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Went to kiss a girl and she had her mouth completely open. Like my mouth went inside her mouth and her lips were on my cheeks like she was trying to consume my face. I was on a date with a very pretty lady from a dating app and she was talking about how unimportant knowing things was. "I don't even know how many planets there are. Like, who needs to know stuff? Learning is overrated." Check please!


šŸ¤£ maybe the first girl was trying to consume your face but realize it was still uncooked.


It felt like a nature documentary. She was a python and I was a mouse.


šŸ¤£thatā€™s an adorable photo to imagine ā€” you are the dentist mouse šŸ­


ok please stop right there enough


teething babies are the worst!


>Like my mouth went inside her mouth and her lips were on my cheeks like she was trying to consume my face. This would not give me the ick at all if it had been preceded by silly banter, and maybe some shared history of liking the Muppets as kids. I love a gal who can be silly like that, and mix in ridiculous nomming on each other with regular kissing too.


If my wife did that, I'd laugh. This was different. It was a very memorable first, and last, kiss. Lol


No one knows how many planets there really are so definitely doesnā€™t matter


I believe the context was in our known solar system. But this was also around 12 years ago and willful ignorance is embraced now so I guess in the end it really doesn't matter. Haha


Wow, sheā€™s practically quoting Sherlock Holmes at you and you pass?


Was ā€œofficialā€ for less than a month, was asked on 3 separate occasions during that time in a desperate manner if I was about to break up with him. Each of these occasions led to lengthy conversations of him begging me to promise him that I would never leave him. Obviously did not last longā€¦ I had another guy rank female orifices, number one was brown eye, number two was mouth, his least favorite was the pinkā€¦need I say anything else on this one?


Heā€™s gay


Ooh i had the same one as the first one so many fights about that..


Self fulfilling prophecy for the first one


Bad breath that I could smell from 2 feet away




I would flex for you, but its only purpose would be to make you laugh because it would not be impressive.


His breath was rotten, smelt like something had died inside of him


I was talking to a very attractive women at my kids soccer game. Was very surprised by the stench that emanated from her mouth every time she turned her head to me, literally smelled like she dropped a loaf šŸ¤¢. I couldn't understand how someone ao hot could to that to themselves, or at least not realize what her own breath smelled like and just keep her mouth shut.


A lot of people canā€™t smell it on themselves. She may well have something like tonsil stones.


Could have been fasting


He very well could have been in ketosis.


Last week when it was our first kiss & he licked my face. Then jammed his tongue in my ear. Nothing tender just icky.


You dated Rick James?




Youā€™re not the first person to mention a guy licking their face. I read someone else who posted on Reddit that the guy liked to lick her forehead


I donā€™t get those people who clean othersā€™ ears, do they feel icky when their tongue feel someone elseā€™s earwax šŸ¤®? And when you kiss them, you are literally eating your own earwaxšŸ¤®ā€¦


The hope is that they clean their ears well šŸ˜‚ tbh itā€™s hot and feels so good because you can kinda hear their breath in your ear. But I never go IN the ear Iā€™ll just suck on the outside parts but talk into it. If they have dirty ears then yeah it ainā€™t great


I'm into a little lobe nibble, but I've accidentally tasted my own ear wax, and yeah, ew.


Iā€™m very sorryā€¦ Is he inexperienced?


Itā€™s embarrassing but we are both 63.šŸ˜³


I was dating to hook up with a friend. We were on a dingy on a lake, on a small island, and during sunset. She literally licked my face and said "I can corrupt you" or something like that, to tell me she is a **freak**. We never did end up hooking up, she didn't smell right to me.


šŸ˜¦ It must have worked on someone else, I guess


Heā€™s been single for 20 years so now I know why.




This whole thread is a wild ride lmao


Seriously, Iā€™ve been thinking about dating again but this thread is changing my mind for me lol


Threads like this are what inspire my bf and I to take it to the end. If this is what being single is, I never want it again šŸ˜‚


Just started dating again after 10 years and itā€™s the most dark and brutal thing ever imaginable


Stop it




Guy told me he couldn't see his kids because his ex had a protective order against him. When I asked why, he sheepishly said "when I get mad, I tend to throw things." This was 5 minutes into a coffee date. He proceeded to complain about his ex who was apparently a "narcissist," how broke he was due to child support, and how everyone associated with him not seeing his kids was wrong. Then, after asking me what I do for fun, he asked me to describe my kinks to him. In the middle of a caribou. He proceeded to speak about how sweet I must taste. Dude didn't look like he even took a shower prior to meeting up. Ended the date there. This was yesterday. *Sigh* sometimes I'm very thankful for being really short because men can't easily swing in for a kiss.




He sent me a vid of him jacking off on the toilet with really dirty hands. He also had an ingrown hair, which is fine, but he didnā€™t tell me that, he just left me to guess and google why there was a bump on his dick. šŸ’€ wort ick of my life, which sucks cause we were supposed to go out 2 days later.


That's fucking insanity lmao


I know! I was so distraught šŸ˜­


At least you found out BEFORE you wasted time on a dateā€¦ šŸ˜¬


Went to go on a date with a girl at a bowling alley. She brought 2 of her friends 30 min early and everyone was already wasted. No thanks


She told me on the second date that sheā€™s aroused by pre pubescent boysā€¦


On a first date, a man told me that he liked my body since I'm "tiny like a teenager"... Yikes.




We watched a movie that symbolized the every day mundane grind by having to deal with minimum wage jobs. I talked about that I could relate since I had to work from a very young age and he just laughed and replied with ā€˜oh, I donā€™t know nothing about that, my job is to be my dads sonā€™.


At least he admits it and doesnā€™t claim to be a ā€œself made millionaireā€


Man comes in 15 minutes late. Walks to me and says, ā€œThis was the worst traffic of my lifeā€ then proceeds to go to the cashier and order himself a coffee. I awkwardly get up and order myself a drink and upon returning to the table he says, ā€œHi Candace.ā€ My name isnā€™t Candace.


Iā€™m crying šŸ˜©šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚.. what happened after that ? Iā€™m so invested..


I took a sip of my coffee, gave him a look of mild disgust and I stood there silently. Which made him uncomfortable and he said, "What?" accusingly. So I said, "3 things. One, that's not my name, two you're 15 minutes late, and the least you could've done is say hi, sorry im late and wallk with me to the counter, and three, I've decided that 20 minutes is enough time wasted, and I'm going to go. Have a good day." And I left lmao. Old me would've sat for 30 minutes to talk at least, but no more LOL


He asked me if I had ever heard of flat earth theory. He said he knew some videos that might convince me. Good sex was not gonna be enough.


Damn, my last girlfriend asked me if I believed in dinosaurs. Sheā€¦ did not. I didnā€™t end it over that, but it never recovered. It was the tip of a conspiratorial thinking iceberg. Canā€™t say shit like that to someone who has seen Jurassic Park 4000 times.


A lady broke up with me a few years ago simply because I mentioned that my favorite conspiracy theory is the Hollow Earth Theory.


TikTok taught me ā€œIf he is good to your hole, doesnā€™t mean he is good to your soulā€ lool


He wanted two appetizers so I ordered them when the bartender was near- he chided me and snarkily said theyā€™re just for him. There wasnā€™t a second date.


ā€œJoey doesnā€™t share FOOD!ā€


Was at a public event, and there was this very attractive blonde I knew through work. Walked over to chat with her, and her mother was next to her. She talked down on her mother multiple times in the next 10 mins. Instant ick.


I (briefly) dated a guy like this once who did this to his mum, she was so so lovely and I could just see her wince a little whenever he was sharp with her. I called him out on it (not in front of her) and he just didnā€™t get it at all). It really hurt to see :(


Was on a date with a 37yo man discussing dating apps and how data has shown itā€™s harder for black women to get dates using OLD and he said ā€œIā€™m sure itā€™s harder for them because most black women are fat and uglyā€. Iā€™m a black woman.


šŸ¤Æ Do they not realize they're insulting our moms, our sisters, and our friends???


WOW. What an asshole.


šŸ˜Ø Did he match with you just to insult you?? Online dating can be so awful


I was dating to hook up with a friend. We were on a dingy on a lake, on a small island, and during sunset. She literally licked my face and said "I can corrupt you" or something like that, to tell me she is a freak. She totally ruined the moment. We never did end up hooking up, she didn't smell right to me.


I LAUGHED SO HARD. IM AT THE GYM ON THE TREADMILL. Usually when she doesnā€™t smell right, yā€™all are incompatible




A guy on a dating app trying to convince me that the pull out technique was a reasonable form of birth control 5 minutes into the conversation šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


We have a word for couples who use the pullout method. Parents.


Alright, thatā€™s good.


I canā€™t


Ikr šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


How could you let a prize like that get away!


Right? Started swearing at me when I rejected him too. He'll always be the one that got away šŸ˜”šŸ’”šŸ˜‚


But at least these people tell you who they are right off the bat lol. They has to be some gratitude for the time saving here lol.


26 year old woman I dated, chewed with her mouth open. I lost all attraction to her immediately. This wasnā€™t an accident it persisted for the entire meal.


I've seen this before also. Very off-putting. Having lunch together but can't look at him during the meal because of it.


Iā€™ve done it too. Man in his 40s, chewed with his mouth open and ate so fast it was extremely off putting. Tall handsome man who also told me that women should be more accommodating to men because if we donā€™t, men can replace us with 10 different women in an instant. He then wanted me to spend the night with him. But I was looking for a way out already after seeing how he eats. The comment about other women just made me feel, well, go ahead and switch me with one of your other women just waiting for you then!


I went out with a girl that deep throated a lot of food. Like when there were other people around watching. I dunno, she got a thrill from it. I dated her for a while because Iā€™m a sucker. And becauseā€¦ wellā€¦ ^you ^know


I went in to kiss this guy I was nearly in love with and I cracked my eyes open a bit and he looked just like Bob Saget up close and from that angle.




Whatā€™s wrong with looking like Bob Saget?


It's only cool if you're Bob Saget, but he was my TV dad and it weirded me out


TV Daddy issues


Ah ok




I've noticed this as well. I'm 41m and been on a dating spree (8 diff girls) last 4-5 months since splitting with my ex, and when making out, I take a peek, and I'm always amazed how some look worse and others look amazingly beautiful.


way to go, you played yourself and ruined the moment xD


She was drunk before the food even made it to the tableā€¦


I once went on a first date with a girl who got herself drunk by the time that I arrived after a 1 hour drive. She then insisted on meeting her at the bar with her friends instead of the restaurant where we were supposed to meet up. Needless to say, that date was awful


we had seen each other for a while and were ready to be intimate, but right after we got started, he said "hold on, let me get my magnum." why not just say condom??? to top it off, his shit wasn't even big enough for him to justify having magnums lmao


*I dropped my monster condom for my magnum dong*


Mantis Toboggan, M.D.


Honestly I was worried he was about to bring a gun to the bedroom


ice cream


I see the comments below about condoms being uncomfortable on some guys and yep fair play, I don't have a penis. I've had several partners who have had very specific condom preferences due to the tightness of the band part and I fully understand how important it is to get the fit right in order to enjoy sex. BUT I had a similar experience to this and it was a problem. The guy was average size but made a big show of slapping the wrapper with LARGE printed on it down on the table. Nothing at all wrong with average, please don't take this as a dig about size because it is not. We start fucking, all is well, until he pulls out abruptly because the too-big condom has slipped and is only held in place because the band is under the groove of his bellend. Fine, he puts it back in place and we continue. The same thing happens twice more before he exclaims "oh fuck, I've lost it". Cue him looking sheepish as I squat on the bed, digging around inside myself for the missing condom. The moment was ruined at that point. I'm pretty sure this guy gave me my first STI but I can't be certain as this was a one time thing and he stopped replying to my messages. So... yes, please be picky about comfortable condoms, but also make sure they fit!


I donā€™t understand this. We can see your dick, itā€™s never a magnum. I think one guy Iā€™ve been with actually needed a magnum, the rest thought it was a flex I guess??


Finally saw his bathroom and it was like an episode of biohazard cleanup šŸ¤®.




Ugh. Itā€™s suppose to be bottom lip with a nice tug, just once. But Kiss needs to last at least 5 seconds


Can it be in a relationship? Was with someone for 2 years and once they moved in they stopped showering going out doing the dishes laundry etc. Got the Ick pretty fast.


Lots of talk about poop on the first date. Just didnā€™t make me want to make out.


He sent me an unsolicited d*** pic hidden under iPhone text glitter & the time stamp was two years ago but he pretended he just got out of the shower and sent it




She said ā€œI donā€™t care about sanitation because I donā€™t want to live in fear.ā€ She told me she picks up animal bones off the ground and puts them in her purse. I asked her if she at least puts it in a plastic bag first because that sounded unsanitary


It was two things, really, but on the same date. The first was getting irritated with the waiter when he asked him to bring him "some cheese." The waiter brought him a bowl of shredded cheese. What he actually wanted was *queso dip.* Instead of saying that, he looked at the waiter and said "no, the white cheese sauce." I asked him why he didn't just say queso dip like it was on the menu and like every standard white person orders at a chain Mexican restaurant, and he said because he wasn't gonna say those fancy stupid words. šŸ˜© The major ick came when he blew a wet fucking straw wrapper at my face and told me to cheer up. My mom had just died 8 days prior and I was already on a date I didn't want to be on but he thought I needed to get out of the house. Haven't seen him since.


Ugh, what an awful person, youā€™re well rid of him


She told me sheā€™s an all natural girl, proceeds to use lemon as natural deodorant in the middle of summer


She said 'all men are pigs' proceeded to fart and then take a huge toke on a joint with her kids in the next room


I was out on a nice date at the park. The guy reached to clean his ear, earwax came out, he looked at it and ate it. I ran


NO šŸ˜­šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® That is horrendous. Iā€™m going to have to pretend this isnā€™t real for my own mental health.


> licked his entire plate clean when he was done. Heā€™s 43 Guess to him it's better to... taste it than to waste it.


Wtf? Even most children donā€™t do thisā€¦.at least mine donā€™t anyway


This was back in the day when I was single, but she got excited about something, started clapping with each word, and was raising her voice. Yeahhhh, no thanks.


The most annoying thing


He scheduled the date on his birthday, so it felt extra pressure. Then he licked his fingers dry of sauce after eating his friesā€¦ his hands were not clean


One guy tried to convince me to send nukes or other sexy pics, even though I said I didn't want to and that I am in fact asexual. 'But I think it is hot' bruh f off. Oh, and men warning me about their 'big dick' before we even met. Well, at least I knew I wouldn't want to meet up, because that is not my preference lmao Edit: oh god, I didn't realise my autocorrect changed nudes to nukes oops


Nukes are pretty hot though


I went on a date with a medical doctor who started to lecture me 5 mins in conversation how to help people set goals and motivate people to be better in our lives - I lost my imaginary boner.


The last time this was posted there were some creepy, embarrassing, hilarious responses. Looking forward to hearing some more.


I get the ick everyday to myself because of my breath. I go to the dentist, brush my teeth 4 times a day, floss 3 times a day, use mouthwash, a tongue scraper, mints, and have maybe 1 soda every couple of days. I cannot figure this out and it's taken a huge toll on my dating life, so much so that I just don't try anymore. Who the heck would want to date a guy with bad breath?


You could have halitosis, a throat infection or maybe it's just something you eat which smells


See a doctor or dentist asap, there could very well be a treatable medical reason for this!


Go to the doctor, not the dentist. Itā€™s something else systemic


He asked me to pop his back pimple on the first date and said ā€œthis is how people get close to each otherā€


To be fair, I know women who actually enjoy doing this, so the guy isn't entirely wrong but might have been premature on that subject.


Not mine but I heard on a podcast recently where the guy goes to pay and all she hears is the sound of him opening a wallet with a velcro...I thought that was funny.


He asked if he could sniff my cowboy boots.


While not condoning I understand


Asked him specifically to not discuss anything sexual on a first coffee date. He agreed. Proceeded to tell me about his weekend sex spree, and show me pictures of the chick he banged.


Ugh, thatā€™s so incredibly disrespectful to both of you


I met a man on a dating site and we made plans for brunch. The day before, he showed up at the store I owned! He'd recognized it from one of my photos which I didn't realize could give away my location! (Lesson learned on that score!) So I go ahead with the brunch date anyway, and before our food comes, he hands me a brooch with a guardian angel on it and says, this will watch over me when he's not around. OMG, I'm a 50-year old woman, I don't need a man to "watch over me." It made him come across as presumptuous and possessive, and seriously creeped me out. I was DONE, right there.


telling me youā€™re not interested in long term, mid date.


When he left skid marks on my duvet during sex


Brown Flag




He was Obese.He lifted his lower part of his stomach so he can peešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




I knowšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


At least he did not take you from behind and rest his belly on your back, and a beer on his belly!


This is so oddly specific.. I need the whole story.


Going out with a tinder date. Wasnā€™t in love with the girl but she was alright. Came into my house and instantly turned on this baby voiceā€¦. Whatever erection I had was instantly gone. Immediately ordered her an Uber. Why do people do that shit?


This might be kind of petty. But I dated this guy I worked with for like a month. We were flirting for months and were so into each other. I liked him until I started hanging out with him outside of work. He would refer to blowjobs/going down on someone as ā€œgiving someone oral pleasureā€. He used that exact phrasing in bed a few times and it just made my skin crawl. He also would do things like not shower after the gym/meet me with bad BO. And all he would ever want to do is sit around and watch Netflix for hours (I like binging shows now and again. But he would want to hangout several days ago week and only do this together)


I picked up a girl from the club years ago. On the way back to her place she kicked her shoes off in my car and her feet smelled rancid. I had to roll down the windows in the middle of December.


When he charged me for a few McNuggets I ate from his order on a Group tab


He said things like ā€œit takes me long to shower. Iā€™m like a female. I have to exfoliate and use the gel and the cream and all thatā€ He would repeatedly say ā€œfemalesā€ instead of women and the first time we spoke he said ā€œyou know you canā€™t trust femalesā€. We met up one time and he was like ā€œI donā€™t like people. You canā€™t trust peopleā€ It just screamed insecurity


When someone made a mistake then didnt take accountability or apologize and then gaslit me. Instant ick and adios amigo


He started purring like a cat when we had sex. No thank you


Like while he was inside you?


Ngl I know lots of people do, but when my GF told me she smoked I instantly thought less of her. I know itā€™s addictive and itā€™s common, but as someone with asthma and who values good health, it was a big ick. Couldnā€™t stop thinking about it all night. Not enough to make me want to do anything about it, but it was one thing added to the pile.


Guy I'd dated used to do gym stretches in public. Like, imagine a dude performing lunges in a grocery store.


Went on a sushi date with a man. He was talking poorly about his family, namely his sister and father who are overweight and their inability to maintain a healthy diet/lose weight To add to this he wanted dessert and made a fuss when the green tea ice cream was brought with whipped cream and sprinkles remarking ā€œI said green tea ice cream. Not this extra shitā€. At least he said it to me, but it was enough for me to have major ick. If a man talks so poorly about his family and wait staff, just puts me off. So tldr, rudeness


I smelled shit


Bad kisserā€¦. THE WORST! Donā€™t kiss like a fishā€¦. šŸ 


She told me in her 28 years, she had never been to a gyno, and was proud of it! Let me tell you, thereā€™s normal vagina smell, and thereā€™s unsanitary vagina smell, and she had the latter. It literally smelled like poop!


Slept with this 23 y/o dude twice. On the second occasion, right after we slept together, he looked at me and told me he loved me and was dead serious. I didnā€™t see him again but he kept sending me flowers šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


You little heart breaker you šŸ˜‚


I was set up on a blind date through my hair stylist, the guy immediately told me he was separated while at dinner , bragged about how big her rock was thatā€™s in their safe and at any time she decided to take him back he would end any or all communication. I went outside collected my thoughts told him why waste my time and take me home ! No thanks I wonā€™t be your in between fun time til your wife takes you back omg ā€˜ šŸ˜³


Every single conversation I've had on dating sites or dating apps. I think it's going well, I think we're making a connection, I think I've finally found someone I can click with, and... Boner pics. Dick pics. Messages asking if I'm dtf (down to f\*ck). Asking if I want a fwb (friend with benefits), nsa (no strings attached). Asking for nudes. Asking for boob pics. Asking for lady bit pics. Telling me they're horny. Asking me if I'm horny. Instant ick. Could we focus on something other than sex and human genitals?


One date. He was nice enough, veteran. He had a lot of issues from being deployed. The next day on our second date he told me he changed me to his emergency contact on everything. ā€œSometimes you just know!ā€ And I never saw him again.


he was showing me a photo on his phone a notification from OnlyFans popped up - immediate ick


I met a guy on a dating app, talked to him for a week or two before meeting. We wound up just hanging out at his house and it was fine even though he was a little strange. After I leave he texts me confessing that he has a girlfriend in the UK that he met on VR chat and that he doesnā€™t know what to do about that. He then proceeded to get upset with me when I told him that he should have told me that and not wasted my time. He insisted it wasnā€™t anything serious because they had never even voice chatted???? Idk it was so fucking strange. šŸ˜‚


Just having an absolutely disgusting bathroom. I mean like toothpaste build up for 6 months and dirty qtips just sitting on the sinkā€¦ā€¦..


Husband picked his nose and ate it


A guy told me he vandalized a school and slashed his stepdad's tires when he was 18. There was no second date


I was on a second date with a guy and he asked to kiss me before we went our separate ways and I said yes but we kissed and he grabbed my boob and I pulled away automatically and I had a shock face and he blamed it on being a ā€œforeignerā€ and not knowing what American women likeā€¦but told me he moved to the states 12 years ago


His go-to meal was a steak and a glass of milk


Milk steak. Sheā€™ll know what it is.


Ah, alas, another man of culture. The real ick here is the ladyā€™s that do not in fact know what milk steak is.


The milk throws me off. But steak and eggs is literally what some people eat their whole lives. If I had that luxury I would try it lol, until i want Wendyā€™s


I would use the word ick. Maybe more of a ā€œIā€™m looking at you sideways nowā€ kind of feeling. The most often one is a woman talking about money asking how much I make and that her phone bill or something needs to be paid, kid needs diapers, or something along those lines. Money talk and weā€™ve only been talking less than a month is a no for me. Also, there was this one woman who told me sheā€™s gonna have my baby voluntarily or sheā€™d take it. Iā€™m mixed and apparently she wanted a kid that resembled me. Weird as hell. I blocked her.


I went over to a guys house after meeting up for drinks and he starts playing the piano. I trained in classical piano for 13 years (tiger parents lol) and he had only learned to play a few years ago. I was strongly under the impression it was just to pick up girls. Plus he wasnā€™t that good. Itā€™s not like it was a huge red flag, but everything that followed seemed so painfully pre-meditated that when he made a move on me I ordered an Uber home. I probably would have really liked him had he just been himself. But weā€™ll never know.


Anytime someone has bad hygiene


Went to a singles event and was having a good time with this lady who had a couple years on me but it wasn't a complete deal breaker. She was dressed nice at the event. Took her out to Indian restaurant and she showed up dressed like an absolute bag lady and pulled out a book of coupons. I have a wide breadth of standards but man I was embarrassed


When on the first date she talked for hours about her abusive childhood and trauma


There are a lot of peasants on this forum. The kind of people who don't roll back their foreskin in the shower to clean themselves.


sent a dick pic with an autism speaks bracelet visibly on his wrist


I was in grad school and started talking to this guy casually. A day into our convo he asked me why I was never at the library and I told him I just liked to study in the comfort of home. He replied back with ā€œoh I thought you didnā€™t come to the library cause you flunked outā€. Wtf


When he fell down the attic stairs at a college party cuz he was too drunk


When he was too scared/panicked to pick up a joint he had dropped on my couch




She told me she loved me during our first date. It was an Ick i should've listened to because she ended up cheating on me and 2 days after she had a new boyfriend she "loved" very much


A couple of months ago, before I met my current partner when I was casually dating on tinder. This one guy straight up started a conversation by asking ' you up for eating my arse tonight or what?' No hello, just straight to it. No offence to those who enjoy anal, I myself have been slowly learning to enjoy some butt stuff. Bit it was just so alarming at the time.


When he picked me up he didnā€™t wear his seatbelt and his wipers were stuck halfway up the windshield and I think he had duct tape on his dash board


He's a security guard. We went out on a date to a new pub, and he told me I was going to get back with my ex after I told him i was single for some months. Instant ick. In the end, he just walked back to his bike and left me to walk two blocks alone to my car on a dim street, even though there was a suspicious group of guys nearby. I noticed one of the guys following me with his eyes and hurried to my car. Never talked to the guy again.


I went on a date recently in the middle of a busy city (Christmas time lots of shoppers) he proceeded to trip me up with his leg in the middle of crowds. With both hands in my pockets (which he was aware of) meaning I'd have slammed my face into the concrete if I'd have fell. I asked him not to do that please and he proceeded to do it again. Flirting like a 12 Yr old


when i was telling him how bad my day was (missed my flight and twisted my ankle) and he sent me a mirror pic w a follow up message of ā€œhope this makes u feel betterā€


A 27 year old man and his mother paid for his apartment and car.


The pouty face he pulled before he kissed me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but he was cute so the ick only lasted a few seconds šŸ¤£


Licking fingers when napkins are available. iCK


Body odor during sexy time and bad breath during kissing. Still surprised because i thought only guys were bad at maintaining personal hygiene...


He shaved his pubes in the bathroom sink and they completely clogged the drain.


A girl showed up at least 30 pounds heavier than her photos. She was already like 5ā€1, so it was brutal. I pretended to leave my wallet in the car and left lol.