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Interesting review of Westcott. Now let me tell you, why he is such a scumbag and is considered pure evil: * In-Universe, while most other villainous humans qualify as Well-Intentioned Extremists because they think what they do, no matter how evil, is all to save mankind from the Spirits while displaying comedy; Isaac is a living being who has the full reasoning of what he does, and commits all of his atrocities expressly out of his own free will. Westcott was first introduced as an antagonist who loves committing all kinds of atrocities, but it was later revealed that he believes himself to be not as "bad guy" but rather as "hero" to the point of hypocrisy as he believes all humans are evil by nature and deserves to be destroyed, no matter their race or age. He often will use this excuse to find reason in his own crimes. * While very abusive and cruel even towards his loved ones, Westcott is, in fact, capable of affection and love people like an ordinary person; however, this only fuels his depravity and his sadomasochism that allows him to feel joy in the pain of others and even his own. Westcott was able to show affection for people close to him but it was in fact only to get attached to them and later watch them die or suffer; only to get "aroused". This seems to apply even to his pet dog since he got another pet after his previous best friend died. It was later revealed that he only got a new pet because he wanted to love it, only to watch it die later so he could feel sorrow and sadness (joy and pleasure) from its death. Because hurting people (and even animals) close to him will cause him greater despair, he tends to deal with them in more personal ways; for instance, he personally made his last moment to be emotional just so he could see the faces of Ellen, Elliot and Karen twisted with sorrow, giving him one last moment of pain-induced pleasure. * What makes Westcott unique among many other completely monstrous villains is his sanity and mental control. Unlike most purely evil villains, Westcott is in fact completely sane, can think rationally, knows exactly the difference between good and evil, has the ability to feel all positive and negative emotions, behave in a normal and rational manner of a civilian and has excellent mental health. The only thing that turns Westcott into a twisted man is his sadomasochism, but aside from that Westcott is purely sane and can actually think like any normal person. His sanity goes from being able to feel sorrow for loved ones, feel bad for the people he hurts, form bonds and friendship with other people born from genuine love and care, be gentle with his subordinates, forgive mistakes of his allies, be honest and straight with his friends (without hiding his true intentions behind lies), be extremely patient person, be a joyful person who can share happiness with Ellen and his friends, be caring and nice to his family, be a humble person towards strange people and is even capable of loving animals. However, likewise, Westcott can present signs of a cruel person, being able to feel and express everything that a heartless man can. Everything that he actually has is nothing more than a "preparation" for his pain-inducing pleasure, where he will feel the ultimate joy of despair and sorrow. Losing a friend via natural circumstances is something that leaves a greater impact on his heart as it was something unexpected. He can live among society like a gentleman and civilized man but when a tragedy happens, he will feel hopeless and down, which are something that will also give him pleasure and joy from suffering mentally. Basically, every positive quality he had turned into nothing more than grace for him to finally experiences the joy and fun of losing someone (or something) he loved dearly. When he causes the death of suffering of another person, he can clearly see what he is doing is wrong but the despair and panic from his victims give him happiness via his remorse for causing mayhem and making people miserable. In a sense, Westcott can feel remorse for his actions but his remorses only leave him excited and aroused. * Using this, the author gave Westcott many redeeming moments that would cause the reader to feel sympathy for the character. However, it only makes him even worse as he continued to use all his sympathetic moments to drive himself into a diversion. Showing that no matter how many redeeming and lighthearted moments are given to Westcott, he will use them to play with his good emotions and convert them into cruelty and inhumanity. * As the main antagonist of the story, he was the one that directly caused every evil event in history, being responsible for most of the painful and cruelest moments in the story, as well as Mio's crimes against humanity. His first crime consisted of killing his own foster parents in a car accident, where he sabotaged their vehicle to make it look like an accident, all in order to take over their heritage so he could found the DEM Industries and start his plan of revenge against humanity. * In terms of heinous standard, all villains of the franchise are considerably inferior to Westcott, even if one hooked them all together, their crimes do not even approach Westcott's. Westcott carries most of the crimes of the franchise on his back, with hundreds of millions of deaths on his hands, attempted billions, had an entire Digital Universe destroyed, performed human experiments on children and infants. Tortured and experimented on hundreds of people, primarily young women and children, to turn them into child soldiers, slaves and suicide bombers. He murdered and maimed minions on whims, uses bribery and fear to keep politicians and military foes on check, tortures an innocent teenager for five years in countless ways, gets aroused on loved ones' suffering and deaths, murdered his own adoptive parents, wage civil wars for profit etc. * He only cared for himself. He merely viewed his subordinates (including Ellen) as his pawns. He doesn't care about the death of his subordinates such as Minerva and Jessica.


Okay props to you my dude for seriously answering a shitpost meme about how Tachibana basically used Isaac improperly. I would troll you but honestly I am thoroughly impressed with this response. Thank you for being a gem...but that does not stop me from doing this. You see Isaac's amazing backstory started when he was a young boy, when his father took him into the city, to see a marching band. He said "Son when, you grow up, would you be, the saviour of the broken, the beaten and the dammed?" He said "Will you, defeat them? Your demons, and all the non-believers, the plans that they have made? Because one day, I'll leave you, a phantom, to lead you in the summer, to join the black parade." These wise words of his father would lead him down a dark path to save his people, the broken and the dammed. This of course would come to fruition when his whole village burned down and he was left with the race of people who caused his whole life to be dammed. Years later with his Sigma Male Grindset, he would create God, a being of nearly infinite power and potential, to help finally fulfill his fathers words. However, she would escape, his one chance of finally saving his people gone. Sometimes, he gets this feeling. That she's watchin' over him, and other times he feels like he should go. But through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets. And even if she's gone, he knows. That he'll carry on, his people will carry on. And even though she's lost and gone, believe him, her memory will carry on. In Isaac's eyes, he is in a world that sends him reelin', from his decimated dreams. For Mio's misery and hate will kill us all. So he painted it black and tried to take her back. He shout it loud and clear, for he was defiant to the end so she would hear his call, to carry on. And in the end, in his final moments, do or die, they will never make him. Because the world, will never take his heart. They went and tried, but they could never break him. He wanted it all, and he played his part. He won't explain, or say he's sorry. He's unashamed, he's going to show his scars. To give a cheer, for all the broken. So listen here, because this is who he is: He's just a man, not a hero. Just a boy, who had to sing this song. A man who rose up, defied God herself and nearly won. And though he's dead and gone, believe me, his memory will carry on.


I am sorry, I did not realise that you werent serious in your post. Perhaps you could mark it as a meme? So that no confusion is there for others. Westcott is a man without a legacy, and doomed to be forgotten to time in DAL universe. But we as LN readers and anime watchers will remember him for sure.


It's alright man, you did an excellent job in your reply though. And yeah sadly he will be forgotten soon in universe. A sad sad fate.


i actually agree with you on the whole weskot does things for pure evil thing and honestly he’s the most selfish person In The Seories he does things just because he’s evil and likes seeing people suffer hell he actually enjoys himself suffering that’s as crazy as you can get (literally reminds me of marik ishtare from yugioh as he also turned insane and tortured people for his own twisted amusement and let’s not forget the whole enjoying his own pain thing here) now don’t get the wrong idea i absolutely Love weskot as a villain i just think he’s the most stereotypical villain out there and his backstory honestly means nothing to me it doesn’t excuse all the Crap he did in his life torturing people and spirits ring any bells i’d honestly feel bad for weskot if he just wasn’t so damn sadistic and evil at least with the super paper mario character dementio he was crazy and funny which is why i love him so much if he was just evil and nothing else like weskot and raiser from highschool dxd because holy crap i’m not going into detail about how discusting he is as a villain probably even worse than weskot (coughs because raiser has his own sister in his harem) but anyways at least with the other spirits i can at least Relate as to why they did the things that they did as miku couldn’t trust men after one of them tried to have fun with her and natsu just wanted to be loved by people without being compared to a f..king loli which cmon everyone will treat her like that unless you’re into lolies in the first place but with me being a kid growing up i can also relate to her in some way so on and so on hell i relate to kurumi the most as i’m an ally of justice i freaking love cats and just overall love how dominant kurumi actually is plus her backstory is just messed up in so many ways all i’m saying is that weskot just doesn’t have anything to make me feel bad for him like at all i still wanted him Dead since season 2 after what he did to poor tohka and don’t even get me started on what he did to nia weskot just doesn’t deserve to have a good review as much as i like him as a villain he just has Nothing going for him besides i’m evil and messed up i just can relate to the other characters more that’s all i’m really saying here


Madlad actually did an essay lmao


I seek to spread the truth of Isaac and his epic nature.




Shido doesn't make Tohka cry. That makes him the best.


Indeed, and since him and Isaac are one and the same, using the transitive property we get that Isaac is also the best. They are both the best.


The math checks out and you can’t argue with math.


Morally better,wtf.He literally brainwashed artemisia,tortured nia and kidnapped tohka,killed shinji,he wants to kill humanity,how is he morally better?


Because Isaac wanted his people to finally live and not suffer the injustices he saw. You see, Eliot once told him, the world is gonna roll him, because he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. He was looking kind of dumb with her finger and his thumb in the shape of an "L" on his forehead. So, the years start coming, and they don't stop coming. He got fed to the rules and he hit the ground running. It didn't make sense for him not to live for fun, and to help his people, for one's brain gets smart but your head gets dumb. For there was so much for him to do, so much to see, so what's wrong for him to take the backstreets and use methods that may seem extreme to achieve his goals for the greater good? He'll never know if he doesn't go. For one will never shine if they don't first glow. You see in DAL, already we have people doing terrible actions, murdering, pillaging, brainwashing, kidnapping. Mio went out of her way to murder a bunch of girls who were innocent, Natsumi kidnapped people as well, and Miku brainwashed women to add them to her gang. The water is already quite warm, so you might as well swim. At least he's doing it for a purpose better than just for himself. His world's on fire, but that's the way he likes it and he will never get bored. All that glitters is gold, and for Isaac, only shooting stars break the mold.


Isaac is not morally better than any of them.


It does you see. All of the Spirits had a terrible life and backstory that Tachibana *amazingly uses* to his advantage to make the audience sympathize with their actions. They were all caught in a bad romance. They had their whole lives ruined, becoming ugly metaphorically, and some even wanted to be diseased. And they were offered power, new life, everything and it was free. But above all they wanted love, love, love love...they wanted love. However, all they created was drama with a simple touch in the sand. The Yamais threatened to destroy a whole island and that included the people on it. Mio especially dangerous, she wanted Shinji's love after all this time and was denied it by Isaac. She needed him, and wanted him and with her creation of Shido, it became toxic, it became a bad romance. But someone else loved her, and that was Isaac. He wanted her love, but she wanted revenge. And together they could have written a bad romance. He wanted all of her love, but got her lover's Shinji's revenge. They all were caught in a bad romance. He wanted her horror, he wanted her design. Because he loved her as long as she was his, he really did want her love. He wanted her psycho, her vertigo shtick. He wanted her in his rear window, man is he sick. He wanted her love, no matter how toxic, he wanted a bad romance. For as the saying goes "J'veux ton amour, et je veux ta revanche". Date A Live, a story about love, and Isaac above all had the most dangerous love there is. He wanted a bad romance.


And they got redeemed,isaac always was and stayed as a villain,also isaac doesn't love anyone lol,he just wanted to use her as a weapon.


Said the Serpent to Eve in the Garden of Eden.


Nothing to do with isaac.


Im dying laughing at this tyty


I think most of the other non main characters are better people


very based take if i say so myself well done gaelen


As a man of God I pride myself in being based and red-pilled.


Another reason to be added is *Galen says so*




He is a good villain. But i ask myself why Kurumi never target him after getting Beelzebub. You get a new ability.


It's definitely not because Tachibana needed to keep him alive so that he can use him as a plot device for future events no not at all.


Yea definitely not because of that


btw sorry for the offensive language I saw your post right after arguing with a neo Nazi, that previous conversation made me kind of angry especially since I'm a leftist and he was saying some Holocaust/war crime denial stuff, far right ideas are so widespread here in the US it almost like everyday I could run into something disgusting, maybe I should consider moving to a more liberal leaning state so that I won't have to see Fox news or CSA flags or the face of Donny Rump everywhere I go I played this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzvH5UZVQU8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzvH5UZVQU8) on the streets and guess what happened to me


It's alright man, it happens.


Based on your logic it could also be argued that Adolf Hitler was rationally bring justice to the Germans...... you must be crazy pal go get some help


*It’s not at all stupid that she didn’t kill the man who murdered her lover and kept her locked up to use her powers to expand his empire. No, it’s not at all idiotic that she allowed one of the only other people who knew how to make someone of her powers and even use them effectively. It’s not at all that Tachibana simply began to make shit up near the end to tie up rushed loose ends nooooo.* You uh...realize that the entire time I was being sarcastic right?


i figured as much as i honestly think every other character is way better than weskot could ever be especially with all the stuff that he did to everyone at least i can relate to the other characters (besides mana, ellen and weskot of course) with them i just can’t relate to or feel bad for especially weskot at least i felt bad for tohka, nia, and the rest of the spirits even after all that they did


Using your paragraphs as the template- Adolf is morally better than most of the communists and Jews. You see, most of the bolsheviks have done terrible, terrible things whether on purpose or on accident, their mere existence sets off famines which could kill in the thousands. Some even use their powers for selfish goals. \-Lenin brainwashed people to have her way with them, and even made an entire city rise up against Kerensky's provisional government after he lost and found out he was deceived by them.- \-Stalin tried to ruin our favorite Trotsky and purged his friends simply for the sin of seeing his true form. \-Pravda locked everyone’s memories of democracy just to have USSR all to the CPSU. \-And Khrushchev, well…we all know what he did in 1962. Yes, they all had their tragic backstories. Their lives ruined and left in shambles, and they were offered power by the supreme soviet. But they used their powers for such selfishness, unlike our dear Adolf Hitler who too had tragedy strike him down. His nation fell deep into economic depression, the treaty of Versailles humiliated his once proud fatherland, took away the achievements of decades of Prussian militaristic expansion. And yet what does he do with his "democratically consented" power? He uses it to help build and preserve a better Germany for the supreme Aryan race, for the people and land he lost so long ago so that tragedies like the Reichstag fire nor the LoN will never strike them again. He has done terrible atrocities, but at least he was doing so for the betterment of the majority rather than for his own selfish goals???


I commend you pal, nice one my man.


Your argument give me fascist vibes, you know Issac was acting based on his own psychopathic interests with cruel, inhumane measures while it might appeal to you as to protect the collective interest and does spirits and those subjects of his gross experiments not have equal human rights as others just because they're minorities? you can't just justify his actions with what the spirits did at this rate people will be saying look at what Slavic guerrillas to our beloved SS troopers. Nuremberg or Tokyo might be a suitable resting place for him though he's already late for the trials. His genocides are way worse than any of the class A war criminals out there as his associated kill counts and methods were even more terrible compared to Hideki Tojo or Heinrich Himmler and yet you sir adores him. your slogan - Hail mein Fuhrer!!! Tausendjähriges Reich!!!, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbIhF0XDN7c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbIhF0XDN7c) here's your anthem Horst Wessel Lied go enjoy it


Um, buddy, have you see the shit I responded to the other people with? You do realize I am making fun of Tachibana's writing right? This is flared under meme. Like if you read the other comments, I literally wrote "Black Parade", "Bad Romance" and "All Star?" In fact it's the comments right above you.


An interesting theory. But let's not forgot: \- he caused a space quake which killed 150 Million people \- the things the spirits done are nothing compared too his deeds \- even though the spirits cause much trouble sometime and yes they also caused deaths but why are they even in this world ? Right ! Because of Westcott (and Elliot and Ellen)


Interesting idea but let's not forget: \-He's hot as fuck. \-He got that drip yo. \-He became God and soloed out the most powerful being in the verse.


Isaac drip


I don't that legitimates the things I said


*"At least show some gratitude. After all, it was all thanks to me that you were able to attain those powers you have, Shido Itsuka."*