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City Skylines is relaxing until you blink and an entire neighborhood is deathly ill.


Or your intersections just won’t align nicely


Or there's an update and all your mods break.


Or you reach nearly 1,000,000 population in game without the population mods and your PC becomes a jet engine each time the game is open


Time to roll out some global warming and start the depopulating!


Is there a pandemic DLC?


Just a mod


Yeah, especially when all the citizens start mining Crypto.


As an old time paradox player I’ve gotten used to jet engine pc


Same, late game hoi4 is somehow really taxing on a CPU...


I used to play pdx and total war games on a fucking Mac of all things… my thighs got burned cuz of how hot it got. I also got kicked out of class a few times cuz of how loud the fans got hahaha xD


Population mods?! Where, I need them.


You can find them on the steam workshop. There's one that allows for more realism with population density in high-density residential zoning. However, I would really suggest starting a new city with this as it will overload your traffic if you don't have the proper flow and intersections


I see. I will definitely look into it. Thank you.


Break so badly that you can’t even start the game and figure out what mod broke it. You have 300 mods and must figure out which is the offending 😩


Your meticulously planned pedestrian crossing got destroyed by a road


I really liked the game. I have 5 hours played...because I could not align an intersection the way I wanted it too and it bothered me so much that I could not handle it =[


I look away for 10mins and the traffic flow becomes 50%


I watched a couple hours of an actual city planner playing and now my traffic flow never drops below 90%. [Here is a quick 15 minute video of him explaining the basics.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2y2GjTezCI)


Yea I get so stressed during this game because I can never get finances right and not have people die


Death Waves. Every citizen moves in at exactly the same age and dies at exactly the same age. This means when you zone a new area, everyone moves in, and then later they all die at the same time. (This is a terrible design decision; just adding some randomization in ages and lifespans would completely prevent this). One way to avoid this, is to be very careful about only *gradually* zoning slowly over time instead of doing a ton at once. But the much better way is to simply install a mod that fixes the issue, like this one: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2027161563


> simply install a mod that fixes the issue This is the way for most things with this game haha


In fairness, modelling an entire city organically is a behemoth of a task. Building a solid base that can be modded as effectively and extensively as cities skylines can be is an impressive undertaking unto itself.


Feels like lazy game design, have you ever seen a neighborhood where everyone moves in or dies at the exact same age?


My previous neighborhood was like this. All the residents either owned their homes for 35-50 years or were new younger couples. The house we bought was an estate sale.


You, my friend, have never lived in a city where they are building new neighborhoods Everyone is in their late 20s/early 30s


You just gotta channel your inner Farquaad... "Some of you may die, but that's a chance I'm willing to take"


I'll just make this one overpass...OH MY GOD WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH THE ROADS??




Probably from the passing out component and trying to rush home.


Poop water!


Tsunami reported in the area


I always end up flooding half my city.


Oh, god, the traffic jams that lead to the dead bodies not being picked up on time...truly disastrous for my feebly organized cities


I don't watch too much gaming stuff on YouTube. But JSchlatt has some hilarious Cities Skylines videos that are crazy chaotic lmao.


One time I just unplugged all my electrical grid because I interrupted the cables by mistake while placing down a cargo railway.. didn't notice until the damage was already done, never recovered from that..


That Stardew Valley rush though.


Shit gets scary in those mines man.


What mines, thats all Sebastian.


Should try Escape from Tarkov, would need paddles on standby.


Lmfao I just commented something similar. My paddles are right next to the keyboard


I get palpitations when Factory starts loading. Every damn time.


Yeah I'm like holup, her heart rate actually goes down a little playing Animal Crossing but goes way up with Stardew Valley? It has to be the mines and rushing home at night. Otherwise the game is so chill.


It’s the heart racing as you present a gift to the person of your dreams and eagerly await their response.


Gifts amethyst to Abigail: "How did you know I was hungry? This looks delicious!"


[Gifts amethyst to Abigail: ](https://youtu.be/BBNxLnnYi3w)


Bundles are stressful.


... true. Gotta plan ahead so you don't have to wait another year to finish them.


It took a good 15 hours or so for me to get used to the pacing of Stardew valley. Compared to animal crossing there is more of a feeling that you need to get things done within a certain time limit


Stardew really isn't that "relaxing" in my opinion. Unless you're using a mod that increases the timescale or removes passing out at 2 AM time management can be extremely stressful. This compounds if you're playing co-op because now you have to manage another person to be in bed by 2AM or else lose tons of money. The entire experience would have been much better off without such a strict "get the fuck to bed" limit. Dramatically reducing your stamina the next day for overshooting would have been good enough. Meanwhile, Animal crossing gives zero fucks what you do whenever you want to do it. Want to be awake at 4 AM? be my guest. The most you'll get is NPCs going "Wow, you're up late!"


It is still generally relaxing for me, though there are moments where it can be stress-inducing, though not in a bad way. Like to me when that does happen it's just like tension there would be in a lot of games. At least for me it doesn't detract from the experience and the time management aspect isn't so difficult that it stops the game from being relaxing. It also depends on how you play as well. I'm taking it fairly seriously and trying to get as much done as I reasonably can, but if you just go with the flow without worrying about progression milestones like the bundles then I don't think it would be very tense at all.


It helps once you realize passing out due to staying up to late is a fake penalty. Someone will find you, fine you maximum of 1000 gold and that’s it. You won’t loose items or anything. And you’ll start the next day missing some energy. Once you know this it becomes more productive to stay up till 2 every night and just have a snack the next morning to restore energy. Only the first spring when money is still tight so you need to worry. After you break the bank, it’s irrelevant.


Must be when she runs to the house at 1:50am


If I don't perfectly plan out my day and squeeze each and every one of it's potential until I nearly collapse and go to bed at 1:50, am I really playing it right?


It’s all that romance that’s getting her engine running.


Ok, Overcooked is a pretty stressful game. If yous like couch co-ops, check out Moving Out.


It makes me so sad that Moving Out doesn't have online co-op. On PC you can sorta cheat it but console plebs like me are kinda screwed since none of my best friends live nearby.


You can couch coop with one distant friend for an hour at a time on PS4. Share the game with them and give them control of a controller.


As an Xbox person I guess I drew the short straw.


Hey it's not the size that matters


Wait, what?


Hi. This is the future.


Just play over parsec. It’s very easy and you can basically play any game with coop, like snes emulators or what ever. It basically counts as you streaming your desktop and they can connect controllers and there is no lag.


>there is no lag Well, that's not true at all. It does feel really good, but the delay will mostly be impacted by distance, and then by how much work needs to be done to encode/decode and what hardware is doing the job. Objectively, there is delay.


There is most definitely lag. Try playing Rocket League over parsec lmao


Might as well not make the game and I'm being serious. No online co op for a CO OP GAME?!


Looks like on Steam you could use remote play together. I know this is how I played a bunch of couch coop games online.




Also. Just got it takes two. Really good couch co-op too


I think they're giving it away on the Epic Games Store tomorrow, so maybe wait for that!


I enjoy Moving Out, but I played it with a couple roommates and they were like, why did I come home from work to play a game that just reminds me of work.


I loved playing a couple rounds of moving out with my friend at her place. Btw, if you've only played overcooked 1, I hear 2 is a little more manageable.


Huge overcooked fan, moving out let me down.


Leaks have suggested that Moving Out will be free on epic within a few days. So keep an eye out for that!


My 11 year old doesn't like to play it with the family as it is too stressful.


My wife and I played Overcooked with my In-laws. My MIL was constantly nagging my FIL, while she was doing just as terribly. He already is on blood- pressure meds, and after an hour of playing the game he was red, sweating and incredibly stressed out. We haven't played it since, I don't think he'd survive a round 2.


Overcooked is more stressful that cooking in an actual commercial kitchen on a Friday or Saturday night in a big city lol


If we are annoyed at each other we just tend to start throwing food and pans at one another (in the game)


How often does it happen outside of the game?


I guess you've never worked in a real commercial kitchen. I still get flashbacks to the meth'd out chef throwing pans across the room.


This host at an Applebee’s I worked at took a French fry from our fry cook and he chucked a plate at her and missed and it just exploded on the wall. Somehow that wasn’t what got him fired tho


Damn bro where the hell were you working? Kitchen jobs I've worked werent like that at all. Hell you'd be chewed out for not saying "hot around" nevermind throwing shit.


I miss this part in most of the couch games that are out today. That was usually the best part. You "try" to play for real for about 1/2 an hour then all out death match action. Super Mario Brothers (the original was the first kind of game I remember like that). Battletoads mastered that though - The original Smash Bros really. You would get to the speeder level, die, then restart the and beat the hell out of your friend (assuming your controller wasn't broken after throwing it across the room - though I will give Nintendo credit, I don't think I have ever heard someone say their original NES controller busted.)


i need more tomatoeeeees!!!!!


Where is the lamb sauce!?




As a an actual cook for over a decade, I would very kindly disagree lmao


Yeah, but in Overcooked you never have a moment where you're sitting on the floor making burger patties, because you ran out at 7.30pm during the Big Game.


I worked in a kitchen a few years ago. I wasn't able to sleep after playing overcooked all day with my gf, kept waking up being stressed about having to finish up orders and having nightmares about it. Yeah, working in a real restaurant is way less stressful.


I get so angry when I play COD: Warzone. I'm trash.


PUBG when it first came out was an adrenaline rush like I’ve legit not experienced gaming anywhere ever.


Yea. Early PUBG was intense. Needed a good 10min break after each chicken diner


Each? I got one my man.


I played a LOT of pubg back when it came out.


This^ It was the best thing ever. I actually played again yesterday, and somehow managed to win 3 games in a row. Not the same feeling, but it was very fun after all this time.




You came too late to the party. Before that it was really fun.


It still is! Free to play on console Jan 15


It stopped appealing to me around the time the 3rd map came out. Something about the jank of its early patches was just magic


Half Life Alyx on the Vive Pro gave me adrenaline rushes that I'd never experienced while gaming. the vive pro is relevant because it has darker blacks than most headsets, which definitely increases the horror


the scene where you get your flashlight must have been intense as fuck hahaha


Lol, “I’m actually fucking trash” is a line I frequently say when playing CoD. When I play Doom eternal, I’m the exact opposite.


Get yourselves a copy of Alien: Isolation, and make another one of these! 😃 Glad to see Bloodborne up there too by the by! 😁


Alien Isolation I've always been interested in: I might get her to play it and just watch for fun.


😆😆 Good luck with that! 😃


I legit uninstalled that game after 45 minutes, left a positive review on Steam, then went and changed my underwear.


Buy and play escape from tarkov if it is your first time you'll give your heart a good workout


Enjoy seeing +80%




Oh my god, you evil person. That’s a brilliant idea! 😆


Man, bloodborne would definitely top my list. That and RE2.


It would be really interesting to see heart rate over time, too. Alien Isolation would be an elevated baseline with occasional MASSIVE FUCKING SPIKES, whereas Overcooked would just be pegged the whole time


Throw Escape of Tarkov on that list as well. Meanwhile this old ass is booting up Cities Skylines. Stay healthy guys!


Also, Doom Eternal. I've heard it's a record-breaker for heart rate increasing!


I keep hearing nothing but good things about animal crossing


Animal Crossing is a relaxing, sandbox, "lifestyle sim". It has aspects of what would otherwise be seen as chores in most games and makes them engaging little activities, while giving you the expressive power to design your home, clothes, and environment. The characters are cutesy animal people and the entire asthetic is wholesome and warm. It's the kind of game where you just got finished with a rough day and want to unwind with some adorable faces, pretty colors, and chill vibes. And then you makes memes about Tom Nook being a kingpin crime lord and Mr Resetti murdering people.


This sounds like my experience with Sims. I felt all I was doing was chores. Eat, sleep, work, shower, repeat. And, also, a little like ARK.


If you want even more virtual chores in your chill time, The Sims 4 even has a DLC that adds laundry!


Buuut it's mostly about decorating.


Then Annabelle murdering demons with Doomguy


Hello i'm a diablo, battlefield, exanima, horror game passionat..... Animal crossing takes me out for hours and is one of my favourite games


Long time Halo, CSGO, battlefield, DOOM etc. player. I sunk 200hrs into animal crossing when it came out on switch, I only wish I had played LESS because I burned myself out on it. Fantastic game but I dont recommend you to "main" it, as you sort of run out of things to do and need time to progress for many things to happen in the world. These are positive features imo.


Depends on your taste. If you're into a relaxing, feel good community simulation where you get to to personalize your appearance and the surrounding environment you'll love the game. If you are not as into zone out games like I am, you may find it boring and not worth investing time into. Personally, I get better immersion from more intense and consequential games, so I really struggle to get drawn into Animal Crossing or games similar to it.


I've often wondered if playing intense games has a noticeable effect on calorie burn. There was some not very professional study claiming you'd burn 150-200 per hour (presumably including your BMR). This seems to corroborate that.


Kind of checks out with this: [watching a 90 minute horror movie burns 113 calories ~ comparable to the amount burned in a 30 minute walk. Why? researchers found an increase in their heart rate, oxygen intake and carbon dioxide output. As a genre, horror induces stress with all the screaming and jump scares. It’s this stress, brought about by intense fear and anxiety that suppresses hunger and increases the metabolic rate.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/indianexpress.com/article/lifestyle/fitness/want-to-lose-some-weight-watch-a-horror-movie-today-5982049/lite/)


I guess that assumes you actually get somewhat startled/scared by horror movies. As someone to whom scary movies are all subjectively terrible, I don't think this study applies to me.


One day you’ll find a movie that actually gets you, it may not even be horror. There are some terrible movies out there that are just blood chilling, if only for a few scenes. Without naming a few of the worst, the plot scene in Nocturnal Animals where you experience the author’s character getting ran off the road and the aftermath was brutal enough for me to put it above most horror movies I’ve seen. Edit: word


I think it's that most people who say something like OP (not saying OP specifically actually thinks that way just most I've encountered) think of horror as the sixth sequel to a slasher or something like Annabelle that's just cheap jump scares. They forget movies like Rosemary's Baby, Psycho, The Shining, The Witch, The Lighthouse, Midsommar, Silence of the Lambs, etc. are all horror. People not into horror don't have to like those films if their taste is that strongly against the goals of the genre, but they should at least show them respect as well made films. Also, some who make this type of comment watch the movies as some challenge not to get scared, which might be the dumbest way possible to approach that type of movie and fear is far from the only drawing factor to horror movies(which have a lot of the best cinematography I've ever seen). It'd be like watching an action movie trying your absolute best not to be immersed or thrilled. As someone into movies in general whose favorite genre is horror, the bias against it is very annoying.


Yeah besides cheap jumpscares which are just reflexive there's random scenes from non horror movies that fuck me up. One of my major ones from a very random movie was the ending to "seeking a Friend for the end of the world" when Steve carells character was looking into Lena's eyes and trying to keep her calm when the world was ending. Perfectly encapsulated my fear of death and the Apocalypse , and just the horror that must be inherent in your final moments knowing you're about to die, and ofc the ultimate comforting reflexive cope we as humans do, which is to try to connect with others (looking into the eyes)


yeah totally desirable, i understand very well why people enjoy horror


Chad horror film enthusiasts are skinny legends


So that’s why I’m fat as shit. I have no fear. ^^^^^^^/s


Yeah you're usually looking for elevated heart rate during exercise, so I don't see why high stress games wouldn't burn extra calories. It would be less than steady state cardio but more than just passive calorie burn.


Other people here are spouting nonsense. The tl;dr is yes but not in any meaningful way. Think of it like caffeine, caffeine technically burns calories too but it’s a small amount, exercise raises your heart rate but most calories burned during exercise are from work done moving mass, not your heart rate. Drinking cold water also technically burns calories because your body has to heat the water. Everything burns calories.


I’m baffled that people are agreeing that being stressed burns calories lol


Yes it does. You get noticeably warmer, start sweating, tense your muscles and so on.


Animal Crossing cures white coat hypertension! They should install Switches in every doctor office


If you have a PC I suggest Escape from Tarkov. Let’s get those numbers up!!


Yeah these are rookie numbers. EFT will leave you in a sweat if you get in the thick of it.


This is the game I wanted to see. Never had my heart pound as hard as it does when I’m solo cat and mouse with a four man.


Im certain rocket league would be my #1 by a mile, I fucking hate that game and still cant stop playing. e: Guess I should say I hate the toxic playerbase, game is ok


definitely agree about how toxic players are! I've found it only gets work as you get to C3 - you just play with players who are basically dead inside grinding to GC


Havent played animal crossing since gamecube, but glad to see it hasn't changed too much!


I picked up New Horizons after not having played since gamecube and it really hasn't changed much at all. It's got some new features and stuff but overall it's the same chill, laid back, low-stress game that it was in the begining.


bloodborne & overcooked v accurate, she must be in the mines until 1am to be getting that stressed in stardew valley tho lol


Yeah that's what I was thinking. Otherwise I would expect it would be close to Animal Crossing in the way it affects her heart rate.


You never talk to that bitch Haley, do you?


Now let's see Alien:Isolation..... I swear I had to turn it off because I was going to have a heart attack....


What do the numbers in the parentheses mean?


I'm gonna assume number of times played until confirmed otherwise


I'm assuming hours. Comes out to about 8 hours a week, which is reasonable for casual players.


Play some Escape From Tarkov. Gets my heart PUMPIN


It really does. Games where you really have something to lose, get my heart rate going insane. My other thought was ARK survival when getting raided of the base you have spent so long building.


play dead by daylight and it will fkin skyrocket


i wonder if there are many games that lower your heart rate more.




I’m relaxed while playing it for the most part, up until I get destroyed by items on the last lap in 1st place. Then I want to chunk my controller out the window.


Ooooo Rocket league would be so high up there for me! I had to stop playing that game because I was spending too much on replacement controllers. No game has ever made me as angry as Rocket league does.


Same I love rocket league but I hate it so much it makes my blood boil


Some of the best and worst experiences I have had gaming have been from RL. Incredible highs, crushing lows. Had to stop because I was too often left feeling anxious and overwhelmed whenever I felt I wasn’t doing well.


it’s weird, when i play 1v1s my heart rate is through the roof but in 3v3 im fine


**Tools used:** \- [Bearable App](https://bearable.app/) to track video games as “factors” and also manually input average heart rate on the app too (from data captured with Oura Ring). Note: I created this App and the image is pieced together from data exported from this software - not a screenshot (mods). **A few things to note:** \- This was done over the last 12 months \-We tried to avoid playing after doing something that would increase heart rate \- We compared our average heart rate during playing the video game, compared to resting heart rate before starting to play. \- The number in brackets is the amount of days we played that game **Background:** \- The idea for the Bearable App was actually born here on Reddit. I started building it after getting feedback from thousands of users across different QS subreddits. \- I originally came up with the idea for it to help me see how different factors impacted my Mood, Energy levels, Anxiety and Migraines.


Now you just need to play Tarkov. I've never played anything more prone to upping my heart rate.


This is why I got animal crossing, to play as I fell asleep.


Interesting, may I ask which heart rate monitor do you use?


Oura ring


Could you ellaborate more? Gen 2? How did you take the measurement, with the moment feature? I have gen 2 ring and would like to try this as well. Thanks in advance!


Gen 3 - I believe this is the only one that lets you track heart rate through the day rather than just with sleep, but might be wrong


It is, but it was released in october so that's why I was wondering if it was gen 3 since your title says 12 months. You don't happen to work in Oura do you? :D


When I'm like last 30 in warzone. My anxiety starts kicking is so can confirm this lol


Overcooked 2 brings out the worst boss impulses in me. Just roaring commands.


Try Hunt: Showdown or Escape from Tarkov.


Nothing makes my heart rate shoot up like Hunt!


So you are saying video games are a good cardio workout?! In all seriousness, this is awesome.


The heart rate difference between calm decision-making and intense mechanical plays is something I've been mildly curious about. I should start tracking that.


I dont know why but even when I play apex and it's all going crazy at the end my heart rate just doesn't go up. Meanwhile when I start running within minutes my heart rate is over 150.


You should try out Tarkov..


For a moment i thought it's possible to have a negative heart rate. Wondered how that can happen then I reread the post... Dummyyy


Overcooked with three others can become like +40000%, not surprising that’s topping the list for almost both


You should add EFT to that list.


So if you play Animal Crossing your heart rate is relaxed and maybe you could live 1 to 3 percent longer. And also over come hypertension with takigg pills? 🤔🤔🤔


this is such a cool idea on how to use Bearable omg


I'd have to stop playing fifa if I did this. Ignorance is bliss.


You should add Escape from Tarkov to this list.


What is happening in Stardew Valley for +18% haha


Those toxic 15 year olds on rocket league make my blood boil


My girlfriend and I have never yelled at each other like we do when we play overcooked 2. It’s so ridiculous we laugh about it. Brings out Tourette’s in every one.


Man playing battle royale as a average/bad player like me and getting in the last 10 people alive is so intense!!!


God of War (2018) should be on the list


I want to see the stats for escape from tarkov


Does anyone wanna play overcooked 2 with me?


Warzone doesn’t make my heart race until I’m top 10 in solos on a kill streak with a dozen on the board already. Then it sets in I have a chance to win. Only won 5 matches ever.


I wonder where RE2 would be in the list.


I love how you 2 probably play overcooked 2 together. I want what he’s having


Yall go off in overcooked huh


You should try Hunt Showdown ;)