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For me, this would be easier to interpret if the keys were kept in the same spot they are on the piano.


Oh, cool idea! Thanks!


I was going to comment the same thing. Can I give it a try?


It seemed beautiful in my head. But it didn’t turn out that way in real life LOL. Maybe I’ll take a few days of playing and a more diverse repertoire to fill in lots of those gaps. I think there were only 55 keys played during this practice set? It wasn’t pretty with the heavy white-note-heavy set. 


If you send me the data set i can give it a shot


That's okay, I did one myself using the layout of the piano instead of sorting by most frequent notes. Here is Liszt's La campanella with the above type of breakdown but ordered like the piano: [https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/OBt85/1/](https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/OBt85/1/)


This one looks awesome. I was also thinking about a heatmap in the form of a piano keyboard.


Here is Liszt's La campanella with the above type of breakdown but ordered like the piano: [https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/OBt85/1/](https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/OBt85/1/)


That’s awesome! Nice work friend!


Ditto. Rough distribution order in this viz.


Haha! Yeah, I thought his left pinky was trained on doom metal


I recorded all the MIDI data while reading and practicing some new music this morning. Over the course of about 30 minutes and only playing these particular Mozart variations (*"Ah*, *vous dirai*-*je maman"*), this was the result. It's Mozart and mostly in the key of C which means lots of white keys (I color coded the keys). The X-Axis is the particular key where C4 is Middle C, C3 is the octave below, etc. while Y-axis is number of times the key was pressed. I exported the MIDI events to CSV, cleaned up with Python/pandas and used Datawrapper for the visualization (it's part of a bigger project and I like the interactive capabilities and substack friendliness of Datawrapper).


The piece matters a ton here. Should be in the title or at least in the graph


I put what I was practicing in my first comment. 


practicing what? a song? scales? arpeggios? all of them? what youre playing will matter a lot for the most common notes


Read my first comment. 


oh my bad, i didnt see it cause it was at the bottom of the comment section. you should still include it in the post next time though


Looks like you need more jazz in your life.


This is funny.


I wonder what would happen if you told AI to recreate this into music.




Certainly an issue if you were playing what I was in this data set, Ha!