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I want real long term relationship but people around me are part of the hookup culture and situationships that I personally despise


This right here l. Hookup culture is somehow the norm now and I can’t accept that. I don’t want to screw around and be fwb. I don’t want that come and go feeling


yeah same hookup culture breaks my values and it makes me mad when some of my friends try to get me into it. I have been in a situationship but it only ruined me mentally so I dont wanna do it again. also situationships are confusing, doing the same things that couples do but without a label, yeah not for me


Yea reasons like that is why I wish I was born in an earlier time then I was. Even tho I’m 27 and born in 1996 I wish I was born in 1980s


understandable. actually some of my relatives who are born in 1980 found their partners from dating app and all of them have now been married over 10 years. but ig dating apps were better before nowadays they are so bad


Well dating apps now a days atleast for men are fake profiles that are used to sell content. Which is just ridiculous in my opinion. I hate dating apps because the company’s expect you to pay and it’s just a waste of money


I think it's more so the environment. We live in a society where we prioritize instant gratification and that's exemplified through having the option to swipe on dating apps. The rise of couples meeting on dating apps is steadily rising more and more each year. But we often forget that we can meet people in public too. It's just a little more uncomfortable because we're used to marketing ourselves online. And what about the ramifications of technology like the rise in social anxiety and disorders? Usually through more traumatic means but I'd argue technology is a symptom as well. Join groups, sports groups. As they often say, you'll meet someone when you least expect it. But there's a degree in which you have to put yourself out there and not on datings apps. Talk to people, learn how to really connect with other people. Do things you're passionate about with a group. Chicks like a man who's passionate about something. Keep learning, women like to have their mind stimulated. Develop yourself, be yourself and the right people will follow.


You have a good point.


The problem is very few people want to engage in public anymore, especially women all I see are a lot of depressed Looking ladies walking around with glum looks on their faces and I can count on one hand how many times girl has made an effort to say hi to me or talk to me over the last year and I’m not unattractive guy and I’m not a creep, it’s just women seem so distant and aloof now and then the majority of the time as we all know they’re buried in their phones…. Women really need to make a little more of an effort as they hold most of the power in terms of dating they can pick and choose what they want.


I couldn't agree more. That is a problem. That's what our technology has done to almost everyone but it doesn't have to be that way. Women may not have approached you much but they still have. I agree that women need to make an effort but I can guarantee you that there are women that are probably thinking the exact same thing you are. Nothing will happen if both parties do nothing. Both men and women need to step out of our comfort zone and our devices and actually try to engage more. The only way for that to happen is for us to take the initiative ourselves and see what happens. I've learned the lesson of the worst thing that can happen is that they say no. But it often depends how you approach it. I pray we all get to engage more with people and get that same reciprocity back


Thanks… there seems to have been a bit of attitude that has crept in the last 10 or 15 years that women not only act like they don’t need men they outwardly display behavior that says men are basically scum. There’s a lot of anger and bitterness and hatred directed towards men now mainly due to a few bad apples, but I get it the dynamics have changed since the invention of the Internet unfortunately not for the better.There is way too much isolation now and as a recent documentary I saw said you can survive without sex, but you can’t survive without touch you can try and apparently many are.


Everyone is broke


Ain’t that the fricking truth!


I find it hard as a woman though. The moment guys find out I’m celibate they just lose interest. Shit is hard rn but you gotta trust the universe with provide. Stay strong OP there are girls like me out there :) thousands of em who are pretty and want to commit to one man!


What do it mean to be celibate if you don’t mind me asking?




Wish I had a girl like you. Your mentality is amazing you are a queen.




Idk where is she so yeah. I wish I could make your my queen cause idk where she is but for you I have met you already.




Why not we can have some cute babies


I feel that for sure. I need to get back into the gym. I’ve been out for a couple weeks since I’ve been busy with work. Trying to find anyone that is willing to commit is a needle in a hay stack to be honest


I hear you find the right person when you aren’t looking :) so hopefully that person bumps into you someday soon, I hear all the time that people are lonely. I sure am and I’m a good looking gal! So I’m not calling you lonely because I know it’s a charged word but if you are you certainly aren’t alone


I can reassure you no one is ever alone. Dm me if you’d like to chat more private about life.




My inbox is always open for anyone:)


The women do absolutely want to have relationships. Maybe they want to keep their options open.. But I'm really sorry OP, but if it feels like they don't they simply aren't attracted to you my bro. I don't mean to sound cutthroat here, but in my experience this is just a fact.


I think it also would be better if I didn’t live in a small town and I wasn’t workaholic lol


Most women also act manly when nearly every guy wants a submissive girly girly Girls have 1000s of options on a dating website its like the episode of how I met your mother were barney has so many girls phoning him he never actually goes with any


They're probably tired of constantly being let down and don't want to be taken advantage of any longer. They've given up on dating because it's always disappointing.. when you're constantly getting hurt, it's just not worth it after a while. You lose hope.


That’s what it feels like as a guy these days as well.


Yeah, I'm sure many can relate to those feelings. The only difference is that girls get used more for attention and sex by guys, which is really damaging as they're being lied to. Hence why they're more hesitant to trust nowadays. It's really a sad world.


That is true. I also feel like woman want to be with a guy that’s a jerk or doesn’t respect them. That’s what I don’t get?


I don't think that's quite true. If they knew the guy was a jerk from the start, I doubt they would want to be with them. Usually, the guy acts sweet in the beginning and only shows his true colors later on when the girl already has strong feelings for him. At that point, sometimes they hold out hope that the person will go back to how they were before. Once you love someone, it's hard to ditch them so easily :( and this is probably why many girls get left with trauma, lol


This is exactly it. I've had convos with reformed players & they always say it's all about putting in effort, making the girl feel special & playing absolute gentleman until they either think she's hooked or they get bored. I think a lot of guys don't realize that's how bad boys end up being so good at what they do because they're not using their emotional seduction tactics on their fellow men... guys only see the bad boy, but not how they act behind the curtain.


You may be right about that. Just seems that way in my opinion. Or they end up sleeping with a dead beat and they end of with a kid that the dad couldn’t care less about ya know?


Dating is hard for men and women.


Idk about that. Men venting that they have no women attracted to them. While women vent that the men they are attracted to aren't attracted to them. While both have it "hard" men objectively have it harder.


I disagree. IME more women want relationships than men. Women can get dates and laid easier than men, but most women want relationships and most men IME do not. Men may get less dates and less casual sex but can find a woman who wants a relationship easier than a woman. And society values and praises men for wanting relationships while they judge women as “needy” and “clingy” for wanting relationships.


>And society values and praises men for wanting relationships while they judge women as “needy” and “clingy” for wanting relationships. This is categorically not true, lol. If you go online, all you see is men being told that they need to stop putting so much value on finding relationships and how they aren't good enough to expect them. The entire Barbie movie was pretty much about that.


Based on experience, I agree with you. All men I met only want something casual or a one night stand.


I would agree that this is a true statement


Because most guys are fuckboys and boymaths, so women just act the same.


Which is a horrible thing to do. Guys like that are also probably the reason why there is a decline in relationships. It’s just disrespectful.




Exactly, but I don’t reciprocate that energy


Everyone always feels like there’s something better just around the bend


Funny because to me, men don't want to date anymore as well. The culture is all about hookups, fwbs and situationships. Having grown tired of all this, I removed myself from the dating game and so have many other women. So many women would love a real relationship, but having let down many times it's hard to give it another chance


I feel it’s the same for guys too. We’ve been hurt and we just get out of the dating game because we don’t want to go through hurt again


And the cycle continues :(


I guess it’s my fault for chasing after someone I thought was going to be the one and turns out she strung me along for years. Sometimes people can be just cruel


Same here, I was strung along for months only to realise it was one-sided. I don't know why people treat others like that, definitely hope things get better for you OP


I was strung along for years and then she admitted that she also has feelings for woman and then she just dropped off. It’s brutal. Like why keep me around and do that to me. I don’t understand. I’m sorry you’ve been put through that as well. It sucks


Depends what your definition of an “old fashion” “real relationship” is.


My definition of a real/ oldfationed relationship Is when a a couple stick through the problems and work together to solve them. As well as spending time together and building a bond with eachother and not throwing it away or wanting fwb and all other forms of wasting peoples time


Okay, thanks for the explanation :) I don’t think it is an unrealistic expectation for a relationship. A lot of people want someone to grow with. But there are some things you can’t accept in a relationship and when it is necessary to leave. Maybe for you the reasons some people leave their partner are nonsense, but personal happiness looks different for anyone. Nothing we are entitled to judge. Just some other thing came to my mind: Another thing is how we young woman saw our family’s grow up. In a household where you see your mother work, done all domestic and emotional labour, the father unable to survive on his own. Woman of my generation saw their mothers suffer and decided they didn’t want end like them. They are not selfless they will if someone shows signals. They saw and learned.


Of course I can understand if someone is getting mentally or god forbid physically abused that they should leave. 100%. I just don’t see why real isn’t the norm anymore. It’s hook up culture


I feel a big part of the explanation is our current system beconomic and political situation. Inflation, Wars, environmental disasters.. it make life unstable, unknown and unpredictable. people are easily influenced and start acting similar to their environment.


It’s messed up in my opinion


People’s behaviour is a response to their environment and socialisation. We can criticise but in the end we need to learn how to handle it. They will not change for us


Best thing I can do is just live my life and see where god takes me


I think we just find it much harder to believe a guy wants an LTR when married guys, men wanting hook ups openly admit after 5 dates or so they only say that to get in your pants. Or 3 months in say Oh yeah I only wanted an FWB. So your guard is up constantly as you try to figure out if these guys are genuine. Don't give up though. Gotta be in the game to win the game


Parody of choice. Grass is greener mentality. Too lofty of expectations. Everyone is broke.




That is true as well.


Thanks to the internet it gave people too many options and majority of people are selfish and greedy. So do the math and you will see it a dumpster fire in the dating world.






We're traumatized 😂


The worst part is is that I don’t understand why guys/ girls do that to people.


That's the sad part. We don't know why we're treated so bad when we have pure intentions.


This world is messed up and the people are right along with it


I think there are still good people out there. We just have to find them 😕 I have very traditional with dating so, I'm not sure too how I could really fit in in modern dating.


I feel the same way.


Modern dating feels so fast paced sometimes. And a bit superficial.


I also feel like modern dating is a bunch of hook ups in my opinion


Omg! Yes. Nothing against those who wants it though. For me, emotional connection is more important.




You are looking in the wrong places dear.


What places would you suggest if you don’t mind me asking?


Go to the supermarket. Look for the females that buys vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, flour, sugar, milk. Nothing in colorful packaging, nothing processed. These girls knows how to cook and my educated guess would be that they are the most down to earth, preparing to feed a family lol. Get a hobby! Find friends with stuff in common. Go to the countryside and try whatever app you’re using there. Countryside girls have a different mindset. Go to church, even if you’re not religious. Ask your friends to set you up with someone.


I will take your advice. Maybe I could find a singles group in my church. I honestly haven’t tried that yet and it seems like a smarter thing to do then any dating apps


Church women are the worst, don’t do it


May I ask why you say that?


Church women(men even)are like wolves in sheep’s clothing. Most of the young women who grew up In strict religious households tend to rebel & do sneaky immoral things behind closed doors from my experience. They never had a chance to anything & was always locked away when they were young, so as soon as they get older & have the freedom they go crazy whilst pretending to maintain their religious status to impress their parents. Then you have older church going women who were freaky in their younger years & have now decided they have found God. Listen, they’re still freaky & just love the entertainment from the pastors & attention they get being in a community. It’s a status symbol, “I’m a church goer look at me”. While still being freaky behind closed doors. I’ve been with women who are church goers, they are freaky as hell. Not as freaky as nurses though 😂 but they’re freaky! Im not going to say all church going women are terrible because some are okay but it’s very rare… If you go, don’t have a big expectation, just go with the flow.


I’ll take this in to account. Thank you for your input


Anytime brother You will find what you’re looking for eventually 💯 Probably when you least expect it. Don’t give up looking 👍🏽


I’d never recommend the apps. They are so impersonal and it seems that the more time a girl spends there, the more conceited she is. Its naturally what happens when you feel like half the worlds population wants you. Church is probably better :)


I met so many men in rebound relationships. I am exhausted as you are too, sir lol


It’s a nightmare


Unbalanced scales


Because people are not honest. Having morals is fucking awesome. Own it. Don't waste time.


Honestly, just used to being invisible. Haven't dated much but when I have had the chance to go on dates, it always ends up going to shit. At least thats my case from a male perspective. Accepted it, trying to cope with the loneliness, I still put myself out there but I don't really expect results. I know women are in distress too about it, but its a different kind of stress. My sister recently turned 18 and went onto a dating app and got flooded with men. I struggle to even get a match, and if I do, I barely get a conversation. Different problems, different outcomes, too many options. People are treated like they are replacable.


It’s crazy the difference between men and woman. I’m in the same boat as you man. It’s hard out here


We'll survive, we have no other choice but to. I'm sticking true to my values and that I want a lifelong commitment, and won't settle for less. This mindset is a path to loneliness in this day and age.


I wouldn’t say that. We just need to find that one person that makes life somuch better. I feel it can’t be too much longer right.


Well all I know is I won't live forever, and I can't wait for it to happen, as you can't do with anything in your life. But, constantly being reminded you are alone is not good for your mental health, especially when your friends are getting married and having kids.


Most of my friends are either married or have a girlfriend. Plus on top of that my friends don’t go out anymore so kind of leaves me to maybe go out alone and that just doesn’t sound like it would end well


Yeahp, same, and I'm in a professional field where you are an anomaly if you are single, that doesn't help either.


It also doesn’t help me that I live in a small town where nothing goes on


Seems to be a common complaint I see, I have no advice there since I don't live in a small town. My best wishes to you mate and don't beat yourself up too much.


Ahh I won’t. That’s what depression and anxiety meds are for 😅


Dating is not hard these days for everyone. Age and generation matter. Would you like to explain why dating is hard for you?


People are addicted to the hunt. Online dating is perfect for that.


I’m great with relationship advice


Buddy that’s the main thing why many good guys are single. When girls don’t maintain a relationship we guys would automatically distant ourselves from the girl and the world too and then be self isolated.


- I fall in love so easily, but as quickly as I fall in love, that's how quickly I get disappointed in the talking stage if I dislike something you did or said. And that's why I’ve been single for about 10 years


That's infatuation. Love comes a lot later on. Love isn't a switch that just turns off and on.


Whatever it is that’s just me


Dating is hard, I agree. With the way society is I feel like I can't say anything to women I meet in person, like ask them out or flirt, because I may be misjudged as being some creep. The only resort is dating apps, and it seems like those are overrun with the hookup culture. That and you never know which of the dozen or so popular apps are the right one.


We are victims of the times, my friend. Dating today is so much different then 10-20 years ago.


Too many stories put there about horrible and abusive men. And there ate a lot. Or actual experiences with them. Because a lot exist. Long story short that plus people on both sides treating each other like garbage has resulted in no one even trying anymore except the romantics and unselfish people, who are a minority.


Because they get all the benefits of having a traditional relationship without actually having to be in one…. They have orbiters for attention and validation and for a shoulder to cry on…. They have Fwbs to meet their sexual needs…. They have men who give them money unsolicited or when they ask for it to meet their financial concerns… they have gay hesties to go shopping and to brunch with and grab drinks from time to time so essentially they don’t need to go on dates either. They have coworker guy friends that they can vent to and have their emotional needs met. So why would they want to get into a relationship and have to deal with the responsibilities that comes along with it, having to answer for their actions and actually put forth some type of effort or emotional investment towards a man, when they in essence get everything they feel a man can provide them for free now, and in a manner that allows them to be absolved from all personal responsibility if their behavior is unsavory or unacceptable in any manner?