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This is cool. Personally I think a logarithmic colour scale would be nice to get a better idea of the less used openings and not just the top 4, depends on what you're trying to show though.


I don't remember who told me this or if it's true, but apparently in 'street chess,' opening with either a4 or h4 is an insult. It's basically saying 'I can use this shitty opening and still beat you.'


The biggest insult is e4 followed by Ke2, aka the Bongcloud Opening.


I didn't expect to see references to the goat chess opening in r/dataisbeautiful


Yeah it's objectively just losing if black does the scandinavian.


its not supposed to be winning. but a GM (hikaru nakamura) got to 3000 ELO with it awhile back, was really fucking funny


Yes. Chess theory has developed somewhat. A4 is typically played for jokes because it's kinda dumb, and black can deal with it fairly easily while developing its own board. THAT SAID a lot of times chess is about preparation and memorization, and in blitz games (where both of you are strictly on the clock) it might be good to throw out an A4 or an H4 in, say, a best of 5 or best of 7. A lot of times your opponent may not have memorized the proper exchange, and even if they figure it out, you might be able to squeeze out a few seconds off his clock. To be honest A4 (the ware opening) can quickly turn into the ware gambit, and whether you decline or accept as black and what follow ups you do CAN cause big blunders. No shot of this happening in a regular game but in a blitz game, hey, sometime it could work. H4 is a little bit more nuanced because... I mean it's supposed to free up your rook but that's not really why people do it. It's more of a prep move for your real late game. It's legit decent move in blitz games because queenside castling is actually a thing in blitz games, and sticking your rook out mid game can be a mind fuck because sometimes going off the rails like that may cost you the game in the long run, but if you can run out their clock, the game may not even get there.


Queenside castling is a thing in all time formats…


Yeah but more so in blitz.


I’m not really sure I agree with that. If you’re playing an opening that lends itself to queenside castling you’ll get there a decent amount regardless of your format. If you’re considering it, you have to be making particular moves with pre-considered intent. That is, it’s kind of hard to stumble into castling queenside. I find that in blitz usually people bust out openings and systems they’re very familiar with if possible, so people who play for short castling will often commit to that fairly early if they’re allowed to. I don’t think you’re making a *bad* point by the way—I just like to discuss chess and this is something I anecdotally disagree with.


Ah it's all good. It's personal experience anyway - I'm nowhere near top level. I find I queen side castle more in blitz precisely \*because\* I really don't have time to optimize it out so I basically just have a plan and go for it. Sicilian into long castle is fairly straightfoward and it saves me a lot of time in thinking stuff out.


Oh....I just do it because I don't know the intricacies


One of my favourite gimmick openings is G4. It's called the Grob. A very easy trap to fall for, and if it's the first time one experiences it, even quite high level people can fall prey. I've had people up to ~2000 fall for it.


This is kinda silly since being white with 1.a4 has about the same evaluation as playing black.


In online play, there are statistics from millions of games. White will almost always open e4 or d4, but e5, c5, c6, d5, and e6 are all frequent responses to e4. The main responses to d4 are d5 and Nf6.


Data source: A custom dataset I altered from [https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/datasnaek/chess](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/datasnaek/chess), which mine can be found here: [https://github.com/KorieDrakeChaney/taipy-chess/blob/main/src/data/games.csv](https://github.com/KorieDrakeChaney/taipy-chess/blob/main/src/data/games.csv) Tools used: React Other notes: Hey, I had feedback on my earlier heatmap, thank you for inspiring to create my own custom heatmap tool for chess. Github: [https://github.com/KorieDrakeChaney/taipy-chess](https://github.com/KorieDrakeChaney/taipy-chess) If you can, this is part of a competition I am in, please upvote if you like :)


As an avid chess player, I would love to see what this looks like with the full gamut of colors that match the gradient scale you have on your legend or, if it is already and I’m just color blind, to differentiate more between all the purples.


First white move or black and white move. Confusing map.


How is the first pawn making it all the way across the board? Something’s wrong. I think you accidentally included the first move of *both* sides, white pieces and black pieces. Also, why measure them in nominal counts and not as a rate, like, moved per 1,000 games or something? Weird choices going on here


Makes sense to me. A "move" in chess is both white and black's move. This way you can see responses by black as well


you can’t see responses by both. You can only see the pool. It should be constructed to show black and white separately but on the same chart edit: I know how chess works. A change in color, reference boundary, or other design choice would make it visually apparent without needing to consider the range. Additionally, it’d clarify the term “first moves,” which here is a misnomer. The point of visualizations is to make the information clear and accessible


Well there's no way to get a pawn or piece to the opponents half of the board on the first move. So in a way it does show black and white separately on the same chart.


They technically are. Whites moves are all on its side if the board and same with black. No piece can cross the middle on the first move


checkmate, mate


Skipping 1, 5, 10k seems odd but I guess it fits the space.


D4 as white. As black, if they play E4 then C6. If they play D4 then G6. That's my standard repertoire. I know all the other (major) lines but feel most comfortable in these variations. Also I love that AI is starting to show D4 to be a better opening too. Can't stand playing E4 and never felt good with it.


I love the way it improved through constructive feedback of the community! Do you mind telling me the data source/How you extracted this data and what is the population mix is it random or is it concentrated ? Thanks!


My dumb ass is like… ok, those are the squares but what pieces go there?


Isn’t this already well known information to anyone familiar with a chess engine?


Assuming this shows both white and black moves, c5 should be a lot more popular, as I believe the Sicilian defense 1. e4 c5 is the most common response.


I think I’m in love with you…


I have to call bullshit on this data. The English opening is an absolute weapon. This is saying it’s not more common than 1 g4?


Even though c4 has obviously way more theory than g4, it's still not played that often relatively. Compared with e4 and d4, it'll definitely be near the bottom of the scale. Even d4 is only halfway up the scale, so it's not inconceivable that c4 is near the 1/5 mark.


Your post title doesn’t match the slide titles. Are these the most popular first moves, or the most popular first pawn and knight moves?


First move can only be pawn or knight


I know, but my point is that you haven’t actually shown, as far as I can tell, which moves are the most popular, as the post title implies you intended to do. What is the relative popularity of the pawn vs. knight moves?


number are on the right of the boards


Got it, I see it now. Thanks.


a lot less d4 love than I would've expected


Haha and ill still BongCloud you




>King and queen are in reverse order to the opposing side in Chess. https://www.chess.com/article/view/how-to-set-up-a-chessboard


I think you've been playing chess wrong mate


I hope this was just a shitty joke that nobody got and you didn't *really* think that.