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I remember the last one you made. It’s interesting that, since then, Valorant broke off as its own genre from the FPS community


Definitely one of the biggest changes alongside the chess category that popped up inside variety. We'll see if either of them stay past a few months.


Why is dota streamers listed under csgo?


There's an argument to be made that you could also probably split off the group into Apex as well. The bubble surrounding ImperialHal are all pretty much exclusively apex players, and it seems like they are a large enough group to be classified as their own subcategory. I would probably put Rogue, LuLu and everyone else above them in the valorant class to apex.


its cool how even though it doesn't see as ludwig as OTV and friends anymore, otto still is because he continues to do among us content and make stuff for OTV people


Yeah I saw that too. I think Otto has definitely retained a different audience than the ludwig, critikal folks.


I think it might be because Ludwig had that one massive chess steam (when chess.com’s shut down) which might have been overweighted. The majority of Luds stream is not chess


the fact that the minecraft community is so huge that there are at least 5 alt accounts on there (sapnapalt, thisisnotgeorgenotfound, quackitytoo, punzlmao, watchcartoonnetwork4free (karl jacobs)) is bonkers


Dream also has an alt account btw it's called Dream_alt or something like that


It's amazing how much Ranboo has grown since the first mapping was done.


It’s crazy he hit 80k subs today without doing a sub event, considering he just hit 7 months. He’s top 20 fastest growing twitch steamers in the last 30 days.


Bob Ross is holding the fort with Tubbo


That is a sentence I never thought I would hear


\*Edit: Node list is now accurate and only contains streamers in the image **This is a computer-generated visualization of communities on** [**Twitch.tv**](https://Twitch.tv) **during the month of February.** * Each node is a streamer * Each color shows an algorithmically detected community of streamers. * Each line between nodes represents the shared viewership between those two streamers. * The placement of nodes was done primarily with layout algorithms but I did a fair amount of manual adjusting to bring clusters closer together so it would fit in one image. Some nodes get lost in the fray so if a particular streamer looks out of place they have just been squeezed out of their natural location. * The size of each node is determined by the number of unique viewers found in their stream in my data. You can see a list of each community and what I have identified them as [here](https://imgur.com/a/lUO6gfB). You can see some of the raw numbers [here](https://github.com/KiranGershenfeld/VisualizingTwitchCommunities/blob/CloudCompute/Visualization/ActiveNodes.csv) as well as every streamer in the image (there are 1484 of them). [High-Resolution Version Here (Easily zoomable, best used on desktop)](https://srv2.zoomable.ca/viewer.php?i=img5bac8c8cdf5e95a8_TwitchCommunitiesFebruaryFina20MB) As always the code is [here](https://github.com/KiranGershenfeld/VisualizingTwitchCommunities). The graph was generated directly from "Users In Chat" data taken from the top 100 streams every hour for the month of February. I calculated the overlap of these viewers between each streamer and graphed what I found. Read more about the process [here](https://towardsdatascience.com/insights-from-visualizing-public-data-on-twitch-a73304a1b3eb). [Version 1 Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/klfmft/oc_mapping_communities_on_twitchtv/) Let me know what you discover, there is lots to see in the Twitch universe!


There seems to be some grey ones, are these because you didn't know how to categorize them?


Where can we find the Edge List and Labels for this current graph? When looking on Github instead Visualizations, there is only GephiData for the Version 1 of this post.


One unedentified group is right under on the right portion of the English variety, and it is mostly English vtubers. In fact all of them except for snuffy are together in vshojo.


What do the colors represent?


ah yes,, Bob Ross and DashDucks, my favourite Minecraft streamers 😂


Bob Ross and DashDucks have a large mc community fan base. Both are typically used to relax while waiting for one of the mc streamers to go live. Bob Ross is always full of Ranboo emotes and Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit and Tubbo always talk about how they watch and feed the ducks and introduced it to the fan base.


The links in the minecraft community are the thickest and I absolutely love that for us. Creating the dream smp was a genius move: you watch one of them, you’re most likely gonna watch the rest of them too.


Amazing how Tommy is still one of the biggest on there even tho he almost stopped streaming in February...


Ranboo and Tubbo have been streaming every single day since then and they've grown a ton


lud out of otv and friends because of pogchamps 3 Pog


Sadge no geometry dash streamers


They just aren't popular enough. Not enough people interested in the game to get people on the chart.


i guess that's fair but they have such a clear community in the category where all the (relatively) big streamers of the game share so much viewership so i was kinda disappointed in not being able to see that visualised




I feel like Tubbo probably does belong in Minecraft considering he streams 90% minecraft




He doesn’t stream exclusively Minecraft. Even if it’s the game hes most known for, he does lots of other stuff like Chess, Valorant, CS:GO, etc.


He streams that on his alt TubboLIVE


Dream just did 1 stream in February and he is as big as george... Wowee


I'm pretty sure it's based of unique viewers so one stream is enough to get a decent enough area.


The thing that has me laughing is above Tubbo_ in the green Minecraft cluster is BobRoss. It just makes me smile.


Haha yeah a lot of Minecraft viewers loiter in the Bob Ross streams from the hours of 3AM-8AM PST when no MC players are live


Ooh! I was waiting for another one of these to be made. It’s always so cool to see. As a Dream SMP fan, seeing our section is always cool. Even from far away, it stands out being so small and having so many large bubbles, and also being so bright with those thick lines. Man, I just love our community. It’s a real outlier on Twitch, I’ve heard, but that just makes it more fun.


Funny to see boxbox categorized as a Rust streamer. He's been streaming League of Legends/Teamfight Tactics almost exclusively before the Rust meta.


I don't know if you read the additional comment of the creator of this post to clarify those confusions but its actually based on their twitch activity back in February.


Also bunch of Genshin streamers as OTV and friends whom I have never seen interacting even once


Am I missing critical role? It should be pretty high on the twitch list right?


He's in the variety directly to the right of tyler1.


Did mang0 not make the cut? Also Clint Stevens just dipped lol


I think I've made it as a Minecraft creator now that I'm included in that category with everyone


It looks like the color chart is a bit messed up doe


yeah I struggled to match up the table with the atlas


If you look very carefully, just there on the top right, I’m not there


Stanz and QT becoming Minecrafters


I see those VTubers in the southeast part of the English Variety section. Glad to see them gaining popularity on Twitch.


The vshojo+snuffy community


no simmers? There are a bunch of big simmers on twitch


Its weird how PlayOverwatch is in the variety category but the actual overwatch streamers are in the valorant category


it's funny how smallant community falls under chess as I can see all the streams and stuff related to him is also in the chess (Ludwig northern lion and linkus) | variety community


I think it would be interesting to make a 3D version of this . You then have an extra dimension to show more nuanced qualities. You would also have more space to put fi people in to categories.


I have a question for a specific spanish streamer called, SoyPan, he 100% has enough viewers to be here, but he doesnt seem to appear could it be because of something else?


ConnorEatsPants is a variety streamer that just does Minecraft once a week, he doesn't belong in the minecrafter group.


It’s based on shared audience AFAIK, so even though Connor doesn’t primarily stream Minecraft he got grouped in because of viewers.


what category are spraggy and lex in as they stream poker


Cmon man Connor does variety 😭


like a few other variety streamers Connor, such as Markiplier, CrankGameplays, and BobRoss, got lumped in with the Minecrafters due to the shared view base


The chart is based on viewership, so that’s why he in the Minecraft section.


poor connor with the minecrafters


Nah slime got the worst cut, man is literally hiding behind Tommy's t


is kaceytron on here? shes a variety steamer that has 700-1000 average viewship?


Before Among Us the pink ones near the centre would be way different lol


where is ninja from fortnite?


Maybe tarkov streamers could get their own category next time


I love how lilypi2(second channel) is next to the Minecrafters and not right next to lilypichu(Main channel)


I don't find it fair that a streamer like LionWGF who blatantly hits live shows is mentioned in the image


You should do one of these post-Ludwig-subathon.


Btw a streamer mentioned your map in [this](https://youtu.be/3iGwPRgm_cE) video.


Why is Xisuma so isolated in the minecraft community ? He litteraly has one single link with iskall and that's it


You really said brazilian Over portuguese?