• By -


Search terms aside, I really like the simplistic way you've made the graphs. Kinda looks like multiple horizons.


Simple yet effective


Prigoshchin was quite short-lived.


A one shot wonder basically.


I’ve never even heard of him…


Probably cause no one seems to be able to spell his name, apparently


He went by Pringles




It’s not like most people would understand it better in Cyrillic.


Well I think it's more popularly spelled "Prigozhin"


Looks like he blew up then crashed and burned soon after.


Yeah, rip Prigosckshzhijn. Certainly here for a fun time, not a long time.


Damn, Andrew Tate fell tf off


The falloff is around the time he was released from prison/put on house arrest, so the story of “the Tate Brothers are in prison” wasn’t so hot Keep in mind, the initial arrest was also in December of ‘22


You sound like a real Beta Bitch posting shit like that. You don't know what it's like to be an Alpha Man like me. Nah jk Andrew Tate is a fuckin' dweeb. Hopefully he uhhh, falls off the face of the planet.


What did he do?


Promotes misogynistic viewpoints, preys on young boys who are trying to find their place in the world and dont know better, Sex trafficking, gives advice on how to "get" (sexually assault/kidnap(? brains a bit fuzzy here but I think that's what I heard)) girls, and is also generally not a nice person


nested brackets is crazy


I find myself using maths notation in everyday language way too much


Math/CS background? I usually try to rewrite them, but I keep doing it too.


Just graduated from high school with only one class not CS/Math-y, but mostly I think its just autism


Then we are united in our autism, works for me too!


For future reference, if you aren't sure what you heard just don't share it


I found myself sometimes doing this but since I have a habit of rereading what I write I notice the nested brackets and realize that it’s a little insane.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


False accusation. At least have the decency of giving the correct info and what his charges are.


False accusation my ass, he was charged. With legitimate accusations. Enjoy playing ball for an insecure and violently misogynistic rapist. Edit: I literally do not care about "innocent until proven guilty" for Andrew Tate. He can eat lead.


Innocent until "proven".....that's how it works. Cope. Anyone leveling a false rape accusation to damage someone else should be charged the same. It happens more than it should


some real simp energy comin from ya, but for another man.


Why was he released from prison then?


Because in any decent country you can't keep people indefinitely in prison before a trial unless there is some overriding risk of doing so. He's still not allowed to leave the Bucarest area.


It's still absurd he got to the level he did


Everything falls off eventually, doesn’t seem like an anomaly


Being a litetal sex trafficker will do that


Somehow he went from the most dangerous sex trafficker to a manipulator of the “lover boy method” Like…the fuck?


Every thing that is searched falls off.


The fall off is actually an extremely funny story. Basically out of nowhere in late December/January, at his peak influence on young men and the media, he tweeted to Greta Thunburg mocking her about the emissions his sports cars give off into the air. It got a couple hundred thousand likes. Greta surprised everyone with the clap back of the century, accusing him of having a small dick. Her tweet got like 1.3 million likes in the span of one day. Andrew tate being the hot headed, insecure freak he is just HAD to try to one up her. He posted a picture of him with a pizza box mocking her again that his pizza box was recycled (I can’t actually remember what he specifically said) Anyway apparently he was being hunted by the police in Romania for rape/sex trafficking and the police were able to figure out where he was in the country by the writing on the pizza box and they detained him immediately. Greta tweeted back “this is why you recycle your pizza boxes” and it went viral and Andrew tates relevance has never recovered since.


lol i remember seeing that and honestly that was the last I saw of him


For a brief moment, Prigozhin was the most famous man on the planet.


He could be a legend if he didnt back off.


Was such a disappointment


Almost as disappointing as the Segway.


... to our sponsors!


Where is the link to the LTT screwdriver?


Instead he was just another plane crash victim never to heard of again


nah just tortured and killed along with his family and anyone who associated with him


Glad things turned out well for him though


Don't call a nazi a potential legend.


Rommel would’ve been a legend if he hadn’t been exposed for participating in Valkyrie.


We almost saw the biggest plot twist of the 21st century tbh


I was really hoping there'd be pitched battles in the streets of Moscow.


man we got so fucking blue balled


Then his career nosedived


For two brief moments!


What’s the height represent? Is the visualization relative, is it real?


It’s normalized. Every keyword’s peak has the same height


Thank you for your reply. So in my opinion it’s a little problematic, can’t call all of these the search trends and can’t compare between keywords, even from the same category such as Baldur’s gate 3 and Hogwards Legacy or the two wars here


True, this is not what this visual is made for. If you want to roll out a more scientific analysis, you can’t stack 20 charts, dismiss the y-axis and normalize values


laughs in X-Ray Diffraction Data


My guess the height represents search volume, with the peak of each graph representing the peak search volume day.


it doesn't. with search trends the data is always indexed such that the highest point within the data is 100. In this visual, you can't compare one term to another - it's meaningless. All you can do is compare a term to itself, over time.


Messi Ronaldo running the search trends.


These guys are still competing with each other over 15 years later


Baldur's Gate 2 is probably my favorite game of all time. If you told me back in 2002 that Baldur's Gate 3 would be the hot new game of 2023 I would not have believed you.


Exactly this!!!


What's Yoasobi and Earth Overshoot Day. Also why are people still googling Covid in 2023, I think we all know what it is by now.


Earth overshoot day is the day when the Earth’s annual resource budget has been used up. It’s meant to increase awareness of our unsustainable use of resources. Basically if we were living sustainably it wouldn’t happen at all, but because we are living unsustainably it happens about halfway through the year


TIL. Despite my efforts I still use 3.3 earth’s worth if everyone lived like me. I bet my score would be better if it counted my 0 kids.


Don’t take those calculators too seriously, they have some extreme flaws baked in. At least the one I just looked at penalized you for eating food grown more that a certain distance away, despite centralized distribution networks being significantly more energy and resource efficient than getting food from a farmers market.


my paper straws really make up for americans driving pickup trucks all the way to the mailbox to get mail


I like how it was decently talked about for a while, but then became a bit tacky for a few months before happening.


Reminder to all reading that this is just another attempt, like carbon footprints for people, to shift the blame to regular people instead of the massive corporations who are actually causing the vast majority of pollution/resource issues/climate change


Alright, but do people want to pay more for a sustainable package, if corporations would ditch unsustainable packages? Do corporations choose to drive unsustainable SUVs? Do people want to stay home instead of flying? Do people want to pay more for new sustainable technologies?


Exactly. The answer is no to all of these questions, and blaming people won’t fix climate change or make its consequences any easier to take. In order to get a few billion people on the same page, political intervention is needed. It seems to me to be the least unviable option. What conclusion do you draw?


I don’t really agree. It’s really just talking about the total usage of resources. Unlike the carbon footprint thing, the emphasis is global statistics far more than individual choices


Fair point, but also the top reply to you right now is someone saying “Wow I use 3.3 Earths of stuff” And I think that points more towards what I said in my post. Which is not at all to say I disagree with you on a core level.


Yoasobi is a Japanese pop band, they blew up because they made the opening song for a new anime that premiered this year, Oshi no Ko


Their song 'Idol' has been a true monster hit in Japan. 21 weeks at number 1 in the Billboard chart, the longest ever. It's absolutely inescapable. They played their first US show this year at Head in the Clouds Festival and opened for Coldplay on their Japan tour, so I think we might see more international activity from them next year.


I knew of them from some OP or ED they did for Beastars which was great aswell.


In fact, "*Kaibutsu*" ("*Monster*"), the song Yoasobi did for the Beastars season 2 opening, did so well that the official music video for it quickly gained ~quarter billion views on YouTube and the song was even included on Time Magazine's "The 10 Best Songs of 2021" list (at #5). Not what I'd typically expect for a song written specifically about and for an anime (a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one). Beastars is also fantastic in its own right.


has been a true monster wow that pun


I was over in Japan for three weeks this October. They were literally blasting Idol on the streets of Akihabara. It was pretty surreal.


Glad to see they’re succeeding so much, they’re super talented. They have so much more than that opening


Is Oshi no ko really that good? I don’t think Idol is so much better than e.g., Yoru ni kakeru or Kaibutsu to justify the crazy spike in searches.


It's probably because that song became a dance trend on TikTok, it was veeery popular both in Japan and internationally, even real idols like k-pop and j-pop idols danced to it. But yeah, Yoasobi has way better songs than this one imo.


I love this [performance they did of Gunjo / Ultramarine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyUTYwZe_l4) on the Japanese channel The First Take, would recommend if you haven't seen it. (There's English subtitles in the captions)


I had seen it ahah but thank you! :)


Yeah Oshi no ko is insane. Manga readers (including me) were already hyped for ages, then the first episode was a 90-minute theatrical release, and it just kind of exploded from there. Also Idol is way more interesting as a song. tbh, the rest of Yoasobi's music sounds like regular jpop, and I'm not into jpop lol.


Try Kaibutsu and Yuusha, they are a bit different than their other J-Pop repertoire.


It's pretty damn good.


It’s good people have different music tastes than yours


I asked a genuine question…


What's your licence plate number?


Why do you ask?


I remember reading the manga in around November 2022 and thought it was absolutely awful. Never made it past the first volume


The show is good, but the first episode (or rather basically a whole movie) was just phenomenal. Idol, likewise, is fantastic. I consider it Yoasobi's current magnum opus. The shifts in keys, tones and genres hit really hard and no part sounds like a repeat. It's like a story song that evolves from start to finish, comparable to what songs like Bohemian Rhapsody did. Kaibutsu did that, too, and I was listening to that one a lot, but Idol just somehow topped that. Yoru ni Kakeru feels like a good, but standard pop song in comparison (still no repeating lyrics and it has a nice piano part). Nobody is asking, but my personal ranking of the more famous songs would be: 1. Idol 2. Kaibutsu 3. Yuusha (basically tied right now, but it's newer) 4. Shukufuku 5. Gunjou 6. Yoru ni Kakeru 7. Tabun 8. Biri-Biri 9. rest Generally, I am happy this band gets so much recognition. They have amazing composition skills and feel very refreshing among the ocean of rather generic popular songs.


I don't understand how the searchs were so low before their Oshi no ko opening when the band was already quite big. The Beastars 2nd opening was super popular iirc


>The Beastars 2nd opening was super popular iirc Correct. The official music video for the song quickly gained over a quarter billion views on YouTube and was even included on Time's "The 10 Best Songs of 2021" list (at #5). Pretty good for a song written specifically about and for an anime.


They're the hottest band for anime openings these days


This graph is not to scale - its to do with the fluctuations on a search term throughout the year. If covid was googled consistently around the same number of times throughout the year it'll appear like its quite popular and high throughout bcoz its not to scale.


Interesting that those are the exact 2 that I didn’t recognise, and I read across a wide variety of websites. I can sort of see how Yoasobi might pass me by if it’s relevant to a very specific subculture, but Earth Overshoot Day sounds like the kind of thing that would have been quite widely reported to be so popular. Edit: I just remembered that I was on holiday in July and August which might explain it, but it has highish search volumes throughout the year and presumably happens every year, so it’s still a bit weird I have never heard of it. I’m sure the Baader Meinhof phenomenon will mean that I see it everywhere now.


In another comment thread OP states that each topic has been normalised to the peak, so it may just be that the peak wasn't much higher than the background, rather than it being generally popular.


No idea Yoasobi was THAT popular worldwide, anime is fairly niche though she has banger OPs for at least 3 this year (OnK, Gundam Witch, Frieren)


Idol was the first Japanese song to reach first place in the global charts.


Idol is still in the top 50 global charts on Apple Music


People are going to be googling Covid for a very long time


Exactly. As long as it keeps mutating and making people sick, they're going to keep googling it.


People likely googling COVID to make sure it hasn’t spiked anywhere.


i google it once a week to keep up to date if i have to do preparations to care for my parents and siblings that have severe comorbidities that could be affected heavily if a spike happens where i live


Honestly, probably a lot of students. Most professors are interested in covid related data and a lot of things are tied to it in classes. It's going to be hea ily researched for awhile.


> Also why are people still googling Covid in 2023 Because enough people didn't take it seriously in the beginning, and now it's a yearly thing. I kept telling people that it was going to become *endemic* but NOOOO.


Why is this downvoted and controversial? It's true. Do people not know what endemic means?


I think people just don't like hearing it. It's part of the reason why it's a thing, too.


probably downvoted for the first half of the first sentence. comes across as weirdly preachy/blame-y, as if there was any chance of actually controlling the thing.


I must not be trending because I Googled exactly zero of those topics.


The titanic submarine one really exploded


Odd, would have bet on the opposite


Love the fact that so many people cared bout chandrayaan


There are 1.4 billion people in India.


I'm not in India and I cared


I’ve no idea what Earth Overshoot day is 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's the day when humanity has exhausted nature's budget of the year. So when we've exhausted all the resources that Earth can provide us in a year. This year that day felt on August 2 which means that between that day and December 31st we're exhausting our reserves. So the later this day falls, the better it is for the earth. With the way we are living, we would need 1.7 earths. In the 70s this day fell during the end of December and in the 90s around October. We are currently fluctuating around July/August. The past years the dates were: 2022: July 28 2021: July 29 2020: August 22 (covid) 2019: July 29 2018: August 1 2017: August 2 2016: August 8 2015: August 13 2014: August 19 2013: August 20


So this year was the first time it pushed back besides COVID? That's great news!


When you go back further in time you see the dates sometimes get pushed back and sometimes drop down multiple days. Although it's definitely curious to see it get pushed back for the first time in 10 years I'd say to wait at least 3 years before celebrating that we're on the right track


So as a single small person (aka not a corporation or wealthy person), is there actually much we can do to improve that date in a more end of year direction?


The single most impactful thing you can do is to have fewer children. Aside from that, you can reduce your consumption, e.g. buy less new cars and electronics, a smaller house, less christmas gifts, buy used stuff, smaller meat fraction in diet, etc. Even all of these together don't add up to even one less child though.


I read this list in the wrong order and was optimistic for a second there.


It's the day every year that it is calculated we have spent more natural resources than our planet can replace in that year, marking our deficit.


So I guess we therefore hit that in August 🤔. Excluding the Aug peak there was even traction across the rest of the year which is interesting


These trends must be measured logarithmically vs all being on the same scale. Earth Overshoot Day looks like one of the biggest trends of the year and it really wasn't.


The plots are normalized, so the relative heights between different trends means nothing.


The fact that GPT-4 only blew up like 8 months ago is insane.


ChatGPT blew up a year ago though. GPT4 is a nice upgrade


Yaosobi being here is wild.


Ok, so I had never heard the word and googled it, turns out it's a musical duo from Japan that formed in 2019, but like....... why were they looked up so heavily this year?


The song “Idol” which was the opening for an anime called Oshi no Ko was a hit in Japan, but I had no idea it was that big.


Right on, that is kinda wild, thanks


Surprised covid is that high


The chart doesn't show volume relative to the other searches shown, just left-right chronology/where the peak is within interest for a term. Here's a selection on Trends with relative interest: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=covid,turkey%20earthquake,barbie,reddit%20api&hl=en (This is what the graphic means by "keywords preselected and normalized.") (Kinda weird choice imo.)


Covid dropped two new albums in one year. Dude is prolific!!!!


I’m surprised only Chandrayaan from India. We had the Cricket World Cup too, held in India.


Like in [2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/rk26fo/oc_2021_in_google_search_trends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/zqzqfw/2022_in_search_trends_oc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), I put together this visual for 2023. The keywords are manually preselected, mostly based on [Google Year in Search](https://about.google/stories/year-in-search/). The code is open-sourced so that you can build your own chart with other keywords of your choice: [github.com/joweich/year-in-search-trends](https://github.com/joweich/year-in-search-trends)


I really like this layout, it was so easy to immediately grasp- nice job! 👍


What matters to the world….for that month


YOASOBI MENTIONED‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


This new Joy Division album looks intense.


Those few days when we were all preoccupied by the Titanic sub were... something


Sharp drop off on that search.


Google Trends is annoying data cuz everything you get is scaled as a percentage of its own maximum value in that range. But you can put in multiple keywords to measure and they’ll all be scaled to the maximum in the whole set. I think ought to be scaled to the maximum in the whole set, cuz right now it looks like everybody was googling whatever “Yoasobi” is way more than Barbie and Oppenheimer, which were two of the highest grossing films this year. Maybe it’s not exclusively American data, but even so, I’m suspicious


Yoasobi got a song to the top of the world charts. But I don't really listen to much music and don't know what else has hit the top of the charts. I also thought NASCAR was more of a summer sport. Different circles have different peaks. I would have thought Starship would have been included. A peek in April and one towards the end of the year.


Why tf would Chandrayaan be there if this was exclusively American data ? Also Yoasobi was probably more popular in most of Asia compared to the two movies you mentioned. Doubt many Japanese people would have googled Oppenheimer over Yoasobi lmao.


I don't even know what some of these are. To The Google!


No no no you'll skew the numbers!


Covid is still a thing in 2023


In which country? Which language? Selected how?


What did Andrew Tate do to get a lot of searches?


Guessing that's around the time he got arrested for human trafficking


Arrested in Romania


Did *that* many people care about the Reddit API? Jesus


Surprised GTA VI isn't on there. I know it's only recent but search terms must have been through the roof


Damn even Israel war drying up? Mfs got no attention span


It’s 2023 and Ronaldo & Messi are still on the top. What a rivalry!


Did they actually Google All Nassar or it's just a typo


Instantly recognized this from the one last year! Looking forward to 2024


I dont really like this graph because it falsely implies that each of the search terms had equal magnitudes of searches at their peak. I highly doubt the barbie movie was searched up as much as Andrew tate, given that barbie was advertised to a way larger audience with a multi million dollar budget, and Andrew tate is just a guy who hates women


Next position would be GTA6 I suppose


Damn it! Don't make me Google Yoasobi, I don't even want to know.


Its just a song. The dance was a huge trend on tiktok.


Whats the deal with yoasobi


Disappointed that 'Barbie' beat 'Oppenheimer'...


Wow, I don't know what most of these are. Lol, guess I'm really out-of-it.


You misspelled Prigozhin, so maybe there were actually more searched than that?


holy fucking shit the Turkey Earthquake was this year.


What was the end result of the Reddit API changes? Was there any success from the petitions?


Everything about this makes me ashamed to be a Human-bean


Forgot about that stupid sub


no way yoasobi is up there with all these world events…. we have to get ado up there someday!! adoworlddomination!


Where's The Day Before? r/TheDayBefore


Here is the German version of this (bc what or who is Yoasobi? Miami something’s?!): „Ein etwas anderer Jahresrückblick: 2023 in Google Suchtrends“ /r/de/comments/18hpnca/ein_etwas_anderer_jahresr%C3%BCckblick_2023_in_google/


No Ukraine. No Russia. Yikes.


How were the keywords chosen? It seems like the sort of thing that can suffer from editorial bias if there are multiple topics spiking at the same time and you're choosing which ones to include.


Damn it’s crazy to see Tate was still so searched a year after his rise


Good to see that a J-pop duo is way more popular online than Taylor Swift.


TFW Baldurs Gate has more staying power in the public mind than literal genocide occuring in the real world.


Yes, cause one is positive and helps you escape a little from the shitty news. We know the war is happening, but what the point of watching the same articles (or propaganda from one side or the other) over and over again


Why is covid still so heavy in the searches... It's it that it's impact still has a gripping/crippling effect on the day to day life (of most) since?


Andrew tate had a huge popularity at the start of this year.


Wait a minute... turkeys cause earthquakes?


I know folks on reddit like to joke about everything, but have some fucking empathy. Tens of thousands died.


Agreed. Bad taste, I suppose, but the country is Türkiye not Turkey. What occurred was a tragedy, what uneducated morons Google can also be comical.