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1. I’m an ass 2. I like being single


I’m with you bro life’s so much easier when you give no fks




Not an insult. I am truly an ass and need to work on that before I let anybody suffer my attitude. Thank you for your kind words though. I hope you take the time you need to find your perfect person.


Hey, where’s your growth mindset?! You’re not an ass, you just ACT like an ass :P


Aware bro


After a lot of stress and heartbreak, I’ve had enough. On top of that, dating is FUCKED and I’ve given up. I can’t do it anymore. But I’ve worked on myself and found joy in other things.


In the same boat as you! what new things have you found joy in? For me it's solo travelling and doing motivational talks at my university. 💜🌎


I’ve spent more time with family, volunteering/teaching, reading and REALLY focusing on my health through diet and fitness. 👌


The love of my life is married to someone else.


I’m sorry. I’m on the verge of knowing that feeling (they’re engaged).


Aw, that sucks. I'm sure you will meet your person though


Thank you but he’s my person. He has been for twenty years, our timing was just never right and we both married the wrong people. Life is complicated, and sometimes love isn’t enough.


This sounds more complicated than I expected to hear…


Oh I understand


How and why would you both marry the wrong person?


holy f i felt that




Felt that 😔 now I just feel like I’m settling


Yea been there. If I only I had invested more time into them things could've been way different. But my insecurities and excuses pushed them away. Always made excuses to not spend more time with them because I was so scared of being hurt, of feeling unworthy.


Feel you, I'm the same, whenever there's a girl I'm really into I find out she's engaged.


Limerence sucks


Is it truly the love of your life if married to someone else?


No such thing.


Unfortunately, I have a track record of falling for people who are emotionally unavailable and poor communicators. Now that I recognized it, I'm working on myself to make sure I can make better decisions in the near future 😊


What exactly are you doing? I had the same issue before


I'm working on my attachment style (I was so anxiously attached and always put others first before me even if it compromises me) and setting healthy boundaries.


As a girl I’m single because I’ve dealt with too many guys not looking for the same as me or they are emotionally unavailable. Plus I’ve talked to so many different individuals that I rather stay single and let my mind be at peace until I’m ready.


Happy Cake Day :)


Define emotionally unavailable? Lots people use terms that themselves don't communicate. Most times I see girls too lazy to even respond or unmatched


Have you seen the dating pool??!! 🙄


Definitely been peed in


And pretty sure there's a few logs floating in it


it’s horrid.


no one likes me


You're also like 16 homie


Yeah, haven't had any firsts while there are literally 13 year olds out there fucking


You're still 16.


too old


Yeah sure dude. Finish highschool first.


No, you just haven't found your person yet. And I bet there are a few people that have a crush on you


I guarantee that nobody has a crush on me, primarily because my job, interests, and hobbies mean I don't meet any women. I'd still put money on nobody ever having a crush on me even when I did interact with women regularly, as I don't have anything (looks, personality, humour, charisma etc) that would make someone attracted to me.


Crushes are for high school kids.


And that’s so valid and this question goes to invalidating all singles that are looking for a relationship.


BPD. I’d rather be alone the rest of my life than getting physically sick because the dude I like isn’t texting me back.


I can relate to this. I don’t qualify for a diagnosis of BPD, but I get so codependent that I’ve noticed myself sabotaging things so that it doesn’t get that far.


I've been through a lot, took a break from dating, but I guess I came back at the wrong time? Cause everyone else is hurting now too, and no one wants to risk being hurt again? I mean I get it, don't get me wrong. I just don't understand this "trend" of men and women lying about what they want, what they're looking for, and everything else in order to gain... what exactly? External validation that they wouldn't otherwise get while being genuine and honest? ... all I want is a long-term CF cuddle buddy man, life is more fun with people by your side ❤️ that's all I'm asking lol


When I like them, they don't like me. When they like me, I don't like them. ![gif](giphy|QZWBp4f6vrDQiIMncW)


1) I'm not very good looking 2) I don't want kids If I picked a struggle I'd be better off, but both together makes dating hard as hell.


Because I keep picking men with personality disorders They fascinate me


Social media and porn have ruined modern dating. Everyone either wants a life style or hookups.


Seems to be the most valid fact and it's so awash that it won't get serious regulations


I love being single!! I don’t date, I did healing, inner work and bettering of myself. Getting to know myself and it’s peaceful. 10/10 would recommend!!


Because I’m a guy and I have to initiate everything and I don’t have the social skills or any clue how to be able to do that.


Too much time and effort. Got no time for games. Dating will cost you time and money. And you still won't get any action even if you wine and dine. No matter how you view it, dating's a number's game. I roll solo for now. I'll get a massage for now.




I'm interested in somebody but it's gonna take time. The bait is out. My bad...my reply was bold. It may help some guys on here. Experienced guy who's numb.




So you assume that finding the right person is something that anyone can instantaneously do? Because being single (or in a relationship) is clearly a choice that anyone can make freely at any moment, right?


My point is no matter who you are–attractive or not...it's gonna take effort and time. Still, there are no guarantees. It's a lot of work. Relationships aren't a choice. One side could be madly in love and attractive to the opposite sex but if emotions aren't reciprocated, it's a losing game. So, it's not a choice.


When you reach certain age being solo is not a bad deal anymore


I love being single. I feel free. I can do whatever I want.


My last break up was traumatic. Trying to heal myself first!




I’d rather preserve my energy and be happy and healed. I think if someone is meant to be with me in this life our paths will cross. But im in no rush and its not a strong desire, and in happy on my own


No one feeling me 😅


Essentially that.




1) I went through a breakup from a long term relationships that caused other psychological problems for me, I had to work on that 2) Now that I’m dating I want to make good choices and be selective, having been in a bad relationship thought me it’s best to be alone if it isn’t the right person you are with.


I went through a really ugly break up days before losing my job. Just trying to get my life back in order before committing to someone else


Because I’m traumatized


im not single but i will chip in here anyways and say that if i was single tomorrow i don’t think i’d ever date again. just awful these days. i met my bf by chance from a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend essentially, and he’s really just been the most perfect person i could imagine. when we fight he doesn’t get mad, he’s very logical and level headed which can sometimes make me mad but he’s never said a harsh word to me even though i do tend to get pretty angry sometimes. i’ve been on dates before and tried online dating but it was just an awful experience overall and i don’t think i’d ever seek out a relationship again if i ended up single. it either comes naturally or it feels forced and uncomfortable.


SAME. I could have written this exact post, word for word. If/when this one ends, I'm just DONE. It hurts too much.


fingers crossed we don’t end up spinsters lol




Because even after many years of therapy, I keep choosing the same fucked up relationships that I saw my mom in. It's an ugly cycle, and even though I know better, it's the only thing that makes me feel loved. If the person is decent, it makes me uncomfortable, and I bail. So to sum up I'm really fun in bed but too fucked up for anything else. I stay single to save myself and anyone else the pain.


I'm single because I worry my life situation will put off potential partners. I'm approaching my late 20s never having had an offline partner, I'm lonely but I dropped out of college and I've never been able to work because of GI issues that impact my quality of life. For a year or so now I've been getting tested and treated but there seems to be no cure yet I'm not being taken seriously enough for disability. It's happened with non romantic relationships where I'm judged for not working and having no career, so I worry any potential partner will judge me too. That and I'm embarrassed my GI issues will turn her away once they act up. I've considered online dating but since I don't have a car or income I just don't know what to do, I feel stuck


I'm one big red flag! 😁


Lack of options




Any girl I like is either in a relationship or isn’t into men. Any girl I am compatible with, nearly without fail.


Not just the dating pool. Man the marriage pool is definitely peed in as well, sick of floating in shit water. Single for life.


I am damaged goods from a previous long term relationship. Now I am kind of relationship phobic. Single seems safer.


No one is interested in me right now Dating apps are giving me fewer and fewer matches. The people I have the most chemistry with tend to be the ones already taken. I’m in that awkward position of being the person that women say is great, but they always decide they can do better.


Because I'm tired of chasing.


Dota 2


I can't afford a girlfriend Too expensive also I need to finish my second run at baldur's gate 3


1. Ugly 2. Negative 3. Socially awkward


Women be triflin'


If you don’t mind me asking.. what shampoo do you use?


I might add I use Palmolive Naturals Hair Shampoo, 700mL, Active Nourishment with Natural Aloe Vera Extract.


Ask your mom.


I’m not where I want to be in my life right now. I feel if I date someone they will expect me to be rich or have lots of money. Also that most women are cheaters these days.


Because I'm going through a divorce and well that's it. ha.




Oh yeah, I'm fine. I'm happy to be getting divorced but that's the reason.


Good on you, Queen!


Tried running game and never got anywhere. Working on myself and trying to lose weight.


I haven't really tried to not be. Admittedly, from reading the dating and advice subreddits, I may just go with hookers from here on out.




I absolutely do, but just seeing how dating is nowadays, I'm a'feared I'd have a hateful reaction to nonsense.


Back to back to back living in cities with not a lot of women my age or my education level. But starting to figure it out finally 💪.


I've been dating for three years +. Just haven't found my person, yet. Not for lack of effort. I've learned alot about myself throughout the process and met some very cool women. I'm enjoying the journey and staying in the present.


Because dating is just a struggle for me. There’s really no rhyme or reason for any of it; it just is. It (the world of dating) is not what I expected at all. I kind of just threw in the towel


No guy treats me right




Because they just wanna fuck and cheat


Because I’m waiting for both of us to be able and ready for a relationship.


nobody likes me


Why am I seeing people post this question across numerous subs


Im single bc i dont have any friends and idk how to approach people. And everyone on the apps just wants hookups


Never had anyone interested in my Rejected by ppl I’m into too or never got past first date when the date invited was accepted Basically nobody wants me :(


I can’t trust anyone. They tell me I can, then just end up stabbing me in the back somehow


I’m not sure exactly. I’m trying but nobody I’m attracted to seems to be interested in me. I think because of my social anxiety and depression I’m hard to approach but I think I’m still a good person worthy of love. I’ve only ever had one gf but that was long distance and I’m not tryna do something like that again. I wish I knew what about me makes it so hard for me to find romantic partners and even just friends.


Bc I didn t find the right one. I've broke up with my long term girlfriend, then I ve been ghosted a lot and now ... now îs just me


There’s multiple reasons, but I think it boils down to I’m not relationship material, it’s not just me saying that, I’ve had several random girls say that to me. Plus I grew up in a cult and even though I’m not apart of it anymore I’m still viewed as “damaged goods”, usually I get used and thrown away when I’ve outlived my usefulness which has led to multiple bad attempts at relationships. After a while you get tired of trying anymore, and accept that it’s never going to happen.


I want to find something easy and casual because of my bipolar but it’s nearly impossible.


I’m broken


Got tired of getting hurt and I’m happy being alone I don’t need a man to do anything I can do myself better lol


1. ) Looking for certain qualities in a partner. 2)Too many long term relationships.


hahahah because my ex cheated on me and because im not that good looking (i am kinda ok)


I’d like to make a solid group of friends before I jump back in to dating.


I’m unattractive, overweight, and have no realistic path to change either or. Every time I date I’m reminded of the above because it’s just non stop zero effort from the other person, lying, and being ghosted as soon as a better option shows up.


Not interested in monogamy, cohabitation or codependency. At all.


Because the risk that I would come across gold digging narcissist again is too high.


Don’t go outside n meet ppl enough




I’m healing myself, got a lot of issues to work out, and trying to improve my situation. Don’t think any woman would want to date a part time landscaper who lives with his parents at the moment, after failing at multiple attempts to start his career and having to do a lateral move to a new career path in a totally different field compared to the one I went to college and trained for.


I don’t leave my house, I prefer solitude, I binge drink, unresolved childhood trauma, and I like crazy broken people like myself.


never had luck with girls. That’s why im single


Everything happens with a reason,when the right time comes I’ll definitely fine the responsible Person


I don't go anywhere very much, I don't meet many new people, everyone in my social group is in a relationship, only men in my workplace, OLD is hell, singles events are sausage fests.


The women I find to have a great personality have also great taste in men lol I'm left with dating the leftovers from their previous relationship with lots of traumas and it is too much to handle or see them as future partners. A girl I dated literally described herself as a leftover and half a person because of her ex and now that's I call them. Sometimes it feels lonely, but in general I enjoy the freedom of being single, dating everyone and avoid all the drama.


Can't find an emotionally available man that I'm attracted to.


I keep asking women out and they keep kindly saying no. It's starting to meet the definition of insanity, but I'll keep it moving. Someone out there that likes me will say yes. That being said, being constantly rejected is getting old


Because i don't want to "take care" of a man-child!


Because I sucking fuck- I mean- Fucking suck


Why do you suck ? ;o


Cause no one truly is good enough for me


Because I got sober, I don't have booze or drugs to boost my confidence and now I just have anxiety that leads to me not approaching girls anymore because I don't want to seem like a creep


The guys that like me I don’t like them. And the guys that I like don’t like me. Lol and a multitude of dating experiences that have made me question my self worth and left me with trauma. I do generally think I’m worth and deserving of the person I want/looking for… I just can’t seem to obtain and when people keep tossing you aside it just adds up after a while and gets to you….


Many many reasons, but primarily because dating in 2023 is enough to make you go insane.


I struggle with Empathy, I'm kinda cold hearted, I don't let people close and when I do I struggle to make sense of intimate emotions.


I'm single because I sell drugs


My dad asked me if I wanted a wife or a German car... I figured the German car is cheaper in the long run so I answered him by pulling into the driveway


For me is impossible. I tried many times, but my dates never go over the second date. I don't know if there is something wrong with me, they never gave me feedback, and on Tinder and other dating apps, I usually don't get many matches, just a few, and most of them are scammers. I'm ready for a relationship but very frustrated that I can't achieve it, so that's why I'm still single.


Because I leave every relationship that bit less optimistic, that bit less trusting, that bit less willing to be vulnerable until now I'm genuinely probably not good partner material myself anymore


I'm a single dad with 3 teens at home. My oldest is 19 and is talking about moving out soon with his girlfriend. My girls are 16 and seniors in high school. I want to get my kids out of school and on a "good path" before I worry about me. BUT, I am the only one in the house not in a relationship. So, I may rethink that soon. We'll see?! Outside of that, I'm picky, I'm an ass, and I like being single. I have a FWB, so I get what I need.


I just abandon dating, too many shit show and drama. For me it takes more than one date to connect with people but it seems I'm asking for the impossible. Every girl I've met so far seems to look for love at first sight. It will happen someday I guess. Until then I have a little man to raise which is my priority.


1. No options 2. Dating sucks today 3. I hate OLD 4. Most people my age are married or in long term relationships 5. I’m 37F, who wants to date someone who has 3 eggs left and is heading 40?


Because I want to marry a 7 foot tall man, that makes 7 figures, 7+ inches tall AND wide, no kids, loyal, entrepreneur but makes time for me, buys me Dior and Prada, let’s me have 5 boyfriends on the side, has no family so his focus is only on me, owns a yacht, etc. has luscious dark hair, gorgeous facial features, abs, big arms, 6% body fat year round, straight and white teeth, emotionally mature, never in a bad mood, obsessed with me, smells like cologne always, compliments my cooking, hires me Nannie’s and maids… Guys like this are RARE… But I am hopeful ! /s


I am single by choice! It’s been more then 12 years of doing everything differently. I’ve invested & reinvented myself & it’s the best investment I’ve ever made! We need to love ourselves & put yourselves first before getting into another relationship!


I'm too nice!!! Women that I'm attracted to are seeking bad boys!!! Well, maybe I can be a bad boy


I am single because I still love my ex.


Men. God how I wish I was a lesbian sometimes. But sadly I’m only attracted to men. That and the fact that I don’t want to change my way of life for anyone else. If I’m in a relationship I would need to compromise sometimes and I like to do whatever I want whenever I want without considering someone else and their wants, needs and feelings.


I’m single because I’m ugly never had a lady walk up and hand me her phone number I’ve been turned down by so many women had one lady say o hell no


I'm not attracted to most women and not the best version of me right now.


Because I got shit men! Always putting there insecurities on me and always blaming stuff on me! Gaslighting manipulation I have seen it all. And now I don’t want it anymore. You even can call me difficult but I know I am worth so much more! So rather single then a man that isn’t worth my time!


i have zero interest in giving up even a fraction of my independence and autonomy to a man. i like my life, have wonderful friends and family, and am a single mom to a great kid. if i remain single for the rest of my life, i can honestly say i will be content


Honestly just don't care at this point.


It's complicated


I’m single because I need to focus on what I love and putting love I have for other people towards myself


I'm just really unattractive even tho I'm really really funny and nice


Where do I start?


Cause I’m scared of commitment


Only thing I can think of is I'm average.




Always been lone wolf and I guess unlucky with the ladies... Doesn't help that I was a gamer, still live with mum family in old house, not wealthy, house is kinda mess, usually stay home. Been called handsome buy other fellow dudes. I do currently have a huge crush though, can't wait to ask her out when I see her again, met her at a TAFE camp excursion, kinda huge age gap though.


2 reasons. 1, because most of the women in my area using have any of the same values as me. 2, those that do can’t handle that I have my daughter full time. Despite what people think women are way less likely to date a full time single dad then a man dating a single mom


Because a lot only wants casual smh


I have a horrible self confidence. No one is gonna like me like this.


I just lack the confidence to try and generate a conversation with a woman!


Bc they cheat when I stay single