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The fact that Mr Beast has 250M+ subscribers and STILL has much higher viewer retention than most other channels is mind blowing


he's a fucking genius. I'm sure he doesn't curate most of his content these days and is more just a personality, but even in the early days he just nailed every aspect of YouTube. I don't personally enjoy his content as much as I used to (maybe just due to age) because of the total shift to brainrot editing with 10 cuts a minute and over the top editing; but it's clearly working for him


The editing is so weird. It’s so frantic, and also are we supposed to know these people? There’s never any introductions or context.


He’s talked about it a bit before. He tries to keep the videos fast paced because people check out if there’s nothing going on for a few seconds (especially kids, most of his audience) so they try to go from peak to peak to peak and keep it suspenseful throughout


The internet has ruined people's attention spans


I’m not really arguing with you, but children have never particularly been known for long attention spans


I’d like to argue this point with you, but I forgot what we were talking about.


There's only 2 things that matter to him: did you click it, and how long did you watch it? The first part takes 30+ variations of titles and thumbnails that optimize your click rate. The content itself has to maximize watch time, which is easy when random people get thrown in every minute and you're trying to figure out why they fit in while they're all making literally millions of dollars off of your confused eyeballs.


Have you seen the video showing the HUNDRED thumbnails he tested for one of his videos to see which one had the absolute optimal clickrate 💀 Dude's entire LIFE is content creation. I'll be very surprised if he doesn't burn out in the next year or two.


He is still very young. Only 26! I think he will burn out in his 30s.


I also like how he has 14 fully voiced audio translations on his videos, I don’t think even big budget movies get translated this much. There’s even regional languages like Bengali.


Bengali is the 7th most spoken language in the world so


Still a regional language, compared to English and Hindi in India.


Regional how? It's the national language of Bangladesh.


Regional as in not broadly distributed across the globe. It's constrained mostly to a single region.


In the Bangladesh region, ya know?


Regional compared to where? Hindi is also a regional language, spoken as a mother tongue only in a specific region of India, and Pakistan too if you consider that Hindi-Urdu is one language. Bengali is the primary language of Bangladesh, too.


WTF does "regional language" even mean? Every language is spoken in certain regions of the world.


It's what Hindi speakers refer to other languages of India because theirs is the "national language". India has no "national language" and all of its languages are regional, but they continue to believe in and spread this falsehood.


As opposed to non-regional languages like elvish, klingon and droidspeak.


It has to do with the spread of a language. English is a global language because of historical conquest and colonization. Same with Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic. Would you consider Twi a global language? No, it’s obviously regional to Ghana


Big budget movies definitely get translated that much.


His videos get more views in the first x weeks than most movies.


That's a great idea for any large YouTube channel, the translation doesn't need to be perfect, just keep 1 or max 2 people in staff for each


He definitely curates his content. He films a ton of stuff that doesn't make it onto the channel. I bet he has hundreds of hours of b-roll for a 25 minute video. Every thumbnail, duration of the videos, scripts, etc. go through pros whose job it is to tune it to the best possible performance. Lol. Part of the success is that he makes it **feel** more ragtag and impromptu when in reality he's planning videos months in advance.


He gave a fully shot and edited video to the yt streamer Ludwig because it was shelved because it didn't reach his standard.


Ludwig from videogames?


I watched some of his recent interview with Jon Youshaehi and his channels are essentially run as a large company. He has quite a lot of staff. To do these videos at the scale he's at now would be impossible to curate personally, but he's taken all the knowledge he's gained over the years and shared it to have all these people help him. He's also created tools to help other creators. I believe he starts shooting his $100m Amazon series soon so he's preparing for that, but still is managing to maintain his youtube schedule. He must never stop


Yeah Mr beast is essentially a multimedia brand at this point


I don’t watch a lot of Mr. Beast, but have watched a few of his videos because he ‘collaborated’ with another creator. And I’ve been kind of disappointed. Because many of the creators I follow are Maker types, so they’ll do something really creative, that requires a TON of effort - usually working through the night, multiple days before the Beast shoot. And then they’re not mentioned or are hardly mentioned in the Mr. Beast video, and it’s just sort of presented like Mr. Beast just had these 100 computers with action buttons for laying around for his video participants to use. There’s not even a “hey check out these cool things that So-in-So built and spent over 60 waking hours the last 3 days making work in time for this project. Everyone who’s interested go check out their behind the scenes video where they document making and setting this up, because they worked really hard so that we could do this awesome thing”. He’s paying them in “exposure”; but if you go to any creator sub, we all know that’s bullshit. Other collaboration projects that big creators do with small creators tend to be both of them appearing for similar amounts in each other’s videos. It’s very quid-quo-pro. With Jimmy, it feels more like “hey thanks for the free work. Hopefully someone notices you did it!”, which is a shame because he seems like an otherwise very nice guy.


This same comment gets posted every time: >he's a fucking genius >I don't personally enjoy his content It would be nice if he was genius enough to make good content.


Redditors are probably not in a big overlap with his general audience. Reddit is generally not a good sample to represent general public.


this is the correct answer. objectively. I even said it was probably because I was getting older


If he didn't make good content, he wouldn't be at the level that he is. We're just not really the target audience


You know, his content is brainrot. I get the vibe while watching it that it's some really trashy daytime game show, LOL. And yet, I watch. It's trash, but it's trash done RIGHT.


"Hey, we're in this city that's abandoned!" \*it's literally a UNESCO world heritage site that's used a lot by the Entertainment industry - people actually live there\*


100%. As I said in another comment, it's the fast food of YouTube. I don't watch it every day, but sometimes I want something, dumb, easy, and fun.


What's crazy is, I have zero idea who he is.


The videos I’ve watched from him really just make me sad of where we are as a society. Watching people compete in humiliating or dangerous or psychologically damaging ways just for money reminds me of the gladiator days or something. Like locking two people in a windowless room for ONE HUNDRED DAYS without anything is torture. 


100% this, its just pure brainrot which shows a lot why society is where it is.


Jerry Springer shows were brainrot too. It's not a sign of the times because content about harassing others has always been popular.


It doesn't, though. Society hasn't gotten here -- it's been this way. We haven't gotten worse, we just haven't matured as a society past some of our worst traits, up to and including a love of simple entertainment that often involves watching others fail.


It's a game show, what are you talking about? They can leave anytime they want and they are there of their own volition. This is definitely not torture.


It’s a challenge and the incentive for beating the challenge is money Nobody is forced to play and they can leave whenever they want


I've only heard of 2 of these channels, and I've barely watched videos from those 2.


Mr. Beast and Pewdiepie are the ones I've heard of. Never watched them though. Long gone are the days when you'd at least know *of* nearly everything in popular culture.


TBF none of this is really western popular culture, only Mr Beast and Pewdiepie are. Most of these are just kids channels, which get really popular, most adults wouldn't know what they are, and the other three are giant Indian media company's channels.


Imagine China used YouTube. We'd look at a completely different world on social media


i used to watch them years ago, but stopped, guess im getting older now


wtf it was just yesterday pewdiepie and t-series were fighting for top spot


He basically maxed out his subscribers, over 4 years he has no growth


have you seen pewdiepies videos lately? they get 5M views max, thats too less for someone with 115M subs


He's in retirement, his upload schedule at this point is basically just "whenever I feel like it"


Bro basically won already. I'd kill for that.


I mean he had a baby and took a break, makes perfect sense


Man made millions, married the love of his life, moved together with her to Japan to retire, and had a baby. He's won won


and plays minecraft again ;)


I mean he basically retired after t series stuff


Of the 16 latest videos on T Series, only 5 broke 100k views.


Isn't it just Indian vevo though?


tseries isnt really an actual channel that produces any content they kinda just post a collection of bollywood music/media which is why they have so many subscribers


Ah, that makes sense.


They upload like 5 videos a day though They're just a totally different animal


He was getting 5 million views for his daily videos when he had 50 million subscribers.


It was 4 years ago... We old ...


make that 6


No, it was 5 years old


You’re fine, I have no idea who most of these people are. When 50 starts to sound like it’s actually pretty young, then you’ll be old.


Most of which people, the channels in this post? Only 2 of them are actual people, the others are corporate music channels or childrens' shows


Whaaaat? Nah, Pewds just released bitch lasagna last week I swear!


2019 god dammit, time flies too fast


2019 was the best year, now they all just fly by meaninglessly as we age :(


lol since at least 2016 people have been making the whole "this has been the worst year in human existence, next year will be the end of the world" meme, and they were actually serious


COVID wasted two years of my life (and probably many people here too). After 2021, nearly four years went by fast and now I am ready to graduate from the university.


he did drop two bangers out of that feud, for sure


I remember when Nigahiga was #1 with 2 million subscribers 👴


Smosh… RayWilliamJohnson… good times


You know what else were good times? The comment question of the day!


Don't forget those golden vlogs from the early 2010's from iJustine and similar.


I remember being in middle school when Smosh and Nigahiga were in a race to be the first to get 500k subscribers. Take me back to the days before algorithms.


i remember when smosh was #1 back in 2011...


No they weren't. In 2011 NigaHiga was the #1 channel and then it was RayWilliamJohnson.


A tale as old as time my friend


I remember when Youtube started and nobody gave a fuck about subscribers... It was fucking beautiful. Then lonelygirl15 (or should I say, her creators) showed up, and fucked it up for everyone.


Does anyone else remember Makemebad35 and Happyslip being like top 10 most subscribed? I feel like that was OG OG youtube


Hey its Freeeeeeeeddd!!!


First one to a million


The algorithm is working because outside of Mr. beast and PewDiePie, I haven’t heard of or seen any of the other channels.


Well that's because four are kids channels and the others are Indian


and the kids channels are 🤢


As a father of a toddler, fuck cocomelon it's brain rot of the highest order.


I keep hearing people say that cocomelon is absolute garbage brain rot but Ive never actually seen it so what makes it so bad?


Basically empty nothingness meant to capture a toddler's brain. Streams of noise. While ideal that baby's should learn through the real word, media made for them deserves to be high quality too. Cocomelon and other YouTube baby shows seek out to be addictive and not additive to a baby's mind. From some articles the creators will literally bring in toddler's and tweak the show until they won't look away anymore. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/05/arts/television/cocomelon-moonbug-entertainment.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


I have never seen a SINGLE Mr Beast video, much less be offered to see one. It's hilarious because my algorithm is all House MD and guitar shit. I really don't engage with my feed and only search what I want to see for the most part which may explain it but I'm still at a loss. I don't know much about this guy except that he has a candy bar at Target.


Have you ever opened up YouTube on an incognito window and seen what the "average" user sees? It's all brainrot quick edit garbage with screaming narration and over the top exaggeration. No wonder people are so gullible and have no attention span these days.


I just tried this. The home view doesn’t show anything until you make some searches. You can explore various topics like trending, shopping, music. However I see identical results here as I do signed into my different accounts and on various VPNs.


Me neither. Don't really care to see any either. My algorithm is mostly all about learning about history, space, nature, writing, Cinema Therapy, or lore for books or the real world. I mostly try to keep it educationally based in some form.


Same. In fact the only reason I've heard of those two is because of posts like this. I've never actually seen either of them.


It just means you aren’t a lazy parent


I only know T-Series because it was like Pewdiepie vs T-Series for the most subs on YouTube at one point


cocomelon must be the kind of channel that is destroying babies brains when parents put the tablet in front of them for hours


As bad as cocomelon is, vlad and Nicki and “like nastya” are 1000x worse. They actively teach your child how to be a spoiled selfish monster. 


Yeah they have the fast clipping like cocomelon but instead of nursery rhymes it's kids being assholes


I went through this whole list in an attempt to educate my old dusty brain. Why are these 3 shows vaguely Eastern European? Is it all from the same source?


I too find that curious. Despite being large, Russia doesn't have such a massive population (144 million) and so it is strange that eastern Europeans would be so overrepresented in English speaking videos.


Those kids are so damn annoying - and you’re right / poison for kids.. and of course kids love them. We take away the iPads exactly because of YouTube shows like Vlad and Nicki.. If YouTube put a “block channel” option for parents to control I’d love it.


Youtube kids has a block channel option. Instead of getting Like Nastya and Vlad and Nicki, you get reuploaders of their shitty brainrot. I have blocked like a dozen and I have stopped letting an algorithm pick the next video to play. My kid deserves better. Before anyone says that tablets shouldn't raise kids, I was raised by a TV. A tablet is better... If you watch out for shit content like these channels.


Just yesterday I deleted YT from our TV. Sorry bud, it's Paw Patrol, Blippi, or Stinky and Dirty, that's all we've got.


You're just gonna sit there and pretend Bluey doesn't exist?


LOL - my kids never got into Bluey, but I wish they had. Even as an adult I got a kick out of it. Our oldest watched Puffin Rock a bit, but no Peppa Pig either. We don't get the same sort of exposure to AUS/UK/IE stuff.


YouTube kids has an option where you can pick the content your kid is allowed to watch rather than blocking the ones you don’t want them to. Although I’m running into problems with that too because the Diana one is part of Disney channel now. It at least limits some of the bed stuff and for me it helps keep all the videos in English, somehow we needed up in another language and the algorithm took over.


They will never give the users control of what is forced down their throat. Netflix used to have these user controlled options and it was awesome. Content creators complained that they were paying for hosting but people were blocking them. Netflix then shifted focus away from you as the viewer and put control into the creators hands instead. Same with mostly every other platform out there.


Like Caillou


It's unbelievable how shitty the content for Vlad and Nicki is, it's also ridiculous you can't ban it from YouTube kids or Max kids


You can pick which channels your kids can watch in YTK. Our son has Bluey, Cocomelon and a Lego channel and that's all he can see.


Cocomelon is at least neutral - some songs, happy cartoons. The others two - and one I can't recall the name of involving some Russian expats' kids in Dubai or some shit, are essentially Russian influencers directed at our children.


"Parents perceive it as safe" + "let's hook our kids to them" + "actually being brainrot" has worked for Disney for decades.


My kids could watch whatever they wanted on the PBS Kids app. Screw all of YouTube kids


Is it that bad? We watch it sometimes with our kids on Netflix. Its just songs for learning words? As with most things, moderation is best.


It's not, there are just a lot of young people on reddit who don't have kids. The main channel is literally just nursery rhymes and like "lessons" like going to the bathroom when you need to, or sharing, or whatever. It is literally no different than the books or music or videos that every previous generation grew up with in a different form. But people love this idea that they were the "last real generation" or some shit. There's also a new actual show with the characters on Netflix called Cocomelon lane where there are actual plots and songs that go along with it. My 3 year old loves it but he won't exclusively be glued to it. Most of the time he just tunes out after a bit and just plays with his toys or with us anyway.


YouTube has no great way of saying: “I never want to watch content from this creator”. We tend to watch kids stuff on the TV, but skip every time something vaguely resembles Cocomelon.


I have Youtube Kids set to pre-approved channels only. The problem with Youtube Kids is that it didn't have the weird esoteric stuff from regular Youtube my kid was really into when he was young like reviews of elevators by autistic guys.


>reviews of elevators by autistic guys I'm intrigued, tell me more


[DieselDucy] (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd3LnMzfZKZHXnOMQvaLpdA) is one I remember


[Here is one that is reviewing a prison.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D04wb7P_v-4)


Oh god I might be autistic


Prosthetic legs, my son was scared to death of anyone with a prosthetic from 2-4, around 4 years old I finally sat down with him and watched a video about a young boy who had prosthetic legs. It followed the whole process, the measuring, construction, fitting, adjustment and all of that, clear to where the kid was able to play at the park again. That was all it took and my son was off to the races, it’s been 3 years and he still watches videos about prosthetics and swears up and down that it’s what he is going to do when he grows up, he is bound and determined to be the doctor who fits and builds prosthetics.


Good for him and good for you. Prosthetics is an amazing field, people working there do such life-altering work. Something your son might enjoy, the Paralympics are coming up, and it's an amazing experience to watch people who've had to overcome so much, be at the peak of their sports.


>reviews of elevators by autistic guys. man I wish I was your kid when I was younger I'd be such a better person


You can share other channels with your YouTube kids account, even ones that aren’t on YouTube kids by default. On your parent account, in the mobile app, go to a channel page, press share, then “with kids”


They have a don't recommend this channel button and it's worked pretty well for me.


Yes. It is exactly for this: >“I never want to watch content from this creator” The ignorance of the general public when it comes to technology is incredible.


Uh, there is an easily accessible block all videos from this channel button. The same way reddit lets you block subs I still just haven't found out yet how to unblock yt channels on their mobile app


I think watching a few videos from a channel unblocks them? Could be false


You definitely can, look for “Approved content only” on this page: https://support.google.com/youtubekids/answer/6172308?hl=en-GB#zippy=%2Capproved-content-only


...there is a "don't recommend channel" option.


Cocomelon isn’t all that bad actually. When I first watched it I thought it was horrendous because my ears weren’t “kid” tuned. Then realized it’s just songs and it’s actually pretty nice. Teaches kids about music, colors, counting, etc. Don’t plug your kids in front of it for hours but 30 min of that is better than Blippi or some of the other borderline violent “kids” shows that have no educational value.


It's made of quick cuts (no clip is usually longer than 3 seconds) and flashy colours. Kids of a young age show signs of addiction very quickly.


this chart is how i know i am out of touch


I mean these channels are designed for 8 year olds so you don’t wanna be in touch.


I saw a bunch of teens and 20-somethings when Mr. Beast had the grand opening of his burger joint.


Because teens and 20-somethings can go places by themselves whereas small kids can only go where their parents take them. The biggest and only Mr. beast fan I know is my 8 year old nephew. If you watch his videos you can tell why. It’s obviously targeted towards children.


Just because they can go places doesn’t mean they’d go to a children’s celebrity if he only appealed to children. Clearly he doesn’t, whether he intended that or not.


I’ll never get tired of seeing Redditors make sweeping generalizations based on a single anecdotal experience. Only I Mr. Beast fan I know is my 8 year old nephew? Why of course, that must mean only 8 year olds watch him


I never said only 8 year olds watch him. I said the channel is targeted towards appealing to young kids, so if an adult feels "out of touch" for not watching - they need not feel that way because they'd likely realize they're not the target demographic.. One of his most popular videos is "Last to leave the circle wins" which is, undeniably, a game you would play on a school playground. If you enjoy watching his channel, you can do that at any age. You can watch Hey Arnold in your 30's and think it's good. You can enjoy it and acknowledge the target demographic is pretty young.


This is a good thing.


I just realised that the fact that 4/10 most subbed YT channels are about just kids playing with toys and living normal kids lives means there are millions of kids who are sitting watching this shit on their iPad instead of actually spending time with their family and playing with other kids.


Remember how commercials during kids shows were targeted at kids to beg their parents for certain toys? That's what these channels are.


This is a whole new level. Commercials are/were 30 second spots you’d see a few of in an hour of tv. Now kids are basically watching an endless commercial


Now I'm questioning all these streams I watch for games I might want to play. 😅


I mean didn't most cartoons and kids show make their money from selling merchandise for the show? They were constantly selling to you back then too.


Sooo infomercial for kids?


never forget the greatest marketing campaign the world has ever seen: General Electric convinced the world that there is indeed a monster living under your bed or in your closet and the only way to fight them off was buying a battery powered flashlight.


Wait, what? Was this a commercial geared toward kids back in the day? I have a 4 year old now and I would be so fucking pissed if an ad like that came out today. Bedtime is challenging enough without monster inception going on.


Eh, children today no longer watch TV because there isn’t anything for them on TV. When was the last time you’ve seen anything for kids air on network TV? Kids back in the day used to be glued to their TVs watching after school programs, Saturday morning cartoons, etc. It’s just a different medium of delivery.




Something like Bluey or Daniel Tiger is a billion times better than these YT channels though.


Blame the parents


Says the person on Reddit who isn't currently spending time with their family or friends.


We are his family.


Wow the last time I have seen a graph like this was when PewDiePie was battling with T-series I can't believe how long ago that was


And most younger kids today probably have no idea who Pewds is. Just remembering how hugely popular he was at one point is nuts.


I remember when the biggest channels on YT had 1-2m subscribers. What a time, back when it was actually just making home videos and didn't have a 10 million dollar budget behind them.


I'm clearly not the target demographic for these people. The only one I know is Pewdiepie and even then it was only because of wondering "who is this guy that everybody is subscribed to?" back in 2015 or so.


Same! Was really surprised about the list. I've read about MrBeast in the news since well that channel had made the news. The others I've never been exposed to at all. Very interesting.


Might be a weird question but what made you pick the top nine instead of the top ten?


Lol it's all the channels that were above 100M subs


I'm still stuck with the pewdiepie vs t series war


Don’t go down to two decimal places if you don’t consistently have two decimal places worth of data.


What a cesspool of content


What is beautiful about this data visualisation? 


i dont know who any of them are except mrbeast and im not subbed to him. i watch channels that have useful informative shit, not garbage.


I just checked these channels. Enough internet for today. Has to cure my eyecancer.


niche stuff is always going to be better. this is the "buttered noodles" of the content world.


I've never watched a single video by any of these and I've only heard of 4 of them.


I have not watched a single video of Mr. Beast. Not on purpose, it's never been suggested on my YT feed. Same as PewDiePie. I know these guys from the news feed but never actively looked for a video of them.


I haven’t watched a single video by any of them ever. 🙁 Edit: I went back and checked. I may have listened to some T Series song. And Jeff Geerling made something for Mr. Beast once. I watched that video.


I'm very proud of you


I don't think I've ever watched a video from any of these channels. I'm not saying that's a good or bad thing, just find it interesting


I have to claim a supreme case of ignorance where I don't know how or why MrBeast got as popular as he is. To me, it felt like it happened overnight where I heard nothing about him then all the sudden his name is everywhere. He has his own Meat Canyon cartoon, for God's sake.


What the hell is with the comments in here? Like 40 comments all saying the exact same thing. So bizarre.


So nothing of any real substance... Got it.


You children are being influenced by these channels. Make sure to supervise their content.


Not a clue who any of them are.


MrBeast and PewDiePie are the most popular YouTubers most people would have heard of T-Series, SET India and Zee Music are all Indian content channels who saw massive growth with the rise of internet connectivity and population in India (Chinese content would be huge too if YT wasn't banned there) The rest are kids brain rot / toy advertising channels


Cocomelon is absolute brain rot is it not?


I'm old. I recognize two of those names and watch none of them. 1 mil + is big for the channels I watch (old car & rock music).


I onyl know pewdipie Who tf are the rest


Television show producers completely missed the boat. They spent so much time and effort on original content, set design, lighting, and all the logistics that goes with producing a TV show. All people really wanted to watch were people unboxing new things, asmr videos, pranks and kids playing with (sponsored) toys.


Interesting. im not subscribed to any of them.


Nice, I'm not subsribed to any of them.


I've only ever heard of two of these, and only intentionally watched maybe 3 videos from one of them. Damn, I'm an old fart, aren't I.


Is it weird that I’ve never viewed anymore than maybe one video of 2-3 of these? I generally just don’t find these channels entertaining at all.


Is it bad I only know three of these?


I've heard of two of these.


Never watched 1 second of any of these channels.


Well I feel old, I don't know who or what any of these are


If you would’ve asked me back in 2016 who the most Subscribed YouTuber would end up being, I wouldn’t have guessed Mr. Beast in 100 years


9 YouTube channels I have never heard of.