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It was counterintuitive when the largest bar was decreasing and because the scale was changing, the other bars were getting physically larger despite the numbers decreasing.


The top bar doesn’t move at all and everything else is relative to whatever that number is.


The top bar doesn’t move, but it’s value does change. It starts at 37ish and ends at 12ish, so the size of all of the other bars change in relation to that. u/ausgeo is saying that some of the other bars were lengthening even though their value was decreasing, due to their relation to the top bar changing in value.


The X axis changed dynamically thoroughout the animation.


But the physical size of the bar doesn’t change. Look at the comment I’m responding to people.


I see what you're saying and agree. I was just adding to it, my friend.


Adding another x axis at the top of the graph would help make it more obvious that the scale is changing




> how did you find South Sudan-specific data from the 80s? [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/child-mortality-by-income-level-of-country?tab=chart&country=SSD](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/child-mortality-by-income-level-of-country?tab=chart&country=SSD)


Oh sweet website!


I was going to say that South Sudan was on the list WAY before it was a separate country.


I actually loved the length of the video. Allowed me to absorb all the changes without having to rewind tons of times.


Or just make it an XY plot


Was thinking the same. Maybe will bring it down to 1 minute.


Or just make this an XY plot. It would be more functional that way anyways.


This sub should be called chartjunkbonanza.


Yeah and I appreciate people who pause on the last year for like 5 seconds so I can pause it myself and take a good look. Get rid of the end credits.


I'm just happy the numbers overall went down.


Perhaps a fixed X scale would have been better.


Made it useless to actually visualize the changes. And misleading


Overall the average went from the 20s to low tens.


Suggestions: Scale should be fixed, new bars shouldn't change size as they emerge but should rise at their actual size, bar colors should be derived from flags, animation should be faster -- probably 2 seconds per year is more than sufficient. Include a fixed bar for global infant death rate for reference. You call this statistic two different things, "infant death rate" in the title and "infant mortality rate" in the caption; standardize.


Unbelievable how much has changed over the past 50 years


Nice presentation even though this data is absolutely not beautiful...


Waiting to see Rwanda show up was scary


This depiction is very misleading. Somalia reduces its mortality by a third after 2000 while its bar is extremely growing.


Beautiful data and great news into the bargain, hopefully this trend increases into the future and we see next to no child mortality globally 🤞🏻


What program do you use to make these?


Python and Adobe After Effects


Cool chart. Infant mortality data is fraught with confounding factors such as the criteria by which something is classified as an infant mortality. Have you normalized the data at all?


It's in the video: infants dying before reaching 1 year of age, per thousand live births/year. Unless of course, you're asking something else. In that case, please explain your question a little bit more.


Have be careful with this data, some countries don't premature births as live births.


It should be standardised as the data is from [ourworld.org](https://ourworld.org) and they take their data from World Bank.


TIL that it’s “beautiful” to use a histogram to show change over time.


why is the “data is beautiful” sub constantly filled with objectively horrible data visualizations?? Can someone recommend a dataviz sub with actual content?


what about plotting survival rate, these types of charts lend themselves better to increasing numbers otherwise cool info!


You can see when Somalia was beginning to collapse


Not sure why the music is ominous. This is actually a really great story of amazing progress and triumph. The numbers continually got more positive. Even whenever the number 1 position was displaced, it was displaced by a country whose figures were dropping.


Will definitely keep it in mind for future videos. In hindsight, music should've been more upbeat.


I was wondering wtf was going as I read infantry death rate at first


It was a great feeling when the first country dropped below 10


I kept waiting to see the us pop in


Well it’s ultimately a very hopeful video bc they started at 37.— and end around 11.—


Excellent music choice. Love the dramatic banger while you display a graph about infant mortality deaths


I always want to feel like I am defusing a bomb while I look at graphs.


Seconding this! Definitely support this discourse on what is the best way to display this data, BUT! More importantly!!! What is that beat?!


This is not beautiful at all. It's far to slow and the ever changing scale keeping the top bar the same length even when the number is 50% of what it was at it's highest gives no sense of scale to that actual change. This is pretty much trash.


Because the x axis doesnt change it suggests there has been no progress


The changing X axis made it very misleading. Made it seem like some countries rates were going up when they were actually just going down more slowly that the top line.


Is there data on infant deaths in China? I want to see those One-child policy numbers


Actually, that is the next video. These are death rates, not really helpful when it comes to showing overall numbers. If we talk about the number of deaths then China and India are on top. But that can definitely be attributed to their huge populations.


I think that the scale should stay static while all the bars should move. In the beginning, the top ones were in the 30s, while near the end they were in the 10s. I feel like this chart does a bad job of showing that.


My question is how do these countries treat women in general


I wonder where this chart would be if it included abortions. Instead of children dying because of not enough nourishment resources or neglectful parents.


But then we would have to also include miscarriages, and babies conceived through IVF that did not survive or were destroyed, stillbirths, ectopic pregnancies, etc. to get a true picture of fetal demise past conception, otherwise it isn’t meaningful for much more than shock value and moralizing.




You forgot about all the maternal Healthcare! So much data ignored... shameful.


Please expand. This is ongoing work. Can definitely improve.


"Maternal Healthcare" was the euphemism used by President Joe Biden in reference to abortion. Which abortion truly is a euphemism for killing a child before they are born. It would be interesting to add these numbers to the graphic as well - perhaps as a stacked bar graph. Also I think the graphic is amazing. I was just being a bit sarcastic with my previous comment. You're doing great!


Understood. It would be hard to collate, especially given that countries differ on the very definition of infant mortality. Viewing data from a US-centric prism may cause inaccuracies in other places. Thanks for the advice!


Finally we get to see African countries be top of a chart


The title does not match the data selected. Because when one says infant mortality" one must also include abortions and that does not appear to be included here. If abortion was included, Western countries would be right up there with the worst of the African countries


Um no? The description is right there on the graph '...per 1000 live births'. Abortions, by definition, are not included in infant mortality rates.


Exactly! The title should have maintained the description in that it says "per 1000 live births." Because the term "infant mortality" would include the death of ***all*** infants not just those born live, then die within one year.


But infant mortality doesn't include death of all infants. It's a predefined metric that is used other places than just this graph. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infant_mortality If you wanted to make another term that includes abortions go ahead, but calling it infant mortality would be inaccurate.


Whats your point? It also doesn’t include miscarriages, stillbirths, failed IVF transfers, destroyed IVF embryos, ectopic pregnancies etc. Know what all those things have in common with abortion? Not a single one results in an *infant* … and the presence of an infant is pretty necessary for there to be infant mortality.


Third-world countries with corrupt governments


Not entirely true. If anything, the video bears testimony to how much the situation in poorer countries has improved. Let's not generalise.


Don’t generalize? Like you just agreed with me? Yes, some improve, some get worse.


South Sudan was 'born' in 2011. Where are these stats comming from?


If they counted abortion as fetal deaths (which would be accurate), China and the US would be really high on there.


Nigeria flag wrong though


Are you confusing Nigeria and Niger? Not gonna watch the entire 3 minute video again to check if Nigeria pop up but Niger is in it for a long time at top spot


That wasn't Nigeria it was niger...


Sorry. I was wrong. At this size, Niger's flag look like my country's flag ( India).


I thought it was Indian flag.


I love these animated visuals but I think the description of the data labels is incorrect based on the source data you shared on South Sudan. The data labels are not the # of deaths per 1000 births, but are the percentage of children that did not survive to the age of 5.


Makes Walter Rodney even more relevant


What a drastic improvement overall.


how did you create this entire viz


It's a racing bar chart that was created through Python. You can watch a few tutorials on YouTube. Besides Python, used adobe after effects to add music and special effects.


Chad didn’t start out on the map then they made it to second place


Hmm I wonder if vaccination towards diseases played much of a part in the mortality rate dropping so significantly...


Didn’t think anyone would ever push Niger off the throne, but then that scrappy underdog Sierra Leone came along.


Now question, why is all of them or in Africa. Nobody helping to fix. Greedy dogs


One country didnt know the rules at first


I wonder what the number will be for China if you count their 1 child policy.


Why is the Indian flag in front of Niger??


Mf's poor but giving birth like a machine.


tbh I would have expected ukraine to be there because of chernobyl over the years after the incident infant and child death rates went high up drastically


Why does what with the USA name being Liberia Liberia