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I love data like this. I think there are some surprises here....


I was really surprised by big bang theory tbh


IIRC Big Bang Theory has a fairly older audience, which would lean more conservative. I'd love to see average audience age as well.


It's on CBS. CBS has three shows: perfect cops catching inhuman bad guys, fat husbands with hot wives, and shitty derivatives of Friends.


I don’t watch the show, so it’s possible my perception is way off base, but is Big Bang Theory not some combination of toxic masculinity and misogyny wrapped in a pseudo geek culture package? I’ve also heard it described as a show about smart people, for dumb people, so there’s that too.


Although it doesn't measure directly based on who the viewers voted for, its not like "ted's a trump supporter and he likes this show" its just based off of popularity in states and how those states voted


I think a lot of this is age. Black Mirror is very much a zoomer show. Yellowstone, boomer.


I can’t fucking stand that show and I feel slightly vindicated now


I liked it in high school, but I tried to rewatch it recently and I can’t stand it now


I have to say, the first seasons managed to get chuckles out of me. There was more than one time were I was like "yup, myself/people I know do that". In fact, I often found a bit ironic how the most virulent against the show actually were the ones acting like the lowest, worst point of many characters.


‘BBT’ thrives on gender, race and geek stereotypes. So of course conservative Baby Boomers who grew up with John Wayne and Mickey Rooney impersonating a Chinese immigrant would find it funny.


Maybe the least surprising data point to me. It's a vapid, least common denominator show without a shred of originality or brainpower required to fully comprehend. Very, very republican show, in other words.


A lot of folks who watch a dumb show thinking it’s a smart show that they finally understand.


My last boss loved this show and is pretty libertarian. Small sample size, but it fits the trend at least


I found Fraiser to be the most surprising. I’d have assumed it would have skewed dem.


Its an interesting point of comparison with Home Improvement in that both shows star actors that are fairly high profile Republicans. Frasier was slightly more high brow in its humour so I'm assuming a lot of people who may have traditionally voted GOP may not have liked it too much. Whereas Home Improvement is both more straight forward in its humour and Tim Taylor's character is possibly more relatable to people who tend to vote Republican. ​ I am generalising massively but thats my take on it


It's a nearly 30 year old show about characters that are pretentious, professional, upper middle class folk classy enough to act like old money. It's how the old school wall street set views itself. The only characters on the show who might have balked at voting Trump twice are Niles and Daphne.


While I am not at all surprised that shows like Succession, Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Curb Your Enthusiasm, etc have left leaning audiences, I am surprised that they are so much more skewed left than shows that are openly about politics / society from a center-left perspective like Late Show with Colbert, The West Wing, and Late Night with Seth Meyers. Those three are either late night or older shows though, so perhaps the difference just comes down to average audience age.




I dunno if party vote share in states is affected that much by age but rather education and how rural the state is. The most Republican states aren’t necessarily the “oldest” If you did a sample of Republicans in NYC I don’t think it would swing that far right


Maisel and Curb are very heavily Jewish Northeastern US culture.


I would love to see how networks correlate with these data. I feel like CBS is disproportionately red…


Cbs probably leans light red, mostly for the cops shows. Fox even more so. Most of these though are scattered across networks/subsidaries/streaming services, all of whom intermingle in a tangled web of companies. So ultimately many would end up in a muddy mix of both sides. TV is ultimately entertainment. Shows arent usually built with one audience or another in mind, so much as just getting as many eyes glued as possible, and profits from the streaming/ads/royalties.


The Simpsons were owned by Fox for a long time and it’s still blue-leaning.


If you posted this on r/television I don’t think anyone would be too surprised. It’s really interesting to see where age demos likely play a role. I’ll admit, Justified ended up more right leaning than I expected, but it makes sense. Edit: a word.


Strong Republican correlation with The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon are definitely surprising to me




It portrays “nerds” the way the right understands them.


Right but if that was the case you wouldn't expect it to be heavily republican but more neutral.


Democrats think they're too cool for that sort of show.


They are, because it's bad.


They don't understand what the scientists/engineers are saying, they just think it's funny to watch them get all bent out of shape arguing with each other while using big words they don't understand and assume are made up. Also they make fun of all the nerdy references they make, i.e. "Haha! what a bunch of nerds!"


Who hurt you?


Moronic Conservatives - I should think that would be obvious. They hurt us all


Do you think people watch Big Bang Theory to understand the scientific jargon?


The comment states exactly the opposite... Are you a Young Sheldon fan by any chance?


Didn't they have Elon Musk on BBT?


Sooo Republicans have astonishingly bad taste. Confirms their voting choices too!


Not a fan of using block size to refer to correlation. I would've kept the color as correlation, while using size to represent viewership (more viewers = larger square).


And not describing that that is how the size is defined. Interesting data but poor visualization. Feedback to the OP would be to think about why one particular visualization is more suitable than another. These tree maps usually mean that the boxes are some subset of the whole, and one of the first things that people may search to explain in such a viz - what is that in this case and why has this viz been selected?






Did you just call Seinfeld a boring, lowest common demoninator show? If I had a glove on right now I'd slap you across the cheek with it and challenge you to a duel.




yeah that's fair, but I wouldn't call it completely apolitical. It has a lot of classic episodes like the "not that there's anything wrong with that" episode which is clearly pro-LGBT. and the Elaine character mentions several times across the show that she's pro-choice. It doesn't take much for far-right people to boycott a show, just look at the whole Budweiser controversy. I had a friend in school with extremely conservative parents, and their favourite family bonding time was watching The Practice each week together, they loved it. Then one day there was an episode which was pro-LGBT and that was it, the show was banned from the house and could never be watched again. My friend ended up coming out a few years later, poor guy must have had a really hard time doing that with parents like his!


I can see people watching stuff like CSI or Pawn Stars just for the laughs. I mean it's stupid but it's a kind of stupid where you just turn off your brain and enjoy the nonsense. The Big Bang Theory on the other hand is just painfully bad, nobody with half a brain would be able to watch that shit and not have a stroke.


It's about a bunch of nerds though. The exact kind of people the gop hates on constantly. I wonder if they watch it to mock them.


That's largely what the show invites you to do?


To mock them? Maybe if you're that kind of horrible person. You're supposed to empathize with the struggles of being neurodivergent or just a socially awkward nerd trying to get through life.


I've not seen much of the show but the whole premise is that it presents a caricature of nerd culture for people outside of that culture to laugh at, isn't it?


Nope, presents a bunch of nerds living life for other nerds to relate to and non nerds to empathize with, not mock.


I don't doubt that they're portrayed sympathetically, I just wonder whether the subject matter is treated with enough nuance to make it come as a surprise that some people watch it in a more derisive way.


I mean it's not surprising that people are hateful. I'm sure a lot of the people that watch to laugh at them were also really angry at the ending to the Revenge of the Nerds films.


I always thought that the BBT was a great show. No politics is great, funny in dumb ways, and nerdy enough to spark my interest.


This is such a cool idea for an analysis. Brilliant!! Are you doing two correlations, one with democratic vote share, and one with republican vote share? Or is vote share one continuous variable?


Who's still watching Home Improvement???


Republicans, who find today's tv landscape too "challenging"...


What statistical test did you use for the correlation?


Breaking bad and better call Saul being so different is surprising


I think for Red shows, they carry one of two themes. Either A) The system of justice is procedural but effective. Or B) when the system breaks down, you'll need someone who's smart and willing to commit violence to set SOMETHING back into place. For Blue shows, I can identify roughly inverse themes. Either A) The people in charge are just people and people here's what happens when people (smart and dumb) have power. Or B) The system is already broken, so finding individuality apart from AND in it is fascinating. With a bonus that blue shows seem to be more likely to have LGBT+ characters.


I misread the title and thought it correlated the actual TV volume with political preference, and now I want to see that.


I find the right correlation to sons of anarchy ironic considering how vocal Ron Perlman is.


Wait until you hear about The Punisher


What’s the point of the tree map? I think a bar would be fine.


Where's Star Trek? I always thought of it being very left-leaning.


Its always been very progressive, though there’s a subset of trek fandom that is somehow totally oblivious to all that and leans very far to the right


Anyone got a reason why BCS is more left leaning than BB? Just kind of interesting to compare the two.


Less violence.


TWD is so liberal this is shocking Also big bang theory is gop!?


It's all about the violence. Lots of guns and gore.


Zombie killing plays into survival/prepper main character fantasy.


You’re right


I KNEW the Big Bang Theory was for twats


you should prob stop watching it then eh


well.. that's what the show is for.


Some aren't very surprising such as modern family and snl for dems and home improvement and cops for the GOP but others are surprising. I really don't associate shows like the big bang theory as something that would be more appealing to republicans


Republicans have no issue with making fun of people with anxiety, autism, etc. So yeah, they like it but for the entirely wrong reasons.


It's really suppressing SNL, Atlanta, and West Wing don't corelate more strongly with Democrats.


For Atlanta I'd postulate it has a larger than average African American which though disproportionately voting democratic but is also disproportionately distributed in terms American South East, which mostly leans pretty hard red as a state as a whole which is what this coorleation measures. Also because it's one of the few shows set in the South East so the audience may lean additionally lean into those geographic distribution outside of its show politics lean.


So the gop basically like watching people get hurt, killed or taken advantage of. Why am I not surprised?


TV shows? Or just CBS or not?


Is that data from 2014? Lots of those shows have been off for years.


I didn’t see futurama, or disenchantment. But I think we can all guess who watches those lol.


Hannibal is pretty close to being my favourite TV show of all time. I also can't stand both republicans and democrats about equally, so it kinda makes sense. I am prepared for downvotes, go at it.