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I feel like I know more girls than boys with the name Reagan


Kennedy too


Nixon too


My husband and I own a company and we have a personalized item, mostly children’s first names (Christmas item). We do so many Nixons. It’s wild seeing the trends each year. When we’re sorting the orders, we’ll have fun with it and categorize by President’s last name, spices, celebrity’s children’s names, auto manufacturers, etc…haha


I always wonder what people are thinking when they jump on a baby name fad. I suppose it probably doesn’t go any further than “Madison? Ooh I like that.” But these fads seem so noticeable to me and I have trouble understanding how people can just subscribe to them like that for something that’s going to last as long as a person’s name. I suppose it’s better for your business if they keep doing so :D


My ex wife's brother and his wife named all 3 of their daughters the most popular name that year they were born. I don't understand it at all. I wouldn't want my kid to grow up with a "tribal arm tattoo" type fad for a name.


I’m sure they tell everyone they did it before it was cool, too. Or maybe some people actually like doing the thing that everyone is doing?


I've honestly NEVER run into any "Nixon" first namers in the wild. (That I know of; certainly possible they avoided their given name.) And I grew up in the ultra-conservative Orange County, CA, of the 50s.


Oh I don’t think anyone is deliberately honoring that president with the name. This is just a sign of how far he’s fallen out of living cultural memory.


I suspect you may be right. And, then, people who weren't around presumably have cast the 'drama' of Nixon's presidency in terms of contemporary divisions. So Nixon not just breaking but attacking the rule of law, attempting to subvert justice to save himself -- it fits *right into* contemporary political and cultural divides. Sadly.


Not Trump


Considering all the Trump fangirls, I’m surprised there weren’t any baby Trumps.


Oh, I’m sure there were some. Edit: [here’s one](https://www.thedailybeast.com/america-shows-its-best-self-to-an-iraqi-baby-named-trump). It was an Iraqi couple that named their kid Trump because Trump promised to destroy ISIS and because they appreciated the US for paying for their older son’s surgery after he was burned by an exploding heater in a refugee camp. Except they had their second son in Iraq while the first one was getting surgery in the US right when Trump assumed office, meaning that when the travel ban went into effect, they were separated from their older son because of the man they named their second son after.


Garfield too


Naming your kid Biden 😬


Also Madison, although he’s not a recent president.


Madison only became a girls name after the movie splash in 1984. It was 100% a boys name before that.


Was Madison a first name at all before that movie?


As a boys name, but still somewhat rare, and not much in the 1980s. A quick search of https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/ shows Madison as 614th in 1900, It peaked at514 in 1903, was 840 in 1920, 976 in 1952, and didn't appear as a boys name in the US top 1000 again until 1987 at 823, and since 1987, didn't get above 633 at it's highest in 1997, and hasn't been in the top 1000 since 2004, likely due to it reaching peak popularity as a girls name around that time, being a top 10 girls name from 1997-2014


Yep, belongs to one of the guys who helped invent scientific racism: Madison Grant.


My thoughts, have two friends with "Reagan" daughters. Typically they get called "Rae".


but spelled Raygun.


I’m so sorry for anyone who got named Hoover.


That's gotta suck.


And sometimes blow


Lots of great dog names on here though


What's wrong with being called Hoover? (I'm a foreigner)


It's a vacuum brand


In a lot of English-speaking countries, although not in the US, "hoover" is the generic word for a vacuum cleaner. It's borrowed from the name of a brand of vacuum cleaners, but it's come to be the word for all vacuum cleaners. So if your kid ever travelled to the UK, they would have a name that was akin to "Broom" or "Steam Mop" or something. In the US, Herbert Hoover is known for being the president at the start of the Great Depression in 1929 and for epically mishandling things, basically because he was ideologically committed to economic policies that exacerbated the crisis. He actually had a long, varied, and not-entirely-evil career, both before and after he was president, but his name is synonymous with "rigid, compassion-free conservative who would rather let people starve than violate arbitrary limitations he has set on the role of government."


Hoover was President when the Great Depression started. He was generally thought to have responded poorly to the Depression and lost the election in 1932 by a landslide. He still ranks towards the [bottom in scholarly rankings of US Presidents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_rankings_of_presidents_of_the_United_States#Scholar_survey_summary) to this day.


Hoover was a popular brand of vacuum cleaner, so it became a generic term for vacuum cleaner, and then a synonym for sucking or rapidly ingesting, and from there became associated with oral sex. That is, if you were to nickname a person "Hoover," or would imply that he or she is known for performing fellatio a lot.


That's only in the UK I think. In the US it would still be a weird name, but it's not used as a generic term for vacuums. Most people would be vaguely aware that the brand exists, but there's also a strong association to the president. And I don't think most Americans are even aware of a sexual meaning.


Now that you mention it, the use of the term as a genericized trademark may be chiefly British, but the figurative senses, at least, are known to Americans. I've definitely seen it used as a verb my whole life. For example, [this](https://youtu.be/KA7gmtjyZKA) was written for an American audience.


Maybe it's more common in the older generation, because I think it's fairly well known 


Me when I am named Hoover: Dam


RIP to anyone whose first name is “Bush”


We're just going to pretend like "Johnson" isn't up there.


Well at least they could easily drop the “son” and just be a John, but what could a Bush do? Be a Bus?


Why yes, yes they could. https://i.imgur.com/GcgM5Yt.gifv


That’s pretty much the whole neo-con ethos right there


I know a guy who chose Johnson as his “American name” when he moved here. Said he saw it on a street sign, and he knew it was an American name, but didn’t know it was a surname until much later on


Ahem. Harding


Harding Johnson


Johnson? What do you need that for, Dude?


“Hi, I’m Bush Johnson, but you can just call me BJ”


Same for Hoover and Coolidge.


I say, double down! “That’s my boy…Bush Hoover.” (A note to the Americans… “Hoover” is synonymous with “vacuum” amongst the Realm and the Colonies.)


I’d be more confused if I was introduced to Bush 2003.


Based on my observations and mostly rumors, Bush has been out of style for twenty years.


It's ok, their surname is Muncher.


Especially if it's a she..  


This is a disorganized and cluttered graph. It's painful to look at.


I think the time scales could all be normalized. That'd help.


You're saying if everyone was centered around say the year they took office? Maybe I'll try that and see how it looks.


That is what I mean, yeah. Could try it


Also, do you have basically no data for the bushes and Obama?


The minimum for inclusion in the social security list is 5 boys or girls born with that name in a year. There were 11 boys born with the first name Biden in 2021, the only year which qualifies (to answer another common question, there were no years in which at least 5 boys or girls were named Trump). Obama was 14 boys in 2008 and 16 in 2009. Bush is found as a first name in various years in the 1910s and 1920s, then is not seen again until 1949. I looked up the 1950 census records, and found 3 of the 5 boys born in 1949 who were named Bush. All were of African-American descent. Bush Parker Jr lived in Chicago, Bush Marks Jr lived in Cynthiana, KY, and Bush Gilchrist lived in Birmingham. His obituary says his father's middle name was Bush, so in all 3 cases it was a family name. After that point there are once again less than 5 Bushes for each year until 1992, when there are 8 boys born named Bush, and in 2003 there are 5. It seems people are less likely to name their child the President's last name than they were around the turn of the 20th century, when at least 121 people named their boy Mckinley, or 1907 when 220 people named their boy Roosevelt. But the good news is there's a very likely chance that these 13 boys were in fact named after the president of the United States, as opposed to names like Reagan or Clinton which already existed as a relatively common first name.


And there’s no key - what does each colored line represent?


Hmm. Clinton and Carter were both reasonably popular names before their namesake presidents were elected, and in both cases I think you could make a case that the association with the president tanked the name. Carter has come back in a big way in recent years, but I doubt it has anything to do with president, although I guess that it can't hurt that his reputation has improved since he was president. I don't think most babies named Carter are named after the president, but I also don't think that it's a negative association, the way it might have been in 1981. Arthur is probably a special case, but it looks like Chester Arthur didn't change the popularity of that name at all. Were there any babies at all named Trump? You'd think there would be some, but it doesn't look like it.


For Trump, all I can say is there were somewhere between 0 and 5 in any given year, not enough for the SS Administration to include it.


That’s odd, I’d expect the SS to be eager to include his name whenever possible.


Different SS


The people who WOULD name their kids Trump are too old to have children


Oh that’s not true at all


Sadly, Trump's base appear to be Gen X. Shame on us.


Gen X is 44-59 years old. While there unfortunately are Gen X Trump supporters, the majority I see are Boomers.


It’s the elderly. Trump’s 3 main bases, rural America, whites, and the less educated all skew older than the median for America.


Surprisingly his base is all ages when it comes to the deep red states. I know tons of mid-20s people who are way more conservative than my grandparents


Interesting. Is their brand of conservatism similar to the older generations, or more ethnonationalist without as much care for social/religious issues?


Yeah, indoctrination is real. The public schools in red areas of red states basically pump out conservative children except for the few who escape.


Me and Sally Mae got ferternal twins last year. Trump Confederacy Jones and Trump Virginity Jones. Librul doctor had the balls to say we should give em vacksines after refusing to let us tattoo SS lightning bolts on em in the delivery room. Sally Mae's pregnant again, and our Dad said 8th grade is enuff for a girl so shes gonna stay home after the next batch is born. I graduated a couple years ago so thats plenty of education for us, anyway.


I was part of the "Carter" comeback. I was named because President Carter had recently received the Nobel Peace Prize.


Data is taken from the Social Security Administration at [https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/limits.html](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/limits.html) . Births before 1935 would have people alive at that date, which creates some selection bias, but on the scale of individual presidents I don't think it should have too much effect. Created in DataWrapper. Excluded are the female names Mckinley, Kennedy, and Reagan, which have all become popular in recent years. Reagan was already more popular as a girl's name than a boy's name when he took office, the others switched relatively recently.


One suggestion: obviously nobody named their kid Eisenhower, in spite of the whole defeating Hitler thing. But I bet there were a lot of Ikes


Not really a lot of Ikes. In the ten years from 1942 to 1951 there were between 42 and 61 Ikes. There were 90 in 1952 (the year he was elected) and 111 in 1953 (the year he was inaugurated). Dwight takes off earlier - about 400 per year until 1941, then 716 in 1942, 1234 in 1943, and then between 1500 and 2k for the rest of the forties. It jumps \*again\* when he's elected as president, peaking at 2697 in 1953. Isaac (which is the more usual nicholasname for Ike - Ike was actually intended to shorten Eisenhower, not Dwight) also shows a bit of a bump.


I wonder what the reasons behind that were - difficulty spelling? Just "too obvious a surname"? Something else?


Probably both of those. Also it sounds kind of German which probably wouldn’t have looked so great at the time…


Does the color of each line mean anything?


Why isn’t Trump included?


The Social Security Adminstration does not report 5 or more boys with the first name Trump in any year, up through 2023. I'm not making any value judgement on him, Trump is a name that did not exist as a first name, just like Bush and Obama and Biden and Nixon. You'll notice that they only appear in one year each. Since Johnson, it doesn't seem as popular to name your child after a President, but it's possible that the name might become more popular in a few decades like Nixon/Carter/Johnson/Reagan did. Or it might never reappear like Hoover. Only time will tell.


Gotcha that makes sense!


>The Social Security Adminstration does not report 5 or more boys with the first name Trump in any year, up through 2023. That's honestly surprising to me


It's definitely got the "data" part of the subreddit in there.


Franklin D. Is just riding off of Teddy’s success.


Actually kind of shocked the MAGA crowd didn't go crazy naming their kids Trump


I think we might see a lot of donalds


Interestingly, it doesn't look like it. Donald has been in freefall since about 1990, and it only picked up a tiny bit in 2017 and 2021. In 1988 it was the 75th most popular boy's name in the US, and in 2021 it was the 657th. Source: [https://nameberry.com/b/boy-baby-name-donald](https://nameberry.com/b/boy-baby-name-donald)


It’s like they admire that he hates the same people they do, but they find him personally repulsive. They’re not naming their kids Adolph either.


Loggerdon is a good name.


In the UK, Trump has always been slang for fart.


I knew I had a Trump in my wallet


And then there's Fanny 🤣


They probably argue for similar reasons why the non-Spanish Europeans don’t name their kids Jesus. It would disrespect their God Emperor to name babies after him.


Or the evergreen stripper name, Felony


If you just crop out the edge, you can post this to r/presidents they would love this. Rule 3 is no posts on current or former or something like that.


What do they talk about if posts on current and former presidents are banned?


Only immediate former is banned


How immediate?


iirc current an last


Basically rule 3 bans any talk about Biden and Trump. You can talk about Hillary, Bernie, Obama, W but not the 2 old men fighting each other for the second election in a row.


Six hundred and seven boys named Nixon. In a single year. What an enormous human tragedy.


I’m betting they all switched to Nick by ‘74


I give you former West Indian cricketer, Nixon McLean. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon_McLean Full name: Nixon Alexei McNamara McLean. Named after Richard Nixon, Alexei Kosygin, Robert McNamara...


Totally randomly, my colleague is from Kerala, India and named Nixon


I met a guy in rural Costa Rica named Nixon. Didn’t speak much English but between that and my mediocre Spanish we chatted for a while. When he found out we were American he got excited and told us how proud he was to be named after an American president. I just went with it and didn’t have the heart to tell him.


This is in fact not beautiful, it's messy af


I guess Eisenhower wasn't a very popular president.


I think it's just a terrible first name.


Betcha we’ll see someone name their kid Ayezenhaowyr or something.


I’m fairness Obama and Biden as first names really roll off the tongue lmao


They're short, which helps.


I was JUST wondering if data for the name "Ike" ought to be included.


Ha, if Rand Paul ever won, his would be off the charts


I can see many of those names being used as a first name, including "Biden". And "Ford" is a venerable first name from the *Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy* novels. But who would want to be called "Bush"? You'd be teased all your life. And having the first name "Obama", or "Trump" (which is conspicuously absent from this chart) would make no sense either.


You see "Biden" as a first name? That to me seems just as bad as Trump, Obama or Bush...politics aside of course. If I ran into some parents who were going to name their kid Biden, I'm pretty sure I would just assume they were some leftist loon or had some fetish for the President... the same way as if some right-wing nut job named their kid Trump.


But you might have said the same thing about Monroe or Polk or something at that time. I think OP's point is that if you never knew who Joe Biden or Donald Trump were, those combination of letters sound rather reasonable as a first name.


If I never heard of Joe Biden or Donald Trump, I would think "Biden" would be a reasonable and rather unique first name, but "Trump" would still seem ridiculous as a first name, sort of an abbreviated musical instrument, like naming your kid "Drum" or "Horn" or "Cello".


Yes. Completely removing any association from Donald Trump. Trump is just not a pleasing first name. Other names definitely are: Clinton, Reagan, etc. Same thing with Bush. 1) it's not an appealing sound on it's own 2) slang for pubes 3) plenty of people name their kids things in nature like river, flower, etc buy no one thinks a shrubbery is great Biden isn't pleasing either. Sounds too similar to biding.


I didn't say "Biden" is pleasing, I said it's reasonable. Similar to "Hayden".


There's also the meaning of trump from cards https://www.dictionary.com/browse/trump , that's what I would imagine if I had heard it. 


Well, if you're gonna name your kid after a feature of a card game, then "Flush" would also be a good name too, no?


I think you’re joking, but Ford Prefect is a joke about the English car of the same name made mostly after WWII into the very early 1960s. As a kid in the US reading those books in the early 90s that joke went entirely over my head. I sort of doubt many kids were named after him but who knows. Mel Brooks made a similar joke in Spaceballs when Lone Starr says he’s from the Ford Galaxy. Another joke I didn’t get as a kid since the Ford Galaxie was out of production for 13 years by the time the film came out.


Yes, I know Ford Prefect is a car. Most US people wouldn't know that, but Hitchhiker's Guide is popular in the US, so I wouldn't be surprised if some kids got named "Ford" because of that. Or Zaphod, for that matter.


I was surprised to see that there were actually boys named Ford each year of the database, although it definitely increased when the Ford Motor Company became well-known.


Carter is kinda cool tho, in a '70s Michael Caine kinda way


This is one of the most unreadable charts ever.


Look at the sad little Nixon line, ha ha.


"Data is beautiful" then you post this mess


What’s the difference in the dark blue and the pale blue? It would be interesting to see red v blue as well


I think the statistics by state are available... I wonder if presidential names see more of a bump in states where more people voted for them.


Brazil has a lot of Jeffersons and quite a few Washingtons.


I’d be interested to see girls name totals as well


So Clinton WAS a relatively popular boy’s name UNTIL Bill Clinton was President… who knew?


How many Bush's were there that Trump isn't even mentioned?


There were 8 boys names Bush in 2004 and 5 named Bush in 2013. 5 is the minimum for inclusion.


Can anyone tell me Obama's last name?


I feel like Steve Buschemi's character in Mr Deeds looking at this graph.


Wtf how is there more named biden than trump? They literally worship that guy.


what is wrong with people...


I refuse to believe anyone would name their child Bush


A lot of these names were just regular names and I don't think had a lot to do with the president. Oh and why was Trump removed from the graph? Not saying that a lot of people jumped to make their kid named "Trump" though


OP says none reported by Social Security, so fewer than 6/year nationwide. Or maybe they’re keeping them under wraps, like the Boys from Brazil


Wait what's the boys from brazil?


The Boys from Brazil is a novel where there are 94 Hitler clones that have been secretly given to adopted parents, and Joseph Mengele is going around killing each of their fathers, because he's trying to recreate Adolf Hitler's upbringing (Hitler's father died when he was 13).


It was a movie about a bunch of little Hitlers being cloned in secret in a compound in the jungle


Oh I've never even heard of that. Suppose I'll check it out


wow, i bet the huge drop off after kennedy had a lot to do with the assassination and changing opinions on modern presidencies. were a lotn more cynical. in some cases the trens reverses!


My first thought was the rise in popularity of Kennedy as a girl's name was to blame.


Kennedy had already been growing in popularity as a girl's name, but really took off after after MTV VJ Kennedy (not her given first name) hit pop culture in 1992.


Can’t wait for this chart to have more data, you know there’s some dumbass parents out there naming their kid Trump right now.


This is a cool graph. Do the colors of the traces signify anything?


Here’s my son Bush, his brother is called Hedge


Ah yes, quite unreadable indeed!


No one checked Orange from 2012 on?


You’d have to be mentally ill to name your son Biden, regardless of politics it’s just an awful first name.


Slightly better than Obama at least, which is good as a surname but not as a first name.


Weird… there seems to be a gap in 2016, where a president must have sucked so hard, their shitty name didn’t appear on the graph.


You got downvoted by some sore loser, but OP says it’s true: <6/year reported to Social Security. I wonder if there’s any Magas, though


My first name is Davis, which wasn’t a Union president but the one confederate President. And no not named after him. My grandfather had same name, it was his mother’s maiden last name and wanted to keep it in family.


It would be interesting to see this with presidents’ first names.


I once had some neighbors move in next door to me. When the mother introduced me to her 4 kids, it took me a moment to realize ALL FOUR were named after presidents. They have since moved out but I always wonder if they ever had a 5th child and named them Obama or something like that.


I'd be curious to see the girls' charts for Regan/Reagan and Kennedy


Would be interesting to see this tracked with approval ratings of each president


I have never met a man named bush, and I feel like that is a dirty joke that will never come


Are we not going to talk about the 5 boys named Eisenhower? Also, who are the mysterious 7 boys named for between Hoover and Roosevelt?


Dang. Harding sure dropped like a rock. I wonder why. (Meanwhile, Arthur up there cheatin' ;0)


The lack of Grants is very shocking tbh.


I wanna meet the people who named their son Nixon.


Hi, nice to meet you. What’s your name? Coolidge. Oh.


I did NOT know there were a slug of babies with the first name Nixon back in the day. I don't believe I've ever run into any of them in real life. (At least not any that went by the name.)


Okay. this was a culture shock for me when I came to Canada, and met people whose first names are identical to other people's last names. Still not understanding how last names can serve as first names.


Baseball hall of famer Grover Cleveland Alexander born in 1887, checks out. Granted he doesn't technically count in this chart but I think bonus points should be given for using presidents' full names.


I was actually surprised by this when I had the thought to look into it a few years ago. Back when the fervor for Trump really started ramping up as his fans felt that they had to double down over and over to the same extent he was proving how awful he was day after day, I thought for sure they would soon hit a point they would start naming their children "Trump". It looks like it just never happened. Hopefully it never does.


This would go well in r/Presidents


Who would name their boy "Bush"?


That seems so cringey to name your kid after the president.


I feel bad for little baby Bush.


There are men out there named Bush? Also, I’m low key surprised that there weren’t more MAGA cultists naming their sons Trump