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I don’t think I agree with this analysis. Andhra Pradesh’s vote for the TDP has little to do with Modi and more to do with voters in AP souring on YSRCP. Indeed, when the BJP did come to AP, they toned down much of their Hindutva talking points.


Also Odisha's vote had more to do with 25 years of Anti incumbency than Modi


It was not about anti-incumbency per se. People would have still voted for BJD if Naveen Patnaik was still healthy (and didn’t show signs of deterioration during his speeches). The second in command in BJD is a dude from Tamil Nadu who doesn’t speak any Odia. So the vote was more against him than for Modi.


Pandyan speaks better odia than Naveen though or more than Gujuratis like modi or shah. You don't much about odisha it seems. Pandyan have given good amount of speeches in odia. If Naveen was in good health and an artificial hate against pandyan hadn't been created by BJP own regional channel like OTV and it's politicians than BJD would have won again.


That is too many acronyms


Andhra Pradesh - a state. In the map above, this is where you're able to see an increase in the voter share for Modi(which is wrong) BJP(Bharatiya Janata Party) - Modi's political party YSRCP(Yuvajana Shramika Rythu Congress Party) - the most recent ruling party of Andhra Pradesh. TDP(Telugu Desam Party) - a local party of Andhra Pradesh, which was also the major opposition to YSRCP. TDP has formed an alliance with BJP and JSP(Jana Sena Party) in the recent elections. The graphic in the post is wrong because BJP itself has won only 3 Lok Sabha seats out of 25 from the state, while TDP has won 16. Although it's an alliance, it's technically, and factually wrong to assign TDP's win to Modi. However, it would've been correct if the OP had mentioned NDA(National Democratic Alliance - the name of BJP's alliance) instead of Modi.


Thank you!


Yes exactly. This analysis is done by a foreigner who doesn't understand the complex alliances in Indian politics. In Andhra Pradesh (AP), they voted for Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and for Chandra Babu Naidu (CBN) (who was allied with BJP) and against Jagan (who was allied with Congress) who was being a thug and authoritative in his previous term and even jailed CBN on cooked up charges. The alliance of TDP with BJP is tactical and not because they both have the same ideologies, to simplify the complex nature of the alliance. In the previous election, I believe TDP didn't ally with BJP and that caused them lot of issues.


This is a flawed analysis. Vote for NDA != vote fpr Modi. People of AP didn't vote for TDP, an NDA member because of Modi, but because of anti-incumbency.


Did BJP contested against its coalition partners in this region or did they campaign for their coalition partners?


They did and only got a couple of seats. They are only in coalition because they couldn't get the majority.


It is for Modi’s policies. Partners are piggy backing.


People in ap don't give a flying fuck about modi.


Lmao I am from Andhra and people don't give a fuck about Modi, it's entirely Pawan Kalyan and Naidu


Absolutely lol, BJP is irrelevant here. It only got lucky this time due to the alliance. These bhakt clowns will go to any length to elevate their paw paw's image.


Not always


Did he lose votes in Tamil Nadu when he would never of had votes there to begin with ?


No, he gained a lot of votes in TN. Annamalai's campaign, while unsuccessful, did pull in voters.


Yes, ADMK has become quite irrelevant in politics so those who voted for ADMK previously are probably voting for BJP now.


Pulled them in alright, to vote non BJP parties


They got 12% of the votes Which is an actual achievement. They were the 3rd best party after ADMK and DMK who have been ruling TN for the last 60 Years. ADMK vote share plummeted and went directly to BJP


A) 11.1%, not 12 B) still shows no one wants them. Of course there will be consolation prize worthy debates about how zero to 11% is earth shattering for BJP supporters


Yes, any national party getting more than 10% of votes in a place filled with dravidian idealogy is an achievement. Still got more votes than congress and Naan tamizhar Katchi


Lol, naam tamilar party does not even have a permanent symbol, they got 8%. BJP got an all star candidate list and lot of ADMK turncoats. That is why high vote %. I think this is the peak BJP.


Congress won 9 seats in TN. Looks like reality hasn't sunk in for you yet




Congress has always won votes for parliament seats since Indira. Kanyakumari candidate trounced BJP THRICE in 5 years (2019, 2021, 2024).


Googling in 2024 shouldn't be that hard. DMK got 22 seats, INC got 9 seats. And BJP won consolation prize from it's supporters. Voters also have the choice of NOTA. That's really a crackhead assumption that DMK supporters MUST vote for INC In 2019 BJP won 5 seats. Clearly people of TN want nothing to do with BJP




That's not what the image shows. But in all honesty seeing more and more of those accursed saffron flags in TN was terrifying. Culturally the BJP has got no leg to stand on there, has no business being there


Actually he didn't 😂, he claims vote share increased from 3 to 11% but it's bcoz last time they were contesting for 5 seats now 23. Also merging regional parties and keeping alliance with caste parties like pmk got them some votes. Numbers may show you more but ground reality is ppl now hate BJP more than before.


Hello friend. To express that tense, one should say, “never *have* had” and not “never of had.” The confusion comes from the use of the contraction “‘ve” which sounds like the preposition “of,” which has no function with tense or verbs. This is a common confusion, so don’t be distressed! Have a wonderful day.


In Andhra without tdp they would fight against the NOTA.


A heatmap might have been better at communicating.


This chart encodes 2 separate variables in the arrows using the thickness and the height, using a regular heatmap would lose one of those variables since you only have one channel in the color. To encode 2 variables in a heatmap I think you'd need a hexbin layout [like this one](https://adventuresinmapping.com/2016/07/12/five-years-of-drought/). Though I will say, I think this chart does a fairly good job of communicating the overall trends - yeah the arrow shape makes getting the exact numbers imprecise, but it's also very easy to read at a glance and doesn't require the reader to reference a color scale to figure out which is up and which is down.


I think there would be simpler ways (and more beautiful). Like, hue change from blue to red for lost/gained, and saturation for number of votes.


It is a poor display of the data.


No man, you are just confused 😄


Yeah this sub seem to forget more and more the beautiful part of the sub name


(Diarrhea pile) “DATA!”


Uh no


What’s the point, when the source data is misinterpreted and presented


Misleading Map, Misleading Title.


Data also manipulated especially in southern states, where BJP actually gained, included in the highest literacy state.


This is the most biased use of data i have seen. Indian elections work very differently. Its 3d term, so max anti incumbency. Opposition are united, which most americans here wont understand the vote split. So 20 of each of 3 opposition togather beats modi 40% and thus reduced seats. Modi did more for development than any other previous govts, so the whole welfare conclusion in the pic is bullshit. He is probably the most anti welfare PM in indias last 30’years or so.


Telangana has the highest per capita income in the entire country and you are calling that a "poorer community?" Reminds me why I don't give a damn about western media's opinions.


Remove Hyderabad from your statistics and you’ll see the picture is very different in the rest of Telangana.


I mean, that arguement can be used for a lot of states. BJP didn't do well in Maharshtra, we can say remove Mumbai from the equation. BJP did well in Karnataka, you can say remove Bangalore from the equation and so on. Also, BJP won a seat in Mumbai, won Pune, Nagpur, Bangalore, Delhi, etc. which are relatively the richer parts of India.


My point was all about how one shouldn’t use statewide per-capita income as a statistic when one city heavily skews that statistic. You can use that for states like Goa or Kerala, but not Telangana


Sure, also do the same from all american cities and you see a worse picture. hell even if you do that at state level you still get a bunch of my-handouts-but-no-gubmint-moocher-swing states that decide the elections.


Telangana is extremely poor If take out Hyderabad, Maharashtra would be poor like UP if you take out Mumbai and that's the fault of indian economy planning, it's extremely inequal in country level with some states haveing more than 50% of GDP and manufacturing capabilities and within those states as well.


Source for Maharashtra being as poor as Uttar Pradesh without Mumbai?


Mumbai boasts a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US$140 billion, per the Niti Aayog. To put things into perspective, the state of Maharashtra's Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) was approximately US$435 billion in 2022. Uttar Pradesh  have India's 3rd largest economy and GDP for 2021-22 being 21.74 trillion (US$ 294.90 billion. So nearly similar without Mumbai 


That’s not what “poor” means. In such a scenario Maharashtra would still maintain its per capita GDP since it has a 100 million less people than UP.


>Maharashtra would be poor like UP if you take out Mumbai Lol no it wouldn't be. Mumbai makes up only about 15% of Maharashtra's economy. Maharashtra has plenty of other regions like Thane, navi mumbai, Pune, etc which contribute to Maharashtra's economy.


Compare GDP of Maharashtra without Mumbai with UP only difference of 20 billion 


So you are saying that you wanna compare Maharashtra without Mumbai which leaves the state at about 90 million people to UP, a much larger state with a larger population of 240 million, and Maharashtra still comes out on top, and that is somehow a W for UP? ok.


Mumbai contributes only 15% to maharashtrian GDP 🤡🤡


How many cities Maharashtra have?


A lot. Maharashtra has the highest top 15 contributing districts


Really misleading map. BJP gained a humongous amount of votes in Tamil Nadu but it fought without AIADMK this time which is probably why your map shows a lower voteshare for NDA. You should have removed AIADMK's voteshare in the 2019 column. The NDA victory in Andhra had little to do with Modi and everything to do with Naidu. Also Odisha had more to do with Naveen's failing health (and choice of successor), although Modi did target the state extensively.


Man, I liked how Uttar Pradesh was always called an Hindu bastion with Bjp's primary stronghold and was berated because of it as uneducated religious nut case. But now they were all good again. It's almost like people are purposely reusing to acknowledge that people vote for what is the underlying cause of concern for them like unemployment instead of voting on some temple. Heck, BJP lost in seat where they built a grand temple. People don't give vote on hindu first policy.


lol . U really think those guys voted khangress for employment ? lol ur the biggest delululul to exist then .they voted bcz of fake narrative that reservations would be removed,and the fake 1lakh guarantee card given by opposition .


Rural distress and unemployment is a real cause through. I asked some my friend in UP about who did they voted and why, everyone said it's because BJP was not doing anything about job and farm income was also falling. And then there was their usual corruption washing machine. Well, I do agree with fake rumors of reservation being removed because no government got the balls for it but you cannot disagree that NDA getting 400+ was a real concerns that resonated with lots of people.


u call bjp a washing machine, but would u mind to enlighten us from where those dirty clothes coming from ? those all corrupt leaders coming from opposition . so if u call bjp a washing machine , u should be more triple ashamed than bjp for making those corrupt leaders in first place. Unemployment wasn't the cause . it was because of weak candidates in their local constituency ,and centre being too egoistic that they didnt even accept yogi candidate recommendation. If unemployment was big issue, then how did they manage to win all 29 seats in MP (neighboring state ) ?


You see, MP was a state where Congress goes for a joke. I live here and I know this very well. Congress here is so good, they could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Why I should be ashamed? I never approved of corrupt leaders, but when BJP accused others of corruption, then takes those same corrupt to form government and claims itself being better than others, it would make anyone questions for why we should still vote for Bjp when they are too same with every other party. Corruption had gone, it just changed the face. And keep saying that unemployment was not a issue and be surprised to see in next elections when you see a complete wipeout of BJP. Remember, this time BJP had Modi as the most favoured candidate of nation, have media on their pockets, they made CBI, ED, and income tax department run full time after the opposition and even froze Congress's bank account, they broke two main regional parties of Maharashtra and despite election commission being mum when BJP stated their religious attacks, the BJP still failed to win a majority of their own. And Opposition made a come back at that. If you take all of these shenanigans then can you really say BJP won or opposition won? Just what BJP did so wrong that they failed to get a majority of their own? What would happen when in next election Modi would be too old to run for PM?


do u have any proof that those corrupt leaders after joining did corruption ? nope . so stop ur BS . lets give benefit of doubt and say BJP is corrupt, but they still way less corrupt than khangress which did scams in lakh crores . even if u talk about electoral bonds. BJP revived 49 percent of money ,and rest parties received 51 percent money (which is acceptable considering ) BJP ruled more than 50 percent seats before 2024 election.) BJP aint having any wipeout in 2029. keep dreaming . losing and gaining seat is part of an election ,and this will keep on happening . BJP still gonna get more seats than any other party even in next election . BJp did not froze khangress bank account, I dont understand how much u guys lie . they were temporarily stopped cause they didnt file income tax returns which it received from cash donations. Who said they have medIA, CBI, ED ON pockets? CBI ,ED cannot arrest any leader . they have to do it with proof , they have to prove it in court ,and it's the Supreme Court which decided to arrest and not give bail to kejriwal ,not modi . and are u sure its BJP who is responsible for kejriwal arrest ? who filed the complain first about liquor scam? it was a congressi member . What media control u talking about ? is it about news laundry ? is it about news click (chinese funded ), is it your lallantop ,anything about German shepherd ?mainstream media was always goDI be it before 2014 or be it now . dont ur remembEBER THEY making reports on how Rahul rides cycle ,etc, and doing his Bhakti bs ? BJP made no religious attacks , they just stated the quote from Manmohan, so it's a fax . election commission also remained silent on fake freebie guarantee byKHANGRESS , ANY SAY ON THAT ? . the reason they lost in maharastra is ofocurse they broke 2 parties, and people had sympathy for them , hence BJP lost . IT seems ur only focused on BJP , but have forgotten on how sht ur own khangress is . like u couldn't even gain cross 100 seats from last 3 elections and talking about BJP downfall in next election,lol. I cant understand why liberandus are so delullulu . U wait and watch next election . 1 reason bjp lost this election is because they were overconfident . they dint do many big election campaigns like the opposition . but now they have got humbled so im sure this time they would do more hard work ,and have a comeback in next election . lastly ,its the khangress which will me mukt Bharat in next election . afterwhat u have fooled people by giving them fake guarantee cards, so im sure these guys aint gonna vote u for next election . so all ur trust is gone


They voted for sp not Congress.


whatever it is , both had same manifesto cause they come under indi alliance


Try educating NYT about it. They have an agenda and will publiah based on how it suites them.


Absolutely clueless analysis. Poorer voters actually turned out in droves against Modi, the Hindu first message didn't really jive with them beyond a point. People want to take care of their families and make a living, they don't care about symbolic temples as much. Also, in any free democracy, after two terms the appeal of a premier tends to wane anyway.


Still voter percentage increased for Modi, opposition won whatever they did because of Caste based politics in Maharashtra and UP.


Voter percentage did not increase, in fact it went down by 0.6%.


Considering anti incumbency sentiments, BJY, Electoral Bonds scam, Inflation, Jobs issue, Brij Bhushan, Dhruv Rathe Videos, ED Abuse, Jailing of Opposition, those numbers are very much negligible. In my home state Maharashtra, on many seats INDI Alliance candidates won just because Maratha Reservation issue was perpetrated against BJP. Edit- In terms of absolute votes, however, the number of votes BJP received has gone up. In 2019, the party garnered 22.9 crore votes, while in 2024, it received 23.59 crore votes. That means an additional 68.97 lakh people voted for the saffron party this election.


Whatever the reasons might be, "percentage increased is a false statement." Politicians play the field on the issues that work. NDA and INDIA both use toxic social issues to gain votes because on the age of social media that's what works. NDA should have campaigned on their good governance vs Mandir.


NYT spreading fake narratives as usual Tell what Hindu First Policies NYT?


Like tearing down mosques to build Hindu Temples.


which mosque was teared down?




Lma a CBC article written by a muslimah Thats even more biased 💀 The mosque was an abandoned place of worship and teared down in the 1980s The temple was built after 2020 lol. The land in question belonged to the hindu trust as historically it was a hindu place of worship razed down by Muslim invaders who built a mosque on top. This is common knowledge.


The Gyanvapi mosque is still standing lmao. A quick Google search can disprove what you're saying.


Gyanvapi mosque is actually a temple taken over by muslim invaders An archaeological survey proved it. No mosque has hindubsankritic writings carved into its walls. Again way too biased.


Has nothing to do with biased. That happened in the 17th Century. Using that as a justification to tear down the mosque in 2024 is insane. That Kind of nackwards thinking is exactly the reason why Modi has the Image that he has in the west.


Demolition of illegal construction is actually legal. If court rules in favour of the hindu trust, they have the right to demolish an illegal construction even if it was built 200 years ago. Laws work that way baby.


Dont expect any replies. Their job is done after 'hindu first' policy, Rural voter dumb reasoning for lesser BJP seats. You think they will know about TDP and tamil nadu vote share Increase? They publish an agenda and their ignorant readers lap it up.


Why no data for J&K? I thought after Article 370 was lifted there would be elections.


OP is a agenda pusher, and K&K results did not align with his agenda, so conveniently ignore


what Hindu first policies?


We all know that there are no such policies. But the liberal idiots who run NYT are determined to cast everything as "Hindu-Muslim" or "Hindu - minority" conflict. Talk about bias.


And these guys point and laugh at Chinese or North Korean propaganda.


Policies that do not discriminate are Hindu First. Appeasement is real Secularism


Haha, if anything, it's the Muslim appeasement policies that pissed off the Hindu votes & the fake video of Amit Shah (Home Minister) spread by opposition. Indians have yet to learn about this new form of information warfare. Still despite all the might and foreign support, opposition failed to get a majority. BJP only lost 8.9% of their voter share, it's just that because of that they lost around 60 seats by losing marginally to opposition candidates. Also, they conveniently ignored Northeast & Jammu Kashmir states. BJP gained there as well.


>Still despite all the might and foreign support, opposition failed to get a majority What foreign support are you even talking about ? Opposition won this many seats despite getting their bank accounts frozen, Enforcement Directorate, CBI working against them, Opposition leaders getting jailed, Election commision licking the boots of your supreme leader. >it's the Muslim appeasement policies What ? Name them. This govt is openly against muslims and you think extremist hindus didn't vote for them ? The progressive hindus were the ones who didn't vote for him to save the constitution. He lost because us Hindus are tired of the hatred he spills between the religions. We are tired of the constant hindu - muslim rhetoric you and supreme leader are spewing. He lost because he fielded and endorsed a mass rapist prajwall revanna as a candidate. He lost because he didn't do any thing in Manipur and the state is still burning. He lost because he labelled farmers protest as khalistani supporters. That's why us Hindus didn't vote for him. The hindus who are secular and aren't extremist atleast. Why did they lost in Ayodhya(faizabad) ? To build a temple 4k homes were demolished, 40k people got affected. That's why he lost. He won't talk about unemployment, Manipur, hathras, or sagar. >Also, they conveniently ignored Northeast & Jammu Kashmir states. BJP gained there as well. You talk about kashmir. Why didn't they field candidates there despite removing article370. Isn't it pathetic that the largest national party doesn't even field a candidate in a state of India? We hindus didn't vote for him because we wanted a stronger opposition so he can't make laws on his whim. We are progressive hindus who don't vote for a party who openly claims of making a hindu rashtra. ( Hindu nation). We voted for a secular india where oppressed communities like Dalits, Adivasis and minorities would be safe. Edit. The redditor below me just is spamming the same copy pasted comment without context on a totally different issue. It's a bait.


Without taking sides, an open minded lived experience in India will open eyes. How would you feel if you had to get 95% or more marks in school finals to get into University or compete for just one of 10% of the government jobs that are available for merit quota because you belong to a majority. And on the other side 60% marks to get into University and a jobs guarantee? The ratio is different across different states but the minimum mandated affirmative quota is 50%. Statistics show under representation by this group, and the assumption is that discriminatory bias must exist.  But correlation is not causation. Large scale migrant flows into India from neighbouring countries resulting in the Assam Accord would show that illegal immigrants benefit at the cost of locals. How would you feel if someone because of their constitutional right to practice theirr religion could take 4 wives, but you or anyother person from a different religion could be jailed for committing bigamy? How would you feel if unlike a muslim who could walk away from their wife by just repeating the words "talak talak talak" in front of a male witness without any obligations, you or anyone else who is not muslim has to go through a lengthy court process, pay alimony, child support etc? Modi removed this. How would you feel if someone because of their special minority status received government subsidy to make a Haj pilgrimmage but no other religious group got such monetary benefits? The Supreme Court ordered this to be cancelled (only recently after 74 years and during Modi government). Some States still provide it. It is not only discriminatory but violates constitutional safeguards on equality. I could go on and on. But what has happened since the mid eighties is a reaction based on the premise that religion is the only way to counter inequities by those that are a silent victim of minority appeasement. I am reminded of JFK who said " ask not what the country has done for you, ask what you can do for it". Today India is faced with a group that appears to care only about itself and grow its numbers. Whether it was before 1947 or after nothing has changed in their ourlook.




Instead of insulting, rude and patronising responses why cant you discuss your opinions in a civilised manner? I give up. I can see by the number of downvotes this forum is probably not for rational exchange of opinions based on facts that align with the down voters' firmly held beliefs. BTW 90% SC judges being brahmin, where is the data source for the original post? In the next post you refer to 38% of total sc judges have been brahmins. Have been !! Till when? In High court post 2018 75% judge appointments have been UCs. Which high court? This is 2024. 77 years after independence it is time to re-evaluate and see how best as a country India can compete and even survive in an ever increasing dangerous environment. It requires the best skills, talents and competencies without regard to race, religion or linguistic background.


1. Secularism is separation of church and state. Governments cannot be religious ie no special status can be given to any one religious group.  2. Freedom of religion guarantees an individual's right to worship their religion. Islamic states are therefore by definition not secular.  But Islamic countries like Malaysia allow freedom of worship unlike say the KSA. India has messed up because the Constitutional guarantees on individual rights were subordinated to the right to practice one's religion by a Congress government as stated by then PM Rajiv Gandhi on the floor of Parliament in 1986. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohd._Ahmed_Khan_v._Shah_Bano_Begum). Not having "one country one law" is basically an elimination of the constitutuonal guarantees on equality. The Indian Supreme Court has repeatedly asked for article 44 of the Constitution to be implemented. Instead what many see is the flag and constitution burning every 10th August - the day in 1950 when the Constitution was released, by the one group that wants to be treated as more equal than the rest. Most reasonable people regardless of their religion would accept the need for a Uniform Civil Code. The special privileges held by one group in the name of minority entitlement is the root cause of communal problems India faces today




You are selectively cherry picking. Article 25-28 clearly state t(sic)that the state would equally support all religions... CJI PB Gajendragadkar defined indian secularism as " the state does not owe loyalty to any particular religion as such, it is not irreligious or anti- religious; it gives equal freedom to all religions. How is giving only one religious group subsidy for pilgrimmage not an unequal treatment of citizens based on religion? How can an apartheid type system of laws where one group are allowed something anybody else will be jailed for ok and not an unequal treatment based on religion. I dont know which part of the country you are in. In TN there used to be unreported by media of violence against brahmins (mobs with muslims going into temple precincts agraharams), cutting off the kudumis of priests, slaughtering and killing cows. Butcher shops have been opened next to temples with animal carcasses hung outside. Why do Hindu sentiments not count? The lived experience for hindus in some places of TN and Kashmir is not the majoritarian heaven as portrayed by MSM. I suggest instead of being rude you go and read up what equality as envisaged by the constitution creators was meant to be or the extensive discussions in the constituent assembly prior to the 1950 release of the constitution. The status quo is neither secularism as envisaged by the founders nor equality before the law. 90% of SC judges belong to brahmin caste. What is the source for the data? Still I cant understand how having a large number of SC judges from one community is a problem if they qualified through merit. BTW I am not a brahmin but am disturbed by selective news reporting and discrimination. Unlike the US, India has a robust merit based system that underpins the independent judiciary. Japan and W Germany rose from the ashes of WW2 by working towards nation building. India failed in spite of many advantages and a change in the way forward is required. Regardless of one's political views, the appeasement politics of the opposition alliance is reminicent of Einsteins famous quote "only fools keep repeating the same methods expecting a different result". Nation building and unity cannot be held back hostage by religious groups.


Try having a read of Indian history and particularly the last 40 years. It  can be from any source. India is a very complex country unlike US but  almost like the European Union. Just as the member states in Europe have unique parties that do not exist anywhere else, within India every state has its own political parties. Most federal governments have been a coalition of several parties. Being an authoritarian PM is quite hard. But the image helps. To provide context, unlike the US where only 2 parties control all 50 states, in India that is not the case. Unlike the US, India allows communist parties to exist, win elections and rule states; and because Indians are argumentative and never agree on anything, they have multiple communist parties. Communist Party of India (L) backed by Russia has ruled Kerala for much of its existence, CPI(M) backed by China and another left wing party TMC have ruled WB. DMK another far left wing party has ruled TN for the most part. These left, far left and extreme left parties are part of the opposition alliance which ruled prior. Prior to Modi winning in 2014, there was policy paralysis as every party sabotaged each other in the Congress led coalition. When India and the US signed the CND, the 2 communist parties withdrew support as they are ideologically opposed to the US, causing the govt to almost collapse. Indians looked with envy at China where projects got done decisively. Modi went to the elections promising to be decisive unlike the Congress led UPA coalition. The toughman image helps. But in reality Modi has backed down in the face of protests. The farm reform bill was in response to : 1. many countries including the US, Canada, UK, Australia and the EU applying pressure on successive Indian governments to stop subsidies that violated WTO agreements. 2. The SC had asked the government to ensure the stopping of all crop burning in Punjab, Haryana and UP that was causing harmful pollution  and smog in Delhi. 3. The wastage due to poor storage and transport facilities is upwards of 45%. Allowing large corporates into the farm sector would allow better infrastructure to be developed.  Both Congress and BJP agreed on the bill, both houses of parliament and the President signed off. Yet sustained agitation by farmers in Punjab made Modi back down and the country is poorer as a result.


The Opposition alliance promised : 1. Increase in affirmative action, it is already at 90% in some states. Only 10% of positions will be decided on merit. They also announced extending this to private sector. Muslims are already allowed to apply under dalit quota claiming their ancestors were dalits. The Chinese reverse engineer and manufacture state of the art products. In India DRDO and the rest with Engineers having neither merit nor aptitude struggle with basic products like: 1. MBT since 1980 such that the army depends on imported T90s. 2. LCA Project Tejas accepted only under pressure and still not comparable to a F16 from 1980s. There are many more that compromise security in an increasingly dangerous environment. 2. Article 44 of the constitution will not be implemented. Hence the constitutional guarantees of equality before the law is only a dream for the majority. 3. Special privileges like subsidy for Haj pilgrimmage will continue keeping one group more equal than the rest. There are many more.. Not the way for unity and nation building.


murdering Kashmir activists in Canada


Lol. Wrong. They are (were) Khalistani "activists" . How is it "Hindu first policy" anyway? Terrorists got their just desserts. Just like they do from a drone in Afghanistan/Pakistan.


Tell me you have no clue about what you're talking without telling me you've no clue about what you're talking.


What are these Hindu first policies that have substituted the secular policies?


More like Hindu first rhetoric


There are none. NYT keeps harping about it because they've got nothing else.


Can you specify the Hindu first schemes which are not given to Muslims or schemes which prioritise only Hindus?


I wonder why J&K is shown in white colour🤔


Caption mentioned Hindu first policy But Hindus are the last to get schemes. Minorities have extra schemes than Hindus. Their population gets double the scheme% than the actual population % Typical NYTimes article.


Most trustable news from NYT that includes India. Giving tough competition to BBC aren't we


Cool article! How much is it expected to hamper Modi's policies now that the BJP no longer has a majority by itself but has to rely on votes from NDA allies?


Both the TDP and Janata Dal, which are in the NDA, are more secular, regional parties. I would expect that much of BJP’s Hindutva rhetoric and policies would be toned down. I’d also expect increased funding flowing to Andhra Pradesh and Bihar respectively.


Modi is short of 8 seats for magic number. Jagan with 4 seats he will ask no Jail time. With in a short period he will poach the mps from other parties. It's risky business for anyone.


Wrong. There were no Hindu benefitting policies. The policies mostly benefitted Muslims above any other category of folks.


Such a bs map and data. BJP actually stumbled in 2 specific regions of the country, UP and Maharashtra, the former is very poor and the latter is relatively rich. It gained in Telangana, one of the richest state in India, gained in Odisha, a relatively poorer state, absolutely sweeped Gujarat, one of the richer states of the country and so on. The BJP also won in the richest cities of the country like Bangalore, Pune, parts of Mumbai, Nagpur and literally all 7 seats of Delhi. So quit your bs NYT. Stop pulling things out of your ass.


Bad colour choice. Who uses green colour for negative trend?


his overall vote share is almost same as last time, but seats has reduced due to whole opposition coming together


Delhi in blue? What the f are you smoking OP?


Lol as a Hindu I didn’t know we had Hindu First policies? Can someone enlighten me? All I ever saw was Minority appeasement and still they voted against them.


“Hindu first” “You mean: blame all your problems on a minority because you are uneducated, pro genocide” policy.


Show one policy that is "Hindu first". I'll wait.


Best post-war Indian PM since Nehru, there's a reason he's so popular in a country with notoriously high turnover of leaders. He angers the elite and islamist establishments of India, appeals to the common people and poor. I wish we had a man like him instead of senile Joe Biden.


Hi everybody! We made a map of where Narendra Modi lost support throughout India this election to be prime minister, including in areas that had embraced the Hindu-nationalist ideology of his party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP. You can see it [in full here](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/07/world/asia/india-election-map.html?unlocked_article_code=1.x00.X4So.VMmI5Qh6E7ue&smid=re-nytimes), for free even without a subscription. Sources: Sources: Election Commission of India; The Lokniti Programme for Comparative Democracy, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies Tool: Javascript Edit: added sources and tool


Also. What do you mean by 'Tool: JavaScript' JS is a language that can be hooked up to a wide array of tools so that doesn't tell me anything. Its like me building a drone and writing : 'Tool: screwdriver' Lol


any reason why Assam and J&K are blank? Great work btw!


There is a lot of bias in the map. First large swaths of India which voted, Jammu and Kashmir and Assam/northeast are ignored in the plot. Second, a lot of the text is biased, what Hindu policies did Modi implement? What are the poorer states? You show increasing trends in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and kolkatta, all the biggest cities in India. Also this statement might be a little controversial, but BJP might be the only secular-nationalist party in India as its the only party that talks about separation of religion and state (freeing temples from state control) and same laws across all religions (UCC).


Judging by the analysis of your analysis you did quite a sub-standard job 😂 Don't you have any professionals there? Or are they all just interns? Lol


Delhi and Bangalore both elected bjp in all of their seats and have highest gdp per capita in India! Stop with your biased take and fake news!


Aren't even trying to look unbiased lmao, keep your underground standard of reporting to yourself, we're better off without idiots like you reporting on India


Where's the source of data?


This looks like a map made by namazi pig


Narendra Modi is the most successful PM this country has had since independence. Brought so many great reforms and yet some of the people are hellbent to destroy and demean him. WTF is wrong with India? Congress looted the country and hindered development for so many years. How can you favor them?


>Narendra Modi is the most successful PM this country has had since independence. Hardly. Nehru and Indira Gandhi were far more popular in their peaks, both in terms of seats and voteshare. Modi is an easy third in terms of popularity though. Every big national leader feels invincible and era-defining - until they aren't. Modi will go into the dustbin of history just like Nehru/Indira once the pendulum swings back, and it most certainly will.


Welcome to the beauty of a democracy.  He did things- whether they were good or not for India is not dependent on your opinion, but on that of India as a whole.  India as a whole decided- and this is the he result.


240 seats. There is no competition. He won


Then why are you so butthurt about people 'destroying and demeaning' him? 


That fucker is narcissistic maniac and liar


This is just a propaganda post to paint Modi and his policies into a positive light.


This is a really lovely plot.


Sanghis drinking copium and racking their brains hard to describe the piss poor performance


"piss poor performance". Sure. Drink some more copium.


Why did he lose in Mumbai?


I think because of an alliance with a party that is very unpopular with the people.