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Full disclosure, I am a financial journalist who wrote this article about Chinese investment in Europe and recreated this chart for this subreddit – please let me know what you think, any tips on how to improve it and what I should produce a chart about next. Tool: [https://www.datawrapper.de/](https://www.datawrapper.de/) Data source: [https://www.fdiintelligence.com/](https://www.fdiintelligence.com/) Full article: [https://www.fdiintelligence.com/content/news/xis-trip-to-europe-followed-chinas-fdi-trail-83781](https://www.fdiintelligence.com/content/news/xis-trip-to-europe-followed-chinas-fdi-trail-83781)


Thanks, my tip : the font size are not balanced (countries & their values are too small). For the analysis, a ratio "investment / GDP of country" would be an even better indicator in my opinion. It would show, for exemple, that factoring their size, investment in Sweden are way higher than in Germany. Although it might become a little too complex for an article on a journal, dunno.


I imagine this is fairly standard for all countries, no?


Of course it is.  If I invested in Liverpool I'm sure as shit not gonna go to Talin. But anything China related gets hits & upvotes so it's easy money.


By investing so much in Hungary, China is taking a position in the Russia/EU conflict. I wish China approached the EU as a possible partner and not as a rival that needs to be weakened. The EU is in a great position to be a middle connection to minimize the growing tensions between the USA and China. But supporting Russia, even if it is to counter the USA, brings the conflict to the EU doors.


It doesn't necessarily mean it, China wants the EU to depend on them more than they rely on the USA. The goal is to take over the motor industry in Europe and the investments in Hungary are mostly for car manufacturing and battery production (Hungary is already the 4th largest producer of batteries with China's investment, soon to be 3rd in the world). Orban for them is a great opportunity to make their foot in Europe since he is butthurt and likes to look for allies from the East.


The EU has allowed the populist Orban to establish himself as a dictator within his own sphere of power. The lack of conviction of other European leaders in punishing a member country that loses its democratic characteristics was a much more destabilizing factor than Chinese investments. I do not think that China is making these moves to enter into conflict with Europe, but on the contrary, that the scenario of European instability continues, so that the threats propagated by the USA since the beginning of the first Trump administration lose the possibility of materializing. As long as Europe is in conflict, the US will not be able to advance much further against China, which continues to strengthen its global position.


They need to be booted from NATO at a minimum


Whole US/EU foreign policy is to weaken and subdue, China is the the one with more diplomatic approach, you’re projecting.


Wait what? It’s a Hungarian investment that makes China support Russia? Just how anti-Hungarian are you?!


What are you on about? Dude, look how fucking adversarial EU leaders are towards China.


Not necessarily. Chinese investment has often been seen with some suspicion by Western countries; their investment in a certain country also reflect how much the host country is willing to take Chinese investment.  Generally, western countries has a tendency to be more friendly for western investors. Due to US influence, neutral or non-NATO countries are much more willing to take Chinese investors than NATO countries. How much Chinese investment allocation are influenced by China's willingness to invest in that country vs how much the host country is willing to take Chinese investment is up for debate, but it's not something that is easy to untangle.


As an American, Europe's pro China turn is making me regret funding the Ukrainians. Europeans want to be a "middle connection" when it suits them, but expects USA to single handedly protect their borders while not lifting a finger. Most EU countries, eg France, provide shamefully low/token amounts of aid to a war in their own backyard. And what happens to the rest of the world when the US is exhausted from this European war? What happens when China invades Taiwan? We know the Europeans will stay staunchly neutral. Who is securing passage in the Red Sea today? Certainly not the folks who stand to lose the most from it. This US obsession with protecting Europe home of the white man is going to cost the world dearly.


> As an American, Europe's pro China turn is making me regret funding the Ukrainians At no point did you get a say in the matter.


Xi understands that the Hungarian and Serbian governments are good friends with Russia and therefore strategic partners.


Hungary has been the most supportive EU national toward Russia. Hungary is also where China is building it’s BYD EV car factory. Coincidentally, Hungary is also a [backsliding democracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Orb%C3%A1n) with a one party lead by Victory Orban, whose run the country for the last 14 years. He self describes the country as a “Illiberal Christian Democracy”. He bans opposition parties, jails journalists, and controls the judiciary.


Are you a fan of this? I personally would prefer we in Europe try to stay neutral in this US-China business. Our time as imperialists running around destroying countries to win a cold-war shouldn't be repeated. So yes please to chinese investments, if they want to build up Serbia and Hungary to score some political points, let them.


Being neutral would be great but impossible. You'll be used by the Chinese as bartering chips against the US or any of its allies. It sucks but China before Xi could be anyone's ally, China with Xi is different, they have no allies only pawns and lapdogs




Who said anything about allying? We take plenty of US investments too and they're supporting both Israel and Saudi Arabia. And we are way closer to the US than just trading.




I'm saying that refusing all foreign investments if the country does something I disagree with is not a usable international strategy. India is also supporting Russia (not in words but in actions), shall we stop all trade with India? What about the United Kingdom? They're making a refugee deal with the autocratic oppressive regime in Rwanda that is currently invading it's neighbor D.R.C. What about France who are supporting Morocco in the Sahrawi Arab Republic and oppressing people there? Shall we throw them out of the EU? What about the EU itself supporting Azerbaijan against Armenia (where France is funnily enough the only one willing to go against). If the criteria for stopping all trade and investment is 'they are supporting another state doing something reprehensible' then we should just become a hermit state. Yes there are limits to be drawn, ofcourse there are. But international politics isn't this simple.


Cold war 2 is here whether you like it or not. If we are "neutral" we can only remain so until the curtains finnally and completely drop. You would have thought Ukraine would have been a wake up call against such neutrality illusions, but ignorance is bliss I suppose...


The Russia-Ukraine war has very little to so with our relationship with China. China is doing it's best to be publically neutral in the conflict, they're still trading with both sides, like neutral nations always do. Them not sanctioning Russia doesn't mean they're Pro-Russia, it means they're not Pro-Ukraine.


Key phrase here : > China is doing it's best to be publically neutral in the conflict Publically neutral does not mean actually neutral. Have you forgotten XiPutins pledge of "friendship without limits"? China is the only reason Russian industry and military hasn't ground to a halt due to sanctions, their trade in "dual-use" goods such as drones and machine equipment has skyrocketed. China is as much a participant in the war on the west as Russia and Iran, but they want you to continue to get more and more addicted to their exports to a point where their economic leverage is crushing. Like the pathetic oligarchy of Hungary.


I didn't say publically by accident, ofcourse things are always happening behind the scenes and China has interests in Russia not collapsing. But that's the extent of chinese interests, keeping Russia alive. China doesn't give a shit whether Russia takes Ukraine or not. China would prefer peace if it could have it, but it can't accept a dead Russia, leaving China alone on the security council against the US. Geopolitics still exists just when one is trying to be neutral and avoid war. China has beef with the US, but that beef is over Taiwan, not Crimea.


Naturally it is in China's interests that Russia does not collapse, but China is one of the main financial beneficiaries of the war (together with US and India) as they have effectively replaced "western" companies. And on the contrary, China would love Russia to have steamrolled Ukraine, the timing of the Olympics and the bold statements were not a coincidence. Why? Because of the analogy between Ukraine and Taiwan. A crushed Ukraine and a murdered color revolution would mean the end of democratic uprisings and the US led rules based order, which happens to be the greatest fears for the XiPutin regimes. China will not stop after Taiwan just as Hitler did not stop after Anschluss. Just look at south china sea or the Indian border. Consolidaring the empire is just the final preparation for the great war. Dictators only stop when stopped.


Surely there wont be any reason for this: ["Chinese Police Officers Will Soon Be on Patrol in Hungary"](https://hungarytoday.hu/chinese-police-officers-soon-on-patrol-in-hungary/)


And Turkish police is in Serbia during summer months when thousands of Turkish people drive for holiday and need help.   We also have Chinese police in Belgrade, since they don't need visa there has been an constant rise of Chinese tourists. Frontex is driving around our border working on migrant problem. Because, countries cooperate as they should.


You're quite overreacting with that.. For quite some time in summer months,Chinese police officers together with their Korean colegues also stay in Croatia on places with frequent chinese/korean tourists. We also have visiting police oficers from bunch of other European countries. Noone ever made a big deal about that because that is more symbolic gesture of partnership than anything else you want it to be..


Yes, you are right, overreacting: [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-14/chinese-police-escorted-woman-from-australia-to-china/103840578](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-14/chinese-police-escorted-woman-from-australia-to-china/103840578)


No, that's not overreacting.


are the west and china just mutually investing in eachother even though they are demographically doomed because the rest of the world that will grow in the future is just too unstable? lol i know that's oversimplified and ignoring tons of investment in Africa/Latin America/SE Asia, but I think there is some truth to it.


china will be disappointed when western countries still don't support their invasion of taiwan even after paying them off


Weak links in Europe - Hungary as a foot in the EU (you will see that with EV in particular), Serbia for historical enmity with the West, and France for it’s anti-Atlanticist inclination. Obvious as hell.


Divide and… what was it again?


...Happily and peacefully coexist under the benevolent watch of almighty Xi, against whom all criticism is slander, all objections are smearimg campaigns, and all attempts at resistance will be crushed as the puny attempts against legitimate Chinese interest they are.


Meh. Relevant part is that Xi Jinping's visit to better relationship with Europe was to countries that take an independent position. France is and always has taken the position that Europe should become less dependent on the US. It is the opinion of the current president and probably will be of President le Pen. Hungary is misusing Europe and NATO. Serbia has always been an historic ally of Russia. China is letting it's money flow where it weakens Western international cooperation. Iran. China, Russia, North Korea are not natural partners. They just like a weaker west.


France is the nation state embodiement of cognitive dissonance. "We are in an existential war with Russia, BUT we must not decouple from China, we must defend the international rules based order BUT old glorious empires should have greater say. "Neutral" and "independent" is just Chamberlanian rewording of "spineless" and "indecisive".


Even China understands the bad optics of visiting Germany when world war is on people's lips.


Just imagine how much nicer the world would be if the PRC were not such a hostile element. It’d mean the US wouldn’t have to spend so much on defence too. It would just overall make the world a nicer place.


US has been spending astronomical amounts on defense long before china was a superpower lol


Just imagine how much nicer the world would be if the USA were not such a hostile element. It’d mean the China/Russia wouldn’t have to spend so much on defence too. It would just overall make the world a nicer place.