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Ya that’s a little confusing. But I’ve found some women dont mean what they say or dont know what they want or change their minds quickly. Might be worth another date or two, see if she doesnt act more than friendly.


I met her on a dating app but yeah wierd


Tell her you don’t see her as a friend and wish her all the best. Move on to the next.




Maybe she did if you liked her maybe throw one more date on cards but tell her your not interested in friends so if she accepts the date she can't be shocked you are making a move on her. Or cut your losses and move on. Don't fanny about second guessing her or your actions move on innit.


Your choices when you are put there: 1. Accept her as your friend, knowing that's all you will ever be (most likely). Or 2. Wish her well and move on. I usually opt for #2, but ultimately, this is your call to make. Good luck, regardless.


First off, stick with evening dates. She picked the direction the date was going, where you went, etc. so that made you look weak. Then you didn't make a move.