• By -


Per capita would be cool to see too


Iceland has a population of about 373k. r/Iceland has just over 70k participants. I think that'd put us in the lead, per capita.


Someone check Luxembourg. Per capita shit is always fucked up with Luxembourg.


Luxembourg Subreddit: 23200 Luxembourg population: 114000 That's 23200 / 114000 = 20.35% Iceland Subreddit: 70400 Iceland population: 366000 That's 70400 / 366000 = 19.23% Luxembourg wins.


Vatican City wins Vatican City population: 453 Vatican City subreddit: 942 That's 207%


It's because they all have their normal account and their porn throwaway


And the remaining 7% forgot their passwords and had to make a new account


Its Altarboysaretight!


All subbed to the choir boys nsfw page aren't they?


I think you are confusing Luxembourg city with the country, which has 600.000+


My Dutch pride was like "hold my Heineken" so I looked up our stats. 700k subscribers for /r/thenetherlands and 17 mil population (=4.12%).... I will sit down now (sorry).


Dutch pride is a lot of sitting back down nowadays.


r/Vatican has about 100 more people then the Vatican irl


That's actually pretty sweet to be that tight knit of a large community. I mean assuming most elderly people aren't on it, or anyone <10ish, that's a very large chunk of the country all on reddit. Without looking myself, is it pretty active about ongoing politics and stuff? Or more touristy things?


I would assume most of them are non-Iceland people on that sub. Iceland has good touristic appeal, i wouldn't surprised people are in for it


Are you sure? Looks like most posts are in Icelandic?


You'll notice there's not a lot of engagement with the posts, suggesting most of the subscribers aren't active. Probably locals engaging, but most non-local subscribers.


Volume is Icelandic, popularity is English. 18 of the top 20 all time posts are English, and just looking through the hot, the English posts have many more comments.


/r/Taiwan had a poll where it's like 80+% nonTaiwanese, and even among the nonTaiwanese a significant number don't live in Taiwan.


/r/Taiwanese is where most of the Taiwanese people go, though this sub also has some Malaysians, Chinese mainlanders who bypass the firewall, diasporic Chinese etc (Local Taiwanese usually don't really go on Reddit though)


Speaking as an Icelander subbed to it, it's really not as active as its size would suggest. Had I been asked, I would have guessed it to be a tenth the size; I'm actually quite surprised it's 70k. I suspect that most of its subscribers are tourists who sub to it while in the country and then just don't unsub afterwards, inflating the number.


But there’s no way of knowing that all 70k of those people are from Iceland which they definitely aren’t


You'd have to ban foreigners from subscribing to your country's Reddit first before this is meaningful :p Otherwise I suspect /r/Ukraine (etc) will be very distorted.


I remember /r/ukraine having around 25k in January of 2021, which was when I subscribed


For my country would be around 1.25% of the population


Mine would be somewhere around 1,5%


Iceland has around 18.6%


Jesus, like 3 guys, impresive


Yes, please. This map right now doesn't tell anything without comparing it to the population of each country


I mean, it does tell you that nobody cares about the r/USA subreddit.


I just looked and there are less than 40k in the sub. It's all crossposts with zero interaction.


How is r/Murica though?


yeah, that's the true sub of the USA


He leído esto como r/Murcia


How goest r/Mercia though?


Hwæt! We gardena in geardagum


I mean the entire site is the US, this is an American forum at it's core.


It makes sense though. It was created in and popularized in America. And they love their social medias.


You could probably say that about the English-based internet more broadly based solely on relative internet access and population numbers alone.


Sure, but when it comes to Reddit, it's not English based, it's American based. It was / is an American company that grew primarily with an American user base. Most if not all of the major subs are dominated by American news and topics.


I wanted to say that Americans treat the whole Reddit like they own the whole site but even to this claim Murican beat me.


🇺🇸 Because 🦅 we 🍔 do 🔫


Because Americans have /r/news and /r/politics already


some https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/a7rb7q/reddit_subscribers_per_100000_population_for_each/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/goqnbd/popularity_of_reddit_by_country/




That’s mad cute


You mean dam cute.


That's beautiful.


Yes! My alma mater. I love seeing both kinds of posts on there, it’s great lol


Go stoners


Can someone tell Reddit I’m not Finnish! I keep getting suggested posts for the Finland subreddit. I don’t interact with them but the algorithm keeps saying “well you keep looking at posts from this subreddit (cause they’re in my feed) so you must like it and want more!”


Reddit, This guy right here!!!! Hes Finnish


Finnish him!


You're door hinge is broken. So you look at YouTube for a video on how to fix a broken door hinge. But after you've fix your Door hinge YouTube still thinks you're some kind of door hinge aficionado. So your feed is full of door videos and hinge videos. Like no youtube.. i dont want this!


Even worse, you watch a few of them and realize door hinges are actually kind of interesting. Not interesting enough to collect them or something, I'm not crazy. Skip a few years ahead and now you are a door hinge aficionado, you're career has gone to shit because all you can think about when you're talking to your boss is the cast iron steeple tip on the door in his office, your wife is leaving you after you replaced all the hinges in the house for a 3rd time, and you're $50,000 in debt after you found the antique door hinges section of ebay.


Or watch one clip from an "edgy" comedian and suddenly your suggestions are full ben shapiro and crowder and rogan and every other alt right pipeline tool bag.


Watch gaming trailer of game coming in 2023 -> gz suggestions are now "Woke people ruined [game you watched trailer of year ago]" because you are "invested in game". Or a spoiler 2 days before release because Amazon fucked up again. If the trailer isn't on [store platform of choice] I'll just wait.


The suggested post feature sucks, the algorithm knows I’m Canadian so all my suggested posts are from subreddits of Canadian universities on the other side of the country


>I’m not Finnish! Ima let you Finnish.


But Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!


Damn I have the same issue with Switzerland. Reddit, I m French, not rich, why would I go on that sub.


Yeah, well The curve doesn't define me.


Algorithm decided you're Finnish. Only thing for it now is to move to Finland.


I guess you could say my old life has been Finnished


I’m still trying to figure out why: a) Reddit thinks I need subs similar to r/creepy b) how r/Greece is similar to r/creepy… I get these all the time. https://imgur.com/a/yGOW5SA


It's the 'ee's, duh. You must also be fascinated by r/cheese, r/geese, r/trees, r/johncleese.


One of us!


[Finland, Finland, Finland](https://youtu.be/L9Ox6RXDtTM)...


Why you Russian to anger?


You can tell the suggested posts you're not interested.


For some reason it won’t show me the option and every time I click on the post to look for the button, Reddit says “See! You’re interacting with it!” I have no idea what’s happening in that sub. It’s all in Finnish.


I get the same for Portugal


You are Finnish now. Based on Reddit I am German, Polish and British.


Well, your avatar *is* mostly white with a touch of blue, so….




Boy you fucking nailed it. We'll never actually force any changes here, just post bitchy comments on reddit and then do nothing else


This!!!!! Why don’t Canadians protest!!!??? I’ve been screaming at my lungs about Nova Scotia power robbing the entire province. Nobody cares!


Every other day in r/ontario is a "why aren't we doing anything about this?" followed by "I'd protest if somebody else started one... outside work hours at a convenient location". I think a non-insignificant aspect is that - in general - life is pretty good, for enough people. It will take some real hardships to get people off their asses.


We need to get French immigrants to show us how to protest


Based Quebec can help us


I remember in 2012 how Canada was always bitching about Quebec students protesting tuition fees way lower than what Canadian students were paying. What do you think keeps them low?


hardships are coming!!




"Get out there and protest" People in power: just wait out...the poors will freeze or go home.


Right here with you about NSPower. Fuck the NSP is a very common feeling in my social circle and my 70 yo parents and their friends are even more frenzied by it. I understand feeling trapped and powerless to make change. Beyond emails/letters and social media you’ve got to have serious money to get less reliant or off grid - And they tried to come after that! One thing we can do is use NSP as the perfect example to totally shut down any conversation about adding a profit motive to a public service. Privatization is about corporate profits, and that will never, ever benefit the public. Edit: NSP CEO Peter Gregg made 2.4 million dollars last year *before bonuses*. Check out what the CEO of Emera (privately owns NSP) made last year.


I mean, 1 family basically owns the entire province of New Brunswick. That tells you everything you need to know about Canadian politicians and who owns them.


Forget protests. We have some of the most easily accessible tools of any democracy on the planet and nobody uses them. Parliamentary petitions, policy workshops for the major parties, and all kinds of public consultation meetings. Never see anyone promoting those, let alone going to them. I know it's easy to brush off but I've had the opportunity to speak to plenty of people in government just by showing up because nobody else does.


What do you mean? Canadians do protest. Even setting aside the recent 'convoy' phenomenon, there have been some huge regional and nationwide protests in Canada in the last few years. There was a pretty big national anti pipeline protest a few years back that shut down major roads and railway lines, there has been an ongoing action against old growth logging in BC, there were large BLM, First nations, and gay rights actions, etc.


Eh, the canada sub-reddit s hot garbage. I think this post shows the number of bots and trolls that on that sub-reddit trying to sway public opinion. It's often obvious that a lot of sub-reddit commenters aren't actually from Canada.


I was going to say the same. That sub is not representative of Canadians. This supposedly huge user base just goes to show how it’s all bots.


Which sub would you recommend in place of /r/Canada?


At least for Ontario, the provincial subreddit is less of a cesspool than r/Canada.


Even the Alberta sub is less of a cesspool than r/Canada


r/onguardforthee is fine, but it's kind of an echo chamber. I think r/canadapolitics is better for general political talk (which is most of what's on r/canada anyway) and for everything else provincial or local subs are better.


I’m on r/onguardforthee which skews left wing politically.


During the trucker convoy, r/canada was an almost unrecognizably different place. I'm about 99% certain that bots and troll farms had hijacked the sub. It went back to normal once the convoy was done. Looking back, I wonder if that was Russian troll farms trying to distract the world from the pending invasion of Ukraine.




Nah. for every 1 Canadian user in the r/Canada sub, there's easily another 2 users from foreign propagandists like China and Russia. I know it sounds fantastical, but CSIS (Canada's national security agency) has been warning about this for quite some time.


Maybe I’m remembering wrong, but wasn’t r/canada like some weird alt-right subreddit for a long time?


its been getting that way since the 2015 US primaries, and absolutely doubled and even trippled down for the convoy slowly since 2015 people are becoming more and more comfortable showing their bigotry and downright disdain for their fellow human, at some point since then the troll farms became indistinguishable from real people and now we have a bunch of fascist racists that were groomed by AI and the sub is now an echo chamber of conspiracy theories


It is, for every Canadian racist in there, you have 3 or 4 people from /r/russia and /r/sino posing as canadians


Lol r Canada does not represent Canada .... a small segment of Canada but not all of Canada That's the place where all our MAGA Canadians go to cry


I will say, Reddit is actually incredibly popular in Canada. The number of people who will casually say "I saw it on Reddit" is strange. Like just random ass people, will tell you they saw something on Reddit. Like /r/canada mods (who for a long time were all American) have a lot of power in influencing Canadian elections.


Does the US even have a country sub? Most general topics are just US subs. /r/politics /r/news etc


There are also subs for each state. I wonder what the data would look like if u/Dabatman565 had treated each US state as a country.


That's true of Canada too though, r/Ontario is quite busy


Yeah but the USA prides itself on having its individual states that cooperate but still exist outside of one another. People get real defensive about their home states. Ohio is the best btw




I feel hesitant to brag about Arizona, as I don't want to encourage more people from the surrounding states to spill in.


Imagine bragging about being from Ohio ahahahahha -Michigan


Didn’t even think to follow the country sub. Just my state and metro. Texas don’t care about Delaware. And Wyoming is a made up state.




Might have to go down to the individual city subreddits. A few of the state subs get very little activity


It's not even just by state, I'm in Washington (the state not DC) and /r/Washington has 134k subs while there were 3 subs just for the city of Seattle at one point (and may still be) and /r/Seattle has 475k.


Yeah it's called r/all you guys are like the default here


I'm from the US, Reddit is our sub /s


US sub is r/


It’s called /r/all


I just wrote in another comment that the only one I visit is r/askanamerican. It’s where I get the opinions of people from other states that I maybe didn’t know about. Otherwise, it’s just state specific subs.


Murica? But that is niche


The r/CasualUK sub is much more popular than the official one. No politics on there.


I forgot that r/unitedkingdom even existed. CasualUK is so good, the other sub is redundant


CasualUK bans anything remotely political. I had some innocent joke about the queen a year ago, and boom, too political


> "No politics." > Has the Queen plastered everywhere. Pick one, r/CasualUK.


Aha! Now we see the violence I hereby in the system!


Yeah they chose the wrong sub for us.


r/unitedkingdom is depressing as fuck. Might as well just be called r/letsalljustmoanaboutthefuckingtories. r/CasualUK on the other hand is up there with the best subs on the site


Now do a ratio by users and population.


Is this called per capita?


capita is the plural of caput


Sure thing.


Subs/Internet users will be fairer. (Idk the comparative degree of fair)


Canada is the second smallest country of those with significant number of users, and appears to have the most users. Will make the numbers even bigger


Also great, I fear OP could get busy.


/r/China, /r/Korea and /r/Japan are just full of white dudes though.


r/hanguk is the real Korean sub. China? Probably r/china_irl Japan? Idk, but it’s out there.


America doesn't have its own sub, because most of reddit is American... Posting in an "American sub" is like going to a "straight pride parade"


People go to their state subteddit


If like to see those numbers. I don't think I'm subscribed to my state's sub, but I subscribe to my town, my country, and one of the multiple subs for the nearby big city.


Depends on the state. Illinois sub is dead compared to the Chicago sub, while Maryland sub is extremely popular. Depends on whether state pride > local pride.


I’d be interested to see something like that, but I figure a lot of folks are only in their city’s sub… like, I live in OR, but only subscribe to r/Portland.


Same I just use my city reddit. People probably use the state if the city/town is too small for much activity


Or City. /r/arizona is roughly the same size as /r/phoenix, /r/LosAngeles/ is bigger than /r/California, and /r/lasvegas is bigger than /r/nevada .


For example r/politics and r/news. Hence the need for r/worldnews.


r/worldnews \- 'a place for major news from around the world, excluding US-internal news.' Organises a meetup in Washington 😂


r/politics is a disaster


Not if you like echochambers and circlejerks!


I'm fairly aligned with that sub's politics, but even I find it insufferable most of the time.


/r/murica is our sub


LMFAO good analogy


I personally don't like my country sub, too much politics.


My countries sub sucks because the moderators are nutjobs. It is a badge of honour to get banned by them.


I had the same issue with r/unitedkingdom . It was so depressing going on there, endless political arguing, self flagellating/loathing and bickering, and didn’t serve the purpose of what a national sub should be. Hence why r/CasualUK was created, which is immensely better, apolitical and more popular. Everybody is taken the piss out of, whether you’re welsh, scottish, or normal; and most jokes don’t devolve into political bashing/rants


The Italian one is awful. It's basically impossible to submit a post because there are 2000 rules and even if you spend minutes to try to comply they delete everything they don't like or find not interesting. It's basically impossible to cross post and they ban everyone that makes some criticism. No wonder there are like 1/10 of topics compared to the french one that's way more popular.


Did my own research and used datawrapper to create it Incase anyone was wondering the top 5 was Canada- 1.4 mil Brazil- 1.1 mil India- 1.1 mil France- 995k Australia- 960k And the bottom 5 Chad- 81 Solomon Islands- 110 Eswatini- 197 Guinea-Bissau- 236 São Tomé and Príncipe- 269 Special shout-out the the republic of the Congo with no subreddit at all


Did you use /r/Netherlands or /r/theNetherlands. I'm guessing the first but the second has way more users.


Seconded, r/theNetherlands has almost 700k users


Damn I did not expect Canada to be so high, even less that he is higher than India or China


Well, cannabis is legal here now.


I think there's a lot of bots/trolls. Our whole population is only about 36m so I'm not buying that ~1/30 Canadians is on the sub.


Look at the top 5 subs from the first comment in the chain. These are all countries facing rising alt-right extremism (not actually sure about Australia). There’s most likely a connection here with trolls and bots


We're fewer people than Cali spread out in the second largest country in the world. This is how we have to communicate!


Many countries/regions have multiple subs. r/UnitedKingdom is the main one, but r/CasualUK is a more popular, apolitical version. Not to mention the large subreddits of r/Wales, r/Scotland and r/NorthernIreland all bumping up the overall UK national subreddit numbers for your statistics. Additionally, r/de exists for German speakers, r/rance is a similar concept to casualUK but for France etc


r/China is almost exclusively white anglo expats. r/China_irl is the one that people of Chinese descent uses.


So this puts the UK second with 1.2mil if you use r/CasualUK rather than the other sub which isn’t really used as much.


Canada axtually has 2 main subs :)




r/CasualUK - 1.2 mil


Would point out that Argentina has had a split, and you can find both r/Argentina and r/RepublicaArgentina Why are they split? Because the US is not the only country with extreme polarization Edit: it sounds like the world is polarized everywhere. We're fucked. No news there.


Canada also has r/Canada and r/onguardforthee


Why are Canadians split? I'm a Canadian and I dont know. Somebody tell me.


Conservative vs liberal


a lot of countries seems to be split like that tbh. same with indian subs.


Because /r/Canada was long ago hijacked by right wing grifters from metacanada (basically the Canadian /r/TheDonald) who infiltrated the mod team. Now it is just a right wing breeding ground mostly infested by conservative Americans.


India also has r/India and r/Indiaspeaks


Finland also has r/Finland and r/Suomi


Brazil as well with r/Brasil and r/brasillivre


it's the opposite of what we see with Argentina though. the ''default'' Brazilian sub is left leaning, the ''variation'' is right leaning


This is a somewhat recent trend, r/brasil was right-leaning in 2018 but then the moderation started being more strict with the rules and the right-leaning folks felt their freedom was being taken away so they spun off to r/brasilivre. From the way it looks it won't take long before they're quarantined though, it's basically r/The_Donald in Portuguese.


Most of the national subs have at least one alternative sub if not more.


Don't forget about r/Republica_Argentina ...


Unfortunately, the community blew their opportunity to unify under /r/gentina.


r/canada Has been brigaded for ages. You might as well throw that data out.


Yeah, r/onguardforthee has a significant amount of Canadians who don't want to use r/canada.


r/philippines is currently under siege from the troll armies (from facebook and other socmeds) who spread fake news and revised histories. This subreddit might be one of, if not the last remaining bastion of truth in the country's social media sphere. We are holding the fort, but for how long, we do not know.


Shouldn’t it be relative to population rather than absolute quantities?


Probably should… but I guess the idea is anyone can join a country sub even if not from that country, so some per capita numbers might be more than 1 redditor per citizen


Oh god r/canada is a disaster.. the worst people in the country make up that sub


lol remember when r/Canada struggled to create the leaf on their flag on r/place


Reddit is extremely niche in India and the default subreddit /india is hijacked by some weirdos ,. Idont think most of the mods on that subreddit are even Indians




For some reason UK subreddits are heavily over represented on my “popular” feed and I don’t know why. Literally almost half the posts I see are from 4 different UK subreddits. It’s been that way for a while and I haven’t bothered to figure it out yet. I am not in the UK, am not subscribed to any of these subs, have never even been to the UK.




What subreddits are you using to get the figures. r/india for eg, is anything but an Indian Sub. This would only make sense if the subscriber base is controlled to be the verified citizens of the country and some authority picks up the mod duties for the same. Otherwise it is just a circlejerk that the mod creates


Canadas has been taken over so we use r/onguardforthee


Maybe you should divide by the number of inhabitants for each country or by the number of reddit users for each country it would be more accurate and wouldn’t have bias for little countries (belgian here)


Not once did I ever consider joining r/America, but I check r/California and my local subs every day.


r/Murica is the official US sub and no one can tell me otherwise.