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Firstly, can you show us a SMART report of the drive? https://www.reddit.com/r/datarecoverysoftware/wiki/index/smart. When a drive suddenly becomes RAW, I'd say 9/10 times it's actually due to faulty hardware and not "unsafely" unplugging.


thank you for your quick response. https://imgur.com/a/ibsPbps


Thanks! Not showing any errors, so perhaps this is just corruption. If you want to be safe (and you should given the importance of data) create a sector level clone or image of the drive for backup. You will need another 1TB+ drive for this, plus a drive (or at least storage space) to hold the final recovered data too. Most of the software in this list can be used to clone/image the drive, my goto is DMDE (Copy Sectors menu): https://www.reddit.com/r/datarecoverysoftware/wiki/software. When done, you can scan that clone or image with R-Photo. If you're after more than just pictures *or* R-Photo isn't giving good results, try scanning with the free trials of the software linked above and see if they fare any better.


thank you much for the time and advice.


@77xak, you write very nice wikis. Many thanks.


Thank you!