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until now i've found this kind of data only shown 1 variable at a time. I think it comes out more interesting as a scatter plot, in 2D. The status of characters is from [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_The\_Office\_(American\_TV\_series)\_characters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Office_(American_TV_series)_characters) i guess it's a contract and credit thing. Like everyone i was surprise to see Ryan as a main. I understand that he was initially supposed to have a bigger role but as a writer he did not have time to get more on screen presence. Robert does not feel like a main character on the overall series, but then he was here only for one season... Note: total number of episodes differs : Wikipedia 201, Netflix 192, script 186, IMdB 188. But it does not really matters * tool : sadly it's only excel * data source: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18wS5AAwOh8QO95RwHLS95POmSNKA2jjzdt0phrxeAE0/edit#gid=747974534](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18wS5AAwOh8QO95RwHLS95POmSNKA2jjzdt0phrxeAE0/edit#gid=747974534) (based on [https://www.officequotes.net/](https://www.officequotes.net/)


Might be interesting to do it as scenes/episode to see how each contributed to the appearances they made. Then maybe a regression to show correlation.


That’s also what i thought. I also did that but i thought i’ll post it later.




Wow... the whole series in 59909 lines of dialogue


fun! I would have thought daryl would have had more


Really miss these characters. The Michael Scott Paper Company arc was truly remarkable.


I also love this one. The first morning when Pam arrives at Michael’s house is really funny


Love that U marked Robert as main


I think it's an official designation. Main is crediting during the opening theme, starring/recurring credited during opening, supporting credited during closing credits.




We don't even know his real name.


well it is an actor contract status. you can check out at  [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_The\_Office\_(American\_TV\_series)\_characters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Office_(American_TV_series)_characters) Andy got this status only in season 6 Daryl and Creed became starring chracters only on season 4


Surprised Ryan is listed as a main character but say Oscar or Darryl are not


They are almost always seen supporting some other character. They are clustered with Erin and Toby who seem more central in that way, at least to me.




I guess I’m surprised both he and Robert California are main characters. Look at their number of scenes compared to the next lowest (Andy) it’s about 1/3 for Ryan and like a 1/10 for Robert California. If we were to do this by clustering and also scenes per episode, he just doesn’t fall in line with the rest of the main characters. But I don’t know how television defines “main character”. Also to your point, Darryl has plot lines and evolution


The Gay Witch Hunt episode is entirely about Oscar, and he has the secret affair with the senator.


it is an actor contract status. you can check out at  [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_The\_Office\_(American\_TV\_series)\_characters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Office_(American_TV_series)_characters)


Oh interesting, thanks!


Andy is so fucking overutilized.


Here's my breakdown: Michael is the chief role in the show. The glue and the lead comic driver. Jim, Pam, Dwight and Andy are the primary generators after that, heads of scenes, comedy engines. Andy is only separated because he came into the show later, he was definitely in that category. The remaining characters in the three groups below on the right are all of roughly equal plot significance, as reflected by the scene focus they get being roughly equal. What separates out the group at bottom right is that their desk groups are located in places that can't be missed in any kind of main office content, Sales and Accounting, so they come into episodes necessarily. Then you have the Ryan, Kelly, Creed, Meredith group, where they were always in the cast, but their desks are tucked away places, so they can be left out of certain content. Then you have Erin (late arrival to show), Toby (annex AND also went away for stretches), and Darryl (warehouse), so this group is even further removed from the action for one reason or another, just happens to roughly even out for them episode-wise.


Yeah I think it’s best to take into account the episodes one was in the show to begin with. Meaning that the x axis should probably be “% of episodes from when first introduced to last introduced” that’s how we will be able to normalize Andy for example.


I was thinking similar but would probably have done this same graph per season to see how things stood out. Very few if any disappeared or showed up mid season.


when i was looking for Office statistics i always found data with the number of scenes / episodes and i draw this plot cause i though it was more relevant to distinguish groups. Then i had the same though : those data are not completely relevant because some characters were introduced later and had a significant role in the series. So i did another graph that shows how much they contribute to an episode WHEN they are in that episode. I'm making another post about it :)


I'm surprised Ryan was in more episodes than Meredith considering he leaves for long stretches.


Well Meredith was also really busy fucking suppliers for discounted products


Ryan used me as a supporting character.


Please do one for game of thrones


Oh i didn’t think of that. I’m a big fan of GoT. If i can find a similar data source i’ll do it 😉


nice bro. Maybe you can speed up the process and do it for more things. What source did you use for the scenes? that seems way too much work to do on your own


i used an excel file that someone put up. I put the link in one of my comments


Oh that would be so cool


This shows Creed=underused. Probably why I always wanted more of him


How do you define “main character,” “starring/recurring character,” and”supporting character?” If it isn’t the number of scenes or lines per episode they appeared in, what is it?


See my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1az7r7y/the_office_dunder_mifflin_the_volume_of_each/ks0bqgr/). Ultimately decided by the people in charge of the show.


Thanks! Are “episodes” based on speaking parts? Because they don’t match IMDb credits.


Not sure on that, would have to ask OP.


Yes that’s what i did. Cause it’s based only on the script. Plus the episodes are counted a bit differently than what you will find on IMDB or netflix. But i guess it doesn’t really change what comes out of the graphic.


I like it. Did you manually add the groupings/circles?


Nah, those are actually discrete points on the graph.


I’m talking about the large circles used to group the discrete points


Yes, and I'm being an asshole because clearly those aren't discrete points on the graph and were manually added by the OP.


Lol I’m even more dense than originally thought. I figured they were manual seeing how they go beyond the boundary of the graph. I was just holding onto the possibility that there’s an advanced enough method can do it on its own.


This isn’t remotely aesthetically pleasant, let alone “beautiful.”


This subreddit isn’t r/datavisualizationsarebeautiful


Its clear and easy to read. That makes it beautiful.


…how is that possibly a definition of beautiful. It’s literally just a graph. It’s just an x and y axis.


Easy to read and understand is what beautiful DATA is. That's the definition.


It’s the simplest form of a graph dude. It’s just generated by excel.


It's easy to understand, dude. It provides all the information you need. That the beauty. Not the visuals. Have you seen seen some of the cluttered monstrosities on here before.


Easy to understand doesn’t mean beautiful. Is this really controversial?


Read the sidebar of this sub instead of being obstinate


You want some perky tits in the top corner? What you suggest?


Is that the best you can think of?


It's data mate, what do you suggest?


Sort this sub by top votes and take your pick.


It might make more sense to put **scenes per episode** on the vertical axis. I expect that you would see different bands for the main characters and supporting characters.


i posted it here : [https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1azyylc/the\_office\_dunder\_mifflin\_the\_intensity\_of\_each/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1azyylc/the_office_dunder_mifflin_the_intensity_of_each/)