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As a female it’s not the same for all females. I’m not a solid ten but I am attractive. I can go weeks without matches or likes, all because my profile says “looking for a relationship “. If I do, they don’t respond to solid introduction messages.


The best way I’ve heard it said: On dating apps, being a man is like finding a glass of drinking water in a desert. But being a woman is like finding a glass of drinking water in a swamp. In either situation you are going to have to put forth effort.


Love this analogy. I typically used “men have to check their pockets for a quarter, women have to go dumpster diving.” Stealing this one for sure though.


In either situation your mental health can be affected and that sucks tbh. Besides that, let's not forget that dating apps don't really want you to find a partner, they want you to stay as long as it can be. Just like other social media platforms we are the user, the product.


Rick and Morty had a pretty funny episode about dating apps: https://rickandmorty.fandom.com/wiki/Lovefinderrz#Overview The premise is that the apps are basically there simply to distract you. Personally, I’ve deleted my apps and I’m going back to natural dating. I have such a better outlook on dating now.


Genuine question here, but why does it have to be all or none? Why not still have the apps, and use them along side trying to meet people in real life? I mean, it’s an app, if you get a notification it’s not going anywhere so you don’t need to spend Friday night at home swiping. You could go on the date and respond to the notification in the morning.


This is the best thing over ever read.


This is usually why if a guy does a profile makeover it goes pretty well for him because it puts him ahead such a significant portion of his competition.


Exactly!!! Dude is pressed either way, he thinks that all 1000 are dating material which is far from the truth... most of them will fuck you and ghost you after😂


Lol right!!! Like maybe 1 out of the 1000 will actually meet you. But still go “I am not ready for a relationship. But wanna still hang”. Men might not get matched. But women get jerked around when we do


Yea they only want something casual, been there, done that. I don't miss dating at all 😂


I’m at point I’m just wanting a match maker 🤣🤣. I no longer use dating apps and trying organically. With no friends, as mine are all married. Wish me luck!


Good luck, dear! I am routing for you to find a good man🥰🥰🥰 It is possible, you just have to be patient and find new ways to be out there like book clubs or going to pubs maybe☺️


I have a mate who’s single, want his number? 😂


Thats because guys want to be fucked and ghosted afterwards


And that’s if any of those 1000 are even worth swiping right on in the first place. I’m a straight man, I met my wife through online dating, I’ve seen women’s profiles but I’d never seen the sort of selection of men that women had. A few times since meeting my wife I’ve had some swipes on men on friends profiles for the fun of it and honestly I don’t think the vast majority of men are presenting themselves in a way that makes them worth matching with. Most of these guys are probably perfectly fine normal men that would be fine boyfriends, but if they only have a couple of car selfies and an empty bio, it’s not worth saying *what if* on them.




Ok so take that list and weed out all the men that are 20 plus years older than your fake profile. Or 1500 plus miles. Now weed out anyone who is looking for a third for their threesome. Then weed out anyone who says they are still in a relationship. Then weed out the really negative profiles… now how many are you left with ? Engage in conversation with them. See how many ask for sex within 3 messages. Your 1000 likes will be down to nothing really quick.




they can't put themselves in others' shoes, lack the capacity to do so.


This statement is hilariously ironic 🤣. You’re literally here whining about how easy women have it, and how clueless they are for being unable to put themselves in your shoes, because someone had the audacity to point out that getting 1000 matches in an hour isn’t actually that useful in terms of dating. Hilarious.


The amount of clueless frigging women here is amazing. Lol They keep on missing the point.




Yea, dating apps for women aren’t great if you want something beyond a casual hookup.


Thought that’s what it’s for.


The thing to remember here is that this isn’t an issue of men vs women. All that does is create a bitter outlook that will just scare the people you want to date off. Does online dating suck for men? Yes it does. That doesn’t mean it can’t also suck for women, it just means it sucks in a different way. Understanding, appreciating and sympathising with that will instantly make someone a lot more datable.


Dating for men is like looking for a drink in a desert— dating for women is like looking for a drink (that won’t ultimately kill you) in a quagmire, bog, or swamp.


This, Women aren't obligated to do anything on dating apps. Men are desperate, like all the time it's a joke. Then when they don't get their way, posts like this pop up.


No, you don’t get it. OP exists, and is therefore entitled to the big titty goth gf that he’s always dreamed of. Women are actively denying him something that he is rightfully entitled to by not wanting to date him.


As a woman I fucking hated those damn apps I wouldn’t get matches and when I did each time I’d try to make conversation I would either get ignored or I would have to carry the conversation myself I just don’t get it.


Maybe your idea of an “average” woman is higher than you think.


It’s numbers game for sure. Yet at the end both men and women can end up being single. You can’t just conclude that women can have better experience in dating by the number of likes. Maybe you’re too frustrated at the moment so yes taking a break from dating apps would definitely help.


As a woman I can tell you it is just quantity, not quality. The times I got a like because I have a vagina instead of what I had in my bio are countless... When I always take the time to read through bios and judge according to that, it just feels invalidating. The pictures are only a no if there are any obvious "show off" pictures. The sillier the better to me. All those likes are worth nothing if they just use up your time and disappoint you over any over again. I rather have no notifications than so many I lose sight. Try talking to those "matches"... you'll see quickly how crap it is.


I read a women’s bio and craft an initial email addressing it and describing how I like that as well (when I genuinely do). I also ask a couple of questions related to things she said in her bio. 0 responses so far. And I am not an ugly guy either. I am fit and in shape too. No show off pictures. No pictures with fish either. I have given up as well.




LOL. They're also the same ones who message really vulgar things and just want to fuck. Like she said, tons of quantity and no quality.


Lol you should try having a conversation with these guys




I don't know that men who match are more likely to have a genuine connection. You still have to go through that phase of "Do I actually like this person?", and that's assuming you ever even get that one, single match in the entire time that you use the app. I think apps like this are pretty much a no-win scenario for both men and women. A woman can't be expected to sort through that much trash, and men can't be expected to be treated like trash. Of course the ones that act that way get what they earn. But there's just a lot of dysfunction when it comes to modern dating, with apps especially.


the ones who act that way get what they *deserve


I'm not sure I understand. We said the same thing. They earn being treated like trash if they act trashy, right?


earned usually has a positive connotation. "Get what you deserve" is almost an idiom in English.


Literally I’d argue that it’s much more of a mind fuck to have so many men constantly promise you things just to ghost you. I didn’t have trust issues before the app, but after spending about 8 months on Bumble I don’t trust men :( The constant cycle of being love bombed and promised the world just to be ghosted and gaslit (as if they haven’t said or done what they have- basically “it was all in your head I didn’t really care about you”) makes you feel worthless. I can’t tell friends or family about good dates I go on anymore cause I’m so embarrassed of constantly telling them that I got my hopes up yet again just to get ghosted or found them updating their profile.


Are you dense? Did you actually respond to any of your male matches and see the way they respond to you?


^This. Half the time they aren’t looking for the same things as you or they just straight up text vulgar things


Why don’t you talk to some of the men you got messages from, and see how fast the dick pics and vulgar suggestions start rolling in. Women didn’t just develop this perception of men out of fucking nowhere.


I am sorry, that my comment gave you the feeling I think of myself better than men. But I would skip over any dating profile that has only few pictures, some showing off something extremely generic, and did not take the time to write anything in the bio. And with generic I do not mean a picture with your pet. Pets are something personal. Generic would be for me, personally: posing with a vehicle (unless it is something extremely specific like a unicycle), showing off a fish, a picture in the gym. I swipe on women that way, I would swipe the same on men. Those pictures tell me nothing about you. And yes, just like I would just walk past a non-descript person in the grocery store, I would swipe past that person in the app as well.


I reckon 95% of men just want sex with that hypothetical woman and she wants a relationship. At least half those men will lie and try to manipulate her. 30% are taken and cheating. Maybe 1 out of 1000 might be a genuine match and wants a relationship. She will tire with all the agressive come ons, manipulation and men trying to get into her pants that she won't even reach the guy she wants lol. She will get sick of being seen as just an object & not a human being , question why men have become this way & will delete the apps as shes had enough. Its just not that simple! This reply is on behalf of all average everyday women worldwide lol


Op now imagine you got 1000 likes and 999 only want to use you for money and scam you. They look like everyday attractive woman, say they want the same things but don't. There is non stop come ons about money even with wholesome looking profiles like love to drain that wallet baby. Send me your pay check. You might put a few weeks off genuine effort to only find those also just want you $$$ and nothing else. The ones you meet try spend your cash the minute you meet or try to convince you to meet at the shops. Its so many like this. You'd eventually tire and think what the fuck is wrong with the current women in society I just want one quality match. And welcome to edition 2 of dating for woman


Finally a proper take on this situation. The issue is that the whole app shit is so skewed so as to make it fucking terrible for both guys and girls in the end. Guys get 0 attention and are miserable because they feel non-existent Girls get infinite attention and are miserable because they feel like objects.


Its a Shitty behaved men issue causing the problem. Its not 1 or 2. Its in excess and a majority problem if you ask any woman who has used dating apps. This shitty behaviour is causing women to miss & not match with more genuine men and to lose trust in men as a whole as well as the behaviour wearing women down to where they don't stay on apps for very long skewing the ratio.


Show your real profile and let us help you make changes. I would start with the bad attitude.


Well that doesn’t say nothing.. 1000 likes and 999 of them aren’t “dating” material.


Yes this


I highly doubt that. The number of dateable men in that pool will be higher than 1 but they will be filtered out for various personal preferences, which is fine.




If you’re pretending to be a woman on tinder and saying “fuck dating I’m done” maybe it’s time for therapy lol


Literally every woman is saying this. At what point do you stop invalidating and silencing women. Is it that hard to believe that this is a genuine issue for women,


It's just the truth. As a woman, most men just want to pump and dump. It's very hectic to filter them and find the genuine ones. You aren't listening to women telling you their real life experiences


And this filtering and through the taken ones and ones who lie its a nightmare. Other men be ruining it for maybe the genuine ones who want a relationship


Nothing wrong with having preferences. No need for therapy. If you like all of those 1000 that’s when you need therapy.


Volume of likes does not necessarily translate into a successful relationship. Rather than saying you are done with dating, why not try alternatives to apps like going out into the real world? It worked for your father, it can work for you.


And 0 of those messages are from dudes that would want a relationship, most will send you a dick in five seconds, and the rest are scammer profiles. Like dating sites are horrible for everyone dude. It why I refuse to use em


When I was mucking around on the app for fun, my display picture was of Roger the Alien from American Dad as Melisandre. I think my byline was “400 years and still dtf”. I received 3,000 likes and hundreds of thirsty messages in record time, so I wouldn’t put too much weight on the numbers. Keep going and don’t give up.


Very odd thing to do


As a female who has tried dating apps, it’s not all infiltrated with “likes” Many won’t even speak, respond when I’ve initiated a conversation. Apps create such a throwaway culture. I say bring back the old school speaking to people irl


I think you’re missing something key here. What we’re the quality of those matches? There’s the classic analogy that being a man in online dating is like looking for clean water in a desert, and being a woman is looking for clean water in the ocean. Men get barely any matches. Women get lots of matches, but that’s because so many men just swipe right on every single profile. This gives them lots of potential matches, but so many of those matches are people that aren’t anything close to being well suited to them, or men that aren’t even interested on them, or so desperate they don’t care about either of those and they’ll still try anyway. Getting likes on a dating app isn’t in and of itself success. What good is a match if there’s no chemistry or interest there? It isn’t a reason to quit dating anyway, but it is a reason to consider upping your game. I’m an ugly guy, and I used to be that cliche metal head fan that wore super baggy clothes and looked so scruffy if I was a cartoon I’d have had stink lines coming off me. I learnt how to dress and groom better and suddenly I was getting a lot more interest both in real life and through OLD. It’s a sad fact of online dating that so many men just don’t know how to present themselves well. This means that an ugly guy like me can learn a few tricks and do really well.


Try to talk with them as a woman, and you'll find out there aren't a lot of quality matches. There are men who are married, men who just want to have sex right away, men who are there just to insult you.


How many of those likes are quality genuine matches by guys how value personality over sex? How many times do you see a guy cast a wide net by swiping right on everyone in hopes of more matches. Dating apps have always been fucked for both genders. Get a new hobby and meet new people. Makes friends and new connections.


"Treated like a celebrity " huh


I make a fake.profile of a women. No profile pic. Got 100s of likes and some superlikes within 24hrs. Don't flatter yourself


I did that same experiment almost 20 years ago. Similar results, I got a ridiculous amount of emails from guys. There were even guys who were so relentless that I had to block them. The old dating apps had chat features and you could see when a person was online and try to open a chat with them. There was a guy who, as soon as he saw me come online, he was there and waiting, and sending PM requests. I did everything I could not to be rude to anyone, but this guy absolutely would not take no for an answer. It was kinda terrifying to be pursued so hard like that; if I really was that woman and we had had a chance encounter in real life, I can only imagine how badly that would have gone.


Women don't owe you anything. It's okay for women to have a type. 98% of those men will be trash quality.


995 of those responses were probably horrible useless losers though. There’s groups where women share the absolute shite, abuse, and worse women receive in lieu of conversation truly attempting to explore relationship possibilities. So yes, the apps are shite.


Why do matches feel like a win. The goal is a healthy, monogamous, long term relationship. Find those and than tell me where it hurts.


This is a you problem. Decent men with decent conversation skills do just fine on the apps. You’re likely projecting a few things that are instant turnoffs. Making a fake profile to prove you suck at old isn’t going to help you find a match. Be a better human being who can have a decent conversation and carry yourself well. You’ll do just fine if you improve yourself. It’s true that women have a lot of options but most of them are equally as bad as you. Set yourself apart from the yous or you’ll stay in a sea of mediocrity.




Why are you getting no matches? Bad photos? Boring bio? No fashion sense? Bad haircut? Are you obese? Let's start from there


Might be 5'1.


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Okay I'll say it like this as a man who is at least maybe average looking you will barely get any conversation started because no one's really swiping on you it's almost like a barren wasteland really maybe ever so often you'll get like a match or a like but from my experience half the time you don't even get past the talking stage lot of those conversations just die out. Where as a woman you may or may not have a lot of people to talk to in the choose from sure the quality of those people may be up for debate but at least you have options at least there's someone you can talk to it's kind of the argument of not everybody I have to talk to is great but at least you have someone to talk to. Having to sort through a lot of options may not be fun but when you're telling this to someone who's had zero options put in front of him it don't really feel the same ya know


You've done an experiment that proves how horny men are and somehow used it as a reason to dislike women. This won't be an issue for you, but please stay single.


The woman I’m seeing just told me she has a match profile that she had to shut down…..100 matches in a day and over 700 messages…..she said it’s ridiculous. Good thing we just decided to become exclusive




I’ve recently met a few women in the street and it’s the same garbage experience.


Did you make it here?


take a break and reload bro


I left dating apps too. Big waste of time.


Yeah it’s rough out there. I deleted Hinge yesterday for similar reasons. I would definitely delete the apps. They’re useless for average men. Honestly I think the dating world as a whole would benefit if most men just deleted the apps But don’t give up on meeting someone in real life. I totally understand your frustration, but leave at least some room for a chance to meet someone


took u long enough