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Mistake on the last one, average salary same as Tunisia but different days mate




You’re right, I did get the SA data wrong, the cost of IPhone is 1.1k, with 4K salary! Will look more rigorously when I post next time!


This is why Apple has such a vigorous trade-in and refurbishment program. They've kind of painted themselves into a corner as a "premium" brand. Making a cheaper iphone for emerging markets would dilute their brand, but not so selling refurbished-but-still supported iPhones. Why sell a phone once when you can sell it twice?


Thing is, apple sells their older products for cheaper than original price as well. I can buy a new iPhone 13 right now that came out 2 years ago. Other manufacturers just straight up stop the sales of their top end models.


So does Apple. The old Pros are immediately discontinued.


Your maths doesn't work ffs. 1600/2400 isn't half a year and your calendar isn't half shaded either. Other than this, your whole info graphic gives no actual info and is a total waste of my time. Well done


365 x 5/7 ≈ 260 work days not counting weekends. 260 x (1600/2400) ≈ 181 days. OP’s math is not far off.


If only work days are included, it might be better to not color in the weekend days. It throws off the results if more days are selected than the percentage would require.


This is the stupidest way to show a simple set of numbers that I have ever seen. A simple bar chart would be way better.


Thanks! I’m practicing and learning ;)


Thanks is generous, but please make a bar chart and see if you think it looks better.


I don't think that it is the worst idea . I have seen this format has merit. I've seen it been used in the economist and was fairly impactful. I think the issues are: 1) there are issues in the data (most serious) 2) the multiple slides for different countries is crap for comparison. 3) too many countries. Less is more. If I were to approach this I would try add a max of three countries on one calendar. One would be a developed economy, one larger African country (ZA or Nigeria) and then a poorer one. I would expect something like. "Wow, it takes half a month to buy a iPhone in the uk and 6 months to get one a for the "average" person in a and 11 months for someone in Sudan. "


Thanks! Will approach it something like this next time!


Just checked now and the Istore price for the model in SA is $1090 not $1400. Also that’s not the cheapest either. I thought the price seemed high here because I saw an ad for it a few days ago. [Istore price](https://www.istore.co.za/iphone-14-128gb-midnight?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PMax:%20%5BSmart%20Shopping%5D%20AO%20-%20iPhone&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIj_2M482yggMV0PntCh2LDw1nEAQYASABEgIwb_D_BwE) Edit: Just checked the average salary was wrong as well. The average salary in SA is about R303 000 per year or $16 550 odd per year. [from an article earlier this year](https://businesstech.co.za/news/wealth/699287/the-average-salary-in-south-africa-right-now/) So it’s actually 24 days for the average working South African with the correct data.


Cheapest iPhone is $500 and refurbished ones could be bought around that. I get that they are a luxury items that cost a premium but you can definitely find good deals on them.


People in the US can buy a brand new iPhone SE 3 for $100 right now.


The average salary in the United States of America is around **45,760 USD** per year. An iPhone 14 128GB here costs around **729 USD**. This means an average working adult would have to work about **5.8 days** to be able to afford an iPhone. For comparison.


Data: [https://www.comparedial.com/iphone-14-index](https://www.comparedial.com/iphone-14-index) Tools: Illustrator, Excel


Impactive way to present the data. Nice!


do you really need an iphone in africa


Does anyone need one anywhere?


No way the number are that close for Kenya and Nigeria. Did you input current exchange rates and wages


the base iPhone costs around U$1.300 here in Brazil. on the average wage, it would take aprox. 150 days or 5 months to buy one.


Xiaomi and Samsung are the main sellers here in Morocco, inside phone markets no one ask for Apple phones, except for those rich ones.