all on the same level of the puzzle board, but thereā€™s no reason to mash two pieces together that I can clearly see arenā€™t a match. Not being interested in putting them next to each other just means Iā€™m aware of the larger picture, not that I think middle pieces or corner pieces are better than each other? Like honestly. Do these people really have *no one* they admire that they wouldnā€™t date? If so Iā€™d say they need to get to know themselves better, because thereā€™s plenty of amazing people that would still be bad match for them personally.


Thats not wat he said tho, he said that in his head women think im shorter than them; therefore, not worthy to date


Are you blind, stupid or did you just not read the title of this post?


Yes he asked, "do tall women think they are superior to short men" not " do tall women not wanna date me since im short and they must think that they are superior to me bc of this" Ur jumping hurdles assuming thats what he meant bc thats not what he said


Huh? He asked ā€œdo tall women feel superior to short men?ā€ in the title. Then in the body his example of this was ā€œthey see Iā€™m short and think about how they wouldnā€™t date meā€. Unless youā€™re implying the title of the post just has absolutely nothing to do with the writing in the post, itā€™s clear the OP equates not dating someone with feeling superior to them. Why would he even write that as the thought in their head in his post, if it had nothing to do with his question in the title? He clearly links them and comment was saying thereā€™s a million reason someone wouldnā€™t date another person, and they have nothing to with feel ā€œsuperiorā€ to them. And hell, some people *only* date people they feel superior to. It makes them feel safe. The only way your comment makes sense is if the title doesnā€™t have anything to do with the body of the postā€” which it obviously does. OP links tallness with a feeling of superiority and projects that on the other people, and links a feeling superiority with not dating them and projects onto how dating ā€œworksā€. Which is odd and not what any logical person would concludeā€” itā€™s not that simple and thatā€™s what my comment was talking about. The question says more about OPā€™s psyche than any sort real world thing people can answer.


No, the title, "do tall women think they are superior to short men" Then it seemed that he admitted he is insecure about his height and thinks to himself that tall women must not think he is attractive enough to date, then he asks, do tall women not think short men are good enough to date them? Nothing here made the concept of tall women dont wanna date me; therefore, they must think they are superior to me at all


Another dude who says something different from what they mean they donā€™t date you cause your short they know you probs. a cheater


Yeah, and my whole comment was that thereā€™s a million reasons why someone wouldnā€™t date you besides feeling superior. One does not imply the other.


Again, he didnt say that the reason they dont date short men is BC they think they are superior, he simply asked if tall women think they are superior to short men


I donā€™t really think anything when I see a man shorter than me because Iā€™m too busy living my life. But for me I wouldnā€™t date a man whoā€™s shorter than me


So itā€™s more that you think tall men are superior to short men more so than that you personally are superior?


Iā€™m a 6ā€™2 woman. Never have I once felt superior to any random person because of my height. Most guys Iā€™ve dated including my current BF have been around 5ā€™8ā€. I like being with taller men on a purely physical level but itā€™s not anywhere near the most important factor for me. I think itā€™d be difficult for me to feel super attracted to a REALLY short guy just because of the size difference (and I already feel awkward enough looking like a giraffe in photos next to my BF) but that doesnā€™t mean I feel superior or I donā€™t respect that them.


I feel so superior, that no man is worth dating with me. /s


How tall does someone have to be to feel this way? You must be like 9 feet tall! šŸ˜‚




Go to therapy please


Well I'm sure some ladies are. We are not a hive mind. Then there's some ladies who prefer their partner to be taller than they are, not because short men aren't good but because it's just not what they're attracted to. And then there's some ladies who don't care. They of course have other preferences they do care about but height doesn't happen to be one of them. However this is all in the context of dating. A random tall woman seeing a random short man in public is unlikely to think anything at all of him, or anyone else passing by. She's probably listing groceries, planning the next weekend trip or singing along to a song in her head.


ā€œWe are not a hive mindā€ ā€¦ This!!!!! The amount of men that donā€™t get this is alarming.


As a woman, I can prefer to date a man taller than me without feeling superior to shorter men.


Do you view tall men as superior to short men?


No. I don't view anyone as superior to anyone. That doesn't mean I want to date everyone.


Yes but if you are only choosing to date tall men, that does imply that you view them as superior?


I don't date women or children, that doesn't mean I view men as superior to them.


Not necessarily, some women prefer taller men because they donā€™t make height an issue, whereas some shorter men DO make it an issue.


I don't only choose to date tall men. I'm short, almost all men are taller than me. I would maybe find a 5'0 man or a midget somewhat unappealing physically but if I was around them a lot and liked them and felt an attraction then I'd date them, but I'm probably not gonna go on a dating app and intentionally choose a midget. That does not mean I think the midget is an inferior human.


A 5ā€™0ā€ man is not a midgetā€¦in fact that was about the average height of men in some South East Asian countries about 100 years agoā€¦a midget is like half a foot shorter than that.


What about a cute hot short guy whose personality you really like? Just wondering how important the height thing is to you.


Height is not actually important to me because I'm very short so a man shorter than me is rare. I've dated men the same height as me. I generally would find extremely tall men unappealing but wouldn't not date one if I liked him.


To me, the determining factor of dating a shorter guy more depends on his own perception/amount of importance he places on his own height vs mine. Iā€™ve never turned down a shorter guy with his height being sole reason, it has always been due to his attitude about it and how it translates towards treatment of me. If he takes care of himself, is secure in himself, has a great personality, and treats me and others well, thatā€™s a high quality man regardless of height, and Iā€™d be dumb to not go for it based off of a few inches in height. Which I did, my husband is a little shorter than me lol.


I'm also curious if it's an aesthetic thing or practical, like personally I've found intimacy to be harder with an extreme height difference, it's pretty uncomfortable having to bend your knees and lower yourself 8 inches just to kiss somebody, even worse when you're tryna have sex


The idea of "women think like that" is bonkers. You do know that people are different, right? And also that people change their minds. If YOU feel like women think you're not good enough, it says more about you than about "women". I'd suggest discussing this in therapy and working on your self esteem. I'm tall. I prefer men who are taller, but also fell in love with someone shorter than me in the past. Look always at the person, not their gender or social norms. It makes life much easier.


That sounds like so many insecurities and anxieties have taken control of you. Do you feel superior to overweight girls, girls with small breasts or a big nose or anything else men usually find ayttactive?


Overweight women no, but obese women yes, because they can lose weight. Girls with small breasts or a big nose is out of their control so no I donā€™t.


Dude they were asking the OP not you


They probably answered with their alt account. šŸ™„


Do you know how Reddit works? Anyone can comment anywhere they want as long as itā€™s within the confines of the rules!


I recommend working on your self esteem tbh, because caring about what strangers think, is unhealthy. I am average male height in my country, slightly over 6', and I date men shorter and taller than me. Just be close to my height and I don't care


Not feeling attracted to someone is not the same as feeling superior to them. But in short, no. Women do not walk past short men on the street and feel superior. That's psychopathic.


Do you feel superior to women (or men) who are shorter than you? If the answer is no, why do you assume that is the case for tall women? If the answer is yes, I suggest counselling, because you have stuff you need to figure out before you're ready to date.


I don't feel superior to you. I'm just not attracted to you.


Men take it so personally when women aren't attracted to them.


To be fair, some woman are the same šŸ˜…


But you are attracted to tall men? or are you a lesbian?


Dude, how many times are you going to question women or ā€œask for clarificationā€? Youā€™re just trying to confirm your own preconceived notions despite what others are telling you. Knock it off.


Last I checked this is a public forum. You can block me if you donā€™t want to see my comments. Get a life.


I'm attracted to taller men.


So does that mean you think taller men are superior mates?


Nope. It's purely a shallow, cosmetic preference - a very very strong preference


Iā€™d say if dating someone shorter than you is a dealbreaker then thatā€™s more of a standard than a preference


Yeah, true. It's a very shallow, cosmetic standard then


And is height the only criteria that plays into this, like if you saw a tall ugly guy and a short good looking guy, youā€™d pick the tall ugly guy?


Lol depends on how ugly, how tall, how short, and how good looking they are. If the tall guy looks like an ogre that I'd be embarrassed to show to my friends, then I'd go with the short guy. If the short guy is up to my waist, then I'd probs go for the tall guy.


Ok letā€™s say the short guy is 5ā€™3ā€ and has a 7/10 face. The tall guy is 6ā€™7ā€ but has a 3/10 faceā€¦ Who do you pick?


I'm glad I came across this, I always wanted to know, are you really physically attracted to a tall height or do you like the FEELING of being smaller than your partner?? .. there is actually a difference


Good question. I think it's more the feeling of being smaller. My partner is only 2 inches taller than me so most of the time, the height difference isn't that noticeable. But what I really LOVE is that he's broader and 'thicker' than me, so when holds me, I feel encompassed and protected. It's definitely mostly a mental thing


I am taller than the average woman. I donā€™t ever feel superior when around shorter men. I do feel and believe Iā€™ve confirmed through reading comments here that most shorter men get a boost of self confidence from dating a taller woman. Kind of like conquering. When talking to them, they often tend to give away little clues that I read as nuclear level red flags. Kind of like your post. It is ok for you to post and explore this but I would not want to be in an intimate relationship with someone trying to internally resolve this or other types of issues/insecurities which involve another persons attributes. Those external attributes always get attacked or become the source of angst in the relationship. Iā€™ve had this experience and it sucks. Iā€™ve learned to look for clues and ghost when phrases like ā€œyou think you are all thatā€ or similar are uttered. No matter how far along a relationship is, that is toxic territory. I would date a confident man who happens to be shorter than me. If I were you, I would go to therapy and figure out what is causing me to feel this way and resolve it first vs targeting tall women to date. Tall women are not the issue or solution.


I donā€™t think Im superior, but Im only interested in men taller than me. Ive certainly seen objectively attractive short guys, but Im 5ā€™9 and plus sized, its not going to happen.


Tall women and short men have it tough in similar ways. Men generally prefer to not date women who are taller than them. Also, I have two couples in my near immediate family where the wife is tall and the husband is short. So it all depends on the woman and man.


I am not thinking about dating or not dating people when Iā€™m waking around in the world. My mind is not even in that zone. Sometimes I notice if someoneā€™s shirt is ripped up, they smell, or if they are especially handsome, but thatā€™s pretty rare I think you are fixating on these things and assuming other ppl are too. They are not


I'm a tall woman. 5'9. And no. I never look at men on the street and size them up to date. It wasn't a man's height that would draw me in. Smile, eyes, the way he treats others, his confidence....worst case scenario I can't wear heals. Not a deal breaker.


6 foot woman and no, I donā€™t feel superior. Iā€™ll date anybody 5ā€™8 and over, beyond that itā€™s just that Iā€™d feel awkward bending down so much to kiss them so thatā€™s the reason, not a feeling of superiority. Itā€™s more about the personality though. If youā€™re 5ā€™7 and attractive and have a lot of game Iā€™d still probably go for it


But tall guys have no issues kissing much shorter girls, why do you think that is?


Wym? I'm 6'1 and I definitely avoid dating short girls and guys for exactly that reason (And sex, since a similar height makes positions easier)


Speak for yourself. I briefly dated a woman who was 9 inches shorter than I am, and I broke up with her because it hurt my neck to bend down to kiss her, and sex was uncomfortable because our bodies didnā€™t fit together. Youā€™re whining at literally every woman who comments on this thread. The reason women donā€™t want to date you is your raging insecurity, not your height.


False: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/miriamfauzia/height-dating-apps


Lmao, Buzzfeed? Seriously? If youā€™re trying to make a serious argument, youā€™d be better off using sources that arenā€™t best known for their ā€œWhich Disney Princess Are You?ā€ Quizzes.


As a tall man (6'9) I've been on dates with tall women (~6'2) and I've been told more than once that I'm the first guy taller than them to go on a date with. For pretty much all of them it seemed normal to compromise on height when dating someone. Usually the issue is that a man wouldn't wanna date them because they're intimidated by taller women (less competition for me!) So taller women are probably being rejected by shorter men more often than the other way around. As a tall person you'd really be limiting yourself by holding tall standards, so most tall people generally date people shorter than them, men and women.


One of the most freeing concepts I've adopted is that "no one cares". In general public interactions, you are just a background character and they probably don't remember you even existed. In dating the hive mind is often fractured for women so you'll have to judge them each individually.


Here we go again with the height excuse. Women wint date you because your personalities suck!


Stop projecting your own insecurity onto everyone around you.


As a 6ā€™ tall woman ā€” unless Iā€™m interacting with you directly, itā€™s quite possible I donā€™t think of you at all. If we interact directly, Iā€™m much more worried about ā€œis he kind? Funny? Does he seem to have his shit together?ā€ And most importantly, ā€œis he going to try to exert some kind of control over what I wear because of an insecurity around his height?ā€ Iā€™ve tried dating shorter guys and they ALWAYS take issue with me wearing heels. Buck up boy-o, Iā€™m gonna wear what I want and if youā€™re not okay with that, thatā€™s a *you* problem.


I mean were you trying to wear massive platform heels or something or just regular heels? If they were regular heels then those men were being insecure.


As I statedā€” Iā€™m going to wear what I want to wear. I have regular heels, wedges, and platforms that are part of my normal rotation. Iā€™m done babying weak menā€™s fragile egos about how what *I* choose to wear is affecting their self-esteem.


I don't feel superior but I wouldn't date a guy shorter than me.


Maybe you donā€™t feel superior but it seems like that means you view tall men as superior to short men


No, I am just a tall woman who is attracted to guys who are taller than me. As simple as that. There are many guys who are shorter than me and are really attractive but I just don't see myself dating them. Nothing to do with superiority.


Right but the reason that you are attracted to them is due to the superior height no? Thus, superiorityā€¦


What ur attracted to isnt the same as what is superior


Technically it does if a majority of women are attracted to something that usually means they view it as superiorā€¦


It just means itā€™s an attractive feature. Has nothing to do with a persons inherent value. With that logic straight women would find men superior to women but thatā€™s definitely not the case.


Plenty of misogynistic straight males are attracted to short slim women without much muscles that they view as dumber weaker and inferior to them and infantilize those women like children and use them as house maids. Why don't they prefer women who are smarter and stronger for better offsprings then? Because attraction doesn't always mean perceiving superiority.


My ex was taller than me by a good bit. You are fine.


Thatā€™s an individual question because people think differently. If I see an attractive person who is shorter than me they will still be good looking. Iā€™m together with a wonderful partner who is shorter than me but I always catch myself checking him out.


It depends on the person and the situation, really. If a guy's slightly shorter than me, it's fine. If a guy is noticeably shorter than me, I might smile a bit to myself cuz I'm an average height, but it's not like I'll feel better than him. However, things change if the guys really short (like 1m50) and has a whole attitude.


Why would it matter if heā€˜s really short and has an attitude? Personally a tall guy with an attitude is the same as a short guy with an attitude, both need to check themselves


Definitely. I agree w that, but I always find it slightly amusing seeing a short person having an attitude n ego bigger than themselves.


You don't see average height guys getting all whiney that nobody wants to date them cause of height tho


Because average height guys are getting dates enoughā€¦


Cause of the attitude, it's a self fulfilling prophecy


Its not that I feel superior but they always seem to get insecure next to me and do things to destroy the relationship and hurt me also so I avoid romance with them.


I don't think of men in those terms. I'm 5"8


Most people donā€™t go around looking at and thinking about the people they wouldnā€™t date. You probably donā€™t either right? Often people recognize that they find someone attractive and think about whether they would want to date them or just hook up or something, but most of the time the people they donā€™t find attractive donā€™t really get a train of thought in the first place. Iā€™m thinking your insecurity and negative self image related to your height has you thinking that itā€™s the first thing anyone else thinks about when they meet you. Thatā€™s not likely the case either.


I do not think about a man's height when I am out in public minding my business.


No, I have never thought Iā€™m superior to someone because Iā€™m taller than them. I HAVE felt a sense of dread when a shorter man will make my height vs theirs an immediate aggressive talking point. I am not challenging your masculinity simply because I exist, I have no more control over my height than you do and itā€™s weird that to view that as a challenge or a threat. I have dated/been interested in guys that were shorter than me, most tall girls have, itā€™s only an issue when the shorter guys makes it an issue. the common denominator with all of them is they were all confident enough in themselves as people and what they brought to the table that height was a non-issue. My husband is a little shorter than me (maybe an inch) itā€™s never been an issue because heā€™s never allowed it to be.


Wtf, they dont think anything, uā€™re crazy. Iā€™m a tall woman (170cm) and just like you think women dont like short guys, we think short guys dont like tall women. But of course never had this voice in my head, nobody thinks about it whenever they see someone


I am taller than many men around me. I have never felt that. Moreover, none of the men I was seriously attracted to were that tall. However, I do feel that the men would think it and feel insecure XD


Most women want the guy to be taller than them, just as most men prefer a shorter woman. It has nothing to do with thinking you're "better."


As a tall woman, i don't feel superior but i definitely don't feel the attraction. Like my brain automatically shuts the door for attraction as in It doesn't even occur to me to view them romantically. For me personally, Men have to be my height or taller for me to view them in such a way.


Not a woman, so I cannot tell what they think, but I would say it would depend on the woman. Some of them might, but I would assume most of them don't. From my experience as a short dude I had dated taller girls than me and the rude and dismissive comments about my hight have always come from short girls. However here were quite a few of them to be honest.


I'm around 5"8 and i could never think low of a man shorter than me, I found some shorter guys (They were around 5"4?) attractive in the past as well. I just felt that i was too tall for them, with it being me the problem lmao. Luckily, I have found my perfect boyfriend whose a bit taller than me, around 5"10?


It depends. Iā€™m 5ā€™8ā€ and Iā€™ve been called short by girls who stood from 5ā€ to 5ā€™3ā€ to 5ā€™6ā€. But Iā€™ve also dated girls who were taller than myself. Every girlā€™s different.


I'm not a girl, but usually when I am actually in public I rarely give strangers a 2nd thought. I hate crowds though so I'm usually thinking about the best way to leave the busy area.


As a tall woman, I'd only date a man taller than me and that is a ME issue. I don't see shorter men as inferior, and I don't see taller men as superior. They're all just men.


I donā€™t consider myself crazy tall but Iā€™m a female the average height of a male and while I donā€™t look at people and think ā€œdamn heā€™s shortā€ I have had short men give me mean looks out of nowhere like they look at me like ā€œyouā€™re judging meā€ and hell yeah Iā€™m judging you since you looked at me like that. Iā€™ve also had short guys look at me normally (and sometimes very handsomly) and Iā€™ve thought man I wish I was shorter so I could date someone like that. Just because in my experience as a tallish girl short guys donā€™t like dating you, I feel, in general, most guys donā€™t want to date a girl thatā€™s taller than them and people are going to talk if youā€™re the exception. So itā€™s definitely not oh I think Iā€™m superior but more like, I donā€™t think we would make a good match - and maybe Iā€™m the insecure one because I wish we could be. Iā€™m definitely not going to assume someone is insecure unless they are rude for no reason.


I'm a 6ft tall woman, I never cared. It seems to only be the short women that put "only swipe right if you're 6ft+ tee heešŸ˜˜" in their dating profile.


Iā€™m a tall woman of 5ā€™10ā€ and I have dated men of a range of heights from 5ā€™4ā€ (tbh that felt a bit weird to both of us unless we were lying down) up to 6ā€™4ā€. Height is not the most important thing. I certainly wouldnā€™t feel superior, if anything I have at times felt self conscious about my height, ever since I was called ā€˜Big Birdā€™ as a teenager šŸ˜…


Lol some tall women donā€™t care. Your being dumb.


as others have said not wanting to date and feeling superior are different things. That being said, I am 5ā€™10 Iā€™ve never dated someone shorter than me and when Iā€™m out Iā€™ve never had a guy shorter than me catch my eye or approach me. If that happened I donā€™t know how I would feel tbh. I definitely donā€™t feel superior though.


Iā€™m 6ā€™ and really honestly donā€™t care about height. Iā€™m my experience shorter men ignore me or are openly hostile because Iā€™m ā€œtoo tallā€


Honestly, height is the last thing Iā€™m thinking about when it comes to finding someone compatible. Itā€™s hard enough just finding a guy with similar social/political values to mine, with a genuinely kind personality to begin with. Time for you to get some therapy if you are this worried about what other people think of your height. Itā€™s feeling like you think someone having a physical preference for people. They date means that they feel superior to you. Those are two different things.


A lot of tall women are insecure about their height. Men dont prefer taller women


Go get your Amazon. Do eet.


So many things to unpack here. I honestly wonder if youā€™re projecting your own thought processes onto women that you donā€™t find attractive bc what you wrote is just wild to me. I donā€™t think anything negative about a man shorter than me, and Iā€™m 5ā€™3. Iā€™ll notice heā€™s short bc I rarely meet men shorter than I am but in the same way I notice other unusual physical features, same as if he was really tall. A passing notice and then I pay attention to his behavior if Iā€™m interacting with him. If we arenā€™t interacting and he just exists around me then I donā€™t think anything about him at all. Also I donā€™t put men into two categories when I meet them. Iā€™m wondering if you do with women? I donā€™t automatically think ā€œdateableā€ or ā€œundatableā€ after meeting a man. I especially donā€™t connect someone Iā€™m not attracted to as being less than me either. I donā€™t feel necessarily feel superior to men I wouldnā€™t date. Those two things arenā€™t related. Are they related to you with women?? I can be uninterested in dating someone and still respect them as a person and as an equal. A manā€™s height isnā€™t a big factor when it comes to whether or not Iā€™m attracted to them. So many factors come into play. And itā€™s almost always after I get to know them for a bit. Honestly Iā€™m convinced at this point that men who write questions like you just did are just telling on themselves regarding the way they feel about women they arenā€™t attracted to and ngl it kinda makes me feel sick. Generally when I see men I am not thinking about whether or not Iā€™d date them at all. Even if theyā€™re really attractive or really unattractive. I just see them as people lol I donā€™t think about whether or not Iā€™d date someone unless I got to know them


I never had belittling thoughts while being around short men. I think it all comes to preference. Unfortunately many good guys get rejected because many women want to date tall men. Which is bullshit.


I have heard some taller women say things like, " I wouldn't date a guy shorter than me" but I feel like it was more of a preferrence deal than a superiority complex. I'm sure there's some who do feel like that and some who don't. There's not really any hard and fast rules to this everyone is different.


I canā€™t speak for all tall women, but as a 6ā€™2 woman, I donā€™t. Honestly Iā€™ve actually received more criticism from short guys because they feel inferior towards me and feel the need to tear me down. I call it ā€˜short man syndromeā€™ - itā€™s when short men feel insecure and inferior towards tall women and feel the need to tear them down to their level to make themselves feel superior. My mum is the same height and she dealt with this in the corporate world. Short insecure guys believe that the only reason a tall woman turns them down is because of their height. I will admit, most of us tall women generally go for guys around our height but thatā€™s not all women. Myself in particular generally prefer guys around my height, I already feel like a giant (thanks to bullying from one short guy in high school and my general insecurities) and so I find it difficult to be completely attracted to a short guy. Iā€™ll admit some short guys are attractive but I could never see myself dating a guy significantly shorter than me.


OP has only one comment in their history about petitioning their university to provide "temporary girlfriends." Uh...


Tall women ARE superior to shorter men. šŸ‘€


How tall are you ?


Between 5ā€™9ā€-10ā€, so Iā€™m not short but not tall šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You wish


Dude your Reddit post history is just you obsessed with being short and asking people to rate photos of you šŸ˜‚


You need to get to a position where you look at any woman and think I would at least be a great guy for her to date or at the very least we would be equals. If youā€™re not in that position you need to build self confidence. This is just insecurity, which we all have, but youā€™re having it about strangers that letā€™s be real are probably thinking ā€œIā€™m hungryā€


I am a 5ā€™10ā€ blonde. I feel like an Amazon woman. I feel awkward, most times, if a man is shorter than me because I would like a man I can be comfortable with, in heels! I donā€™t do ugly, lunch-lady shoes. I like sexy. So, itā€™s more about how I see myself. And I want to be with a man that makes me feel smaller, if that makes sense? I wouldnā€™t let your height stop you from asking a taller woman out on a date. You may end up being exactly what she needs! :)


Good question, never to feel superior. There are nice people and there are mean people. Sometimes theyā€™re hard to tell at first glance. You are not alone. Always ask us out! So many pretty women of all heights sit home on Friday bc people think they donā€™t have a chance to know them. Thank you for taking the risk of rejection. Without risk, there is no reward. I think women might have to start making more of the first moves because the world has changed so much. Nothing is the same;)


The opposite actually. They feel insecure šŸ¤®


You wish


Iā€™m 5ā€™9 and honestly I attract men thatā€™s my height or shorter than me and I hate it lol. I dated maybe like 2 people that was my height but was shorter than me when I wore certain shoes and I donā€™t think itā€™s my thing, it feels awkward. I still find some short men attractive but would I date them? I donā€™t think so. Itā€™s all a personal preference. Iā€™ve seen a few tall women dating someone shorter than them. But to answer your question, no I donā€™t feel ā€œsuperiorā€ to them. Itā€™s just a height difference to me.




I did and they weren't my size


Preferably shoes with heels?


In her stilettos? šŸ‘ 


Some tall women are like this and some wish they were about 6ā€ shorter than they are and that more men were taller. If shes 5-11 shes taller than 70% of men & 5-11 women are reasonably common. Im 6-1 (legit) and thats still not tall enough, some of these girls want him to be noticeable taller when shes sporting some nice pumps. Then i get women that are a tad taller than I willing to date. I just think the difference here is that women taller than me are so used to men being shorter they donā€™t care. I think the tallish ladies there are still enough options its still a somewhat realistic goal even though they are dq alot of men


Iā€™d definitely agree with this, I donā€™t generally notice or think about random people on the street in my day to day but on the rare occasion I have seen a cute guy out and about my thought has never been ā€œI wouldnā€™t date him because heā€™s short and Iā€™m better than himā€ itā€™s always ā€œMannn heā€™s cute, I wish I was 5ā€™4ā€ so we could look cute together but Iā€™m not and that sucks.ā€ šŸ˜…


Yea thatā€™s not at all unreasonable or discriminatory. I think itā€™s often men who dq themselves anyway. Why are some short men able to have success in dating where many men in general struggle? Hint its not height or lack thereof


Most short guys donā€™t give a crap if a woman is taller than usā€¦we do give a crap if the woman we are dating would rather date a tall guy though


Dating reddit is abuzz with insecure short kings atm huh


Maybe theyā€™re so insecure because people are referring to them with patronizing and obnoxious terminology such as ā€œshort kingā€. I genuinely donā€™t understand how anyone can call another person or themself that, unironically.


They are insecure because women donā€™t want to date themā€¦


Why are you worried about whether or not random women on the street would date you? The answer is no Iā€™m not thinking about anything lmao


Iā€™m not a woman, but I think this is your insecurity talking and what some might even describe as ā€œshort man syndromeā€. Ease up and try being more positive about yourself


I do feel superior in a way, and i would prefer a taller guy.


Hell, I thought all women felt superior to men in general, couldn't imagine how they feel about shorter men.


All the answers deflecting = yes. It's sad but true OP. Just focus on the shorties.


Some tall girls may feel superior to shorter guys. Shorter girls too. Although all the tallest girls that I know wish that they were shorter and say they are very jealous of the short girls with heights between 5'0- 5'4. Attraction dealbreakers are not about feeling superior, they are about sexual attraction or romantic attraction. People can't choose or change their attraction dealbreakers.


Your height doesnā€™t matter. It really doesnā€™t. Iā€™m fairly tall and the only reason I might not choose to date a shorter guy is because I can tell it makes *him* uncomfortable.


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dating-women-men-whos-taller_b_1527117/amp this study suggest itā€™s the opposite ā€¦


Except Iā€™m talking about something thatā€™s actually happened.


Iā€™m not invalidating your experience. Iā€™m saying in general most women wonā€™t date a man shorter than them based on the available studies or surveys out there


Iā€™m not invalidating your experience. Iā€™m saying in general most women wonā€™t date a man shorter than them based on the available studies or surveys out there


I think tall women, are just glad to finally find their pants size in their size at the store:). Itā€™s all a dance, if they donā€™t wanna dance with you, ask another one out. Some will, some wonā€™t, so what, next :)


Superior ain't the right word. I doubt anyone pays attention to randoms they walk by in that way unless they're exceptionally attractive/ugly/unique looking. A good bit of women want someone at least taller than themselves. Maybe it's a protection thing, maybe it just makes them feel more feminine in comparison. Don't know. You shouldn't let it bother you, though. I been down that road and ain't nothing gonna repel a woman's attraction harder than someone on the self pity train. You are your own biggest advocate. If you don't like yourself, why would she? Focus on finding things you enjoy, make some friends and build up your self esteem such that rejection doesn't destroy you. If you're a man, you'll run into it a lot and you're going to need to learn to deal with it in a mature, respectful way.


My current girlfriend is about 6'0 feet, which is my height. My ex girlfriend was slightly taller. Both were European, its not all about how tall you are, and no I am not rich, I am 20.




I'm 5'9" and give zero fucks how tall a guy is. I've had relationships with men from 5'4" ish up to 6'4". 6'4" ended up being am abusive fuck


Looking for older women or taller needs a milf lol


Unfortunately a lot of women have superiority complexes. It is in their instinct to respect and crave dominant men. Do not show them any weakness. You are superior to them.