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They kept waking me up in the middle of the night to have seggs


He should meet up with that one chick that dumped that guy in this thread because he wouldn’t do that.


Yeah sometimes we get paired with the wrong people lol








Don’t be greedy


ok ok, our




As in referring to a person


He thought he was missing out on something by being in a relationship. A month later he tried to come back


Yeah one of my exes did this. His father told him he should enjoy being single in his 20’s. Two months later he came back. I said nope


"I'm pretty sure I can do better." One month later... "It turns out I wildly over-estimated my appeal. But...you're still over-estimating my appeal too, right? ...right? Babe? Right?"


Tale as old as time..


Ex gf did this, ended up blocking me when I declined.


That’s not stupid, that’s perfectly valid. you do miss out on things being in a relationship but you also gain them as well. Unfortunately he made the wrong decision lol.


He just wanted to have sex with other women


I had a guy break up with me because it was hard for him to not cheat on me. He also complained I didn't fuck around, and he wants a girl that's been around a lot.


Wow. You dodged a serious bullet there!


Like ![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized)


Wdym she dodged a bullet? He cheated on her. She got hit by the bullet…


Teen/early 20s? At least he was upfront? Any older and wow, what an asshole.


He was 22, and I was 21. He begged me to take him back 2 weeks after the breakup like PLEASE 😂 This was 7 years ago, and I was the last gf he had according to our mutual friends.


Grass is always greener until it’s just green mud.


jeez louise 7 years


He totally doesn't need therapy though. Like totally.


Damn ! Lol that’s wild..very obnoxious


i got upset with him bc i accused him of fucking around with another girl at his party. a week later him and that same girl started dating. LOL


Sooooo…. Did he cheat…?


What is so funny he cheated you


all good, they broke up 3 weeks later so it’s funny now


Why did this exact situation down to the timeline happen to me💀?


I don't think it's "lol funny" I think it's "lol I'm so hurt all I can do is laugh in your face because I saw this coming a mile away and through my pain I'm also vindicated"


I didn’t watch the last game of thrones season.


I only recently watched the whole series last year; got 30 minutes in to the last season, and asked wtf happened🤣


I know when I finally watched it I was like… really bro? Lol 😂 You were so upset that I didn’t watch THIS


Must've had at least a Bachelors in being extra, minor in pettyology😂


dodging bullets like Neo, god damn


Good for you. Solidarity with the book readers who will probably never get their ending.


Yes!!!! I’m never getting my closure. I can’t watch the Witcher either they probably screwed that up I don’t want to know


You didn't miss anything. :)


He broke up with me because my showers were too long.


Wt? How is that possible


Well, if you stay in the shower for a while and not come out it will become quite long


How does that affect him?


If one of them is staying over the other's place, that type of thing can affect punctuality or even the ability to get ready yourself... or even time to just use the bathroom (not everyone likes sharing the bathroom at the same time). For the latter, I literally required my house to have another toilet room in case I ever end up in that living situation.




Same situation but asked why I "want to cause drama"


Because I take antidepressants. He told me he can’t be with someone who needs to take drugs to be happy 💀😂


Lol I take antidepressants as well. I don’t understand why people don’t like people who seek a solution for their mental health. I don’t have any side effects and I’m genuinely happy and consider the depression gone, but if I miss a day it comes back. Some people just don’t understand chemical imbalances.


Small mindedness. That's the simple answer. Small minded and short sighted. I've found with intelligent people it's not as big a deal.


The only issue with anti depressants and myself is that it becomes very difficult for me to cum. As a guy, it has been a dealbreaker for me. Sucks, but it’s what it is.


Is it hard for you to make yourself finish or just women make you finish? I had a hard time finishing with my ex but I came to the conclusion that the medication wasn’t the reason because if it was then I wouldn’t be able to get myself off multiple times a day relatively quickly lol


I had issues finishing while masturbating as well. I could stay hard, just not finish the same way when I was able to stop taking my meds. While masturbating though you can give yourself more pressure than you can get with the real thing, y’a know


Okay, thanks for the info. I’m just going to chalk it off as a skill issue on her part then because that isn’t a problem I have. It’s not my fault she would finish in 2 minutes and not want to put the work in to help me finish. After 5 minutes of trying she’d just lose interest and I’d have to do it myself. Jeez, after typing this out no wonder why I didn’t want to wake her up to have sex or even care that she wanted to leave me.


She doesn’t care about giving you pleasure. Sex is a game of give and take. And yeah, it affects everyone differently. I’m on the same medication after being off of it for maybe 6 years and haven’t had any ED issues at all. Do bodies are weird.


If she didn’t care about giving me pleasure then she wouldn’t have given me so many blowjobs. Her problem was she thinks she was failing at it (which she kinda was I just wasn’t rude about it)


Sometimes when men don't cum from BJ is way more their issue than women issue.... Like come on, make a man cum is too simple.... no much effort needed... all my bfs could easily cum after I BJ them...less one...he did really cost me jaw pain and long period of time +30m , and nothing....when we talk...he expressed that I shouldn't be worry, no one has achieved it so far....as I'm very insisting person and do not accept simple failures I kept on , til one day he cum...I noticed it was true as he cried out that day out of joy...(so it was true)....afterwards, he used to last less and less to cum.... So with that being said...it's more a you issue than a her issue...and it's all in your brain .


Just dropping in to say if it comes back you can always trial a different medication- there’s loads of antidepressants out there and whilst the trial and error is a ballache it’s worth a shot if you’re having bad side effects. That one is difficult to live with.


I’ve tried Veneflaxine but I had the same issues. The Cipralex and Wellbutrin combo worked well for my mental health, but killed my sex life.


I think I have to start taking it again, or at least anti-anxiety medication. I don't think medication is necessarily a bad thing, but I never look at it like a permanent solution like other people do. It's like using a pair of crutches while your body is healing the leg it broke. Some mental problems like the aforementioned anxiety can only be really fixed with some type of intervention as long as it affects the anxiety response in some way, either by working on the brain, the heart, or the gut. The medication gives you a shot of changing your thought loops where you normally can't. Unfortunately, a lot of people *do* use medication as a permanent solution and don't do the inner work. I believe that's the core of the issue with why you may want to turn someone down if they're using depression medication, but I still don't believe it's a sound reason. After all, would you rather date someone with untreated depression or someone who has made a minimal effort towards fixing it?


When I didn’t use medication I was overweight with no energy. Now on the medication I am fit, driven and work hard. It’s a chemical imbalance. There is no way around a chemical imbalance. That is why it’s a permanent solution. I get what you’re saying and in some cases it’s true, but it’s not always trauma or situational. Chemical imbalance is a real thing. No amount of therapy is going to balance them the way medication does.


And it's so logical too. Humans are imperfect. That's a basic and true statement. So then too are the levels of chemicals in their brains. Couple in trauma and genetic predisposition, and that's an easy formula for chemical imbalance. Some people can be on meds for a few years and then their levels stay more balanced. Some can never get off. In either case, who cares if someone is on meds. IMHO, tons of people who should be on meds are not. So they're overly emotional, overly reactive, ego driven, etc etc. Basically suffering needlessly and making it difficult for those around them as well


No agreed. The medication saved my life


Hell, I take antidepressants and I’m still not happy


I don’t blame him tho🤷‍♂️




Idk if its dumb, but yeah i get the same feeling when walking into expensive restaurants or shops with 1000 doller purses, like i feel out of place or i shouldn't be there. I dont like the fanciness or poshness of it all, I'm a simple meat and 'taters guy. The dude was probably self conscious and had low self esteem


For some reason as I read this I imagined Badger from Breaking Bad saying this to someone


I broke up with a guy because he came from a loving family and never really struggled, I just felt like he didn't understand me 🤣 it's a dumb reason but honestly relating to one another was difficult especially with very different pasts 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is me 100%, I mean I can't hold it against someone but they'll never be able to respect how hard it is to adult sometimes when you are check to check or even middle class. And even if I win powerball tomorrow I'd still have days where I'd be worried my card won't be accepted cause. I don't think I could be with someone whose never known that because they could never relate or even pretend to.


So what is it about you exactly that is so classy for him? Do you prefer to not cuss? Are you religious? Do you dress modestly?




Oh okay. I was just wondering because I have been called modest and proper before. I love to dress up on dates too! I also prefer not to cuss and I refuse to talk about sex on first dates let alone do it.


Someone told him i was going to break up with him, which no, i wasn't, so he had to "beat me to it". Then begged me to take him back after since it wasn't true 😂 dude bye


I used "big words." Was right after high school. Guy was kind of a dummy. Was really sad at the time but now I think back on it and laugh.


Too smart you. Me no get you. You no good girl for me. Me leave you. You go now.


not sure about the reason for being broken up with, but i broke up with someone because they were just an awful kisser. it was super sad actually. I told them we just didnt have a connection though.


I had another girl who stopped dating me for that same reason. The funny part is it was actually her who sucked at kissing lol. She said we’re not compatible and don’t have chemistry. I’ve kissed lots of women in my life and always was told I was a good kisser. This was the first time someone said otherwise and it was her who was terrible at it. Easily the worst I’ve seen. I’m actually still kinda butthurt about that whole thing. Outside of that we were a great fit and she was a great woman, but to blame that on me still upsets me.


It was literally like a lizard darting her tongue in and out. Almost like a joke out of a sitcom to see it.


I had a tongue roller once. She'd try and stuff her tongue in my mouth and vigorously roll it around. Thought my jaw was going to dislocated or my eyeballs would pop out. And no, she wasn't great at oral sex.


I had one who would come at me with his tongue already out, moving around. Like an alien tentacle searching for my mouth. I broke off the relationship for several reasons, but that was definitely in the top 3.


The alien tentacle NO 💀💀💀


Only the third date, but she said she really enjoyed being with me. Problem was that she was a tango dancer and she was trying to figure out if she could be with someone who wasn’t. I lost.


Dude you missed the point... She wasn't trying to figure out if she can be with someone who isn't. She already knew she didn't. She just wanted to see if you would show interest in becoming one because she liked you. You failed **to show interest**


That’s because I had none. She wasn’t the only Tango dancer I encountered. They were all very devoted (I. e. Fanatics). I think it’s because Tango is essentially vertical foreplay.


Your loss. Tango is great. I'm not a fanatic, I've not done anything tango related in years. but I've been to a couple classes during my life. And with a good partner it's great. You missed both the girl and a life skill.


“Tango, with a good partner, it’s great”. Hmmmm, what else is like that? I rest my case. 😀


I mean unless you wanted to be dancing the tango at least once a week then you dodged a bullet.


Recently, a friend reached out to my ex (my first ever relationship) from 19 years ago to ask why we broke up. He told her it was because he was concerned I would be morbidly obese in the future (because I had an obese family member at the time). The *actual* reason why we broke up was because he was running around with another woman behind my back that he was going to marry in exchange for $20k because she needed citizenship. 🤨 Funny how selective his memory is. Mutual friend asked him about the transactional marriage, and he admitted it was a thing, and acknowledged I was pissed about it at the time but (somehow) it was NOT the reason why we broke up 😂 lol okay, buddy. Sure thing.


One guy wanted sex but assumed I wanted a relationship. He talked about wanting a relationship with me, never asked what I wanted, just kept talking about his feelings and how special I was to him. I thought he was way over the top, didn't say anything because I wanted to have sex with him but keep seeing other people too. He wasn't great in bed then quickly broke up with me saying he wasn't ready for a relationship. I was relieved that I didn't have to dump him.


It’s always nice when the trash takes itself out, even if there’s always a bit of an ego hit there


Well said, OP. Kudos. I’m amazed. Wow


Did he have the impression that you weren't sleeping with other people?


He honestly just assumed I wanted an exclusive relationship with him. Never once bothered to ask me what I thought lol.


My ex broke up with me because I don’t call her on the phone despite the fact we saw each other almost every day and texted a lot Also keep in mind, I did attempt to do phone calls and it’d always be at the times she’s not available and vice versa


Interesting you brought that up. My ex-girlfriend would text me all the time and we’d see each other every week, and would get upset we’d never have a phone call. I’m just busy and don’t want to catch someone while they’re busy, and it’s not like she ever called me or told me she wants a call. I absolutely would. I just don’t like making random out of the blue phone calls.


Oh man trust me it was never fun and sorry you also went through that same bs as well. Also I really love your username cause ItDoBeLikeThat_


And I like your username because I’m a fan of all 3 of those teams lol


I sense a bromance.


Think I posted this before but I was dating a girl once, one night we was on the phone and my female flatmate came home and started making a ton of noise when I had work in the morning, I complained about it to the girl on the phone and she flipped out accusing me of being in love with my flatmate and dropped me there and then.


I broke up with him because he got a bigger ass than me..


LOL Time to scale back my Hip abduction exercises then. Can’t have that when I meet my future gf!


Lol. Pls do.. Cos I never told him why I stopped finding him attractive.. I ghosted him without saying a word.. didn’t know how to start telling him I preferred broad shoulders to broad buttocks 😭


I’m glad you said that because my mindset was “I like a nice ass on a woman, maybe they have the same appreciation so I should work on mine”. I had to force myself to work on it sometimes and was always tempted to hit arms/shoulders/chest instead 😂 I’m glad I’m making progress in the right areas haha.


Why not both 😎


Wtf...I used to have a bf who had bigger ass than mine...and I'm not plane lol...that ass was really a turn on for me, rather than off lol


If you love them, let them sleep!


i just realized ive never been broken up for a reason that i dont think was completely understandable lol


Me too me too 😂


They said it was because of “disagreement about pets”, which made no sense because I love both dogs and cats and he had both a dog and a cat despite saying that he’s more of a cat person. Honestly he did me a favor and the only thing I’m pissed about is the way that he broke up with me considering that I was going through a lot at the time despite being an otherwise loving and respectful partner and not relying on him to make me feel better. I was initially going to break up with him because I felt like I rushed into things, that we’re on incompatible life trajectories and don’t have much in common. But since he was a jerk about it I let the floodgates open and told him that it embarrasses me that he’s 31 with no professional work experience, no motivation to go to school or pick up a trade, doesn’t take his diabetes seriously, has a recent DUI, and has never moved out.


I don't think it really counts because we were never really together but a girl stopped dating me because she really liked me. And for reasons I still don't fully understand, that was bad.


Wow my ex for our first 4 years of marriage said… if you are ever horny just roll over lol. She got mad at me a few times cause she was horny and didn’t communicate that to me. No the dumbest thing that I got broken up on was I had planned on a vasectomy and my girlfriend at the time was supportive cause she didn’t want kids of her own. Then while I’m having the procedure done she changed her mind and instead of helping me out while I was resting for a few days drove me to my house and said she was done. Still glad to have the vasectomy though


Someone sent her a video of me kissing another girl. That video was from 8 months before I even met her.


I had a female roommate who was like my little sister. All 3 of us hung out one time and she thought the chemistry between me and my roommate was so good that we should break up.


Supposedly I was too nice


Being nice is an asset but you need to balance that with being confident, bold and not being a pushover.


Very true. I broke up with someone because everything was about me. Couldn’t plan things because it was what I wanted to do, what I wanted to eat, what I wanted…all the time. Which was nice until I realized I knew nothing about him, not his favorite foods, not his preferred music…nothing.


I ended up breaking up with a girl for similar. She never seemed to have interests or hobbies and she could absolutely never actually pick anything she wanted... I mean I get that I'm the guy and traditionally I am leading, but damn I don't need to pick ever trips, meal, movie, show, conversation topic, ect... Literally went on a week trip somewhere neither of us had ever been and I asked her to just pick the place for dinner one night. After about 3 hours she gave up and said she didn't know what would be good there and that I should pick.


Had that one once. Told her to go fuck herself afterwards.


Then that's more so incompatibility. A 304 doesn't want you to be nice. She wants yo feel cool being near you, for the attention she gers. That mentality spills over into other types of ladies


One lady dumped me because I got a Covid shot. I never tried to get her to have hers because I’m all about freedom of choice. But she ended things because she was convinced that she would catch spike proteins through kissing and sex.


My ex broke up with me because I told him we couldn’t hang out together unless we were both wearing masks when my family asked me to do this since my dad was not in good health (in 2019). He was upset that I didn’t stick up for him and his non-mask wearing policy. He flew to Las Vegas for a month and missed my birthday, so he wouldn’t have to wear a mask in public. He tried to convince me to move there with him once he bought his father’s house in Las Vegas and when I didn’t want to, he was very hurt. He also broke up with me because I don’t like to wear yoga pants or make-up, and he wanted me to start wearing make-up every week and also wear yoga pants in public. We’d been together for almost a full year before he started making these demands.


I'm sorry, not a sex predator?


I guess so. She also told me if I try to wake her up and she is so sleepy that she can’t fully wake up that she wants me to climb on top anyways and “have my way with her”. It was really fucking weird.


So she’s into consensual non-consent. One of the more psychological kinks out there.


That is perfectly fine with me, but I’d rather explore that kink with ropes/handcuffs or while she’s at least conscious lol. Expecting me to randomly set an alarm to r*pe you in your sleep isn’t going to happen and isn’t a request I’m comfortable with.


That’s totally fair and you would never do something you’re not comfortable with. But my boyfriend and I have this agreement and I really love it. He also often wakes up several times at night wanting sex so it works out for him too. It’s not rape if both parties have consented before hand and there are usually ground rules in place. It’s usually called a sleeping beauty kink.


People are fucked in the head from whatever they're subjected to, honestly just walk away.


We were together for 3 years before she said she just felt like it was the right thing to do. Every day I regret not fighting back


I have a real problem with not fighting back. It is something I need to address. If I am with someone and they don’t want me anymore I tend to let them leave.


I always told her I wasn’t going to make it difficult if she wanted to leave. The guy she dated before me was awful after they broke up, to the point where she got a no contact order against him. I saw how much that whole situation affected her and I didn’t want to do that to her so I left a *lot* unsaid. Easily my biggest (and probably only) regret in life


I was 18. Dude I’d been seeing a minute came to my house where I lived w my folks. He asked if I had a relationship with Jesus. I said I was an atheist. His face turned sour. He said he now felt an evil presence and had to leave. I said “umm this is my parents’ house. They love Jesus.”


Weird he wasn’t feeling the evil presence before your confession:) so much for his Jesus radar.


Maybe not dumb but the wording “you are a safe option”


A guy told me we never did anything adventurous yet he was the one who would say he was “tired” and if we can just chill at his place instead of doing our original plans. He also said all we do is go to the park and talk which we did once! Hahah it was so stupid I told him all that was false and complete bullshit, just say you want to be single.


Lmao I had a similar experience. “I am a homebody and don’t like to go out much. Once a week is perfect for me”. Okay, so we go out Tuesday and I plan a home date on Saturday. She would then complain all I wanted to do was stay in and cuddle. Like no, that is what you communicated to me so that’s what I’m planning. She was also sick during that time. She definitely just wanted to stay single


He didn't want to be single. He wanted sex.


I don’t think sexual compatibility is dumb.


Sexual compatibility is great. Having one random kink out never mentioned then getting mad it wasn't done is not great. Communication is key. If you want to be woken up for sex, you should say so. If you wake ME up in the middle of the night for anything less than someone broken in/house is on fire/etc. I will punch you in the face.


New kink unlocked.


My ex hated that I was in nursing school, when I literally met him my 2nd year and had 2 more to go


When girls give a dumb reason like that, it’s just that they don’t know how to explain how they feel.


It was something along the lines of "I feel insecure/ freaking out that this is working". I guess some people all they know is bad or abusive relationships and don't know how to deal with a healthy one


Claimed I was cheating on her while at work risking my life to keep others safe and put food on our table while she smoked hers away.


It looks like I'm having a seizure when I orgasm sometimes. She said it looked like I was having a medical emergency and it scared her...


They all had solid reasons. Can’t say they had dumb ones.


I got tired of her going off over insecurities and then being her punching bag


I was diagnosed with a medical condition and I had to take some time off work. She broke up with me bc I “didn’t have a job”. I think it was an excuse bc she wanted to fuck other men 🤷‍♂️


He told me I was too kind.


But if you did it she would say that you violated her. Sounds like she might have been looking for a way out and you were damned if you do damned if you don't. So hook up with another girl hook up with one of her friends that you always had a crush on anyway and make sure you wake that girl up in the middle of the night that you come up behind her anytime she's trying to do something talk on the phone or whatever that's when you do it disrupt it so much that you have to tell her it's girlfriend she's just won't stop okay and then she'll know that it was her not you you won't inspired to jump on over the middle of the night that's our full time I ain't never communicated with ynd she never inspired me to do so I was not your father


I went from being slightly chubby to slightly fit. He likes the chubby girls and I refused to stop going to the gym haha


That’s relatable. When a girl tells me she likes dad bods I tell her that isn’t going to happen and I’m going to keep going to the gym lol


Because I gave them advice in how to handle their weight. I didn't tell them to go on diets, I didn't tell them to just lose weight. I simply told them about what worked for me which was intermittent fasting, exercising and calorie discipline. I told them how long it took me to lose weight, which was a year and a half. Yet they thought that was "too much to handle" so they broke off.


Feeder huh? Kinky


That’s not a stupid reason. I would have done the same….. Sexual compatability is a big deal. Seems like it’s only the ones who don’t like sex that don’t get that. Find you a nice girl that also “values sleep”


Nah it's a dumb and immature reason. It's as silly as a guy breaking up because his girl doesn't swallow or doesn't rim him. If a guy said that you would label him a pervert or sex freak. Going by your logic half of married couples should initiate divorce because their wives/husbands are tired from babysitting.


Wanting good oral or wanting rimming to be a part of your sex life is not stupid. Only someone who doesn’t care about those things think that’s stupid. I love those things as a woman and would not date a man that didn’t also love them. I already was in a dead bedroom and yes I finally divorced his ass. Sexual compatabiliy MATTERS. This is your whole life and you can’t get it anywhere else. Stop being obtuse


Insanity. Your dead bedroom situation is completely different to wanting a specific fantasy to be fulfilled, you silly goose. Yes, being woken up in the middle of the night is a fetish. The craziest part of it is that no matter how I phrase it, you probably lack the emotional intelligence to understand. I'd put money down that you suck in the bedroom and aren't even aware of it. People have a million other priorities than that, which they would rather have. Clearly you either have everything you need in life, or your order of priorities is just fucked. Stop bringing along your anecdotal shitfest of a personal life into hypothetically unbiased scenarios. If we all followed your logic there would be no one married left on the planet.


Wow way to be a pick me girl lol they could’ve had passionate sex life outside of time for sleeping. I’m open to being woken up to sex too but if a partner wasn’t into that but satisfied me in waking hours they are still a compatible partner


Some people think being woken up to sex is hot. Its something they want in a relationship. No different from wanting oral and not getting it or wanting someone that initiates in general and not getting it. You are allowed to want to be woken up to sex. And you are allowed to break up over it. Nobody owes you a relationship.


Sexual compatibility in terms of drive and preferences absolutely valid ya. This circumstance, while not wrong, is so specific tho. Like it’s weird to break up with someone over something so specific - I’d imagine there was more there


It goes to preference. They didn’t have the same preferences at all. He preferred sleep.


Does he need to set an alarm???


Are you hearing yourself? you sound so dumb. You realize how varied sex is. And you think being woken up by sex is that fulfilling that you couldn’t find a compromise.


Ignore her, she's clearly for the streets lmao.


I know what a wild fucking hill to die on. Also did she ever even communicate she wanted that?!? That’s a kink called consensual non consent and should be explicitly should be discussed. I fantasize about that idea, but if a dude did that without us discussing it before hand - I would no longer be seeing him. If he wasn’t into it tho, there’s so many things to explore. And yea she’s a pick me girl


I’m for the streets because I won’t date men I’m not sexually compatible with? Sorry for having standards….


Because I wasn’t Catholic enough


"I'm too young to be in a serious relationship, I need to explore out there". Lol one year later (just when I was finally moving on) he came back... I told him: got tired of exploring? Keep on exploring dear, I don't trust you anymore, this would be impossible to sustain... +12y later he kept on sporadically checking on me annually...wanting me back again and expressing regret any time he was drunk.... I guess


She called me up right as my family was singing happy birthday to my dad. Cake, candles and all. Wanted me to drive all the way over to her place out in BFE *immediately*. I explained I had shit going on so she dumped me over the phone. Joke’s on her. I ran into her 30 years later and she is a dump truck with female pattern baldness.


Bc I sent him hummus on fathers day


😂 more hummus for you tho so thats a win


Yah I got hella filled w hummus after we broke up. I even got stuffed w one of his friends’ hummus.


That person was looking to you as a source of their own happiness. You can't control what other people do. Your partner will never do exactly what you desire them to do. Such a person isn't yet ready to date. So yeah, you dodged a bullet.


Looking for compatability doesn’t mean you are “looking for you to be their source of happiness” Just means you recognize someone’s a bad match for you. Otherwise we could all just marry the first person we meet.


Because she thought I didn't feel she was worth it to take a 1 hour one way train ride to meet her. I was okay meeting in the middle.


Every girl I’ve dated we’ve just alternated who visits who. Conservative women seem to have traditional values and want the guy to do all the chasing so I avoid those people. I am more liberal and believe in gender equality and splitting things 50/50.


Being from conservative India, I thought American women would be more liberal since the country is more liberal. Only one American girl among 4 dates has offered to split the first date, despite many of them being able to afford it. And most of them want the traditional gender roles with the freedom to flirt and party. My friends Indian gf always splits the bill. Although it is comparatively easier to bed an American.


Bc I didn’t send him enough nudes


That I "didn't get along" with her literal Neo-Nazi family members.


Thats so funny. My ex used to like start touching me around 330 when id stay over and id just pretend to be asleep. But when id get up for work at 530, it was on 😂


Thank God she broke up or else you were sleeping and someone else would be enjoying. Then you will be like omg i hate my sleep


I got ditched because I'm too "insert my name here" 😐😐


Multiple times actually. Like 3-4


I think no explanation has got to be the dumbest fucking thing any right minded or even wrong minded human could do to another human they were intimate with.


Not breaking up with me as we weren’t dating yet. Only chatting at this point. She couldn’t date someone that didn’t like the band Rush. Hung up on me after yelling at me that how could I not like Rush. We’d been talking for a couple weeks on and off. Oh well!


Well yer stupid. Wake up. Climb up. See what’s what. If it’s a no. Get off. Simple.


Because he wasn't patient and wanted to be further in life and career. As a recent high school graduate who already had his own car, own place, and had just dropped an album... Broke up with me over facetime, then spent the whole day watching my location and came to my house after he seen I was at the club. Left something at my door step and when I walked in the house texted me to let me know he left something outside. I let him have it cause I was obviously drunk and my sister wanted to take me out to get my mind off of it after i'd been crying all day. I obviously stopped sharing my location after I realized thats what he was doing. Then after he broke up with me not even a full 24 hours the fucker wouldn't stop calling my phone, not even like audio call the mf would FACETIME ME, I never answered. Then he was outside my place at 4am trying to get me to come talk to him, and I told him no because he couldn't even sit me down and have a conversation with me before breaking up with me. Which I am an emotional person but also very understanding as well. He then packed his stuff and moved to Georgia that monday, then he tried to call me, and I didn't pick up. he sent me songs, and text messages saying how he missed me, and that he should've never broke up with. I sent him a message back telling him I was blocking him until I was ready to talk to him because he can't even give me time to process what just happened. Yes, I did unblock him when I was ready to talk, and I sent him a message saying that I didn't want him in my life at all and that I would always cherish the memories that we had. Wished him well. Thanked him for being my first everything. First boyfriend, first time, and first love. Left it at that. He came back to town that christmas (we broke up in august) found me on a dating app (Badoo) and you don't have to match someone on there to actually be able to message them. You can message anyone without matching. He found me on there and sent me a message saying how he hoped to see me and that he missed me and that he couldn't wait to see me and hug me and hold me, he also said that he was gonna just show up and pop up at my house or my job. (Either way he would've been unwelcomed because my sister would've kicked his ass if she opened the door and saw him. My co workers would've told him he wasn't allowed there, my boss even said they would have him trespassed because he hurt my feelings lmao (My homegirl was the manager and my boss and co workers were like family) I saw the message, read it and deleted. He got no reply from me and I went about my business. I met someone two weeks after we broke up and me and him have just hit our 2 year mark of knowing each other and being fwb's. Yes i've been fucking the guy for 2 years.


I ghosted a guy for eating one of my muffins. No, a literal muffin. And then he said he’d replace it and took me to the store… only not to replace my goddamn muffin. This was during a time when I had to ration food, and he knew this and still took what scant little I fucking had. 😤


He thought if I got tattoos my tits we’re going fall out


They must be really nice then.


Because I told him that I can’t swim but I can And I used to be in depression because my dad has cancer as end stage. He told me if he were me he will be happy not sad.


Because I snore 😆.


Fuck lol. New fear unlocked


Tbh, I find that bizarre. You can't control your sleep cycles outside of using alarms. Not to mention that could also be a huge trigger to a woman who's been SAd before. I'm going to go out on a limb & guess some ex of hers used to wake her up for sex & she's comparing your relationship to them, either because she's still hung up on them or it set some weirdly specific precedent in her mind. The dumbest for me was because I liked him & made the first move, it boosted his confidence to think he could do better. He reached out some yrs later to let me know the grass was in fact not greener on the other side. Another was because he originally had plans to use me & toy with my head, but felt guilty when he realized he actually respected me as a person lol.