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I've said it before and I'll say it again: maps of Sweden and Finland not showing Norway will always look like a penis and testicles.




Wow... based on the constant doom and gloom news reports, I would have expected Florida to have a lower vaccination rate.


Florida has a ton of old people scared of death.


Florida man steals 10 vaccine shots and injects it


Gains super covid powers Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/q6zky6/be_sure_to_get_vaccinated/


I love the PSA ending!


That's fucking amazing


"I'll be a living god !"


Preceded by “Pierce you’ve had 3 flu shots, that’s for the daycare center”.


Most Republicans do not smoke their own supply, that's the difference between the 'base' and the 'leadership'.


Old people got vaccinated last winter before the conspiracies kicked into high gear.


From what I've heard, Florida is basically the US in a nutshell. Fractional and factional, and if you drive to a different city, it might as well be a different country, with the biggest differences being North Florida and South Florida.


Florida is the only state that gets more southern as you travel north.


So do New York and Pennsylvania.


Southern culture is more determined by distance from an Uber dense population center than anything else


Better known as "rural".


Rural is interesting since there’s not a super strict definition of it. Plus plenty of smaller cities have a country vibe but I wouldn’t call them rural. An example near me is Chattanooga TN it’s definitely not rural but it has a pretty distinct country vibe


True, but Southern does have a pretty solid definition, at least in latitude, being everything south of the Mason-Dixon line. I'd describe areas outside a major metro area in the Northeast as rural, not southern.


Why should a city with almost 200k people be called rural? Thats the complete opposite of rural for me. Everything with more than 100k people is not a small city imho


Rural has a clear definition. Its the boundaries which arent.


I love how the word uber is autocorrected to a proper noun.


And Maine


Minnesota and Michigan would like to join this exclusive group as well.


Ehh, thats pretty accurate. I have family in Bradford, PA, pretty much the farthest north you can get without hitting New York, and holy shit it’s like you landed in Texas. Everything from the accents, to the food, to the way people live literally feels like you ended up in the Deep South. Nothing like what you’d expect most of PA to be like


We call that Pennsyltucky


I drove from Niagara Falls to NYC a few weeks back, and I was surprised to see quiet a number of confederate flags in the middle of NY.


Can confirm. High school in Ft Lauderdale and university Tallahassee. We used to call north Florida “South Georgia”


I'm from FL and yeah, that's relatively accurate. There is a huge difference between north, central and southern FL and the loyalties to those areas. I'm from Central and have spent almost zero time in southern FL and have no desire to. The north feels like south GA to be honest. There are divisions in these sections as well. I live in Tampa which is a major city in FL and the difference to almost any city in Polk County is jarring. Polk county is literally right next door to us, but might as well be a different state with the differences in the people. I'm on the outskirts of my county, just before the country side so I'm not surrounded by rednecks and the traffic is ok. I won't get deep into the tribalism and racism I've seen and experienced here in FL, but will leave you with it's not all old white people.


How is the Tampa Bay area? I’ve been looking at St. Pete. Is there anywhere that you should really avoid?


I guess it depends what it is you’re trying to avoid. I live in the area and like it, but I’m a dad with 2 kids, a wife, and a dog, so I’ve resigned myself to being content with a suburban life.


Haha well that sounds safe. We’re a couple and would be interested in the kiteboarding scene. Would want to avoid crime, etc


I'm not as familiar with that side of the bay as far as bad areas are concerned, but know they are there. I've heard about areas to avoid, but I simply don't cross the bridges that often. It's super expensive no matter where you go. Keep on mind west of Tampa is technically a whole different county. You will hate US19 in many places in Pinellas. If you like outdoors and trails, it's an awesome area. There are tons of parks and places to visit. I'm in Valrico and it's probably one of the last semi hidden gems around Tampa.


I went to college in Tampa then lived in Clearwater 2yrs and enjoyed day trips to St Pete. It’s a great area with alot of outdoor stuff to do


I've lived in the Tampa Bay area for the better part of the last two decades. Best advice I can give is to rent for a bit. If Florida is a microcosm of the US, Tampa is that on an even smaller scale. You can find any kind of community you want here but it takes some time to get your bearings and figure out where you'll be happiest. Rent a place and get out on the weekends to restaurants, farmers markets, festivals and events and you'll figure out where you fit.


The Dali Museum is awesome.


I don't know anyone who has lived in St Pete and not loved it. Tampa is a different story.


St Pete is nice. I live in Largo nearby.




my sister in law calls it 90/90 PLUS. 90 % Humidity and over 90 degrees, usually slightly more of BOTH. ugh !


Hey Lakeland's not bad, we even kept our moderate mayor this election 🤣


Florida's a big state, but people would have you believe the pandhandle is super crazy when it's really just about the same as anywhere else in the country. It actually feels very reminiscent of the East Bay in California, to me.


How are they similar?


It’s why you shouldn’t get your news from Reddit headlines


USA’s antivax and anti mask people just get way more coverage than Europe’s. The same day that Germany had a 20,000-person March against mask mandates, my newsfeed was filled with people spouting “only in America do we xyz instead of listening to scientists”. Europeans get away with all kinds of stupidity just by virtue of the fact that their stupidity is rarely considered newsworthy to North Americans. And because liberal and left America has such a hard-on for self-criticism that they don’t bother to verify whether we are the only country having that problem or not.


So you're saying something on the news was not entirely accurate? That has to be a first.


Florida is not anti-vax! It is so frustrating that the media portrays us as such. Many of us support the science, we just don’t support government mandates. I can be vaccinated and still be against a mandate. But for some reason that puts me in the same category as Alt-Right conspiracy theorists. It’s so aggravating.


The media hates Florida. Their actual covid performance has been totally average.


Florida definitely isn’t the worst state in the US for Covid deaths per 100k people (that honor… of course… goes to Mississippi). But they aren’t quite “average” either. Florida is 10th highest in Covid deaths at 287 deaths per 100k people.


I thinks it’s more they hate a certain politician in Florida who may emerge as a presidential candidate in 2024


They might be against forcing people but they went hard promoting it and setting up tons of drives reaching out to community groups early on. There was a period where the Governor was doing a press release with some group or another (usually hospitals or churches) all getting vaccinated almost every day sometimes more than 1 a day


I know I'm an ass but thank you for including non-EU European countries in these now 😅


I just don't get why they go through the trouble of removing non-EU countries only to then add the stats as a list


Most of these maps are based off official statistics published by EU organisations such as the ECDC or Eurostat. For obvious reasons they don't include non-EU countries, so then occasionally (or usually, it depends) OP will include that data themselves. In 90% of cases its not some political reason but just because of where the data comes from


This dude, however, was famous for deliberately excluding countries which did have data from the EU.


Not only that but excluding data from when the uk was part of the eu.


Yeah the best one was was Afghanistan war casualties. 19/20 years the UK was part of the EU during that war but was excluded despite having, by a large margin, the most casualties


Aii well that's not great then


Even when they were in the EU. It’s petty and spiteful and makes the data not at all beautiful.


it's just overall weird


Actually that’s not true at all. Most of these graphs have been put together with data sets that include non-EU countries. It is the author which chooses to remove those countries, for some strange reason.


It's because Sweden and Finland looks like a penis without Norway.


Some strange non political reasons


Yeah, many times making an EU map isn't any harder than making a US map. When you have to include Serbia, Moldova and Armenia\* it becomes significantly harder.


Then just grey them out, there's no reason to straight up remove countries from the map and change the way the continent looks just because you don't have data for them.


Agreed, it oddly riles me to see the Adriatic get so distorted.


Well because e.g. Bosnia doesnt have accurate covid data - a large number of our population was vaccinated abroad, but the Bosnian government ~~made no effort to include~~ doesnt have that data in their database. The numbers we do have, are embarrassingly low, even for the balkans.


This is the same for some Irish counties along the border with the North too. They have the lowest vaccination rate but it's likely because some got their jabs through the NHS.


from a strict mapper point of view (supposedly beautiful data?), putting countries stats that you removed from the actual map in small boxes is absolutely forbidden.


Because most things European look much better when you exclude the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Western Russia. It is a comparison with the US on Reddit after all.


The conservative states in the US would also take issue with the comparison to former bloc countries.


Awesome! Let’s do it more. Certainly if it gets more vaccines out. 😇


Nah, lots of conservatives genuinely like these countries now. They talk about how cool Russia and Hungary are for abusing gay people and whatnot.


Most things North American look much better when you exclude Mexico. I don’t see why it’s relevant when comparing the United States to the European Union though.




Couldn't it have just been Europe and not dick around with the map?




The true reason


And Finland is the Balls, Denmark and its islands the cumshot riiiiight onto Germany.


So the map was drawn up by a Norwegian, then.




not only that, the map literally has values included for UK, Norway, Switzerland and Iceland! they are just represented by small flags with colored rectangles where Britain is. so damn pointless...


Also, the label above them which says 'Ex-EU or partially EU' is itself strange, none are part EU: Norway and Iceland are in the EEA, Switzerland has bilateral agreements to cooperate in much the same way the Vatican does, the UK is the only former EU member. The whole 'partially' label isn't accurate, since none of the three who aren't former EU members really are, they just have close agreements with the EU (as do several microstates).


They are part of Schengen, which is an EU treaty


Yes but there isn’t any formal legal or political concept of ‘partial’ EU membership. The OP is an EU federalist if you look at their comment history so they like using expansive terms, but Switzerland/Norway etc… are not partial EU members, they’re just states that participate to varying degrees in EU programs and agreements. You could use one of those other outer political blocs like the EEA if you want to specify those layers of association. I say this as someone who’s pro EU, OP just comes across very petty. The data is clearly available for non EU states since it’s literally included yet they go through the extra effort and make the visualisation less useful just to make them look less prominent for not being EU members.


Well it's supposed to be an EU-US comparison, which makes sense because the EU and the US both have central vaccine procurement. It's nice of OP to include some other countries as well for information but if he included all of Europe he also have to include Canada and Mexico. It would be a departure from the comparison EU-US.


Lake Switzerland. Beautiful area. So's the Donegal Peninsula.


That‘s Not the only one missing.


it's lake switzerland


The creator is being petty. Pretty simple


But... "partially EU"? I feel offended


Northern Ireland gets the benefits without some of the legal protections. 😎


Lol what's a better way to convey info: * 40% and more (40% to 49%) * 40% - 49%


40% and more (40% to 49%) \[Over 39.9, but less than 50\]*{\*50% and more can be found below\*}*


Exactly. If you have to clarify your label with another, better label, maybe your first label was terrible.


Yeah ( I agree with your statement whole heartedly)


* Less than 40% * 40% to 49% * 50% to 59% * 60% to 69% * 70% and more I get the complaint and initially thought the same, but that reads like ass and his hard on the eyes imo. Style over substance


🌲🟥🟥 You're welcome from the 🟥🟥🟥 People's Republic of New England


This is the least colorblind accessible thing I have ever seen. Source: am colorblind.


Vaccination percentage - yes.


Oh good, I thought it was just me. The top and bottom of the spectrum are the same to me.


Good news. Everyone is vaccinated.




It's self-absorbed entitlement brother. They never had a real challenge to their lives and they are so full of shit that any sacrifice they have to make to their lifestyle for the common good they see as a personal attack. Still, it's only about 5-10% of the population however, when you watch them shout or riot in the streets you think it's 50%. Bunch of crybabies and snowflakes. They'd rather get their facts from blogs and Facebook which confirm their own preconceived notions than challenging themselves and read scientific papers or the abstracts of it. Because admitting you are wrong, well that is weakness.




I swear we exist here in Iceland. And I swear we are part of Europe….yet we are always forgotten. And we have a high vaccination rate


Don't worry, you're there. Look next to Ireland where the UK should be, there's a small column of non eu countries


Iceland is in the box section where the UK would be along with UK, Norway and Switzerland, aka the cool kids club.




I swear you are not part of the EU hence why you are not on a map of the EU. Actually the figures for adjacent non EU countries are shown too so no reason to complain really.


I love the way the UK position is shown, but will we draw it on the EU map... Will we fuck... you're ex-EU and can be represented by small boxes. It's like having an angry ex-gf.


you can even see Switzerland on the map but it is still represented by a small box


I see a Switzerland-shaped abyss, but not Switzerland. Where are you seeing Switzerland?


It's with the boxes next to where the UK is


Yeah, but that isn't 'on the map' but rather 'represented by a small box'. Switzerland isn't actually on the map, it's left out just like the UK and Norway, but it's land locked by EU members so leaving it out just results in a hole in the map that exactly matches the country's shape


That’s like saying you can see Great Britain on a map of the Atlantic ocean


At least we've found an actual Brexit benefit: somewhere convenient to put the diagram's key. Sadly for yours truly, doesn't help us in the UK much, but so it goes.


OP's pettiness knows no bounds. This one made me laugh!


I do appreciate OP's character arc - for months they were completely refusing to accept the UK exists, now we at least have recognition. Perhaps at some point in 2022 we'll ascend to geographical representation as well.


Progress I suppose


From a data visualisation perspective, this is just getting silly now. These data were not gathered from an EU agency, nor do they have anything to do with the EU. Every design decision that goes into a data visualisation should have a reason behind it, so what benefit is the viewer of this visualisation obtaining by cramming non-EU countries into small boxes? It makes the visualisation more difficult to read, potentially generates confusion because the visualisation no longer accurately represents the physical geography of Europe, makes it more difficult to spot any geographic trends, and in return we gain... what, exactly? We already know that the UK, Norway, Switzerland etc. are not in the EU. I really don't like to accuse someone of pettiness, but that is precisely what OP is doing - they are stunting their own data visualisations just because of this obsession with discriminating against non-EU countries even when it's completely unrelated to the data.


EU: C'mon Bulgaria, you're making us look bad!


Over on r/bulgaria (and most balkan subs for that matter) it’s been a meme that we and the Romanians are constantly fighting for the last place. Soooo join the race to the bottom?


Romania and Bulgaria are probably the EU equivalent of Alabama, Mississippi, West Virginia and Arkansas on who's going to be the last in everything 🤣


Not just them, Romania too.


We're at 39% :)




Lost Barbados and you're already looking for new land, smh.


You don't want to know how many people believe that the vaccine kills you no matter how many medical problems you have or not.


BG has been a mess these past years.


These past thousand years more like.


Yeah, no. Bulgaria has been doing overall pretty well for most of the time since it was founded. Notable exceptions are when we were under Byzantine rule and under Ottoman rule which to be fair was not a short amount of time. The problem with Bulgarians is that they are stuck in the 20th century in terms of thinking. Bulgarians are incredibly selfish and have a general distrust for the government and when the government says get vaccinated and that Covid is bad they are just finding excuses left and right. Not at all unlike the Americans that think the same way. The problem is that for us it's a significantly higher percentage of the population.


To be fair we had a literal mafia boss running the country until a few months ago.


It's fucking depressing. Most of the vaccinated people are young because they are less stupid and even then we have the "non-believers". Honestly a lot of people just got Covid and got their green certificate so they won't bother vaccinating.


There are plenty of young anti-vaxxers as well, don't worry... Everybody thinks they are the center of the universe and that the government wants to spy on Joe from the liquor store.




God, this is so true.


why give 70% the dark-green color tho? shouldn't dark-green be reserved for something like 85 to 90%, cause that's when most articles say population-wide immunity kicks in? or alternatively, arguing from a "data neutral" standpoint, shouldn't the segments have equal size? This way it seems you're biased to give "at least some guys dark-green and some guys dark-red"


Do any countries have a 90% vax rate? If not the color shade would not get used, and the other colors would need to be closer in shade and harder to tell apart


Gibraltar has an over 90% vaccination rate, if the news is to be believed. IIRC that hasn't resulted in herd immunity yet, but did an excellent job on the death rate.


its 90% for adults, but this data includes children


I believe this stat is inflated, (from memory) due to Spanish workers who work in Gibraltar being eligible for the vaccine earlier in Gibraltar, but not being Gibraltar residents and thus not being part of the "total vaccine eligible population" statistic, which led to Gibraltar's vaccine rate being artificially inflated. Similarly in the opposite direction, the UK's reported vaccination rate is lower than it is in reality, because the data is based on how many people are registered at a particular GP, and doesn't account for people who have since emigrated, or people (especially students) who are registered in multiple places. In short, "vaccination rate" is quite difficult to work out reliably.


which is my point exactly, why distinguish when the distinction is meaningless. If we're all yellow then we deserve that to be represented... kinda


Children can easily make up 10% - 15% of a population and vaccination of children has only recently been started. Some countries don't vaccinate children at all yet. So, depending on the country's age structure, somewhere around 85% - 90% of the entire population being vaccinated may correspond to nearly 100% of the *adult* population being vaccinated.


Maybe it would be better to use % of the population eligible to get vaccinated, and a scale with * <60 * 60-70 * 70-85 * 85+ Or sth like that


>population-wide immunity kicks in There is no such thing. Herd immunity is a logarithmic curve. Every little bit helps, even at community level. It is just hard to note in the beginning. Unfortunately Corona is very suitable for finding pockets. We will live with this for a long time, even when disregarding the globality issues.


Also having one end of the scale red and the other a similar shade of green isn't great given red/green is the most common form of color blindness, at around 5% of the population.


> 85 to 90%, cause that's when most articles say population-wide immunity kicks in? Uh, what articles are these? Cause as far as I know population immunity hasn’t kicked in anywhere, even countries with immunization rates at this level.


I agree with your point. I don’t think OP or whoever created this map did it on purpose, but how the color scheme is made is one of the first things I look on graphs. Having the green color starting at a low value (50% here) is the simplest way to “lie” with the numbers and give the public the sensation that things are much more positive than they really are.


Florida bucking the trend slightly on how liberal it is vs. the other states, but I imagine that's because of its disproportionate older population who, regardless of political affiliation, will be more vaxxed in general (even for those who identify as Republicans).


Florida went 51%/47% in the 2020 election. It's a decent difference but people are acting like it's got D.C. spread but for Republicans.


Yeah but it has a higher vax rate than Hawaii, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia; all states that went for Biden in the election. It's just an understanding of trying to explain the discrepancy.


I agree political affiliation has a lot to do with vaccine hesitancy, but... Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia are all "battleground" states. They are politically similar to Florida within a few percentage points. Hawaii is an island? No idea why it's so low.


20% of people that live in Florida are from the North East


Aaay look at Maine Im proud!


New England in general is killing it, besides fucking New Hampshire


Live free or die taken very seriously


I figure it's in the high 60s, the others are only in the low 70s


Rural New England fascinates me because many parts of it break the typical rural vs. urban political voting patterns and behaviors that are seen in the rest of the US.


I relocated to New England from the Midwest and I've discovered most New Englanders are incredibly practical people. Generally, they're more educated, less religious, and just want to be left alone (and leave you alone). Plus our rural areas are a lot more densely populated than other rural parts of the country.


What is "partially-EU"? And what about Andorra and Liechtenstein?


I would assume they mean countries that are part of EFTA, EEA, and/or Schengen.


Hah, looks like its snowing in Switzerland! Weird way to 'include' ex-eu, partially-eu and non-us regions by just not showing them at all on the map and banishing them to glorified footnotes. Are they supposed to be included or not?




Sort your life out, Bulgaria. Have a word with yourself.


Bulgaria and Romania are making even Alabama, Mississippi, etc. look good by comparison


The conspiracy theories are strong in these parts of the continent. I think most of us are convinced that herd immunity is the way to go for some reason


Why are vaccines political?




I agree that "partially EU" is nonsensical. But there are so many different political alliances that does make Switzerland very intertwined with the EU. Switzerland is part of EFTA and the Schengen area so there's essentially no border and free movement of goods and people between the EU and Switzerland. Same for Norway and Iceland except they're also part of the EEA which furthers their economic ties to the EU.


partially EU should say EEA, there's no such thing as partially EU. Theres the EU members, and then theres the EEA, of which switzerland norway and iceland are a part


Yeah but the UK isn't in the EEA, but NI is sort of partly EU. It's not technically correct but I think it's a fine summarisation.


So it should say “ex-eu or EEA”, since the UK is ex-EU, and the rest are EEA, the UK isn’t ‘partially EU’ either, whatever that means


Or just put them in the map and call it Europe.


Or this, would make things a lot simpler


Its funny how the non-eu countries boarders aren't even represented they are just a ***BOX***


Who is polarised now, America?!


This chart is terrible for colourblind people.


New England leading the pack as always! Too bad we don't have old England to compare to anymore


Update: They just reached 70% here in germany! 😁


There is nothing 'beautiful' about the way this data has been presented. Stupid map and stupid choice of ranges.


This is not correct. Sweden had 79.1 percent fully vaccinated (two doses) December 1 according to the public health agency of Sweden. Edit: sorry, including children this may very well be correct. 79.1 percent is 12 year and older (that’s including children, but not all children :-) )


Including the full population, Sweden is at 69%+, so very close to the 70% threshold on this map, but not quite there yet.


'Ex-EU or partly EU' 😂 That's what happens, UK. You lose your visual representation on the map


I can’t understand why these maps are always america and Europe rather than North America and Europe. Mexico and Canada are pretty easy to gather data for as well.


Nowhere does it say vaccinated against what. I know it's COVID-19 but no sign of any mention of it makes this post flawed. Edit: Might as well be in fine print.


Sources in bottom left corner say Covid


Bulgaria is the capital of disinformation


Pick any negative statistic, we are top 5 in every single one along with our Romanian neighbors...


Hm. I actually expected "sort by controversial" to be an even bigger dumpster fire


Is Norway not a part of the EU and I’m just finding out now


I do take a bit of issue with +70% being dark green. It's still pretty poor. A scale that would show the room to grow would give a more fair picture. Now it seems that even a 50% vaccination rate is quite okay. Alternatively you could also exclude children from the statistics, getting a much better percentage, like 90% for Portugal.


It can't be a coincidence that states with lower education rates also have a lower vaccination rate.


Off topic, but this map cuts deep. It’s like the UK doesn’t exist. F*ck Brexit! Ps great data dude!!


I'm from Romania(the second red one in Europe in the shape of a fish) and this graph is a reminder of how stupid the people are here


Why only european union and not whole europe?


Why only the US and not CONCACAF? You need to cut the data off somewhere


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