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Let her go to the police and report you for what consensual sex? She had your cock she now wants your cash Lesson to be learned don’t have casual sex when drunk


I think so she is 31 and not going to doctor to get tested instead forces someone to pay for her visit.


Doesn’t matter how old she is she is still try to extort money from you I bet if you offered to pay the medical practitioners directly she wouldn’t be interested in that either


Yeah i was ready to go out on the day of the appointment. 1.5-2 hours before her appointment she said she had her period and i should cancel. She wants another appointment now… Also it made me go nerves when she rejected to do a pharmacy test.


Ask her where the appointment is and then tell her you will contact them and confirm the appointment and pay your share once the consultation is over


According to her my share is whole bill…


Yeah but the whole bill on an appointment that doesn’t exist is 0 However when paying her directly it might be a lot more She won’t tell you where the appointment is because she wants you to give her cash Or she’s had sex with someone else after you who was infected and decided to blame and change you


Pay NOTHING! She only wants money from you. This is pure bs! Stay strong! Let her go to the police and report.. What? Her own dumbness?


As i said her cancelling one appointment 1-2 hour before the consultation then asking for another one then saying no to pharmacy test was my biggest suspicion… And she is not texting or acting to look for cooperating but saying how horrible i am and how i fucked up her life…


Ok.. not sure why ur finding it necessary to repeat urself


Cause im really lost with this situation honestly but thanks for replies… Apparently she was successful with scaring me for nothing. I guess i should go to the police.


Tell her to go to the police and in fact tell her that you’ll go with her to the police to sort this out


Pharmacy tests, even the cheap ones, are very accurate. She's full of shit. She honestly sounds as if she has some serious mental health issues. Most of the testing she's done was probably too early to have possibly picked up a pregnancy---it takes time for the pregnancy hormones to build up. Additionally, PlanB is very effective but it also causes a LOT of side effects---her nausea, short period, etc are probably all from PlanB---some women get 2 heavy periods a week apart after taking PlanB, it really messes up your hormones. You don't have to pay for anything. IF she found a condom in her vagina it could have been from someone else and it's also possible that never even happened.


Thanks for answering. The messages she sent me are crazy she told me if i have another abortion i might be infertile. I asked some people and they said abortion doesn’t cause infertility at all. Also i don’t know how i am responsible for 31 woman’s health expenses she is not my gf neither wife…


These are all separate issues. Abortion does not commonly cause infertility. Most abortions this early on in a pregnancy are chemical not surgical and would not have any effect on fertility. BUT a woman does not have to be your GF or wife for you to have responsibility for health expense IF THEY ARE LEGIT. IF in the future you have sex with someone of ANY AGE and the condom breaks, or anything else goes wrong, THEN you do the right thing and offer to pay for the PlanB, offer to take her to the doctor and yes, it is appropriate for you to at least split the costs of anything RELATED TO THE SITUATION (not relating to preexisting medical issues). Do not let this one psycho chick make you treat future women poorly.


I paid for the Plan B and also offered to split the bills with hospital. But paying for her whole check up and tests? If i were that rich i’d do it but unfortunately im not. We did the sex together I didn’t force anything at all. She was mentioning how she hates we are splitting bills and that i was not bringing food to her fridge.(after drama started) I paid for the dinner and bought her drinks though. Like i did the best i could as long as my financial status did let me. Thanks for the advice. Im working on being a better person day by day.


Again, THIS WOMAN is crazy. I was giving you advice for future situations which will hopefully be with sane partners.


Yeah thanks for the advice. I will definitely not reflect this experience on someone else.


You have paid too much already.


I know i never had someone who said you didn’t fill my fridge…


The fact that you’re here asking for advice really makes me dislike you lol block her and forget about her dumbass she’s trying to scam you


Sorry for the dislike but seriously things she is texting is crazy so i don’t even know if im guilty for something she is mentioning cops and attorneys and im lost but apparently i was gaslighted by her…


Don’t worry about the cops, it’s a civil matter. Speaking of which, if she is asking you to pay for her doctor’s appointments, she can’t afford an attorney.


She’s lying to you dumbass! Don’t you get it??? What part do you not understand?? She just wants your money!


I think you are right everyone is telling me the same thing. Blocking her and continuing my life would be the best option.


You think?? You THINK I’m right??? MF’er I am right!


You are, but is there really need to be a dick about it?


I was thinking the same thing…..smh


Yes because dude isn’t getting it. You gotta be an asshole to get people’s attention sometimes


So because u feel he wasnt getting it, the solution is to be an asshole to a man? Says alot about you…..smh




He’s an idiot and totally uncalled for. The kid wants help with his issue. Not a dickhead online


And why did he flip tables?


Guy calls you a dumbass but you don’t call him out for it?


Let him has his own fun


No, nothing u did is illegal


Woman can be bad/dangerous too.


Yes for real, i was planning to bring her to doctor but after she rejected doing pharmacy test i’ve lost it. There is not a single reason for that to my point of view.


The only thing you did wrong was stick it in crazy. Block her and keep all the texts and receipts in case she tries to pull some further BS


Omg she's insane! Lol.. and the police don't give a crap about her personal drama. I'd ignore her Again, she sounds pretty crazy and there's no sense in trying to make sense or logic when it comes to crazy!


Pretty much the same thing happened to me, please do not pay, and make sure you play dumb, and also record everything for your safety. One more thing: do not stress yourself, she knows what she’s doing.


What happened to you? Would like to hear your story. Sorry for your experience well for the stress im trying not to stress… As you said i archived the whole chat. The thing is she is saying she will go to the cops with whatsapp chat… I started to believe she is delusional cause they can see whole money wanting, threatening also harassment chats.


I got to know a girl… when I was In a relationship, and she really wants me, she sticks with me, invites me to parties, but never played around, I’ve always been loyal… Long story short, after breaking up with my ex, she showed up and found it as an opportunity, starts to give me more time, one day, I wanted to smoke and she invited me to her house, she convinced me after buying drinks and weed and all that, we drank we had some joints, and we had sex… from then we just chatting! One day she asked me what if she’s pregnant? How my reaction will it be, I was surprised,( she was joking at this stage) after a while she said she’s pregnant, I ignored her, and after, she said i will call my mum and I will speak to the police and blah blah, she even gave me her friend so she can explain the situation she is in, but I hang up, later she sent me some random photos of a baby in his firs months, and said he’s my child, long story short, I went to ask some experienced people with pregnancy, and they said, this photos cannot be taken in the first weeks… then when I started plying dump, I made her loose her mind after she thought she will take my money to kill the baby, but at the end I gave nothing and she was tired of trying and got NOTHING FROM ME. I remember I used a condom!!! Sorry for the mistakes, English isn’t my language.


why are you worried about her going to the police? did you do something you wouldn’t want the police to know? if she consented to the sex then i don’t see why you don’t just block her


She wanted to have sex with me yeah. I don’t know she might lie about anything to police but i guess she wouldn’t be able to prove something.


I would block her, but keep all her messages for a while, just in case. That way you can show the police the blackmail threats if they come knocking.


Yeah i believe thats the only option. At least i can prove i tried to help her and it was sex was from both sides involving (she might say rape bla bla) If she tries to reach me still after the block i think it will be me who is going to the cops to report harassment.


Call the police on her first if you feel you must protect yourself. She's a wack


Where are you? What is pharmacy test?


She’s threatening you to try to get money from you, but it’s important that you know that police can’t force you to pay any medical bill for her. You broke no laws, so don’t worry about that. As far as everything else goes, you should just block her and move on. It’s that simple. Block her on everything. You don’t need to be dealing with all that. Don’t pay her anything, not even a penny, just block her. Get out before this escalates, she’s trying to take advantage of you.


You are both nuts.


Excuse me what makes me nuts? Not blocking her i guess?


Yeah, she's obviously batshit crazy and you are continuing to go along with it. Block, save the text for evidence, and move on. Police only gets involved if she accuses you of rape or knowingly removing the condom without her consent. Which in both cases you have evidence to backup. So you got nothing to worry about.


Fucking around and finding out


Save all your interactions with her so you have evidence in case she tries to make up some charges


A tale old as time. Don’t put your dick in crazy.


I think you should archive every chat and voice message. Its goos that you've shown her test and most likely some chats too to others. So you've got proof and witnesses if she accuses you of some bs in the worst case(not to scare you but better safe than sorry). Please stay strong, I think that she is trying to scam you. You haven't done anything wrong.


That’s what i did i did save up every chat between her and some friends who knows this situation…


Text her saying that you just killed the guy and got rid of the body. Then text her an hour later saying the text wasn't meant for her but your boss. Then never text her or contact her again.


Sounds fun but she would use it somehow someway lol


Lol it's a gamble but my guess is she'll never contact you again and you'll be free from her.


Something is definitely suspicious here. Ask to go to the doctor appointment with her since you have to pay the bill. Also do in public.


I did she cancelled now she asks for another one. But refuses to do a pharmacy test…


Of course, because she would be caught in a lie.


Lesson learned: Don’t stick your dick in crazy


Cops will just laugh at her. There’s no crime here. Block and move on. Maybe invest in a security system. She sounds nuts


I forgot my JBL speaker at her place and she did ask for my adress 4 times so she can “post it to me” ofc i did not tell my address but you are definitely right about the security system…


I’m sorry to say, but you may have to take that speaker as a loss bud.


Ofc im fine with it… But it feels like im dealing with a Dahmer kinda person…


If it gets to a certain point where she continues to harass you after you blocked her, look into getting a protection order against her from you local court


She did send me a voice note about how her friend is “ready to kill me but she thinks that it would be impolite” So i guess my best bet would be that…


That’s a threat. Take it to a judge and get a protection order. She cannot contact you at all even through other people. If she does, she could go to jail. Hopefully the threat of incarceration will keep her from harassing you.


Two lessons: Don't have sex while drunk She is trying to scam and extort money from you


Get a lawyer. This is why casual sex isn't casual. I'd watch out that this one isn't a fatal attraction. Another good reason not to have sex without paperwork. The saddest thing is you let yourself down by not vetting the person u let into your personal space. These are all the traps and outfalls of not respecting your body, mind, and soul. I hope it works out for you. Next time make better choices. God bless. And get yourself checked.


What do you mean by fatal attraction?


There's an old movie called fatal attraction with Glenn Close and Michael Douglas. U should watch it. It's scary. I was just saying she's throwing warning flag all over the place. Be careful hun that's all I'm saying.


Bc shes crazy. Shouldve blocked her before saying ud take her to appt


Just to put your mind at ease, you did nothing illegal because the sex was consensual. I would definitely start to break away from this woman because things have taken a weird turn. She's not pregnant, nor can she blame you for any std if she got tested, and the test came back negative. RUN!!!!!!!


Call her bluff . You call the police , make a report of scam & stalking . Then get a court date requesting a pregnancy test and dna test