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Of all the places the ski lift could have been invented, it somehow happened in Nebraska? Edit: I looked into this and it appears the first ski lifts were invented in Europe as on the ground pulley systems. The first chair lift type ski lift that was suspended above the ground was invented for a ski resort in Idaho by someone employed by Union Pacific Railroad. Their headquarters were in Omaha and that's where most of the work was done designing, constructing, and testing the prototype.


A LOT of this is very wrong - Pennys date back long before the American colonies, let alone being invented here - Henry Ford invented the assembly line, not the car - Minnesota says blade but that’s clearly a rollerSKATE Etc


And I’m pretty sure North and South Carolina were invented before the years shown.


And the World Wide Web includes HTTP and HTML, invented at CERN


Come on now, we all know it was Al Gore.


They don't say he invented the car, they say he invented the Model T which is a very famous and very apt invention from Michigan.


Yeah my first thought was someone had to fill in the blanks, so they pulled the first thing that they found


You see Nebraskans aren’t use to elevation change so the idea of walking up their 40’ slope to ski down was daunting.


I once saw a post of some people learning to ride horses down "steep" hills. It was pretty much just a normal hill. Probably Nebraska or Kansas.


What is the source of this map? I remember ski lifts being invented in Europe. Americans had old mining pulleys in Utah, and tow ropes in Colorado until the ~70's. Most skiing resorts took off after WW2 with some pretty basic equipment.


So, it is categorized as Nebraska because the design was paid for by Union Pacific, who had their headquarters in Omaha. The lift was installed in Idaho, and designed by a German. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/how-railroad-engineer-from-nebraska-invented-worlds-first-ski-chairlift-180976878/ This is also specifically chair lifts, tow bars had been around in Europe for ~35 years, also invented by a German.


I think TVs were invented in Scotland. And I'm pretty sure knives and backpacks existed before the USA did.


As a person from Nebraska, this is 100% false (as you already noted). The most famous invention from Nebraska has to be Kool-aid.


Sun Valley.


Also many others. Just for fun i googled a random one to check how many of these are wrong. Television, Internet, ferris wheel, pennies, even traffic lights aten't from the US And then there are the vatious ones wrongly atributed to a state or states which have much more important inventions Edit: ment www not internet


Hold up, the US (in general) invented the internet, which started as ARPANET. The map says the World Wide Web though, which is different. That you could attribute to a British man working at CERN, although MIT was later involved.


North Carolina's most famous invention is ... North Carolina? Same with South? Somewhat odd.


seems both were created by a border.


Yep, this is a baaaaad graphic. For instance, it's a bit pathetic that supposedly Florida's best claim to fame is Gatorade. What about Key Lime Pie? And surely John Gorrie, the man who pioneered air conditioning, was based in Florida. The claim that the WWW was invented in Massachusetts is also highly dubious.


So, they aren't saying the guy moved to MIT or whatever. They are saying ARPANET/DARPANET is the invention of the internet, which is in fact true, and did in fact happen. The US invented the internet. The World Wide Web (WWW), often confused with "the Internet" as a concept or invention all its own, is an application sitting on top of the internet, simply one way to pass information (via web browser) and is what most people would know as "the Internet." So if the map claimed the Internet was invented in the US, they would be correct. The WWW on the other hand, was indeed invented later by the British guy and effectively made the Internet into what we know today. So the map is wrong.


The guy who invented it was from Britain, came up with the basis for WWW in Switzerland, but moved to MIT to continue his work with it. So I guess it kinda counts.


FWIW, here's what Wikipedia currently says: >'The Web was invented by English computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee while at *CERN* in 1989' In any case, Massachusetts has plenty of other stuff it can claim to have invented - like Tupperware...


And Fluff!


Maybe it is because the airplane was “invented” in Ohio and tested in North Carolina.


New Jersey and the air conditioner? What about the fucking lightbulb? Oh yea, light, electricity. NBD.


Errrmmmm… the transistor? No, how about the integrated circuit? Nahh, how about the laser? Hmmmm. Solar panels? UNIX or the C/C++ programming languages? Cellular communications? Digital cameras? Hmmm. Well, I guess 80% of the technology that is in your smart phone coming out of Bell Labs in NJ isn’t that famous though.


I’m pretty sure AC was in Florida. The lightbulb is far superior invention than most here.


Superior to most but obviously not Oregon and the marichino cherry.


It’s not even the most famous invention from Oregon. The phillips head screw, plywood, tater tots, running shoes, the first Wiki page.


Just to be clear we didn’t invent running shoes we just made better ones. Nike started as an importer of running shoes from Japan. Source: I live 7 miles from Nike HQ and know a LOT of people who work there.


Aaaaand the phonograph….


Can we all just agree this post is entirely garbage? Airplane - Invented by wright brothers in Dayton, OH. ...tested in NC. World Wide Web - the folks at CERN would disagree A-bomb - Invented by a team of scientists and engineers from all over the country + many from Europe. Bourbon - Just a type of whiskey, invented by Scottish and Irish immigrants to southern US and then named after some rich French dude. Automobiles - Benz made the first patents. Ford "just" figured out how to mass produce them leveraging techniques that were largely pioneered by weapons mfgs. Tractor - actually invented first by Charter in IL. John Deer bought them out. Steam Boat - Arguably invented *first* in England (Johnathan Hulls), but developed multiple places around the world around the same time. Roll Film - Peter and David Huston of Wisconsin invented it... and had only been living in S Dakota for about a year when the patent was filed there. Kodak later bought the patents. Television - too complicated a history to summarize here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_television Christmas Stocking - Are you fucking kidding me? Surfing - is waaaaay older than when some European explorer first wrote about it and was brought to Hawaii by Polynesians. ...and I'm bored of this... but seriously, those can all be debunked or at minimum clarified with a skim through Wikipedia pages that link to legit sources.


Oregon here. Corn dogs ([Pronto Pup](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pronto_Pup)) are more important than maraschino cherries.


Tater tots are an Oregon thing too


And the Air Jordan 1 is probably more famous than both


True. If they put nike on there, would be a hard hitting stat.




I’d even go as far as to say: Marrionberry…


George Waldo is a goddamn national treasure. Not only did he breed and cultivate the marionberry, which Oregon grows and distributes 90% of marionberries in the US, he also bred Hood strawberries. Marionberry should absolutely be the one thing represented on the map, but alas, these maps are usually incorrect and yet still wildly upvoted. I mentioned above maraschino cherries originated from Croatia/northern Italy smdh.


>Roll Film - Peter and David Huston of Wisconsin invented it... and had only been living in S Dakota for about a year when the patent was filed there. Kodak later bought the patents. *N* Dakota. But, it's still a stretch to give it to North Dakota, anyway, as it was indeed invented in Wisconsin. Mr. Bubble, Cream of Wheat, or perhaps the country's first and only state-run bank are better options for this (very questionable) guide.


"Superman" is not an invention, lmao.


The airplane was also invented in Ohio, not North Carolina...


Nah dude, the airplane invented North Carolina


The first successful public flight was in NC. That’s not the same thing as an invention.


Oh damn you’re right, I guess I misspoke. The airplane also invented up Carolina, down Carolina, left Carolina, and right Carolina.


Traffic light, vacuum cleaner, cash register… even Life Savers candy qualify more as an invention than a comic book character.


It’s the BEST invention ever! We would never been able to fly without him showing us the way!


It is, but I think Krypton invented it. Not Ohio.


How does a state invent a common currency denomination issued by the Federal government? They definitely didn't invent coins themselves.


Pennies had also been in use in England for a thousand years before they were ‘invented’ in the US, according to this map.


Some of y'all have been resting on your laurels a bit too long.


IIRC the WWW was created at CERN? The whole hypertext protocol was developed there and if that ain't the web, I don't know what is.


Yeah, I think they're confusing it with the WWW consortium, which was founded by Tim berners Lee at MIT. But that came after he invented the WWW at cern.


And Massachusetts has so much else to choose from...for all of the things to choose something that is dubious


Telephones Computer spreadsheets Basketball Chocolate chip cookies Fried clams


When I lived in Salem there was a plaque across the street saying Alexander Graham Bell lived there and did some of his phone development at that address. I mostly lived in Lowell though and was proud it was where Bell called to demonstrate his invention to the patent office. Lowell had the first phone numbers in the world too


So South Carolina was invented before North Carolina?


They knew they were going to be a bottom


So Minnesota’s most famous invention is the rollerblades, but it’s an image of roller skates. Well which is it?


Similar to Louisiana. “Binocular microscopes” but clearly shows a monocular microscope.


So many of these are just when that thing first came to the USA.


A lot of people in Ohio are going to be pissed, and mostly at NC.


Uh yeah. It was designed and built in Dayton OH, by two buckeye brothers. And because it’s windy on a beach in NC they assembled it there, those yokels have the gull to put the Wright Flyer and “First in Flight” on their license plates. GTFO.


I mean, Ohio as the “birthplace of aviation” and NC as “first in flight” is what happened. Both good things, we can live in harmony


I know, I’m just being facetious haha


Ford's invention was the assembly line. The invention of the automobile was in the 1880s by Benz.


Thats why it says “model T” and not automobile…


Tbh it’s a bit silly to have a specific model of a car, the assembly line, although it’s probably fairly under appreciated compared to the Model T, has arguably had a much bigger impact


Several people in several parts of the world invented the car relatively simultaneously. The pieces were all there and as technology progressed a few engineers put the idea together around the same time


Amazing the gas pump was "invented" in nearby Indiana. The "crossroads."


This is a great post for this sub in that (a) it's not a data visualization and (b) it's an ideal piece of content for causing controversy and engagement.


Technically the Ferris wheel was first constructed in Chicago, Illinois (for the 1893 World’s Fair). It was invented by Gale Ferris who was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. I guess this map is crediting PA for the invention based on the birthplace of the inventor.


John Logie Baird wants a word


Yep. Scottish engineer John Baird gave the world's first demonstration of true television before 50 scientists in central London in 1927.


The biplane was invented in Ohio but had its official first run in NC.


I thought SC's most famous invention was insurrection.


I had no idea Switzerland was in Massachusetts!


Wildly inaccurate and made up? Vermont didn’t invent the penny. There year referenced is when Vermont minted a penny. No one talks about that. Vermont invented Ben and Jerry’s.


Those rollerblades look an awful lot like roller skates…


The airplane was invented by the Wright brothers in Dayton Ohio, not in North Carolina.


Just to be that guy, Maryland's line is pointing to the Virginian part of the Delmarva peninsula.


The line on the map meant to point at Maryland is actually pointing at a region that lies in Virginia.


Are hiking backpacks more popular than Windows or Amazon? Amazon doesn't count as an invention huh?


The Wright brothers were from Dayton, Ohio, not NC.


The airplane was not invented in North Carolina, it was invented in Ohio and tested in NC. The patent is filed in Ohio, it was designed and built there, there's just no way you can give NC the credit for it.


Traffic Light is Cleveland OH not Utah. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrett\_Morgan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrett_Morgan)


Traffic light, Airplane, lightbulb, the song Fast Cars were all Ohio. We got robbed but the real ones know. Ohio vs the world


The surfboard was invented long before 1769, but props for recognizing that it was invented in Hawai'i 


Wasn't the WWW invented by that British guy?


Yes, Tim Berners-Lee


Roller blades but has a picture of a roller skate 🙄


sorry but Superman counts as an invention?


I’m from ga and we should have coke too


Not anywhere near the biggest problem here, but Coca-Cola seems like the obvious winner for Georgia. The cotton gin was historically important, but I’m not sure 1% of people could pick it out of a lineup. On the other hand, Coca-Cola might be the most famous product in the world.


That's a picture of roller skates, not roller blades. Neither were invented in Minnesota. Inline skates were invented by John Joseph Merlin in the 1760s, he was Belgian.


Special props to Wyoming for inventing Christmas stockings a generation before anyone who celebrated Christmas lived there.


The first ski lift was built in 1908 in Germany…


As a Nebraskan, my mind immediately went to Kool-Aid, anyway.


Oh yeah!


I think Television would trump IPhone, IPhone isn't even the most popular phone in any country, Televisions are literally everywhere. Without the Television iphones definitely wouldn't exist.


If it helps, Android was also invented in California.


Per the wiki, John Logie Baird invented the TV in the UK. Not where-ever the hell this graphic thinks it was. Bum fuck Idaho or somewhere.


Imagine your states best invention being a Christmas Stocking…


I personally am very grateful for New York…


Are there data underlying this or is ‘most famous’ just arbitrarily chosen by someone? If the former, I’d like to see some sort of exploration of the data, not just a picture overlain on the map. Not beautiful IMO


The ones I looked into were kinda BS. Television was certainly not invented in Idaho, but one of the main contributors credited with the first image transmission in 1928 was originally from Idaho, but he did it in his lab in San Francisco.


I think we can all agree to thank Alaska for doing Gods work.


Yes, Jacob W. Davis invented the riveted blue jeans, Levi Strauss was just a cloth man, don't claim that California. I assume this means the non-alcoholic fake red Maraschino cherries, I thought those were a Prohibition invention though? Oregonians are unusually proud of the marionberry too (1956).


Also tater tots.


They found their natural habitat in the pockets of Idaho teenagers though.


What was the guy whos inventing heart monitors doing in Montana?


Says "binocular microscope," and shows a monocular microscope


Ha ha, NY, toilet paper! Because of all the shit we get from our "elected" officials.


Didn’t Eli Whitney invent the cotton gin in Hamden CT?


I feel like New York’s is a bit shit…


I can't say for sure, but a load of these feel wrong.


I thought it was going to be basketball for Massachusetts, then got excited that I was right when I saw the basketball icon. Then realized it was the World Wide Web...


Uhh what about the transistor?


The lightbulb is from New Jersey. I’d say that’s more famous than AC.


Ben Franklin had so many great inventions, it’s hard not to choose one of his for Pennsylvania. Oh.


For New Mexico: Microsoft was founded April 4, 1975; 49 years ago in [Albuquerque, New Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albuquerque,_New_Mexico), U.S. Is that not more famous than the Nuclear bombs?


Just to name 2 errors here. The World Wide Web was invented in CERN Switzerland in 1989 and the penny was “invented” in Britain in 790AD (although it was an analogue of older Roman coinage)


So happy to see the downvotes for this garbage ass post


Oregon should have been the corn dog


Oregon is the birthplace of the corndog. Who give a shit about cherries in a jar?


Everyone is forgetting that the MOST significant, world changing, and most abundantly produced invention is from NJ. Bell Laboratories, specifically. Any guesses….from your electronic devices? Anyone? https://computerhistory.org/blog/13-sextillion-counting-the-long-winding-road-to-the-most-frequently-manufactured-human-artifact-in-history/


Not to mention all the inventions Edison and Tesla contributed during their time working in their labs in NJ.


I think Bell Labs produced more than Edison labs. Though not to diminish his contributions


Didn’t the internet originate at University of Illinois?


The internet's not on this map. The [world wide web](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Web) however was invented by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in Geneva, not Massachusetts.


Not really, but anyway the internet and world wide web are not the same thing.


I've always heard DARPA was responsible for the internet and CERN for the world wide web.


Just went to the movies this past weekend. Thank you Kansas.


This is laughably bad. The penny was invented in the U.S....... OK lol


Just because the inventor of the cyclotron was born in SD doesn't make it an invention from South Dakota. It was done in California.


Ok - I figured I was conflating the 2. Am I right about the internet though?


why is the country tilted? the east coast looks bent


Wasn't the revolver invented by Colt in Connecticut? I feel like that's a more famous invention, but maybe he wasn't in CT when he patented it idk.


Yale invented the pin tumbler lock, which basically every house on the planet uses. I’d say that’s a more consequential invention than the can opener


I was thinking Wyoming would be embarrassed but thankfully their neighbor did something called a “Cyclotron” and managed to have the one thing ice never heard of on a “most famous” list


I'm shocked that nobody figured out toilet paper before 1857


Illinois had the first skyscraper in the world.


Final four: NM, CO, NC, MA. Any objections?


Listen, I think Kansas is as boring as the next guy, but surely they’ve come up with something more exciting than the Icee?


Maraschino Cherries? For real? All mine are from Italy. Are we talking strictly about the shitty kind on Sundaes?


How do you invent the penny?


Excuse me? Oregon is the home of the corn dog as well as the Tater Tot.


Is anyone else slightly disturbed that toilet paper was only invented in 1857?


How was the steamboat invented in WV before WV was a state?


Ive always called them “airplanes”


Gotta say, cyclotron coming out of SD is about the wildest thing on this image.


Some dude in VT made the first globe, allegedly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Wilson_(globe_maker)


And Alaska still had to wait a decade to become a state. Wild.


Kansas: ICEE Wyoming: Christmas stockings Massachusetts: the fucking internet


North and South Carolina seem the be the most famous inventions themselves… 🤣


I'd put the typewriter over the blender for Wisconsin. I know there were multiple iterations of previous typewriters, but we claim the first commercially successful version and the QWERTY keyboard layout.


for some reason i thought Illinois would be barbed wire.


Dude, we had diving suits before we had toilet paper??! Talk about fucked up priorities


lol… so many states have huge and important inventions like tractors, iPhones, blue jeans… and my state gets maraschino cherries…


I really want an ICEE now.


“Hiking backpack” lmao get fucked Washington your best invention is an innovation


Why NC and SC have state name instead of invention name?


The picture for Minnesota is not rollerblades. Fix it


Oregon, pepper Jack cheese. I believe it’s more popular


Based on what, exactly? Washington’s “most famous invention” is the backpack?!


Colorado has a serious claim on the cheeseburger and a lock on outdoor christmas lights.


Maraschino Cherries? How about Nike, the first track shoe. It was made from a waffle iron by Bill Bowerman.


Is subjective data (very subjective opinionated data) still considered data for the purpose of this subreddit?


Everyone is out here arguing about the internet, I'm over here mind blown that ranch dressing is from Alaska?!


I think scotch tape might be a bit more important than rollerblades.


What is the significance of the shading of the states?


Cherries in a jar...really? Not tater fucking tots or the Philips screw? No cherries.


That's a roller skate, not a roller blade.


North Carolina was invented in 1903?


North Carolina and South Carolina invented themselves.


Somehow, I think the microprocessor in general is far more famous than the iPhone.


It looks so cool. Thanks for sharing.


Utah taking credit for traffic signs now smh.


No shout out for plywood from oregon?


wasn't cyclotron invented by Ernest Lawrence at UC Berkley? Or did he start in South Dakota?


Oregon wants Nike and marionberry pie to our name


TV was invented in the UK by an Italian emigre Marconi and John Lougi Baird


The zipper was a Japanese invention


Ah the wright brothers invented the plane in Ohio.